Apr 2, 2005 —
Corn Shoots are kernels of corn
to start growing, up
to start growing, up --> UP vector
The Upanishads .... COMPUTER EARTH program
bring data records UP
from the india Asia mirror....aisa
inner EARTH diameter
and its DATABASE
The Hindu Upanishads
The Hindu Upanishads The H Up (vertical Z-axis)
The Horizontal indu-->individual --> dual(2)
(platform for human HINDU 2-HIND legs walking and standing)
Vertical dic(Direction vector)
Vedic ritualism
Vertical dick/penis vector Direction
Vedic doctrine of molecules
Vedic doctrine of penis molecules
Ve dic
Verticle dick/cock instinct doctrine ...
male protein penis docking at a
female pussy vagina ... protein meat
..piece of ass ..
piece of protein meat for male docking
Vedic ritualism and the doctrine
of the interconnectedness of separate phenomena
were superseded
by a new emphasis on knowledge alone—primarily knowledge of the ultimate identity of all phenomena, which merely appeared to be separate
in other words
EARTH atomic iron/ferrous government with iron/ferrous 26 proton with 26 English alphabet letters at Bethesda Lutheran Home
for Holstein Milk dairy cows with ferrous feeble farm worker agents at Highway 26
Pierre de Fermat
Pierreade Fermat
Pierre de Fermat
Pierre code Fermat
Pierreality code Fermat
Pierre de Fermat --> routed
Pier re de Fermat
Pier read de Ferm at
Pier read
2 eyes yesterday(OddOne)
deKalb FermiLAB at
location of
Nigel Location Lockyer
With the last component of theVedas (energy /joules
--> of jules Verne continental (SVC)
Europe ....inner Earth v-section Verne,
the philosophically oriented and esoteric texts
known as the Upanishads
--> panis --> cotton panties teacher
(traditionally “sitting near a teacher” but originally understood as
“connection” or “equivalence”)
to President John Quiver Adams,
Vedic ritualism and the doctrine
of the interconnectedness of
separate phenomena were superseded
separate phenomena
separate ph en
separate physic energy enter TWO TOWERS phenomena
Book VS nonsense arrogant..... publisher sherwood forest ..Sheriff of Nothing attack on
Two Towers on the iron-54, iron 56,57,58 metal beam /array
11 november 1954 (iron-54 ...
atomic earth ..iron-54 center core .....
iron-54 TIME calendar of
Fe = February 28 Fe = ferrous/iron atomic ......
atomic LIFE -->
living atomic building
...the atomic ferrous/iron metal array
/iron BEAM matrix array
....TIME building of
February 28 neutron days)
.TIME building
.TIME building
known as the Time & Life Building in
Manhattan .....COMPUTER EARTH software LINK to AFRICA computer science
City of Time Buffers--> Timbuktu Africa
Time & Life Building in
Manhattan .....COMPUTER EARTH software LINK to AFRICA time computer science Manhattan ...attack --->
algebra software programs and
alphabet languages
launched a Bolzano's intermediate value Theorem on 2-points (Tale of 2 point cities in Africa)......
simultaneous bombings on the U.S. Embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, Kenya, killing a total of 224 people
their activities WRITE
....upon the tree trunks & branches
...as Nature's vertical blackboard
thus bonobo -->bofor Bolzano- Wikipedia
The bonobo ( / bÉĖnoŹboŹ, ĖbÉnÉboŹ /; Pan paniscus ), also historically called the pygmy chimpanzee (less often the dwarf chimpanzee or gracile chimpanzee ), is an endangered great ape and one of the two species making up the genus Pan (the other being the common chimpanzee,
as Bonobo moving monkey molecules
(as a piece of chalk) ......
their activities WRITE
....upon the tree trunks & branches
...as Nature's vertical blackboard
Bonobo moving monkey molecules
bonobo extension into human-->bono -->
Sonny& Cher,
Sonny& Cher,
Sonny& Cher,
Sonny Bono & teaCher ... is Bono monkey
Nature's education systems ......
monkey money keynesian
economics-species .....
