Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Book 1645-044 Tom M Apostol --> Earth electric motor battle creates school shooting, the Alfred P. Murrah potassium bombing in Oklahoma City

 Book 1645-044  by Herb Zinser

Tom M Apostol  --> 

English language nouns,

proper nouns, concepts system connections with

EVENTS per Stephen Hawking theory and book explanations.

EVENTS......... signal processing EVENTS

signal processing EVENT

Federal government DEATH SENTENCE ....
.... murder algorithm computer subroutine program ........ SENT to kill

FermiLAB approved social ERRORS
Fe =  Ferrous/iron atom .. Nature's atomic social science social detector using
JOHN LOCKE & Thomas Robert Malthus BLOOD iron software  to detect
community PHILOSOPHY problems ....

and the set-up of murder and other crime events to amuse the newspapers and the
Justice Department

DEATH SENTENCE SOCIAL POLICY instructions ....  are generalized

.... Department of Education
..  and their primordial sub-conscious
GROUP MIND  approves  
school student departures to the afterlife 

Federal government DEATH SENTENCE ....
.... murder algorithm computer subroutine program ........ SENT to kill

FermiLAB approved social ERRORS
Fe =  Ferrous/iron atom .. 
February 29, 2000Flint, Michigan
Killing of Kayla Rolland:
At Buell Elementary School,
-year-old boy fatally shot
year-old girl classmate Kayla Rolland.

DATA generating EVENT .....

2 occurrences of number 6 
--> implies 26
--> atomic number 26 of atomic li
26 protons and 26 electrons

of Fe = Ferrous/iron atom of

INTERNAL blood arteries iron and
EXTERNAL  atomic iron metal for
automobile engines,
iron BEAM bridges and skyscrapers

FermiLAB atomic message site for
Fe =  Ferrous/iron atom ... existence and expression FORMATS  

atomic social sciences

periodic atomic atomic language 

.... and EARTH LANGUAGE of the
EARL of Russell

Russell intellectual
and philosophical
representative/translator for

FermiLAB .....
earth geography surface SITE
for the 
Joulesmessenger... Jules Verne

Joules language Journey
to the
EARTH atomic iron center core

FermiLAB ..... name equation 
Fe + rm + mi + interface LAB  -->

Inner EARTH geology/  center core

Fe (ferrous/iron atom) ...
 center core room

FermiLAB ..... name equation 
Fe + rm + mi + interface LAB  -->

EARTH geography land surface
of the Mesabi iron ore MINE and
Marshall & Ilsley Corporation
(also known as
M&I Bank
Milwaukee and Watertown ..
EARTH systems & the Nikola Tesla MODEL
of the various EARTH ....ancient wireless communication bandwidths 
..also explained by
the year 1850 + 47--> year 1897
SYMBOL for  secret  communication bandwidths and
feedback system return codes

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man  OR

The Indirectly   visible Manuscript

The Invisible Man is a science SECRET CODE novel by H. G. Wells.

Originally serialised in 
Pearson's Weekly in 1897, it was published as a novel the same year. The Invisible Man to whom the title refers is Griffin, a scientist who has devoted himself to research into optics and who invents a way to change a body's refractive index to that of air so that it neither absorbs nor reflects light. He carries out this procedure on himself and renders himself invisible, but fails in his attempt to reverse it. 


Cemetery Plot summary

Paul Dirac
atomic coffin DATABASE language

output  data cycle.....

as the BOOK of the DEAD software
and seeks a human BODY/BRAIN
bio-computers HOST PLATFORMS for 
its parallel parasite subroutine programs 
seeks your brain language sites

STATE of MIND    word /label / name sites 

software parasite approved by

Paris France

Parris Island 
has been the
site for parasites of Marine Corps earth 


Lieutenant Tom Paris is demoted to Ensign and placed in Voyager 

Paris Whitney Hilton


Griffin, a mysterious man sometimes referred to as 'the stranger', arrives at an inn owned by Mr. and Mrs. Hall of the English village of Iping, West Sussex, during a snowstorm. He wears a wide-brimmed hat, a long-sleeved, thick coat and gloves; his face is hidden entirely by bandages except for a prosthetic nose. 

in other words

The Waxahachie Super Collider TEXASand 

King Ranch TEXAS 

produces cattle hides for
wing-tip leather shoes as explained by

IBM system 370
....existence data processing
SYS1.Catalog  ...... code name
Cattle Hide + King Ranch --

is the largest geography  ranch in the United States. At some 825,000 acres (3,340 km2; 1,289 sq mi)[3] it is larger than the 

geography state of Rhode Island and
geography country of Luxembourg.[4] It is mainly a cattle ranch, but also produced the Triple Crown winning racehorse Assault.

The ranch is located in South Texas between Corpus Christi and Brownsville adjacent to Kingsville

The ranch is located in South Texas between Corpus Christi and Brownsville adjacent to Kingsville

..and 4-legged walking/running beef motion .....
perform experiments for NATURE. 

walking/running beef motion .....
perform experiments for NATURE.

The slaughtered beef .... protein THOUGHT molecules (PROTEIN MACHINE) 

....are input thoughts into males ...
VIA  steaks, beef roast , and burgers

...... thus

4-legged walking/running beef cattle motion ..... that eat some alfalfa hay

thus 2-legged males file legal motions 

for the

as explained by

- William Ewart Gladstone & others
EARTH government ......
Nat Masterplan of
wax THOUGHT molecules
and cattle hides & wing-tip leather shoes of year 1897 
Griffin, a mysterious man 

Dec 17, 2021
The Waxahachie Super Collider 
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) quickly became the center of attention for a small town in Texas,
Waxahachie --> wave axioms of
Erwin Schrodinger ...... 

Newark New Jersey battle

After breaking up a fight between a group of youths at Weequahic High School

wave equation   hierarchy battle 


After breaking up a fight between a group of youths at Weequahic High School

W = Wronskian partial differential equation
Euler number e =2.718 ...answer --> 
e  e 

Dec 17, 2021
The Waxahachie Super Collider 
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) quickly became the center of attention for a small town in Texas,

 It started as just an idea among scientists in the 1970s to improve
the study of
particle physics
(Newspaper and magazine article 
...secret atomic codes)

and create energy by smashing atoms.
such as the Oklahoma City bombing

create the
smashing of the Federal building......
create the
of  cement/concrete atoms 

per smashing orders broadcast
VIA television show MASH -->s
mash /kill destroy......
EM field instructions into the human
 brain st
em/ temple 

Smash the Worlds Trade Center

Smash the Worlds Trade Center

Farewell to Mash TV (Tall Vertical)

Farewell to the Two Towers 
Mash TV (Tall Vertical iron Towers)


Griffin -->coffin data mystery

Griffin, a mysterious man sometimes referred to as 'the stranger', 

Robert Strange McNamara ( / ˈmæknəmærə /; June 9, 1916 - July 6, 2009)
was an American busines
s executive
the eighth United States
BEDROOM ,,,,secretary of defense,
serving from 1961 to 1968
cotton underwear and
female cotton panty  presidents
John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

 He remains the longest serving secretary of defense, having remained in office over seven years.

arrives at an inn owned
Inner earth center code O)

by Mr. and Mrs. Hall of the English village of Iping (IP  blog ping site), West Sussex, during a snowstorm.


Aug 16, 2022
The "IP" stands for "internet protocol," which is part of the Transmission Control Protocol/internet Protocol (TPC/IP). It's all called IP for short, and TCP/IP is the language used for...

 He wears a wide-brimmed hat,

a long-sleeved,

 thick coat 

and gloves; 

his face is hidden entirely by 

bandages except for a prosthetic nose. 

FermiLAB ..managers and directors
Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic FORMATS 

Fe = Fetus overflow explosion create

Fe = parallel fertilzer bombs for the

Fe = Federal Building  and Ferrous/iron sheet metal ...motor vehicles
explosion    .... the 
SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language
BOOK thought MACHINE ....
Nature's systems .... the March April 19, 1995 
DEMONSTATION for message processing and communications

March April 19, 1995 ... code MAP

March April 19,1995 ... code MAP

FermiLAB ..managers and directors
Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic FORMATS 

World director of EARTH surface 
.....atomic Nihilism
Nigel Lockyer approves the
communities of 
Batavia/ Chicago / Milwa
ukee attack on
Location of Ky
iv  Ukraine east europe

Female WI
FermiLAB director  Nigel Loc
kyer -->
attack city Kyiv using rocket VECTOR SPACE

Pier Oddone task --> attack Donetsk

FermiLAB and its 8 billion people...
Fetus mental goal / level
February 29, 2000Flint, Michigan
Killing of Kayla Rolland:
At Buell Elementary School,
-year-old boy fatally shot
year-old girl classmate Kayla Rolland.

DATA generating EVENT .....

