Book 1645-049 by Herb Zinser
Tom M Apostol -->
Black Holes & Time Warps |
W. W. Norton & Company › Science › Astronomy
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ...
Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ...
Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
in other words...practical words
Black Holes & Time Warps
Black ink words ...information HOLES ..incomplete explanations
of tragic signaling events....
of tragic signaling events....
in biased/corrupt newspapers, magazines. TV news, and legal systems ...that lack intellectual standards of accuracy & integrity
South Carolina (SC) -->
Sistine Chapel(SC) code Year 1512
Sub-Conscious MIND code Year 1912
TIME agent
Senator Strom Thurmond
Thursday ....... Monday
Senator Walter Mondale
Senator Walter Mondale
Wave mechanics alterations
on Monday
Arizona nano-second processor speed .... female senator
Ky = 0 equation of a simple harmonic oscillator with a time component
of 1 of more years ,, up to ten(10) years ..... thus the oscillator within
Tensor space/time entities .
array, matrix, and linear algebra
software structure .....
that explain hardware existence
office buildings,
apartment buildings, etc
array, matrix, and linear algebra
software structure .....
that explain hardware existence
office buildings,
apartment buildings, etc
..sine wave map
Ky = 0 equation of a simple harmonic oscillator
Arizona nasty map of harm oscillator
approved cover-up PLOT/ scheme .....
of the set-up to kill Gabby Giffords
of the set-up to kill Gabby Giffords
at a grocery store
Representative (Universe System Representative for EARTH LAB ....
Gravity Base (GB) assigned to
Great Britain (GB) assigned to
Frank and Isobel Eileen Hawking
Frank Lloyd Wright (right triangle)
and Isosceles triangle math life....
math & language celebrity for
calculus STEP functions
--> Stephen Paddock Hawking
VS Hollywood phoney celebrity ....
Isoceles representation scams and
intellectual fraud
On January 8, 2011, U.S.S.R
(Universe Solar System Region)
(Universe Solar System Region)
RUSSIA --> SSI -->
Solar System Interface agents
for the
SUN-EARTH gravity THOUGHT field.....
Solar System Interface agents
for the
SUN-EARTH gravity THOUGHT field.....
upgrade the system MODEL....
an upgraded MODEL (version)
alignment of concepts and TIME...
an upgraded MODEL (version)
alignment of concepts and TIME...
financial transactions of the
Alaska Purchase YEAR 1867
financial transactions of the
Alaska Purchase YEAR 1867
year 1200
1215 (Magna Carter Britain)
1250 (Thomas Aquinas Italy)
1215 (Magna Carter Britain)
1250 (Thomas Aquinas Italy)
Year 1200 base
..........667 Sun gravity with EARTH -->
........1867 Alaska Purchase/ Bering Sea from the
R = Radius of inner EARTH agents
........1867 Alaska Purchase/ Bering Sea from the
R = Radius of inner EARTH agents
R = Russia
North East Europe and North Asia
North East Europe and North Asia
...EARTH gravity Government .....
agent G -->
Representative G = Gabby Giffords and 18 others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona, in the Tucson metropolitan area.
Representative G = Gabby Giffords and 18 others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona, in the Tucson metropolitan area.
Math Series ix --> Six -->
Six people were killed
Math Series ix --> Six -->
Six(6) people were killed in the
EARTH gravity field MOTHER ROAD battles,
EARTH gravity field MOTHER ROAD battles,
Gabby Giffords and
18 others (18 vertical columns of
the 18 atomic THOUGHT & WORK families meeting)
18 others (18 vertical columns of
the 18 atomic THOUGHT & WORK families meeting)
were shot during a constituent meeting held in at a
super-symmetry RD location
super-symmetry RD location
Super market parking lot (PLOT)
in Casas Adobes(BES constituent meeting of at9omic human particles ),
in Casas Adobes
in Casas Adobes
DO Statement with an UNTIL Clause. DO Statement with a WHILE Clause. DURATION Function. ECHELON Function. EIGEN Call. EIGVAL Function. EIGVEC Function. ELEMENT Function. EMD Call.
in other words
DO Statement with an UNTIL Clause.
Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 - August 28, 1955) was an African American boy who was abducted, tortured, and lynched in Mississippi in 1955 at the age of 14, after being accused of offending a white woman, Carolyn Bryant, in her family's grocery store.
DO Statement (ate/eat) with an UNTIL Clause
DO Statement (ate/eat) with an UNTIL Clause
DO ... task order/DO ......
DEATH SENTENCE orders of Federal & State government......
DEATH SENTENCE orders of Federal & State government......
Statement (ate--> verb tense flow--> eat) Emmet Till with an UNTIL death Clause
DO Statement with a WHILE Clause. DURATION Function.
ECHELON Function in Texas Computer science problems .......
set-up and murder of Joe Stack
The 2010 earth surface ...
Tensor space/time ....
...algorithm activity space with humans
Tensor space/time ....
...algorithm activity space with humans
the Austin SAS ECHELON Function
attack occurred on
attack occurred on
Fe = Federal algorithms of gore/nasty
Fe = FermiLAB approved
Fe = Ferrous/iron-54 atom isotope
Fe = Ferrous/iron-54 atom isotope
of year 2010 --> Herman Weyl Tensor space/time from year 1922
February word equation -->
Fe + br + ru + ary -->
Fe + br + ru + ary -->
Ferrous/iron I-beams metal ...
metal bridge & buildings ...
true language of 26 proton alphabet
array/matrix building structure
space/time from year 1922
INTERNAL Blood arteries software
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle
messenger RNA FOR Readers
National Human Genome Research Institute
Halas McCaskey
Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe
+Daniel Defoe
Daniel Defoe --> enemy
Dani --> Northern illinos earth land
DeFoe--> DeKalb -->
foe --->
family order entry
foe --->Fetus toe volume
Daniel code Defoe | English Novelist & Journalist | Britannica
Leonhard Euler - Wikipedia
How To Listen To The
Russ Parr Morning Show - Black America Web
The UGLY American (UGA software )-
2 days ago… A stop codon is a sequence of three nucleotides (a trinucleotide) in DNA or messenger RNA (mRNA) that signals a halt to pr+otein synthesis in the cell. There are 64 different trinucleotide codons: 61 specify amino acids and 3 are stop codons
UAG and
UGAthat signals a halt to protein synthesis in the cell.
2 days ago… A stop codon is a sequence of three nucleotides (a trinucleotide) in DNA or messenger RNA (mRNA) that signals a halt to pr+otein synthesis in the cell. There are 64 different trinucleotide codons: 61 specify amino acids and 3 are stop codons
UAG and
UAG and
that signals a halt to protein synthesis in the cell.
U = University Bio-chemistry creates
U+ = Uganda–Tanzania War
In 1971 Colonel --> 1 atomic column
In 197H Colonel--> Hydrogen Column
In 1971 Colonel --> 1 atomic column
In 197H Co--> Hydrogen Continuum
In +197H C --> Hydrogen-Carbon
organic chemistry continuum...
molecular social chemistry
Sartre existence theory of EARTH
and Nature's
Atomic Mass(AM)
Atomic Mass(AM)
atomic military(AM) alliance of
vector space, and
Super-Symmetry (SUSY
American families,
newspapers & TV,
the legal system BIAS leg nonsense song & dance,
American fetus puppet MALE scientists
American fetus puppet MALE scientists
some 300,000 people were killed and countless others tortured during his presidency Narration 00:00 … Stop codon.UGA
U = Harvard Uganda University skulls
some 300,000 people were killed and countless others tortured during his presidency
Narration 00:00 … Stop codon.
Cambridge /Boston classroom
and idiot education fetus/ baby schemes
Skulls left to memorialize the civil war that brought Museveni to power. Luwero Triangle, Uganda.