Why human males monkey around
with female women
1976 Bono began his music career as a songwriter at Specialty Records,
where his song "Things You Do to Me" was recorded by Sam Cooke,
and went on to work for
record producer Phil Spector
in the early 1960s as a promotion man, percussionist and "gofer".
Thus The bonobo ( / bÉĖnoŹboŹ, ĖbÉnÉboŹ /; Pan paniscus ), also historically called the pygmy chimpanzee (less often the
dwarf chimpanzee or gracile chimpanzee ),
is an endangered great ape
Bonobo moving monkey molecules
bonobo extension into human-->bon -->
Bonaparte -->part great ape
Napoleon Bonaparte (born Napoleone Buonaparte; [a] 15 August 1769 - 5 May 1821), later known by his regnal name Napoleon I, was a French military commander and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution and led successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars.
Thus The bonobo --> Bonaparte extension, also historically called the pygmy chimpanzee
(less often the dwarf chimpanzee OR
DNA nucleotide representative -->
Napoleon is sometimes described as being 5 foot 2 inches tall, which would definitely make him short (short wave radio) for his era.,
is an endangered great ape
Time & Life Building
1271 Avenue of the Americas..numeric control systems
for human brain stems
the Time & Life Building
the Time & Life Building
Frame of reference site of
Ferrous/iron atom of LiFe
1271 Avenue of the Americas (formerly known as the Time & Life Building)
is a 48-story skyscraper... George Orwell information building
..correlated to the year 1948 ......
writing of the story (1948 mirror book 1984)
Nineteen Eighty-Four
(also published as 1984)
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Nineteen Eighty subtract Four = 1976

1271 Avenue of the Americas (formerly known as the Time & Life Building)
is a 48-story skyscraper...of 24 hours and 24 hours = 48
structure of DNA (Destroy North America) project explained by 32 DEAD
Virginia TECH .....Lucinda Roy.
DNA molecular shape of LIFE
LIFE-TIME (human age) is similar
to that
EXTERNAL spiral staircase in the
TIME-LIFE building.
In biology, "double helix" is a term used to describe the
structure of DNA.
The shape is similar to that of a spiral staircase.
DNA is a nucleic acid composed of nitrogenous bases
(adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine), a five-carbon sugar (deoxyribose), and phosphate molecules.
OR 1271 Avenue of the Americas (formerly known as the Time & Life Building)
is a 48-story skyscraper... 24 and 24
24 hours (1 DNA time strand)
24 hours (2nd DNA time trace)
2 TIME quality control systems
2 TIME Losers
. A DNA double helix consists
of two spiral chains of
deoxyribonucleic acid
2 TIME Losers battle codes
two spiral chains
The Virginia Tech shooting was a spree shooting that occurred on April 16, 2007, comprising two attacks on the campus
With the locks and chains, he chained the three main FermILAB entrance doors shut and placed a note on one,
saying that attempting to open the
TIME door of IBM base 16 HEX
April 16, 2007
would cause a bomb to explode
April 16, 2013 in Boston
plus/or minus ONE day
2 TIME Losers
battle codes
Watertown Daily TIMES
Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew.
He was a age 19 farm boy who drove a
tractor nicknamed "The Lonesome Loser."
She had just graduated from beauty school..
beauty and the beast.
Beauty and the Beast | Disney Diseased MoviesDisney's --> disease needs
"Beauty and the ugly Hollywood
is a live-action re-telling of the
studio's animated classic(K) which
refashions the classic characters
from the tale as old as time for a
contemporary audience who want
to die/ DEATH,
staying true
(murder of Ross True Ashley
at Virginia Tech)
to the original music(K) while
updating the
DEATH score
with several new knife/cut/sever/ kill
instruction songs.
Murder victim's family questions acquittal -
Milwaukee Journal …
WebProsecutors said Zoellick
called Zaborek the same night,
gave him a ride in the Mitsubishi,
and showed him the knife he’d
used to kill Khan.
A day later, Zoellick
asked his TIME friend …Friday
Friday is one of the main characters of
Daniel Defoe 's 1719 novel Robinson Crusoe
and its seq
uel The Farther Adventures of
Robinson Crusoe.