2 occurrences of number 6 
--> implies 26
--> atomic number 26 of atomic li

26 protons and 26 electrons  of the Ferrous/iron atom

iron-54 is female with 28 neutrons
and the 28 day menstrual  cycles

Iron-56 is male 

February 29, 2000Flint, Michigan
Killing of Kayla Rolland:
At Buell Elementary School,
February 29
February 29
Fe 26   and  29 copper
metal wire  electrons

February 29, 2000Flint,
 AtoMic Michigan

Fe 26 iron metal electrons/magnet

29 copper wire electricity 

AND DATABASE word Roll/rotate
Killing of Kayla Rolland:
At Buell Elementary School,

imply a 60 cycle rotating 
electric motor ...


An electric motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. 
Most electric motors operate through the interaction between the motor's iron magnetic field and electric current in a copper wire winding to generate force in the form of torque applied on the motor's shaft. An electric generator is mechanically identical to ...

Earth Land Language 
.... geography battle zone
... PARALLEL databases

Tragic EVENT database.....

in other parallel words

Renee Rolland(RR)  

--> atomic iron metal ......Rail Road tracks and the 
RR sign
by the Emma and Roland Groth
farm on Highway T/West Road
farm Township of Watertown 
by the city of Watertown Wisconsin

age 6 girl & age 6 boy ---> 
2 occurrences of number 6 --> implies 26
--> coupled with symbol  Fe = 

February 29, .....

Fe = Ferrous/iron metal of 26 proton and 26 electrons ..

data & control  bus Business Highway 26 Watertown 


data & control  bus Business Highway 26
into the city of Watertown 

and the year 1890/1895
Planet EARTH sphere systems ..

EARTH surface land  .... 

Jules V-section Verne BOOK
nch frequency communications LINK
EARTH atomic iron center core center

the earth surface land
Milwaukee Railroad .... at atlas location

Watertown railroad repair yard for 
atomic iron locomotives with a 
round-about/ rotation  of a turn-table 

as a parallel

to inner EARTH gears ......
the ears and gears of MOTHER EARTH
atomic iron core -->
to surface
location of an iron core real reality 
application such as the 
rail-road locomotive ENGINE ,,,,,,

Criminal Motives -

to surface
 location of an iron core real reality 
application such as the 
rail-road locomotive ENGINE ,,,,,,

Criminal Motives -
Criminal Motives -
Crimina  l Motives -
Crimina  locoMotives - such as

local region of oco--> oconomowoc Wisconsin

in other parallel words

Renee Rolland(RR)  

--> atomic iron metal ......Rail Road tracks and the 
RR sign
by the Emma and Roland Groth
farm on Highway T/West Road
farm Township of Watertown 
by the city of Watertown Wisconsin

G B Lewis company ..
book-keeping systems
bee-keeping supplies ...oe --> order entry


The GBLewis Company's presence in Watertown dates back to 1863 when it started as a two-man shop. The company was known for many years as the world's largest manufacturer of beeware. 

The GBLewis Company's presence in Watertown dates back to
copper atomic mass 63 and two(2) wires ... year 1863

when it started parallel
 as a two(2)-man shop in H2O --> water THOUGHT molecule region ...
number 2 expression region. 

The company was known for many years as the world's largest manufacturer of
earth electron (ee) tools --> beeware. 

May 26, 2000Lake Worth, Florida

13-year-old honor student Nathaniel Brazill was sent home for throwing water balloons, but returned to his Lake Worth Middle School with a family pistol.
He fatally shot teacher Barry Grunow, who was popular at the school.

DATA codes
May 26 --> 26 letters of the English alphabet

battles ...such as 
Runway 26 Lexicon /semantics...
Lexington Kentucky television /radio
air waves EM attack on the
Comair air plane .... pilot brain waves 

May 26, 2000Lake Worth, Florida

may 26 lake worth  -->
May worth--> Mary Worth comic strip 

Mary Worth is an American newspaper comic strip that has had an eight-decade run from 1938. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, this soap opera-style strip influenced several that followed. It was created by writer Allen Saunders and artist Dale Connor, initially appeared under the pseudonym "Dale Allen". Ken Ernst succeeded Connor as artist in 1942.

Mary Worth is an
HORIZONTAL comic strip ...

representing the
atomic iron metal strip/ skyscraper
as a parallel message ...newspaper

..the F W WoolWorth building in NYC

Mary Worth is an code name

Mary --> math array /matrix structure
of the  WOOL  WORTH building

Mary --> math array /matrix structure
of the  WOOL  WORTH building

13-year-old honor student Nathaniel Brazill was sent home for throwing water balloons, but returned to his Lake Worth Middle School with a family pistol.
He fatally shot teacher Barry Grunow, who was popular at the school.

Barry Grunow, 
Barry Grunow, 
Barry Grunow
Base array & ground and underground

Translate the year 2000
signaling EVENT.....

EVENT words /
language information pointers .....
system  feedback to --->

1840 (Nathaniel Hawthorne ) to 
1847 (water of Walden Pond... Henry David Thoreau)

13-year-old honor student Nathaniel Brazill was sent home for throwing water balloons, but returned to his Lake Worth Middle School with a family pistol.
He fatally shot teacher Barry Grunow, who was popular at the school

Translate the year 2000
signaling EVENT

honor student 
--> information pointer to

(Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brain) Brazill 

returned to his Lake Worth Middle School 

--> information pointer to

Middle years

Middle years

Middle years

In April 1846, Hawthorne was officially appointed the Surveyor for the District of Salem and Beverly and Inspector of the Revenue for the Port of Salem at an annual salary of $1,200.[46] He had difficulty writing during this period, as he admitted to Longfellow:

I am trying to resume my pen ... Whenever I sit alone, or walk alone, I find myself dreaming about stories, as of old; but these forenoons in the Custom House undo all that the afternoons and evenings have done. I should be happier if I could write about Pier Oddone .... Peru, FermiLAB

and his Middle years


This employment, like his earlier appointment to the custom house in Boston, was vulnerable to the politics of the spoils system

Middle years

Middle years

Middle years

IBM and Donald Duck(DD) | Disney, Animation, Comic | Britannica

Jul 11, 2023
Donald Duck, an ill-tempered, squawking cartoon duck who was Walt Disney's second most famous cartoon character after Mickey Mouse and who enjoyed worldwide popularity as the star of animated films, newspaper comic strips, comic books, and television.

Donald Fauntleroy Duck[5] is a cartoon character created by The Walt Disney Company. Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He typically wears a sailor shirt and cap with a bow tie. Donald is known for his semi-intelligible speech and his mischievous, temperamental, and pompous personality. 

Donald Fauntleroy Duck has become CARL JUNG
.. collective unconscious/sub-conscious  ,,GROUP MIND..comprised  of over
50 million people/ cartoon  audience ....
over 50 years

the Donald  DUCK collective GROUP MInd of millions of voters ..
elected that Donald Duck be transformed into REAL REALITY ,,, a human action figure-->
Donald Duck  Trumpet
Donald Trump

His campaign slogan was "Make America Great Again." Without previous elected political experience, President Trump used unconventional methods to communicate his priorities. Most notably, he..

New York City real estate developer and
reality TV star Donald Trump (1946- )

served as America's 45th president 
for the

EARTH math government 
of Godfrey frequency Hardy and 
Jan  January 2017-January 2021. 

The Buenos Aires 
The Buenos Aires 
The Buenos Aires 
The Buenos
The Buenos --> beautiful nose Aires
..the carbon dioxide atomic mass 44 in year 1944...

molecular  na
no-second processor speed 
of the CO2 data carrier / data transfer molecule 

The Buenos Aires 
The Buenos Aires 

--->  billionaire businessman ran as a Republican...


August 28, 2000
Fayetteville, Arkansas

36-year-old James Easton Kelly, a PhD candidate in Comparative Literature at University of Arkansas, killed 67-year-old John R. Locke, the English professor overseeing his coursework. Kelly had been dismissed from this PhD program due to a lack of progress toward his degree. Kelly shot Locke three times before committing suicide in the director's office, which had been isolated by campus police

in other words

36-......  o  --> 360 geometry degree
circle of Planet Earth

36-......  o  --> 360 geometry degree

36-year-old James Easton 
36-year-old James Easton 
36-year-old James Easton
messenger Earth

36-year-old James Easton Kelly, a PhD candidate in 
Comparative Literature AND
parasite family Litterature

Pier Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a 
Peruvian-American particle physicist.

killed 67-year-old 
killed 67-year-old 
killed 67-year-old  .. professor ATTACKS
... who
Killed part of Isaac Newton gravity number 6.