Thus the above is the inverse
of a high senior algebra class
1) white sheet of cellulose paper2) black pencil
math symbols 0 --> zero
as explained by the Batavia inverse region by Chicago
of a high senior algebra class
math symbols 0 --> zero
Piermaria Marinated meat OddOne
Imported from
North America inverse NAME
SOUTH America
Imported from
North America inverse NAME
SOUTH America
What we know about the
Las Vegas gunman
software data sets...
human bio-computer interceptor
-->Protein docking software .. male programming victim ...
system STEP function --> NEXT STEP
of hens & chicken brains
The HDOCK server (
The HDOCK server
The H DOCK server
The H DOCK server
What is the Hierarchy Problem?
An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast discrepancy
An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast discrepancy
The V -> Vagina View Battles
--> Vietnam war with
American soldiers in Saigon gonads
--> Vietnam war with
American soldiers in Saigon gonads
between aspects of the weak nuclear force and gravity. There are several different ways to describe this hierarchy, each emphasizing a different feature of it. Here is one:
The HDOCK server
The HDOCK server
The HDOCK server
The High DOCK server...
high...atomic concrete/ iron/ glass.......
atomic living Hotel SERVER building
high...atomic concrete/ iron/ glass.......
atomic living Hotel SERVER building
At the south end of the Las Vegas Strip sits the Max Planck --> checkpoint EVENT
..atomic time Project Plan 43-story Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino,
..atomic time Project Plan 43-story Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino,
is a highly integrated suite of homology search,
template-based modeling,
structure prediction,
macromolecular docking,
biological information...
template-based modeling,
structure prediction,
macromolecular docking,
biological information...
We have developed several protein docking algorithms.
These include: ZDOCK: Performs a full rigid-body search of docking orientations between two proteins.
The current version, 3.0.2, includes performance optimization and a novel pairwise statistical energy potential.
M-ZDOCK: A modification of ZDOCK to predict symmetric assemblies using the
These include: ZDOCK: Performs a full rigid-body search of docking orientations between two proteins.
The current version, 3.0.2, includes performance optimization and a novel pairwise statistical energy potential.
M-ZDOCK: A modification of ZDOCK to predict symmetric assemblies using the
ZDOCK: Protein Docking on Zoellick
ZDOCK: Protein Docking
Murder Zoellick protein docking
Murder Zoellick protein docking
Murder of a parallel system interceptor agent ........Travis Zoellick, 20, of Watertown Wisconsin
We have developed several protein docking algorithms for blood & gore....
thus university/educational system & government approved...Language COMMAND CODES
thus university/educational system & government approved...Language COMMAND CODES
algorithm software program implants into male human bio-computer BODY/ BRAIN
with ZDOCK: Protein SYMBOL docking at (NAMEs with Z)
Thus the algorithm selection of
Z = Zoellick
the university/government approved by
Z = Zoellick
the university/government approved by
social engineering algorithms vice-president AL GORE/Blood & Guts ......
algorithm instructions into Travis Zoellick to use a knife to stab Haroon Khan to create
algorithm instructions into Travis Zoellick to use a knife to stab Haroon Khan to create
GORE/Blood & Guts ..
Travis Zoellick met Khan on Oct. 1. on the pretense of buying his car, but intended from the start to kill him and steal it.
He enlisted the help of UGLY University
amino acid software ,,
that selected the parallel NAME,,,,,
bio-chemistry scheme --->
victim Tammi LaFave,
He enlisted the help of UGLY University
amino acid software ,,
that selected the parallel NAME,,,,,
bio-chemistry scheme --->
victim Tammi LaFave,
the girlfriend he'd been seeing
for two(2) weeks---> implies
20 primary amino acids
with nasty government approved software attachments ..
that attach to age 20 Travis Zoellcik
that attach to age 20 Travis Zoellcik
who allegedly helped him kidnap and bind Khan. Then, according to the criminal complaint, he stabbed Khan to death.
An autopsy was being performed this morning on Haroon Khan .....a University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee student whose body was found in a shallow grave in the town of Emmet Saturday afternoon and the Dodge County...
Wisconsin-Milwaukee student whose body was found in a shallow grave in the town of Emmet Saturday afternoon and the Dodge County...
