Book 1645-044 by Herb Zinser
Tom M Apostol -->
proper nouns, concepts system connections with
EVENTS per Stephen Hawking theory and book explanations.
Fe = Ferrous/iron atom .. Nature's atomic social science social detector using
JOHN LOCKE & Thomas Robert Malthus BLOOD iron software to detect
community PHILOSOPHY problems ....
.. and their primordial sub-conscious
GROUP MIND approves
Fe = Ferrous/iron atom ..
February 29, 2000 | Flint, Michigan |
At Buell Elementary School,
6-year-old boy fatally shot
6-year-old girl classmate Kayla Rolland.
--> atomic number 26 of atomic liFe
26 protons and 26 electrons
INTERNAL blood arteries iron and
EXTERNAL atomic iron metal for
automobile engines,
iron BEAM bridges and skyscrapers
Fe = Ferrous/iron atom ... existence and expression FORMATS
3rd EARL of Russell
(Bertand Russell intellectual
and philosophical
representative/translator for Russia)
..... Joules language Journey
to the
EARTH atomic iron center core
center core room
(also known as M&I Bank)
Milwaukee and Watertown ..
EARTH systems & the Nikola Tesla MODEL
the year 1850 + 47--> year 1897 bandages
Originally serialised in Pearson's Weekly in 1897, it was published as a novel the same year. The Invisible Man to whom the title refers is Griffin, a scientist who has devoted himself to research into optics and who invents a way to change a body's refractive index to that of air so that it neither absorbs nor reflects light. He carries out this procedure on himself and renders himself invisible, but fails in his attempt to reverse it.
Cemetery Plot summary
Paul Dirac
atomic coffin DATABASE language
as the BOOK of the DEAD software
bio-computers HOST PLATFORMS for
STATE of MIND word /label / name sites
Paris France
has been the site for parasites of Marine Corps earth
Griffin, a mysterious man sometimes referred to as 'the stranger', arrives at an inn owned by Mr. and Mrs. Hall of the English village of Iping, West Sussex, during a snowstorm. He wears a wide-brimmed hat, a long-sleeved, thick coat and gloves; his face is hidden entirely by bandages except for a prosthetic nose.
in other words
is the largest geography ranch in the United States. At some 825,000 acres (3,340 km2; 1,289 sq mi)[3] it is larger than the
geography state of Rhode Island and
geography country of Luxembourg.[4] It is mainly a cattle ranch, but also produced the Triple Crown winning racehorse Assault.
The ranch is located in South Texas between Corpus Christi and Brownsville adjacent to Kingsville.
The ranch is located in South Texas between Corpus Christi and Brownsville adjacent to Kingsville
..and 4-legged walking/running beef motion .....
perform experiments for NATURE.
walking/running beef motion .....
perform experiments for NATURE.
The slaughtered beef .... protein THOUGHT molecules (PROTEIN MACHINE)
....are input thoughts into males ...
VIA steaks, beef roast , and burgers
...... thus
4-legged walking/running beef cattle motion ..... that eat some alfalfa hay
thus 2-legged males file legal motions
for the
as explained by
Griffin, a mysterious man
geography country of Luxembourg.[4] It is mainly a cattle ranch, but also produced the Triple Crown winning racehorse Assault.
perform experiments for NATURE.
perform experiments for NATURE.
VIA steaks, beef roast , and burgers motion ..... that eat some alfalfa hay
The Waxahachie Super Collider
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) quickly became the center of attention for a small town in Texas,
called Waxahachie --> wave axioms of
Euler number e =2.718 ...answer --> e e
The Waxahachie Super Collider
The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) quickly became the center of attention for a small town in Texas,
called Waxahachie
It started as just an idea among scientists in the 1970s to improve
the study of particle physics
VIA television show MASH -->smash /kill destroy......
TV EM field instructions into the human
brain stem/ temple
SMash TV (Tall Vertical iron Towers)
Griffin, a mysterious man sometimes referred to as 'the stranger',
was an American business executive
the eighth United States
BEDROOM ,,,,secretary of defense,
serving from 1961 to 1968
under cotton underwear and
female cotton panty presidents
John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.
He remains the longest serving secretary of defense, having remained in office over seven years.
arrives at an inn owned
(Inner earth center code O)
by Mr. and Mrs. Hall of the English village of Iping (IP blog ping site), West Sussex, during a snowstorm.
The "IP" stands for "internet protocol," which is part of the Transmission Control Protocol/internet Protocol (TPC/IP). It's all called IP for short, and TCP/IP is the language used for...
He wears a wide-brimmed hat,
a long-sleeved,
thick coat
and gloves;
his face is hidden entirely by
bandages except for a prosthetic nose.
Fe = parallel fertilzer bombs for the
...parallel explosion .... the
BOOK thought MACHINE ....