Fayetteville attack on

the Isaac Newton

equation components 


equation components 


killed 67-year-old 
killed 67-year-old 
killed 67-year-old ...
killed  in 1967 .....
the EARTH vertical gravity  field ...
sin wave alignment  with

Singer Building in Lower Manhattan

sin wave alignment  with
killed 67-year-old 
killed 67-year-old
killed 1967-year-old  .......
 Demolition had commenced by September 1967

 Singer Building (also known as the Singer Tower)[a] was an office building and early skyscraper in Manhattan, New York City. The headquarters of the Singer Manufacturing Company, was at the northwestern corner of Liberty Street and Broadway in the Financial District of Lower ManhattanFrederick Gilbert Bourne, leader of the Singer Company, commissioned the building, which architect Ernest Flagg designed in multiple phases from 1897 to 1908. The building's architecture contained elements of the Beaux-Arts and French Second Empire styles.

The building was composed of four distinct sections. The original 10-story Singer Building at 149 Broadway was erected between 1897 and 1898, and the adjoining 14-story Bourne Building on Liberty Street was built from 1898 to 1899. In the first decade of the 20th century, the two buildings were expanded to form the 14-story base of the Singer Tower, which rose another 27 stories. The facade was made of brick, stone, and terracotta. A dome with a lantern capped the tower. The foundation of the tower was excavated using caissons; the building's base rested on shallower foundations. The Singer Building used a steel skeleton, though load-bearing walls initially supported the original structure before modification. When completed, the 41-story building had a marble-clad entrance lobby, 16 elevators, 410,000 square feet (38,000 m2) of office space, and an observation deck.

 Demolition plans had commenced by 1967

creating the Egypt ..code name
gravity(GY) field Pointer(PT)  war over the Singer Building ......

Singer building WAR played out at the
ai Peninsula 

Jul 5, 2023
Six-Day War, also called June War or Third Arab-Israeli War or Naksah, brief war that took place June 5-10, 1967, and was the third of the Arab-Israeli wars.

The Six-Day War was a brief but

bloody New York City real estate conflict about the 

atomic/gravity(AG) interface ......
the communications....
EARTH wave mechanics.....
protected RD SITE at the

Singer building .....played out in the

fought in June ...
6th month 1967 

between Israel and the Arab states of Egypt, Syria and Jordan. Following years of diplomatic friction and skirmishes between...

 Demolition had commenced by September 1967

 Demolition had commenced by September 1967

 Demolition had commenced by September 1967

...revenge of the EARTH daily revolution
 on its axis every 24 hours 

evenge of even integers

Demolition had commenced by
11 2001

singer model 66 red eye

How to Thread a Vintage Singer......

Nature's old technology .......

 Sewing Machine 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s

Sewing Machine .......
 system revenge,,,,,,
the eye of a SINGER Building ,,,,
and the 
 eye of sewing machine NEEDLE

Eye for an eye

Eye for an eye

Eye for an eye

"An eye for an eye" (Biblical Hebrewעַיִן תַּחַת עַיִןʿayīn taḥaṯ ʿayīn)[a] is a commandment found in the Book of Exodus 21:23–27 expressing the principle of reciprocal justice measure for measure. The earliest known use of the principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi, which predates the Hebrew Bible.[1]

The law of exact retaliation (Latinlex talionis)[2] bears the same principle that a person who has injured another person is to be penalized to a similar degree by the injured party. In softer interpretations, it means the victim receives the [estimated] value of the injury in compensation.[3] The intent behind the principle was to restrict compensation to the value of the loss.[2]


the Book of Exodus 21:23–27 expressing the principle of reciprocal justice measure for measure. The earliest known use of the principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi

The law of exact retaliation 

The law of exact retaliation 

The law of exact retaliation 

Singer Ballpoint Gold Tip Sewing Needle

Parallel ...... needles

Parallel ...... The law of exact retaliation 

Nov 23, 2022
Here are the steps to guide you on how to thread the eye of the needle older singer sewing machine: #1. On to the spool pin, place the spool.

on how to thread the eye of the needle

Here are the steps to guide you 

on how to thread 
the eye (the glass windows of
the upper floors)

of the
(iron towers as a vertical needle)

using jet airplanes as THREAD

principle of reciprocal justice 

JET pilot sees
the eye(window) of a Needle(metal tower)

the Book of Exodus 21:23–27 expressing the principle of reciprocal justice measure for measure. The earliest known use of the principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi

The law of exact retaliation 

The law of exact retaliation 

The law of exact retaliation 

principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi

principle appears

principle appears

principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi

principle appears in the Copehagen

principle appears in the Denmark region

principle appears

principle appears

principle appears

principle quantum number appears


principle appears

principle appears

principle quantum number appears

The Federal and university quantum science schemes & cover-up

approved by  FermiLAB 

The Tenerife Airport Disaster occurred on March 27, 1977, when two Boeing 747 passenger jets collided on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport[1] (now Tenerife North Airport) on the

Spanish Language island of 
Tensor space errors ...knife 

Aug 3, 2022
The principal quantum number is the number that designates the shell in which most of an atom's electrons reside. An atom with a lower principal quantum number will have a smaller electron cloud .

that designates .... word commands

that designates 

that design  ates /eat/consume airplane

...... fuselage, central portion of the body of an airplane an atomic SHELL

The collision occurred when KLM Flight 4805 initiated its takeoff run while Pan Am Flight 1736 was still on the runway.

Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten

Captain  En.... code name

Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten

Captain  Z .... code name

Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten

Captain  Zan .... code name

Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten

Jacob Louis Veldhuyzen van Zanten (5 February 1927 – 27 March 1977) was a Dutch aircraft captain and flight instructor. He was captain of the KLM Flight 4805 and died in the Tenerife airport disaster,

the deadliest accident in aviation history.

the deadliest
Florida State University

Tallahassee VS Tenerife 

Paul Dirac accident in 

FermiLAB thoughts & words

Batavia aviation history of
Bat/ hit/ attack/club

policy of ill/sick idea people

--> illinois earth.

He was KLM's chief instructor and commonly appeared on advertisements  for

FermiLAB  atomic human BREEDER REACTORS using BEDROOMs to create atomic bio-physics pregnant women...


processing region N ...

Law of existence of base 2 = Two

He was KLM's chief instructor
and commonly appeared on
Cock and the Cockpit instructions

Mr. penis
sperm/semen promotions 

for male cotton denim BLUE jeans with a zipper/ fly

fly --> the male penis HEAD
... flies out like a airplane nose cone
for HOT WOMEN in their
monthly heat cycle ... of their Fourier sin/cosine social & sex engineering wave needs 

The impact and resulting fire killed everyone on board KLM 4805 and most of the occupants of Pan Am 1736, with only 61 survivors in the front section of the aircraft.[2][3] 

With 583 fatalities, the disaster is the deadliest accident in aviation history of human vocal music voices .......

It ain't over till the fat lady sings

tenor is a type of classical male singing voice whose vocal range lies between the countertenor and baritone voice types.

 range lies between
 range lies between
 range lies between  .... TWO existences

when two Boeing 747 passenger jets collided on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport[1] (now Tenerife North Airport) on the Spanish island of Tenerife.

 range lies between
 range lies between
 range lies between

Federal Aviation Administration
and male penis/cock ...cockpit
and secret pussy system problems

United States Department of Transportation
... departures to the afterlife/heavens
....... Providing the Safest, Most Efficient Aerospace  acetylcholine BRAIN STEM System in the World. 

KLM captain's decision 

Office of Science
Argoinne, FermiLAB. Lawrence Livermore
and other atomic quantum theorist  males
..that are biased  to applications 
atomic HUMAN female
cat ....vagina clitorists 
.because  in NATURE
,,theory desires applications

especially male theorist at Batavia/Chicago
rmiLAB  ... female site
 ..have biased thoughts

KLM captain's decision to take off in the mistaken belief that a takeoff clearance from air traffic control (ATC) --> atomic THOUGHT CONTROL errors
fety --> salvia fetus  tyrosine --> oscillations and sine wave 
...BEDROOM instructions 

had been issued.[4] 

Holy Cow & Holstein milk dairy cow ....
milk protein THOUGHT molecules ,,,,,

HinDU & Holstein--->
 Holl 2 (parallel animals)-->
Holland .....
Du teacher --> Dutch investigators CHIN/eat/ate ...
living language Death systems NEEDS
583 dead bodies for the
atomic coffin DATABASE project

placed a greater emphasis on a mutual misunderstanding

BIO-RADIO AND radio communications

 between the KLM crew and ATC,
[5] but ultimately KLM admitted

The impact and resulting fire killed everyone on board KLM 4805 and most of the occupants of Pan Am 1736, with only 61 survivors in the front section of the aircraft.[2][3] 

With 583 fatalities, the disaster is the deadliest accident in aviation history of human vocal music voices .......