According to the
beef PROTEIN MACHINE criminal complaint
beef PROTEIN MACHINE criminal complaint
on super-symmetry and parallel
......cover-up and manipulation languages,
......cover-up and manipulation languages,
Brett Lorenzo Favre of the
Green Bay Packers football
TeaM --> TM --> switch letters MT -->
Green Bay Packers football
TeaM --> TM --> switch letters MT -->
MeaT -->
Packers football TeaM ...becomes MEAT
Meat packing slaughter house software
with knives, blood. butchwering and cutting PROTEINS
Route and TRANSFER
Brett Lorenzo Favre ,,,,,,
Meat packing slaughter house software
to Tammi LaFave
Therefore the slaughter of Haroon Khan
with Harvard University intellectual & communications failure
LaFave and her boyfriend, Travis Zoellick, 20, of Watertown, met Khan on the east side of Milwaukee. During a test drive, Zoellick
an atomic electron METAL gun on
Khan, drove him..
an atomic electron METAL gun on
Khan, drove him..
FermiLAB murder command systems
earth electrons from DuPage County
accelerator rings....
IBM OS/JCL language..........
SYMBOLIC wedding rings
for Pier Oddone
of accelerator rings
(automobile gasoline accelerator pedal with internal combustion engine cylinders & rings).., Zoellick
(automobile gasoline accelerator pedal with internal combustion engine cylinders & rings).., Zoellick
Destroy Ring circus ..
rigged elementary physics TRIAL ...
rigged elementary physics TRIAL ...
code name...
2-legged human pregnant women ,,,,,,,,,
plus 2-leg fetus FET Circuit bio-radio .........
bio-electron insect people brain antenna
plus 2-leg fetus FET Circuit bio-radio .........
bio-electron insect people brain antenna
LEG attack on 4-legged elephants
using the rigged LEG....Legal systems
At the event, to be held at
IBM base 16 HEX space /curse ........
IBM base 16 HEX space /curse ........
extension 9:15 a.m (access method)
in Fermilab's .... abstract thought VOIDS.....
regarding the COMPUTER EARTH.........
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
abstract thought calculation & analysis molecules
abstract thought calculation & analysis molecules
regarding the
SUN electron volts and
atomic EARTH language
BOTANY primitive vegetable MIND of
atoMic Michael Faraday Farmland
with English language vowels......
with English language vowels......
Far converted to F + vowel
Fer = FermiLAB ............theory of
6,800 acres celery parallel farmland accelerator control room,
Fer = FermiLAB ............theory of
6,800 acres celery parallel farmland accelerator control room,
Oct 29, 2021
Do you want to grow an
acre of celery in Wisconsin sin wave mechanics region with alternating cycles,
Do you want to grow an
acre of celery in Wisconsin sin wave mechanics region with alternating cycles,
Here's why: Celery and extensions Hollywood
are not able to survive frost or cold weather
50 university undergraduate degrees
50 university undergraduate degrees
in Celery 140 day growing season
under 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
So if you plant them outside of the
3RD earl of Russell rules at FERMILAB
too early in the spring they will die.
3RD earl of Russell rules at FERMILAB
too early in the spring they will die.
FermiLAB minora LABIA RD site for
atomic male Chicago gonads
atomic male Chicago gonads
The labia minora at Batavia /Chicago (Latin for 'smaller lips', sg: labium minus),
also known as the
inner labia,
inner lips,
vaginal lips or nymphae[1]
are two flaps of skin that are part of the human vulva, extending outwards from the vaginal and urethral openings to encompass the vestibule.
also known as the
inner labia,
inner lips,
vaginal lips or nymphae[1]
are two flaps of skin that are part of the human vulva, extending outwards from the vaginal and urethral openings to encompass the vestibule.