DEMONSTATION for message processing and communications
--> Nigel Lockyer approves the
Batavia/ Chicago / Milwaukee attack on of Kyiv Ukraine east europe
Fetus mental goal / level
explains NOTHING
February 29, 2000 | Flint, Michigan |
At Buell Elementary School,
6-year-old boy fatally shot
6-year-old girl classmate Kayla Rolland.
--> atomic number 26 of atomic liFe
February 29
February 29, 2000 | Flint, AtoMic Michigan |
29 copper wire electricity
AND DATABASE word Roll/rotate
Killing of Kayla Rolland:
At Buell Elementary School,
electric motor ...
- May 11, 2022Electric motor components include commutator, brushes, stator, rotor, windings, terminals, bearings, shaft, casing, air gap, pulley drive, yoke, poles, and insulation. In combination, these components ensure that electricity is converted to mechanic energy through an efficient electromagnetic and electromechanical process.
- The stator is a static winding made of copper placed around the main axis. Its function is to generate a magnetic field around the rotor. Iron plates are wrapped in copper and connected to a current source. This is what causes the copper to become magnetized, and the more copper in the stator, the greater the magnetism.
... PARALLEL databases
information pointers to the
Wisconsin ..sin wave/ vibration/quiver continuum of EXISTENCE formats
....atomic quantum wave mechanics
Fe = Ferrous/iron metal of 26 proton and 26 electrons ..
data & control bus Business Highway 26 Watertown
Planet EARTH sphere systems ..
French frequency communications LINK
to the
the earth surface land
Watertown railroad repair yard for
the ears and gears of MOTHER EARTH
to surface location of an iron core real reality
to surface location of an iron core real reality
Crimina locoMotives - such as
at Watertown year 1910 1920
book-keeping systems
bee-keeping supplies ...oe --> order entry
copper atomic mass 63 and two(2) wires ... year 1863
earth electron (ee) tools --> beeware.
May 26, 2000 | Lake Worth, Florida |
He fatally shot teacher Barry Grunow, who was popular at the school.[
air waves EM attack on the
Comair air plane .... pilot brain waves
May 26, 2000 | Lake Worth, Florida |
Mary Worth is an American newspaper comic strip that has had an eight-decade run from 1938. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, this soap opera-style strip influenced several that followed. It was created by writer Allen Saunders and artist Dale Connor, initially appeared under the pseudonym "Dale Allen". Ken Ernst succeeded Connor as artist in 1942.
Mary Worth is an
American newspaper
... HORIZONTAL comic strip ...
representing the
atomic iron metal strip/ skyscraper
13-year-old honor student Nathaniel Brazill was sent home for throwing water balloons, but returned to his Lake Worth Middle School with a family pistol.
He fatally shot teacher Barry Grunow, who was popular at the school.[
explains Base array & ground and underground
language information pointers .....
system feedback to --->
1840 (Nathaniel Hawthorne ) to
He fatally shot teacher Barry Grunow, who was popular at the school
Middle years
Middle years
Middle years
In April 1846, Hawthorne was officially appointed the Surveyor for the District of Salem and Beverly and Inspector of the Revenue for the Port of Salem at an annual salary of $1,200.[46] He had difficulty writing during this period, as he admitted to Longfellow:
and his Middle years
This employment, like his earlier appointment to the custom house in Boston, was vulnerable to the politics of the spoils system.
Middle years
Middle years
Middle years
Jul 11, 2023Donald Duck, an ill-tempered, squawking cartoon duck who was Walt Disney's second most famous cartoon character after Mickey Mouse and who enjoyed worldwide popularity as the star of animated films, newspaper comic strips, comic books, and television.
Donald Fauntleroy Duck has become CARL JUNG
.... collective unconscious/sub-conscious ,,GROUP MIND..comprised of over
50 million people/ cartoon audience ....
over 50 years
elected that Donald Duck be transformed into REAL REALITY ,,, a human action figure-->
reality TV star Donald Trump (1946- )
served as America's 45th president
for the
EARTH math government
RamanuJan January 2017-January 2021.
molecular nano-second processor speed
--> messenger Earth
Killed part of Isaac Newton gravity number 6.67
Fayetteville attack on
the Isaac Newton
equation components
equation components
killed 67-year-old killed 67-year-old killed 67-year-old ...killed in 1967 .....
the EARTH vertical gravity field ...sin wave alignment with
Singer Building in Lower Manhattan

the EARTH vertical gravity field ...
Singer Building in Lower Manhattan
Singer Building (also known as the Singer Tower)[a] was an office building and early skyscraper in Manhattan, New York City. The headquarters of the Singer Manufacturing Company, was at the northwestern corner of Liberty Street and Broadway in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan. Frederick Gilbert Bourne, leader of the Singer Company, commissioned the building, which architect Ernest Flagg designed in multiple phases from 1897 to 1908. The building's architecture contained elements of the Beaux-Arts and French Second Empire styles.