It ain't over till the fat lady sings

tenor is a type of classical male singing voice whose vocal range lies between the countertenor and baritone voice types.

It is the highest male chest voice type. The tenor's vocal range extends anywhere from C 5 to G 5.The low extreme for tenors is widely defined to be Bb 2, though some roles include an A ♭ 2 (two A ♭ s below middle C). [citation needed] At the highest extreme, some ...

Amalie Materna as the valkyrie Brünnhilde (1876) " It ain't over till ( or until) the fat lady sings " is a colloquialism which is often used as a proverb. It means that one should not presume to know the outcome of an event which is still in progress. More specifically, the phrase is used when a ...

killed 67-year-old 
killed 67-year-old John R. Locke, the English professor overseeing his coursework.

John Locke, the year 1632 to 1704 .....
old English
protein  professor overseeing his coursework.

Kelly had been ..... atomic electron agent
Kelly had been
Kelly had been
K ell  y had been
K shelly had been --> K shell poetry

Kelly had been
Kelly had been
K ell  y had been
K shellehad been --> K shelley    poetry

Keats & Shelley
Jul 3, 2023John Keats, (born October 31, 1795, London, England—died February 23, 1821, Rome, Papal States [Italy]), English Romantic lyric poet who devoted his short life to the perfection of a poetry marked by vivid imagery, great sensuous appeal, and an attempt to express a philosophy through classical legend. 

Percy Bysshe Shelley (/bɪʃ/ (listen) BISH;[1][2] 4 August 1792 – 8 July 1822) was one of the major English Romantic(ER) poets -->
poets word equation .....
planet center  core

in Earth Radius(ER) ...
and the inner earth languages that surface and locate an interface agent 

Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Bys shell  Shell ey(e)

 A radical in his poetry
 A radical in his poetry

 Algebra radical 
in his plane geometry....... poetry


 A radical in his poetry
as well as in his political and social views, Shelley did not achieve fame during his lifetime, but recognition of his achievements in poetry grew steadily following his death, and he became an important influence on subsequent generations of poets, including 
Robert Browning
Algernon Charles Swinburne
Thomas Hardy,
W. B. Yeats  -->
Wavelength Bandwidth  Y electron antenna.

Bio-radio electron

Kelly had been dismissed from this
Botany system Chlorophyll  language .....
llel code LINKS ......PhD program

due to a lack of the

2-legged human male PROTEIN thought & language MACHINE 

to upgrade their thoughts to 1 level higher
than a
4-legged Holstein milk dairy cow
at the Pabst Farms  .....

due to a lack of the
due to a lack of the lactic acid language and
protein ,,,real estate property law

due to a lack of the
due to a lack of the
due to a lack of the
lactic acid/milk ...
Nature's molecular systems  .....
real estate property law

Lactic Acid Formula: Structure, Properties, Uses


Lactic Acid Formula: 
We frequently (wave    frequency LIFE forms)

make curd from milk in our daily lives.

Milk, as we all know, contains “Lactose.” The curd is formed when lactose is converted to lactic acid by bacteria. Curd becomes sour due to the presence of only lactic acid, as acids are sour. Lactic acid is an organic acid with having the chemical formula C3H6O3. It is commonly known as milk acid. The functional group present in this compound is carboxylic acid. The chemical name of lactic acid is 2-Hydroxypropanoic acid or -Hydroxypropanoic acid.

Lactic acid was first noticed and described in sour milk by a Swedish German pharmaceutical chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in . 

Lactic acid was NEXT noticed and
described by the 

EARTH underground atomic limestone 

BEDROCK  message system ....... 

in the geography state of
Missouri interface for sour milk by a

NATURE software computer program 


Swedish German pharmaceutical chemist,
Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in 1780 -->
elementary school process . 

Lactic acid is produced in the biological system during fermentation from by an enzyme – lactate dehydrogenase. It is used in making dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, food preservatives, and chemicals. Thus, we can say that lactic acid is a very important chemical compound for many biological systems. Let’s learn everything about the lactic acid chemical formula and its properties in detail on this page.

Lactic Acid real estate Formula:
Oconomowoc Wisconsin

land and water NAME Properties, Uses .. Lac La Belle

Lac La Belle (French: "Lake Beautiful"), is the name given to both a lake and a small unincorporated community in Keweenaw County --> Code linked to

Earth underground language LIFE

india Asia 
to the Jules V-section Verne
Earth center core ,,, data center

Lactic Acid Formula:
Fond Du Lac
land and water NAME Properties, Uses ..
Found Hindu lactic acid language

in Wisconsin  .....

on the other side of the

...the ancient
inner EARTH atomic geology interNET &

the ancient outer EARTH
sky /ionosphere signal bouncing   ......

Sub-continent of INDIA.....
Hindu Holy Cow ...lactic software
injected data/codes/ earth language....

into the inner EARTH database

and SiKH (sin data carrier waves
with ROUTING sin  label )
the inner EARTH database

ROUTING word ...sin
resurfaces on the opposite side of EARTH
...resurfaces in Wisconsin ...

the Hindu Holy Cow data packages
carried by SiKH sin message carrier waves --->
has a influence on names
within the geography region of Wisconsin

due to a lack of the

2-legged human male PROTEIN thought & language MACHINE 

to upgrade their thoughts to 1 level higher
than a
4-legged Holstein milk dairy cow
at the Pabst Farms  .....
code analysis 
RD  geography region 
.....P = Processor ...abstract
...real estate
F(X) = O --> Oconomowoc ....
 serious math /algebra class exists for
the Chenequa equation

to upgrade their thoughts to 1 level higher
than a
4-legged Holstein milk dairy cow
at the Pabst Farms  ..

for 4-legged animal
IBM Base 4 exponent 2 ear thoughts 
--> Base 16
Hexadecimal Highway 16
bio-computers doing abs
tract equations for 
Chenequa... real estate tracts & lots and plots

gress of green and IBM address space
toward his

gress of green and 
IBM green addr
ess space
toward his

comparison of ancient heritage of
Western culture

from ancient Egypt --> 
to the ancient Greece cellulose BOTANY photosynthesis government of the green pigment molecule Chlorophyll ----> 

 -->Noah's ARK

modern code word 
GREEK (sorority HOUSE sisters ...
their lingerie, nity, and
molecular cotton panties
GET ROUTED/need to be associated with 
LINKAGE word .....
male frater
nity House Hole users)

 Kelly had been dismissed from this PhD program due to a lack of progress toward hisdegree. Kelly shot Locke three times before committing suicide in the director's office, which had been isolated by campus police

shot Locke three times
shot Locke three times
shot Loc    ke three times
shot LocK & Key MODEL three times

Lockerbie, Scotland

Energy of activation ,,,the enzyme THOUGHTS and ANGER creates the BOMB EVENT
using human action figures and a Pan AM airplane to create a graph 

Enyzme project plan ..DEMO
Flight path --> up in sky -->Pieces come crashing down

Pan Am flight 103, also called Lockerbie bombing, flight of a passenger airliner operated by Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) that exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, on December 21, 1988, after a bomb was detonated. All 259 people on board were killed, and 11 individuals on the ground also died.

The incorrect university,
corporation , and government LEGAL
 ..nonsense language substrate  ERRORS

Dec 2, 2017The mystery of flight 9525: a locked door, a silent pilot and a secret history of illness
When the Germanwings Airbus disappeared, Europe was united in grief. Then, as the troubling facts...

The mystery of flight 95The mystery of flight 95

Kelly Kelly  = Potassium 19  thinK

The Oklahoma City bombing occurred when a truck packed with explosives was detonated on April 19, 1995,
outside the

April 19, 1995,
April 19, 1995 ,,,atomic number 19 of
PotassiuM...selection of battle site

PotassiuM --> route to
P. Murrah 
Alfred P. Murrah 
Alfred P. Murrah 
Alfred PotassiuMurrah 
Alfred PotassiuM urrah
Alfred PotassiuM  Murrah
Alfred PotassiuM  Mur rah
Alfred PotassiuM  Murder software programs approved by community and government ERRORS

Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, killing 168...