On the evening of 8 December 1980, English musician John Lennon, formerly of the Beatles, was shot and fatally wounded in the archway/vestibule area of the Dakota, his residence in New York City.Treehouse
A vestibule, sometimes referred to as a mudroom, is one of the first interiors appearing to the male penis HEAD upon entering a female BIOLOGY house, and sometimes an apartment.
also known as the
inner labia (and inner EARTH codes)
vaginal lips or nymphae[1]
are two flaps of skin that are part of
are two flaps of skin that are part of
in other WORDS
New York City (NYC)
miles per hour (mph)
vaginal lips or nymphae--> aerodynamics
are two flaps of skin that are part of
are two flaps of skin that are part of
Aug 3, 2021
Two Euclidean plane geometry MILITARY planes
Two Euclidean plane geometry MILITARY planes
EUCLID'S definition of two horizontal parallel straight lines seems to be the for the absolute ideal of a plane and of a straight line and
Euclidean plane .....
using airplane MILITARY--> atatck ARRATYyTY
Euclidean plane .....
using airplane MILITARY--> atatck ARRATYyTY
struck the
two vertical parallel straight lines
at the
Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York
Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York
and years later....
struck the
Twin Cities of the Mesabi iron ore metal BEAMS........
World Trade Center at the
I-35 W Bridge....Communications bridge
World Trade Center at the
I-35 W Bridge....Communications bridge
Twin code names/ name bridges/SYMBOL MAP
I-35 W
Mayor Richard Daley SR (System Region)
Bridgeport/Chicago I/O port
to I-35 W Bridge
--> West 35th Street Bridgeport
--> West 35th Street Bridgeport
to perpendicular street / 90 degrees geometry angle/ highway
I = Interstate I-90 (Dan Ryan) Chicago
...thus the SYMBOL MACHINE &
molecular software .......
molecular software .......
EARTH living language...
the 24th parallel perpendicular dimension
Dan Ryan alphabet letter permutations
DNA 3-->5 direction at 35th Street
I-90 perpendicular to DAN Ryan
I-90 perpendicular to DAN Ryan
DNA 5-->3 direction at 53rd street
53rd Street TIF.
Designation: 2001
Expiration: 2025.
Encompassing similar portions of the Hyde Park and Kenwood communities, the 53rd Street TIF district was created to re-establish a cohesive and vibrant mixed-use district that provides a HUMAN comprehensive range
of male Chicago gonads ..............
.sex pleasure goods
Bedroom services to the surrounding residential community.
Designation: 2001
Expiration: 2025.
Encompassing similar portions of the Hyde Park and Kenwood communities, the 53rd Street TIF district was created to re-establish a cohesive and vibrant mixed-use district that provides a HUMAN comprehensive range
of male Chicago gonads ..............
.sex pleasure goods
Bedroom services to the surrounding residential community.
53rd Street TIF (Time Life) --> 63rd Street.
Designation: 1953
Expiration: 1955 DEATH
Designation: 1953
Expiration: 1955 DEATH
August 20, 1955:
Mamie Till rushes her son Emmett to the 63rd Street station in Chicago to catch the southbound Illinois Central train to Money, Mississippi.
Mamie Till rushes her son Emmett to the 63rd Street station in Chicago to catch the southbound Illinois Central train to Money, Mississippi.
Encompassing similar portions of the
Hyde Park and Kenwood community software scams and lies
Encompassing similar portions of the
Hyde Park and Kenwood communities, the 53rd Street TIF district ( 10 -->Tensor space/time) ...... was created
to re-establish ... the 1963
to re-stab/ kill /knife murders and shootings
Hyde Park and Kenwood community software scams and lies
Encompassing similar portions of the
Hyde Park and Kenwood communities, the 53rd Street TIF district ( 10 -->Tensor space/time) ...... was created
to re-establish ... the 1963
to re-stab/ kill /knife murders and shootings
53rd Street TIF (Time Life) -->
63rd Street geography address space.
Designation: 1953
Expiration: 1955 DEATH of Emmet Till
63rd Street geography address space.
Designation: 1953
Expiration: 1955 DEATH of Emmet Till
63rd Street convert to a
TIME address space year 1963
TIME address space year 1963
Designation: 1953 of the NATION of assassination ........
the sin wave killings approved by the
Office of Science(OS) of Oscillation
wave LIFE forms and their
Waves vecror spaceand thes
Office of Science(OS) of Oscillation
wave LIFE forms and their
Waves vecror spaceand thes
uses the
FermiLAB ........existence FORMATS and expression PLATFORMs
THUS ...atomic gemstone LIFE forms and their communication systems....