The building was composed of four distinct sections. The original 10-story Singer Building at 149 Broadway was erected between 1897 and 1898, and the adjoining 14-story Bourne Building on Liberty Street was built from 1898 to 1899. In the first decade of the 20th century, the two buildings were expanded to form the 14-story base of the Singer Tower, which rose another 27 stories. The facade was made of brick, stone, and terracotta. A dome with a lantern capped the tower. The foundation of the tower was excavated using caissons; the building's base rested on shallower foundations. The Singer Building used a steel skeleton, though load-bearing walls initially supported the original structure before modification. When completed, the 41-story building had a marble-clad entrance lobby, 16 elevators, 410,000 square feet (38,000 m2) of office space, and an observation deck.
EARTH(E) gravity(GY) field Pointer(PT) war over the Singer Building ......
Singer building WAR played out at the
Sinai Peninsula
Six-Day War, also called June War or Third Arab-Israeli War or Naksah, brief war that took place June 5-10, 1967, and was the third of the Arab-Israeli wars.
bloody New York City real estate conflict about the
the communications....
EARTH wave mechanics.....
protected RD SITE at the
Singer building .....played out in the
fought in June ...
the 6th month 1967
...revenge of the EARTH daily revolution
on its axis every 24 hours
...revenge of even integers
Demolition had commenced by
September 11 2001
How to Thread a Vintage Singer......
Nature's old technology .......
Sewing Machine 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s
Sewing Machine .......
system revenge,,,,,,
and the eye of sewing machine NEEDLE
Eye for an eye
Eye for an eye
Eye for an eye
"An eye for an eye" (Biblical Hebrew: עַיִן תַּחַת עַיִן, ʿayīn taḥaṯ ʿayīn)[a] is a commandment found in the Book of Exodus 21:23–27 expressing the principle of reciprocal justice measure for measure. The earliest known use of the principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi, which predates the Hebrew Bible.[1]
The law of exact retaliation (Latin: lex talionis)[2] bears the same principle that a person who has injured another person is to be penalized to a similar degree by the injured party. In softer interpretations, it means the victim receives the [estimated] value of the injury in compensation.[3] The intent behind the principle was to restrict compensation to the value of the loss.[2]
the Book of Exodus 21:23–27 expressing the principle of reciprocal justice measure for measure. The earliest known use of the principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi,
The law of exact retaliation
The law of exact retaliation
The law of exact retaliation
Singer Ballpoint Gold Tip Sewing Needle
Parallel ...... needles
Parallel ...... The law of exact retaliation
Here are the steps to guide you on how to thread the eye of the needle older singer sewing machine: #1. On to the spool pin, place the spool.
on how to thread the eye of the needle
Here are the steps to guide you
on how to thread
the eye (the glass windows of
the upper floors)
of the
(iron towers as a vertical needle)
using jet airplanes as THREAD
principle of reciprocal justice
JET pilot sees
the eye(window) of a Needle(metal tower)
the Book of Exodus 21:23–27 expressing the principle of reciprocal justice measure for measure. The earliest known use of the principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi,
The law of exact retaliation
The law of exact retaliation
The law of exact retaliation
principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi,
principle appears
principle appears
principle appears in the Code of Hammurabi,
principle appears in the Copehagen
principle appears in the Denmark region
principle appears
principle appears
principle appears
principle quantum number appears
principle appears
principle appears
principle quantum number appears
The Federal and university quantum science schemes & cover-up
approved by FermiLAB
Spanish Language island of
Tensor space errors ...knife
The principal quantum number is the number that designates the shell in which most of an atom's electrons reside. An atom with a lower principal quantum number will have a smaller electron cloud .
that designates .... word commands
that designates
that design ates /eat/consume airplane
...... fuselage, central portion of the body of an airplane an atomic SHELL,
The collision occurred when KLM Flight 4805 initiated its takeoff run while Pan Am Flight 1736 was still on the runway.
Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten
Captain En.... code name
Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten
Captain Z .... code name
Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten
Captain Zan .... code name
Jacob Veldhuyzen van Zanten
Jacob Louis Veldhuyzen van Zanten (5 February 1927 – 27 March 1977) was a Dutch aircraft captain and flight instructor. He was captain of the KLM Flight 4805 and died in the Tenerife airport disaster,
the deadliest accident in aviation history.
the deadliest
Florida State University
Tallahassee VS Tenerife
Paul Dirac accident in
FermiLAB thoughts & words
Batavia aviation history of
Bat/ hit/ attack/club
policy of ill/sick idea people
--> illinois earth.
He was KLM's chief instructor and commonly appeared on advertisements for
FermiLAB atomic human BREEDER REACTORS using BEDROOMs to create atomic bio-physics pregnant women...
processing region N ...