The Principia Mathematica (often abbreviated PM) 
is a PotassiuM --> thinK ,,,symbol life of atomic mass 39 ---> three-volume
work on the foundations of mathematics written by mathematician-philosophers
Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913

Alfred North Whitehead 
Alfred North Whitehead  VERSUS
Alfred P M Murrah building family fetus
bull-shit policy

Kelly   had been dismissed from this PhD program due to a lack of progress toward his degree. Kelly shot Locke three times before committing suicide in the director's office, which had been isolated by campus police.

dismissed from this PhD programdismissed from this PhD alphabet
/location program

Location 16 = Paddress    8  - h  therefore the
PhD message event
REAL  DEAD 16  8  DEAD --> 168 DEAD  ,,,,
Oklahoma City bragging educated idiots

Department of Education 
living people BRAIN DEAD equation
--> convert to
Physical biology DEAD

PHD --> PH DEAD --> 168 DEAD

Department of Education
departures to the Afterlife


PSW battle region
over ......
Bill Logic Gates communication problems
 atoMic Microsoft errors

June 28, 2000Pacific 
 Seattle, Washington

Joules & Neutrons 28 of Iron-54 atom
/ferrous isotope used by
Fe = Female  Blood
iron atomic 28 day.......28 neutron days
....  menstruation monthly news cycle

wife ... ferrous/Blood iron
communication problems 
and dealing in
....stolen property
--> Tyro
sine sine wave interceptor 
molecule (me) software

............Jun 23, 2023

 Gates, née 
Melinda Ann French  frequency,
(born August 15, 19
64, Dallas, Texas, U.S.
as a 32 + 32 = 64 Doubleword agent) , 
American businesswoman



and philanthropist who—

her (heregovina Hertzian) 

then husband bandwidth,

Mic Microsoft Corporation Seattle
corpse .... BOOK of the DEAD)
Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....
THUS alignment with the
TIME software manual by

Geography &
Geological logic levels ....writer
George Orwell ....

BOOK 1984 data space ...and its 
 the underground atomic
ology BOOK version ...
a subset outline of the EARTH surface B

Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....

October 20, 1984 and the
CREATION of digital space ......

in 1984......
dig a grave interface
worm-hole in EARTH atomic soil/clay in
Tallahassee Roselawn cemetery atomic micro-second designated land region ... atomic processor speed

the Dirac, Paul(DP)
coffin DATABASE ..output information flow using english / math/ and quantum SOCIAL & LEGAL  languages

What are the Gates of Hell?
IBM system 370 OS/JCL JES --> Jesus once said "
stolen EARTH government property 

represented by 

Coffin output Flow underground

cofounder word equation ..of 
Cofounder --> underground
BOOK of the DEAD ...

Bill --> Binary parallel proper noun-->
Gates —>
founded the
Bill & 
Melinda G
ates (of HELL)  Foundation of Hari-Kari, suicide, school killings, and 
murder / destruction other DEATH systems

..and the set-up and attempted murder of
Paige Raque by
MIc Microsoft Windows,,,,,,
TWIN software attack DEMO

Twin --> implies two/ base 2

Sda --> sort data --> south Dakota code

Witnesses told police Raque appeared to be visibly intoxicated the night of the party and wadancing on a table when she lost her balance and fell out the window. Police have said Raque...

Bal--> IBM Basic Assembler language
Window --> Bill Gates
usage ERRORS and forbidden usages

Nov 22, 2015Associated Press Paige Raque fell 39 feet from an apartment window during an off-campus party on Oct. 13, breaking her pelvis and suffering brain trauma. (Penn State Cheerleading)...

table dance and window battle  
by MIcrosoft WINDOWS software at
Penn state.

on Oct. 13,
on Oct. 13,

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Paul DiracPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS [9] ( / dɪˈræk /; 8 August 1902 - 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who is considered to be one of the founders of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. [10] He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a professor of physics at ...

Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, OM, FRS [66] (18 May 1872 - 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philosopher, logician, and public intellectual.

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Penn State awareness .........
administration failure per
Dirac and Russell

PSW battle region
over ......
Bill Logic Gates communication problems
 atoMic Microsoft errors

June 28, 2000Pacific 
 Seattle, Washington


58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of 
Electro-Magnetic wave
 ... EM field .....TV Path

CBS  58 is your local BS source for the Milwaukee news
Ukraine  east europe in year 2022),
Milwaukee weather,
Military  sports.

58-year-old Director of the Division of Pathology and 

--> Routing of DEATH PROGRAMS

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of  Path

 Division of Path code
--> RWA --> RWANDA .... 
Africa Afterlife

Britannica › Science › Physics

quantum mechanics - Quantum mechanics - Wave Mechanics, Schrodingers Equation, Particles: Schrödinger expressed de Broglie's hypothesis concerning the wave ...

... (Show more) See all related content → quantum field theory, body of physical principles combining the elements of quantum mechanics with those of relativity to explain the behaviour of
subatomic particles of atomic WOMEN
and their interactions via a variety of BEDROOM and SOCIAL force fields.

code name -->

of the University of Washington Medical Center (Earth geology center core)

Underground interface Jules Verne

inner EARTH language city

Jun 23, 2023

 Gates, née 
Melinda Ann French  frequency,
(born August 15, 19
64, Dallas, Texas, U.S.
as a 32 + 32 = 64 Doubleword agent) , 
American businesswoman



and philanthropist who—

her (heregovina Hertzian) 

then husband bandwidth,

Mic Microsoft Corporation Seattle
corpse .... BOOK of the DEAD)
Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....
THUS alignment with the
TIME software manual by

Geography &
Geological logic levels ....writer
George Orwell ....

BOO1984 data space ...and its 
 the underground atomic
ology BOOK version ...
a subset outline of the EARTH surface B

Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....

October 20, 1984 and the
CREATION of digital space ......

in 1984......
 dig a grave interface
worm-hole in EARTH atomic soil/clay in 
Tallahassee Roselawn cemetery atomic micro-second designated land region ... atomic processor speed

the Dirac, Paul(DP)
coffin DATABASE ..output information flow using english / math/ and quantum SOCIAL & LEGAL  languages

What are the Gates of Hell?
IBM system 370 OS/JCL JES --> Jesus once said "
stolen EARTH government property 

represented by 

Coffin output Flow underground

cofounder word equation ..of 
Cofounder --> underground
BOOK of the DEAD ...

Bill --> Binary parallel proper noun-->
Gates —>
founded the
Bill & 
Melinda G
ates (of HELL)  Foundation of Hari-Kari, suicide, school killings, and 
murder / destruction other DEATH systems

..and the set-up and attempted murder of
Paige Raque by
MIc Microsoft Windows,,,,,,
TWIN software attack DEMO

Twin --> implies two/ base 2

Sda --> sort data --> south Dakota code

Witnesses told police Raque appeared to be visibly intoxicated the night of the party and wadancing on a table when she lost her balance and fell out the window. Police have said Raque...

Bal--> IBM Basic Assembler language
Window --> Bill Gates
usage ERRORS and forbidden usages

Nov 22, 2015Associated Press Paige Raque fell 39 feet from an apartment window during an off-campus party on Oct. 13, breaking her pelvis and suffering brain trauma. (Penn State Cheerleading)...

table dance and window battle  
by MIcrosoft WINDOWS software at
Penn state.

on Oct. 13,
on Oct. 13,

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Paul DiracPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS [9] ( / dɪˈræk /; 8 August 1902 - 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who is considered to be one of the founders of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. [10] He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a professor of physics at ...

Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl RussellOM, FRS [66] (18 May 1872 - 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philosopher, logician, and public intellectual.

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Penn State awareness .........
administration failure per
Dirac and Russell

PSW battle region
over ......
Bill Logic Gates communication problems
 atoMic Microsoft errors

June 28, 2000Pacific 
 Seattle, Washington


58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of 
Electro-Magnetic wave
 ... EM field .....TV Path

CBS  58 is your local BS source for the Milwaukee news
 Ukraine  east europe in year 2022),
Milwaukee weather,
 Military  sports.

58-year-old Director of the Division of Pathology and 

--> Routing of DEATH PROGRAMS

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of  Path

 Division of Path code
--> RWA --> RWANDA .... 
Africa Afterlife

Britannica › Science › Physics

quantum mechanics - Quantum mechanics - Wave Mechanics, Schrodingers Equation, Particles: Schrödinger expressed de Broglie's hypothesis concerning the wave ...

... (Show more) See all related content → quantum field theory, body of physical principles combining the elements of quantum mechanics with those of relativity to explain the behaviour of
subatomic particles of atomic WOMEN
and their interactions via a variety of BEDROOM and SOCIAL force fields.

code name -->

of the University of Washington Medical Center (Earth geology center core)

Underground interface Jules Verne

inner EARTH language city

Rodger C. Haggitt,
Jun 23, 2023

 Gates, née 
Melinda Ann French  frequency,
(born August 15, 19
64, Dallas, Texas, U.S.
as a 32 + 32 = 64 Doubleword agent) , 
American businesswoman



and philanthropist who—

her (heregovina Hertzian) 

then husband bandwidth,

Mic Microsoft Corporation Seattle
corpse .... BOOK of the DEAD)
Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....
THUS alignment with the
TIME software manual by

Geography &
Geological logic levels ....writer
George Orwell ....

BOO1984 data space ...and its 
 the underground atomic
ology BOOK version ...
a subset outline of the EARTH surface B

Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....