THEIR separate existential dimension
thus .......the living oscillation EM light .....
EM LIFE form within a
Sapphire gem----> employees in HUMANOID format are hired
THEIR separate existential dimension
thus .......the living oscillation EM light .....
EM LIFE form within a
Sapphire gem----> employees in HUMANOID format are hired
the oscillations of the Sapphire gem----> employees in HUMANOID format
are hired Lee Harvey(e) Oswald
are hired Lee Harvey(e) Oswald
Red corundum stones also occur,
but are called rubies(Jack Ruby) rather than sapphires (Oswald).
but are called rubies(Jack Ruby) rather than sapphires (Oswald).
Pink-colored corundum in female human format may be classified either as ruby
sapphire (Jacqueline Kennedy) depending on
the city of Dallas pink pussy locale
Chicago Jekyll and Hyde ...
Hide out in Hyde Park
Hide out in Hyde Park
Designation: 1953 of the NATION of assassination ........
Kenwood --> kill Kennedy one(1)
Expiration: 1963 DEATH of President Kennedy
Expiration: 1963 DEATH of President Kennedy
Ken wood
Ken two OD--> Kennedy two(2)
Expiration: 1968 DEATH of Robert Kennedy
Ken wood
Ken two OD--> Kennedy two(2)
Expiration: 1968 DEATH of Robert Kennedy
NYC Sept 11
The first hit the North Tower at 08:46 Eastern Time (12:46 GMT). The second crashed into the South Tower at 09:03....
two flaps of skin
two flaps
two flaps
two flaps
two airplane with wing
flaps of aluminum sheet metal skin
vaginal lips or nymphae[1]
are two flaps of skin that are part of
are two flaps of skin that are part of
the human vulva, extending outwards from the vaginal and urethral openings to encompass the vestibule.
The Dakota Apartments openings ..building vestible/foyer
The labia minora are situated between the labia majora and together form the labia.
Salvador Dali 1929
Female pussy hole --> O -->
Main intellectual asshole O --> officials
Main intellectual asshole O --> officials
The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus (also known as the Ringling Bros. Circus, Ringling Bros., the Barnum & Bailey Circus, Barnum & Bailey, or simply FermiLAB Ringling heritage
is an(atomic number Z)
atomic mass (am) American (IBM base 16 alpha numeric)
traveling circus company billed as
Elephant walking LEGS........
weight pattern cycle
UP / down/ ........
up leg zero weight/
down leg weight on
atomic land/ soil generates a sin pressure wave into the ground
Rock hyraxes and elephants still have completely intact copies of the genes but no descended testicles,
is an(atomic number Z)
atomic mass (am) American (IBM base 16 alpha numeric)
traveling circus company billed as
Their testes remain in their initial abdominal position, near the kidneys.
The plaintiffs, four animal rights organizations and one former elephant handler for Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, brought a
human male citizen suit on the
DESCENT of MAN testicle.
.imply the
human male citizen suit on the
DESCENT of MAN testicle.
.imply the
DESCENT of MAN testicle ...penis HEAD .intellectual exam test superiorty
elephants still have completely intact copies of the genes but no descended testicles,
elephants still have completely intact copies of the genes
but no descended testicles,
but no descended testicles,
weight pattern cycle
UP / down/ ........
up leg zero weight/
down leg weight on
atomic land/ soil generates a sin pressure wave into the ground
sin wave no de EARTH LAB test
in signal processing.........
elephant wave mechanics escape -->
human bio-sensor.....
human bio-sensor.....
male testicle DATABASE.........