Law of existence of base 2 = Two
He was KLM's chief instructor
and commonly appeared on
Mr. Cock and the Cockpit instructions
Mr. penis sperm/semen promotions
for male cotton denim BLUE jeans with a zipper/ fly
fly --> the male penis HEAD
... flies out like a airplane nose cone
for HOT WOMEN in their
monthly heat cycle ... of their Fourier sin/cosine social & sex engineering wave needs
The impact and resulting fire killed everyone on board KLM 4805 and most of the occupants of Pan Am 1736, with only 61 survivors in the front section of the aircraft.[2][3]
With 583 fatalities, the disaster is the deadliest accident in aviation history of human vocal music voices .......
and secret pussy system problems
United States Department of Transportation
and other atomic quantum theorist males
atomic HUMAN female cat ....vagina clitorists
.because in NATURE
,,theory desires applications
FermiLAB ... female site
..have biased thoughts --> salvia fetus tyrosine --> oscillations and sine wave
Holl 2 (parallel animals)-->
HinDu teacher --> Dutch investigators CHIN/eat/ate ...
in BIO-RADIO AND radio communications
between the KLM crew and ATC,[5] but ultimately KLM admitted
The impact and resulting fire killed everyone on board KLM 4805 and most of the occupants of Pan Am 1736, with only 61 survivors in the front section of the aircraft.[2][3]
With 583 fatalities, the disaster is the deadliest accident in aviation history of human vocal music voices .......
old English protein professor overseeing his coursework.

planet center core
and the inner earth languages that surface and locate an interface agent .[3][4]
A radical in his poetry as well as in his political and social views, Shelley did not achieve fame during his lifetime, but recognition of his achievements in poetry grew steadily following his death, and he became an important influence on subsequent generations of poets, including
Robert Browning,
Algernon Charles Swinburne,
Thomas Hardy,
W. B. Yeats -->
Wavelength Bandwidth Y electron antenna.
Kelly had been dismissed from this
parallel code LINKS ......PhD program
due to a lack of the
2-legged human male PROTEIN thought & language MACHINE
4-legged Holstein milk dairy cow
protein ,,,real estate property law
Nature's molecular systems .....
real estate property law
Lactic Acid Formula: Structure, Properties, Uses

Lactic Acid Formula:
We frequently (wave frequency LIFE forms)
make curd from milk in our daily lives.
Milk, as we all know, contains “Lactose.” The curd is formed when lactose is converted to lactic acid by bacteria. Curd becomes sour due to the presence of only lactic acid, as acids are sour. Lactic acid is an organic acid with having the chemical formula It is commonly known as milk acid. The functional group present in this compound is carboxylic acid. The chemical name of lactic acid is -Hydroxypropanoic acid or -Hydroxypropanoic acid.
Lactic acid was first noticed and described in sour milk by a Swedish German pharmaceutical chemist, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in
Lactic acid was NEXT noticed and
described by the
EARTH underground atomic limestone
BEDROCK message system .......
in the geography state of
Missouri interface for sour milk by a
NATURE software computer program
Swedish German pharmaceutical chemist,
Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in 1780 -->
elementary school process
Lactic acid is produced in the biological system during fermentation from by an enzyme – lactate dehydrogenase. It is used in making dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, food preservatives, and chemicals. Thus, we can say that lactic acid is a very important chemical compound for many biological systems. Let’s learn everything about the lactic acid chemical formula and its properties in detail on this page.
Lactic Acid real estate Formula:
Oconomowoc Wisconsin
land and water NAME Properties, Uses .. Lac La Belle
Lactic Acid Formula:
Fond Du Lac
land and water NAME Properties, Uses ..
Found Hindu lactic acid language
inner EARTH atomic geology interNET &
the inner EARTH database
within the geography region of Wisconsin
2-legged human male PROTEIN thought & language MACHINE
4-legged Holstein milk dairy cow
code analysis RD geography region
...real estate TRACT by
serious math /algebra class exists for
4-legged Holstein milk dairy cow
bio-computers doing abstract equations for
progress of green and IBM address space
toward his
Western culture
DATABASE battles..
their lingerie, nity, and
molecular cotton panties
GET ROUTED/need to be associated with
male fraternity House Hole users)
Energy of activation ,,,the enzyme THOUGHTS and ANGER creates the BOMB EVENT
using human action figures and a Pan AM airplane to create a graph
corporation , and government LEGAL
..nonsense language substrate ERRORS
When the Germanwings Airbus disappeared, Europe was united in grief. Then, as the troubling facts...
outside the
Alfred P. Murrah
work on the foundations of mathematics written by mathematician-philosophers
Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913
bull-shit policy
had been dismissed from this PhD program due to a lack of progress toward his degree. Kelly shot Locke three times before committing suicide in the director's office, which had been isolated by campus police.
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