October 20, 1984 and the
CREATION of digital space ......

in 1984......
 dig a grave interface
worm-hole in EARTH atomic soil/clay in 
Tallahassee Roselawn cemetery atomic micro-second designated land region ... atomic processor speed

the Dirac, Paul(DP)
coffin DATABASE ..output information flow using english / math/ and quantum SOCIAL & LEGAL  languages

What are the Gates of Hell?
IBM system 370 OS/JCL JES --> Jesus once said "
stolen EARTH government property 

represented by 

Coffin output Flow underground

cofounder word equation ..of 
Cofounder --> underground
BOOK of the DEAD ...

Bill --> Binary parallel proper noun-->
Gates —>
founded the
Bill & 
Melinda G
ates (of HELL)  Foundation of Hari-Kari, suicide, school killings, and 
murder / destruction other DEATH systems

..and the set-up and attempted murder of
Paige Raque by
MIc Microsoft Windows,,,,,,
TWIN software attack DEMO

Twin --> implies two/ base 2

Sda --> sort data --> south Dakota code

Witnesses told police Raque appeared to be visibly intoxicated the night of the party and wadancing on a table when she lost her balance and fell out the window. Police have said Raque...

Bal--> IBM Basic Assembler language
Window --> Bill Gates
usage ERRORS and forbidden usages

Nov 22, 2015Associated Press Paige Raque fell 39 feet from an apartment window during an off-campus party on Oct. 13, breaking her pelvis and suffering brain trauma. (Penn State Cheerleading)...

table dance and window battle  
by MIcrosoft WINDOWS software at
Penn state.

on Oct. 13,
on Oct. 13,

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Paul DiracPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS [9] ( / dɪˈræk /; 8 August 1902 - 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who is considered to be one of the founders of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. [10] He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a professor of physics at ...

Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl RussellOM, FRS [66] (18 May 1872 - 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philosopher, logician, and public intellectual.

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Penn State awareness .........
administration failure per
Dirac and Russell

PSW battle region
over ......
Bill Logic Gates communication problems
 atoMic Microsoft errors

June 28, 2000Pacific 
 Seattle, Washington


58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of 
Electro-Magnetic wave
 ... EM field .....TV Path

CBS  58 is your local BS source for the Milwaukee news
 Ukraine  east europe in year 2022),
Milwaukee weather,
 Military  sports.

58-year-old Director of the Division of Pathology and 

--> Routing of DEATH PROGRAMS

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of  Path

 Division of Path code
--> RWA --> RWANDA .... 
Africa Afterlife

Britannica › Science › Physics

quantum mechanics - Quantum mechanics - Wave Mechanics, Schrodingers Equation, Particles: Schrödinger expressed de Broglie's hypothesis concerning the wave ...

... (Show more) See all related content → quantum field theory, body of physical principles combining the elements of quantum mechanics with those of relativity to explain the behaviour of
subatomic particles of atomic WOMEN
and their interactions via a variety of BEDROOM and SOCIAL force fields.

code name -->

of the University of Washington Medical Center (Earth geology center core)

Underground interface Jules Verne

inner EARTH language city

Rodger C. Haggitt,
Jun 23, 2023

 Gates, née 
Melinda Ann French  frequency,
(born August 15, 19
64, Dallas, Texas, U.S.
as a 32 + 32 = 64 Doubleword agent) , 
American businesswoman



and philanthropist who—

her (heregovina Hertzian) 

then husband bandwidth,

Mic Microsoft Corporation Seattle
corpse .... BOOK of the DEAD)
Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....
THUS alignment with the
TIME software manual by

Geography &
Geological logic levels ....writer
George Orwell ....

BOO1984 data space ...and its 
 the underground atomic
ology BOOK version ...
a subset outline of the EARTH surface B

Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....

October 20, 1984 and the
CREATION of digital space ......

in 1984......
 dig a grave interface
worm-hole in EARTH atomic soil/clay in 
Tallahassee Roselawn cemetery atomic micro-second designated land region ... atomic processor speed

the Dirac, Paul(DP)
coffin DATABASE ..output information flow using english / math/ and quantum SOCIAL & LEGAL  languages

What are the Gates of Hell?
IBM system 370 OS/JCL JES --> Jesus once said "
stolen EARTH government property 

represented by 

Coffin output Flow underground

cofounder word equation ..of 
Cofounder --> underground
BOOK of the DEAD ...

Bill --> Binary parallel proper noun-->
Gates —>
founded the
Bill & 
Melinda G
ates (of HELL)  Foundation of Hari-Kari, suicide, school killings, and 
murder / destruction other DEATH systems

..and the set-up and attempted murder of
Paige Raque by
MIc Microsoft Windows,,,,,,
TWIN software attack DEMO

Twin --> implies two/ base 2

Sda --> sort data --> south Dakota code

Witnesses told police Raque appeared to be visibly intoxicated the night of the party and wadancing on a table when she lost her balance and fell out the window. Police have said Raque...

Bal--> IBM Basic Assembler language
Window --> Bill Gates
usage ERRORS and forbidden usages

Nov 22, 2015Associated Press Paige Raque fell 39 feet from an apartment window during an off-campus party on Oct. 13, breaking her pelvis and suffering brain trauma. (Penn State Cheerleading)...

table dance and window battle  
by MIcrosoft WINDOWS software at
Penn state.

on Oct. 13,
on Oct. 13,

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Paul DiracPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS [9] ( / dɪˈræk /; 8 August 1902 - 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who is considered to be one of the founders of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. [10] He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a professor of physics at ...

Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl RussellOM, FRS [66] (18 May 1872 - 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philosopher, logician, and public intellectual.

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Penn State awareness .........
administration failure per
Dirac and Russell

PSW battle region
over ......
Bill Logic Gates communication problems
 atoMic Microsoft errors

June 28, 2000Pacific 
 Seattle, Washington


58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of 
Electro-Magnetic wave
 ... EM field .....TV Path

CBS  58 is your local BS source for the Milwaukee news
 Ukraine  east europe in year 2022),
Milwaukee weather,
 Military  sports.

58-year-old Director of the Division of Pathology and 

--> Routing of DEATH PROGRAMS

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of  Path

 Division of Path code
--> RWA --> RWANDA .... 
Africa Afterlife

Britannica › Science › Physics

quantum mechanics - Quantum mechanics - Wave Mechanics, Schrodingers Equation, Particles: Schrödinger expressed de Broglie's hypothesis concerning the wave ...

... (Show more) See all related content → quantum field theory, body of physical principles combining the elements of quantum mechanics with those of relativity to explain the behaviour of
subatomic particles of atomic WOMEN
and their interactions via a variety of BEDROOM and SOCIAL force fields.

code name -->

of the University of Washington Medical Center (Earth geology center core)

Underground interface Jules Verne

inner EARTH language city

Jun 23, 2023

 Gates, née 
Melinda Ann French  frequency,
(born August 15, 19
64, Dallas, Texas, U.S.
as a 32 + 32 = 64 Doubleword agent) , 
American businesswoman



and philanthropist who—

her (heregovina Hertzian) 

then husband bandwidth,

Mic Microsoft Corporation Seattle
corpse .... BOOK of the DEAD)
Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....
THUS alignment with the
TIME software manual by

Geography &
Geological logic levels ....writer
George Orwell ....

BOO1984 data space ...and its 
 the underground atomic
ology BOOK version ...
a subset outline of the EARTH surface B

Paul Dirac ....DEATH in year 1984....

October 20, 1984 and the
CREATION of digital space ......

in 1984......
 dig a grave interface
worm-hole in EARTH atomic soil/clay in 
Tallahassee Roselawn cemetery atomic micro-second designated land region ... atomic processor speed

the Dirac, Paul(DP)
coffin DATABASE ..output information flow using english / math/ and quantum SOCIAL & LEGAL  languages

What are the Gates of Hell?
IBM system 370 OS/JCL JES --> Jesus once said "
stolen EARTH government property 

represented by 

Coffin output Flow underground

cofounder word equation ..of 
Cofounder --> underground
BOOK of the DEAD ...

Bill --> Binary parallel proper noun-->
Gates —>
founded the
Bill & 
Melinda G
ates (of HELL)  Foundation of Hari-Kari, suicide, school killings, and 
murder / destruction other DEATH systems

..and the set-up and attempted murder of
Paige Raque by
MIc Microsoft Windows,,,,,,
TWIN software attack DEMO

Twin --> implies two/ base 2

Sda --> sort data --> south Dakota code

Witnesses told police Raque appeared to be visibly intoxicated the night of the party and wadancing on a table when she lost her balance and fell out the window. Police have said Raque...