DATABASE escape interceptor
esc--> E Schrodinger
sin wave no descended testicles,
In his personal life, he lived with in an IBM base 2 world ,,,the world of (t)women
his wife (sex quantity wave mechanics)
his wife (sex quantity wave mechanics)
his IBM mistress (bio-computer
sex quantity wave mechanics)
his IBM mistress (bio-computer
sex quantity wave mechanics)
The 1933 discovery of atomic pussy
against Feld Entertainment, Inc. (FEI), owner of Ringling Brothers,
In 1966, in Sheppard v. Maxwell, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that the "carnival atmosphere" surrounding Sheppard's first trial had made due process impossible
alleging that the legal Circus' use of
bullhooks --> sandy hook shooting cover-up
alleging that the legal Circus' use of
bullhooks --> sandy hook shooting cover-up
and leg tethers
and leg tethers
. Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on
processing region N -->
P reg n----> pregnancy cybernetics,
processing region N -->
P reg n----> pregnancy cybernetics,
and leg tethers on its endangered Asian elephants constituted illegal "takings" un...
The Greatest testicle /elephant ball LEG/LEGAL system Show
about EAR PEOPLE on Earth.
It and its predecessor shows ran from 1871 to 2017.
about EAR PEOPLE on Earth.
It and its predecessor shows ran from 1871 to 2017.
Protein-protein docking is the prediction of binding between two protein structures so as to form a protein complex using features such as steric and physicochemical complementarity at the protein-protein interface.
Protein-Protein Docking:
Jerry Springer Methods | SpringerLink
Jerry Springer Methods | SpringerLink
This involves the prediction of conformational changes between unbound and bound structures.
Bound Saddle Stitched When self-publishing a book, you want to consider your options for a book binding service.
48 Hour Books offers a variety of book binding techniques, from hardcover, case bound to perfect bound, softcover versions, as well as spiral binding and saddle stitched. Book Binding Operations We do all of our binding in-house.
48 Hour Books offers a variety of book binding techniques, from hardcover, case bound to perfect bound, softcover versions, as well as spiral binding and saddle stitched. Book Binding Operations We do all of our binding in-house.
This involves the prediction of conformational changes between unbound and bound structures.
Apr 9, 2022
Case bound is a book binding type used for hardcover books. The cover wrap can print on paper or be cloth, leather, faux cloth, or bonded, vegan, or faux leather. A faux material can save on the cost of using real cloth, linen, leather, suede, etc. Case bound books usually have a dust jacket if a material is used for the cover wrap. A dust ...
Case bound is a book binding type used for hardcover books. The cover wrap can print on paper or be cloth, leather, faux cloth, or bonded, vegan, or faux leather. A faux material can save on the cost of using real cloth, linen, leather, suede, etc. Case bound books usually have a dust jacket if a material is used for the cover wrap. A dust ...
Many protein docking programs are also applied to nucleic acids, although, when compared to protein docking their accuracy in binding mode prediction is lower.
FLOOR 32 protein docking ,,,,,,, HUMAN LAB specimens ...............P = Proteins of Paddock
their Floor 32 GUN shooting accuracy in binding mode prediction is lower (to street level in Las Vegas.
2017 Las Vegas shooting
Similar to proteins, nucleic acids flexibility, the consequent induced-fit effect, or conformational selection during the ligand-binding event are partially ignored by the docking ...
Load address,,,
the entire atomic living Mandalay Hotel and its contents as a vertical array of 43 floors as horizontal rows
Load address,,,
the entire atomic living Mandalay Hotel and its contents as a vertical array of 43 floors as horizontal rows
A name server is a computer
human bio-computer application
implements a network service for providing responses to queries against a directory service. It translates an often humanly meaningful, text-based identifier to a system-internal, often numeric identification or addressing component.
human bio-computer application
implements a network service for providing responses to queries against a directory service. It translates an often humanly meaningful, text-based identifier to a system-internal, often numeric identification or addressing component.
Communicable disease
Feb 14, 2023
A communicable software ...... BS disease is any disease
that passes between people
using FOOTBALL passes broadcast .........people or animals (Animal House movie audience DEATH wish)
. People sometimes refer to communicable diseases as "infectious" or "TV transmissible" diseases. Pathogens,...