Bal--> IBM Basic Assembler language
Window --> Bill Gates
usage ERRORS and forbidden usages

Nov 22, 2015Associated Press Paige Raque fell 39 feet from an apartment window during an off-campus party on Oct. 13, breaking her pelvis and suffering brain trauma. (Penn State Cheerleading)...

table dance and window battle  
by MIcrosoft WINDOWS software at
Penn state.

on Oct. 13,
on Oct. 13,

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Paul DiracPaul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS [9] ( / dɪˈræk /; 8 August 1902 - 20 October 1984) was an English theoretical physicist who is considered to be one of the founders of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. [10] He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a professor of physics at ...

Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl RussellOM, FRS [66] (18 May 1872 - 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philosopher, logician, and public intellectual.

on Oct. 13 -->Letter 13 --> M theory battle
on Oct. 13 -
on Oct. M  - abbreviated to OM

Penn State awareness .........
administration failure per
Dirac and Russell

PSW battle region
over ......
Bill Logic Gates communication problems
 atoMic Microsoft errors

June 28, 2000Pacific 
 Seattle, Washington


58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of the Division of 
Electro-Magnetic wave
 ... EM field .....TV Path

CBS  58 is your local BS source for the Milwaukee news
 Ukraine  east europe in year 2022),
Milwaukee weather,
 Military  sports.

58-year-old Director of the Division of Pathology and 

--> Routing of DEATH PROGRAMS

58-year-old Director of the Division of Path

58-year-old Director of  Path

 Division of Path code
--> RWA --> RWANDA .... 
Africa Afterlife

Britannica › Science › Physics

quantum mechanics - Quantum mechanics - Wave Mechanics, Schrodingers Equation, Particles: Schrödinger expressed de Broglie's hypothesis concerning the wave ...

... (Show more) See all related content → quantum field theory, body of physical principles combining the elements of quantum mechanics with those of relativity to explain the behaviour of
subatomic particles of atomic WOMEN
and their interactions via a variety of BEDROOM and SOCIAL force fields.

code name -->

of the University of Washington Medical Center (Earth geology center core)

Underground interface Jules Verne

inner EARTH language city

Rodger C. Haggitt,
Rodger C. Haggitt,

R = Radius of 
   O (Earth sphere/circle)
   O --> inner earth Core

Rodger C. Haggitt --> Carbon Hydrogen
Rodger C. Haggitt
Rodger C. Haggitt (RCH) organic chemistry
from Oregon born Linus Pauling



May 2014
Cincinnati police are investigating a shooting reported Tuesday evening in the West End.

Authorities responded at about 9:40 p.m. to Richie's Fast Food Restaurant located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.

Police said Jariell Dean, 27, was shot in the head and taken to a nearby hospital where he later died from his injuries.

Richie's Fast Food Restaurant located in the 1300 block of Linn Street.

Police said Jariell Dean, 27, was shot in the head and taken to a nearby
hospital where he later died from his injuries


ie's --> imply RC Haggitt

Jariell Dean--> code name
euclidean  2 parallel lines/2 parallel events


Year 2014 event
hospital where he later died --> 
Year 2000 event
hospital where he earlier  died

May 2014 Cincinnati tragic Database
created by the PARALLEL
June 2000 Seattle DATABASE...that is still unexplained 

Rodger C. Haggitt, was shot dead by 42-year-old at the Medical Center

 was shot dead by 42-year-old Taiwanese immigrant 

 42-year-old T
 42-year-old T
 42 Street.....Times Square Manhattan

Time exponent 2 ( 4 squared) 
= Surface area of TIME is Base 16
...requires the human face of
 .Stephen Hawking  born in year 19


 was shot dead by 42-year-old Taiwanese immigrant (year 1942)

Taiwanese --> Time series
........... math series ai

Spectral Analysis and Its Applications by Gwilym M. Jenkins (Author),
Donald G. Watts (Author) 5.0 6 ratings See all formats and editions Hardcover $24.98 13 Used from $24.98

Donald G. Watts
Donald G. Watts
Donald G. Watts riots

The Watts riots, sometimes referred to as the Watts Rebellion or Watts Uprising, [1] took place in the Watts neighborhood and its surrounding areas of Los Angeles from August 11 to 16, 1965

On August 11, 1965, Marquette Frye,
a 21-year-old African-American man, was pulled over for
university drunken driving .. organic chemistry.

Solomons, Fryhle, Snyder: Organic Chemistry, 12th Edition. Home. Browse by Chapter. Browse by Chapter
Snyder: Organic Chemistry
...Nature's molecular
military attack software
using human action figures, 
On the morning of Oct. 1, a gunman entered Snyder Hall aUmpqua Community College and killed nine people, injured eight more and then turned his handgun on himself after a shootout with...

July 24, 2015
Language map

Trooper Trevor Casper was murdered by Steven Snyder. The mortally wounder Casper shot and killed Snyder as he died.

 Organic Chemistry
Solomons, Fryhle & Snyders
continues Solomons
continues Solo  mon   sequence
continues Solo  monday --> continues
continent Taiwanese 
continent continuesTuesday
Tuesday TIME WAR
MARCH 24 shooting of 

Trevor Casper 

T C --> Time Clock MARCH

Trevor Casper .....
for the Wisconsin State Patrol. On his first solo .....T W Graham Solomon molecule  THOUGHT patrol .....assignment.

Trevor Casper 

T C --> Time Clock MARCH -->
Jerry March

Trevor Casper (May 21, 1993 – March 24, 2015) was a state trooper for the Wisconsin State Patrol. On his first solo assignment........
Casper shot and killed Snyder

Organic Chemistry software program MEMORY (memnory killed Snyder)    continues Solomons, Fryhle & Snyders

 March 24, 2015     

Trevor Casper
What is Cascade Amplifier : Circuit & Its Working October 9, 2020 By Wat Electrical One of the most crucial devices in the history of the electronics domain is Amplifier.

Casper(Cascade electronics)    killed Snyder


The Umpqua Community College
molecule  revenge shooting
occurred on
Organic chemistry(OC)
molecule message ........... TIME delivery schedule ---> October 1, 2015
to kill parallel Snyder Hall


Wisconsin Troopers
COVER-UP Association & Newaygo County Sheriff s Office)

Taiwanese immigrant and then-U.S. citizen Jian (Jerry MarchChen ---> Chemistry

with back-ward and forward information pointers
March) <--- Chen ---> Chemistry

It was n
ear the end of his first solo shift on March 24 when Wisconsin State Trooper Trevor Casper faced a life-or-death decision.

Snyder: Organic Chemistry, 
.Nature's molecular
military attack software
using human action figures,

SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE Solomons,

The Marysville Pilchuck High School shooting occurred in Marysville, Washington, on October 24, 2014, 

Organic chemsitry(OC) messenger
....when 15-year-old freshman student Jaylen Fryberg shot five students at Marysville Pilchuck High School, and fatally wounding four, before shooting and killing himself.

 Friday Events

on Friday October 24, 2014

Fryhle Friday Events

Friday --> get rid of 

IP (Insect People)

Prior to the shooting, Fryberg invited several students,
all of whom were
Friday friends,
to meet him for a
logical unit (LUlunch
eat brain memory SOFTWARE
via text message.

He urged some of them to sk
ip classes they had at the time.[10] 

Minutes prior to the shooting, he reportedly sent a group text message to his family and the families of his would-be victims. In it, he apologized for his actions and laid out plans for his
algebra/alphabet funeral

At lunchtime, the invited students sat together at one table per the SYMBOL TABLE in the .

Fryberg then entered the school cafeteria and sat down at a different table--->

ordinary and partial differential equation


At 10:39 a.m.

At 10:39 a.m.

At 10:39 atomic mass

 At 10:39 a.m., according to eyewitnesses, he stood up, approached the table where his friends were sitting, and had a verbal altercation with them.

approached the table where his friends were sitting, and had a verbal altercation with them.

He then pulled out a .40-caliber Beretta Px4 Storm Subcompact handgun[3] and fired at least eight shots,[13][14] shooting several of the students in a "calm, methodical way".[15] 

like the

On June 17, 2015,  mass shooting occurred in Charleston, South Carolina, in which nine African Americans were killed and a tenth was injured during a Bible study at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Among the fatalities was the senior pastor, state senator Clementa C. Pinckney.

During the shooting, Fryberg was described by a witness as having
a Google / Microsoft bio-computer brain implant....

google blank document INSIDE the brain CREATES a blank stare and 


University of Wisconsin blank students,

blank  professors, and blank chancellors

and "staring at the victims as he shot them".[16] He also appeared to be targeting only the table where his friends were sitting.

 At the time of the shooting, seven students were seated ,,,,,,,,,Seattle atoMic Microsoft ... atomic zombie ... arrogance program ATTACKS and KILLINGS/Cover-up on the Windows TEN attack in Cincinnati

43-year-old motorist Samuel DuBose shot and killed by Officer Ray Tensing in Cincinnati CBS Tensing's attorney has said he feared for his life as DuBose 
his life as DuBose 
his life as Du   Bose
his life as HinDu    Satyendra Nath  Bose  

Satyendra Nath  Bose  software copy
Satyendra Nath  Bose 
Satyendra Nath  Bose 

Satyendra CincinnatNat Bose 

Satyendra Nath 
  software copy
Satyendra Nath  Bose 
Satyendra Nath  Bose --> name equation

Saturday July 18 send Dracula software to
Sunday   July  19 to CREATE
the sample space using
EARTH LAB language ..specimen name

Sample of human people
Sample Sam --> Samuel DuBose

Satyendra Nath  Bose  software copy
Satyendra Nath  Bose 
Satyendra Nath  Bose --> secret money systems 
A Guide to Japanese Money (Yen):
Coins and Bills
Apr 13, 2023A Guide to Japanese Money (Yen): Coins and Bills | tsunagu Japan
Traveling to a country for the first time and getting used to a brand-new set of coins and bills can be confusing, especially in countries like
Japan where cash still reigns supreme. 

Johnny Cash performing "I Walk The Line" from The Best Of The Johnny Cash TV ShowListen to Johnny Cash: to the o...

Great Balls of Fire by Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins - Track Info | AllMusic

Composed using EARTH language.....
system & concept names

by Otis Blackwell (an OTIS elevator
within a building goes up/down a vertical shaft/well ...that is
black inside/dark/dim light

Jack Hammer (real estate construction names)

Jack Hammer 
(excessive real estate construction .....

Charles William Steger ...
Virginia TECH(O)

Violations of Nature's LIMIT LAWS
and black farm soil  

Natures systems......
protected atomic  s-orbital -->
algebra subset letters  ---> soil

Chernozem BLACK soil battle in Blacksburg Virginia

creates school shooting

The Virginia Tech shooting was a spree shooting that occurred on 
IBM BASE 16 HEX --> April 16, 2007,

over the university attack on 
EARTH government property........ black farm soil

In 2001, Virginia Tech 
...Paul Dirac acquired .......
alternating cycle
/ Area of quiver vibrations .... Arequipa Peru quantum wave mechanics  language in Virginia ............
acquired codes 326 acres 
326 implies 32 ....6 ....16 ...26

of the Base 16,,,,, Heth Farm adjacent to campus,

He eth Farm ...oxygen atom LUNG

Farm VS
school Faculty rooms

school Faculty rooms

Heth Farm VS Faculty

Base 16 HEX'Fa' = 250

Farm VS
school Faculty rooms

school Faculty rooms --> tyrosine THOUGHT molecule education site

 comprising two attacks on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States

Chernozem BLACK soil battle in Blacksburg Virginia

Chernozem word equation
BLACK soil battle casualties

Chernozem  and plowed sin wave of
hills and valleys--> emily Hilscher
Emily J. Hilscher shared with another student,
and shot Hilscher, 
a 19-year-old from Woodville, Virginia

plowed sin wave of hills and valleys

Chernozem BLACK soil battle in Blacksburg Virginia
Teacher Norris Hall

His first attack after entering Norris Hall occurred in an advanced hydrology engineering class taught by teacher G. V. Loganathan in room 206. 

Jack Hammer 
Jack Hammer 
Jack Hammer 
(excessive real estate construction .....

Charles William Steger ...
Virginia TECH(O)

Violations of Nature's LIMIT LAWS
and black farm soil  

21st century human fetus/baby population increases --> attack Nature[edit]

The early decades of this century have seen expansion across the university's institutions in both physical and population sizes. In 2001, Virginia Tech acquired 326 acres of the Heth Farm adjacent to campus, increasing the College Farm to over 3,000 acres.[47] The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute was created with a strategic partnership with the Carilion Clinic and the governor of Virginia. These years also brought about the rapid development of the university's professional schools of graduate education and business programs.

. The Jerry Lee Lewis 1957 recording was ranked as the 96th greatest song ever by Rolling Stone 


The Windows TEN ....

trouble shooting -->Hindu Bose and

Bose speakers are engineered for
sound --> under-ground languages.

Filter by portable, smart, home, and more to find the speaker that fits your idiot life.
Order directly from 
and enjoy a
90-day risk-free criminal trial.

Ray Tensing (10).......his life as DuBose 
tried to drive away,
using his car as ...

 DuBose was shot thru the open WINDOW

  1. The novelty of our theorem is the existence of Hawking's Killing vector-field in a full neighborhood of the 2-sphere, without making any analyticity assumption. It is precisely this information, i.e. the existence of Kin the complement of the domain of
    dependence of N ∪ N,
  1. nuns found murdered inside  their 
  2. nuns found murdered insideatheir --> the death language of atoms & gravity THOUGHT fields .... continuum
  3. Mississippi home Thursday morning had deep ties to Milwaukee's Catholic community. Sister Margaret Held, 68, was born...

CoordinatesCincinnati, OhiO,
39.°N --> 39  thinK --> K Potassium
OhiO--> BOOK 1984 Words
Gerge Orwell

On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, OhiO,
 Samuel DuBose, was fatally shot by 

Marysville Pilchuck High School, shooting students were seated 
at that table

Spectral Analysis and Its Applications by
Gwilym M. Jenkins (Author code name),
Gw --> Ground waves
Gwilym .. wil --> geography state postal code  
--> wi & il --> Wisconsin and Illinois

Spectral Analysis and Its Applications of 

EARTH magnetic  center core........ 
Ferrous/iron atom and the 
magnetic interNET flow lines ........

THUS the
EARTH system & structure
NAME equation

Fermat Last sky ......Magnetic field flow lines
that can REACH down with the

J-sky hook arm (either gravity arm
or magnetic arm) 
to the 

EARTH surface people with B100D iron atoms
EARTH atomic iron/ferrous 
metal automobiles 

or connected to EARTH LAB communication specimens
Gwilym M. Jenkins
with Ym --> implies Yn

Richard Phillips Feynman ( / ˈfaɪnmən /; May 11, 1918 - February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist, known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as his work in particle physics for which he prop...

known for his work in the path integral formulation  of ALIVE and DEATH path programs

Richard Feynman\

Ferrous/iron-58 isotope

58-year-old Director of the
Division of Pathology 

58-year-old Director of the
Division of liFe Feynman Pathology 

age 58 path of liFe ...FemiLAB 
Ferrous errors

of the University of
Washington Medical calculus/math Center
Rodger C. Haggitt,
was shot dead by
42-year-old Taiwanese immigrant 
1942 Time agent...
Hawking is born
Hawking is book --> rn (Medical calculus RN)

and then-U.S. citizen Jian Chen (numerical Control),

Donald G. Watts (Author) 5.0 6 ratings See all formats and editions Hardcover $24.98 13 Used from $24.98

Discusses the fundamentals of time series analysis in social engineering, while providing a farm blackground/ crops
background on REAL existence and REALITY  in elementary statistics. ISBN-10 0816244642 ISBN-13 978-0816244645 Publisher

Taiwanese T = Times series ai

of the 
University of Washington Medical Center, Rodger C. Haggitt,

was shot dead by 42-year-old Taiwanese immigrant and then-U.S. citizen Jian Chen,
who had just completed his second year of forensic pathology residency training, and had been notified of his contract non-renewal (which Chen wrote would dishonor his family). Chen went on to commit suicide.
In 2001 the 
Rodger C. Haggitt Gastrointestinal Pathology Society was named in memory of Dr. Haggitt.

Rod /Gun/ destroy

Robert Boyle

Laws of Gases  intellectual trophy

Path of gas molecules in air

Rod /Gun/ destroy

Robert Boyle at Boylston Street bombing

Laws of BOMBS and Gases 

October 2, 2017 / 8:08 PM / CBS News. 

 VEGAS -- A gunman 
LAS VEGAS -- A gunman 
LAST   VEGAS --> A g --> Agent gunman 

in Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino opened fire Sunday evening on a concert that was
32 floors below. It was the deadliest mass shooting ...


FLOOR --> OO --> O2  -->32 

Floor 32
oxygen molecule atomic mass 32
.....gas ORDERS
to human action figure Stephen Paddock............

to create a gas information path using  gun  bullets .........that travel THRU the atmosphere gases creating a DEATH path ...
FROM FLOOR 32 --> to
 32 floors

On October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock, a 64-year-old man from Mesquite, Nevada, opened fire on the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada.

The Clark County Coroner's office
in Las Ve on Thursday released the official list of the 58 people who were killed in Sunday night's mass shooting in Las Vegas. Two of the last people to be confirmed dead...

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Book 1645-049 Tom M Apostol --> the set-up and murder of Travis Zoellick by the University of Wisconsin and Green Bay Packers FOOTBALL

    Book 1645-049 by Herb Zinser  Tom  M Ap ostol  --> Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company › Sci...