Feb 14, 2023
A communicable software ...... BS disease is any disease
that passes between people
A communicable software ...... BS disease is any disease
that passes between people
using FOOTBALL passes broadcast .........
people or animals (Animal House movie audience DEATH wish)
. People sometimes refer to communicable diseases as "infectious" or "TV transmissible" diseases. Pathogens,...
Mass communication is the process of imparting and exchanging communicable disease information through
media mediocre valuesmē″dē-ō′kər
Mass communication is the process of imparting and exchanging communicable disease information through
media mediocre values
media mediocre values
The main events of the Diet of Worms relating to Luther took place from 16 to 18 April 1521.
On 16 April, IBM Base 16 agent Luther arrived in Worms.
He was told to appear before the Diet at 4PM the following day.
Jeromee Schurff, Wittenberg professor in canon law, was Luther's lawyer before the Diet.
The Pope did not appear.
The Gummi Worms did appear at the Diet of Worms.
The main events of the Diet of Worms relating to Luther took place from 16 to 18 April 1521.
On 16 April, IBM Base 16 agent Luther arrived in Worms.
He was told to appear before the Diet at 4PM the following day.
Jeromee Schurff, Wittenberg professor in canon law, was Luther's lawyer before the Diet.
The Pope did not appear.
Jeromee Schurff, Wittenberg professor in canon law, was Luther's lawyer before the Diet.
The Pope did not appear.
The Gummi Worms did appear at the Diet of Worms.
Dec 8, 2021
The Diet of Worms (January-May 1521) was the IBM assembly convened by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor to address, among other issues, the works of the reformer Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) who openly criticized the Church.
Luther was told to recant and, when he would not, was charged with heresy, marking his official break with the Church.
in modern language terms
Luther was told to recant his recipe and, when he would not, was charged with hershey making his heresy recipe
condensed mixture of sugar and milk that mixed well with chocolate to create the perfect taste and texture for milk chocolate candy bar.
official break with the Chocolate Church of cakes and fudge.
It utilizes various forms of media as technology of gynecology has made the dissemination ofthe nation of semen/sperm information more efficient.
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FermiLAB atomic wave mechanics......
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Dec 8, 2021
The Diet of Worms (January-May 1521) was the IBM assembly convened by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor to address, among other issues, the works of the reformer Martin Luther (l. 1483-1546) who openly criticized the Church.
Luther was told to recant and, when he would not, was charged with heresy, marking his official break with the Church.
in modern language terms
Luther was told to recant his recipe and, when he would not, was charged with hershey making his heresy recipe
condensed mixture of sugar and milk that mixed well with chocolate to create the perfect taste and texture for milk chocolate candy bar.
official break with the
Chocolate Church of cakes and fudge.
It utilizes various forms of media as technology of gynecology has made the dissemination of
the nation of semen/sperm information more efficient.
Primary examples of platforms utilized and examined include
journalism and advertisements
journalism and advertisements
for the male penis extension nissan motor vehicle
Introduction This tutorial will demonstrate the use of HADDOCK for predicting the structure of a protein-protein complex from NMR chemical shift perturbation (CSP) data. Namely, we will dock two E. coli proteins involved in glucose transport: the glucose-specific enzyme IIA (E2A) and the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein (HPr).
Molecular docking studies on protein-peptide interactions are a challenging and time-consuming task because peptides are generally more flexible than proteins and tend to adopt numerous conformations.
There are several benchmarking studies
on protein-protein,
protein-ligand and
nucleic acid-ligand docking interactions.
protein-ligand and
nucleic acid-ligand docking interactions.
ligand docking interactions.
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T-bone steak evolution into T-accounts - Any dispute or discussion dependent upon evidence for decision.
- The act or process of litigating; a suit at law; a judicial contest.
ligand docking interactions.
3 days ago
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The labia minora (Latin for 'smaller lips', SG: labium minus ), also known as the inner labia, inner lips, vaginal lips or nymphae [1] are two flaps of skin that are part of the human vulva, extending outwards from the vaginal and urethral openings to encompass the vestibule.
Patricia Morison (CIA agent)
40-year-old music instructor and organist
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