Robinson Crusoe names the man Friday,
with whom he cannot at first communicate,
because they first meet on that day.
Robinson Crusoe.
Robinson Crusoe.
Ro (Radius of earth sphere with
EARTH center core O)
Crusoe --> Crus + oe --> EARTH
crust of level SOLID LAND.
per Level Landau geo-physics
Crusoe --> Crus + oe -->order entry
...walking .... data entry into
EARTH land/cement sidewalks
land/side-ways as keyboards
Beauty and the Beast | Disney Diseased MoviesDisney's --> disease needs
"Beauty and the ugly Hollywood Beast"
is a live-action re-telling of the
studio's animated classic(K)
which refashions --> re-programs
the human bio-computer
Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" is a live-action
re-telling of the studio's animated classic
which refashions the classic characters
from the tale as old as time for a
contemporary contempt audio audience,
staying true
to the original music of DEATH
July 1–3, 1863,
in and around the town of Gettysburg, Between 46,000 and 51,000 soldiers
from both armies were casualties
in the three-day battle,
the most costly in US history.
staying true
to the original music score --> killing score
Four score and seven years ago our fathers
brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation,
conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the
proposition that all menstruation words
are created equal ..
thus the need for
male men to exhibit the
female WORDS men
--> menstruation blood information flow.
--> Menopause .. male men pause/death
Between 46,000 and 51,000 soldiers
from both armies
were Menopause ..
in the three-day battle
in the three-day battle
in the three-day battle....
in the three-day battle ....
have their period (bleed) for
between three and seven days.
Is a three-day period normal on
Now we are engaged in a great civil war,
testing the male balls/testicles of sperm......
whether that nation,
with(wisconsin thoughts) several new songs.
with several new knife/cut/sever/ kill
instruction songs.
Disney's "Beauty and the Beast"
movie theater show--> showed
showed him the knife he’d
showed him the
Fe = fermiLAB atomic Ferrous
knife he’d
Prosecutors who issued the
cut/knife orders
to create a drama EVENT said
IBM system Z order entry agent.......
Zoellick ..parallel systems with
Zoey Brooks
Alice in Data Dairy Land
..parallel systems
..parallel systems
..parallel systems
called Zaborek the same night, gave him a
ride in the NAME message vehicle
owned by Pakistan-American
....Haroon Khan
Mitsubishi--> sub i -->
sub-continent of india,
and showed him the knife to
the Asia geography region

and showed him the knife
he’d used to kill Khan.
After uniting the
nomadic dictionary tribes of the
Mongolian plateau,
he conquered...
and showed him the knife
he’d used to kill Khan.
A day later,
Zoellick asked his DATCP
female BRAIN manager friend …
DATCP (Thought Control Programs)
Zoey Brooks of Waupaca Wisconsin sine wave
has been selected as
H = Horizontal
H = Hindu quantum sin wave mechanics
UP = Upanishads software
Wisconsin's 67th Alice in Dairyland.
As Alice/insect people(IP),
Mel James Brooks
--> mind meld Zoey Brooks
will work as a
HG WELLS 1897 the Village of IP
communications professional for the
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture,
Trade and Consumer Protection Rackets
(DATCP). Her job will be to
promote Wisconsin agriculture and to
teach the public about the importance of dance
agriculture in Wisconsin.
This beautiful and groundbreaking
This beautiful and groundbreaking
This beautiful and groundbreaking
BOMBS and ROCKETS attack
on East Europe ..Ukraine
This beautiful and groundbreaking
highlights how great transformations
great transformations
great transformations
great transformations
are possible through
love and understanding DEATH
systems of the cemetery gravesite.....
atomic quantum language of year
.....Paul Dirac
atomic coffin DATABASE
link to the earth surface
atomic standing
granite gravestone as a
IBM CICS 3270 CRT display terminal
CEMT - Cemetery master terminal - IBM
The master terminal program provides
dynamic user control of the CICS system.
By using this function, an operator can
inquire about and change the
values of parameters used by CICS, alter the status of the
SALT system resources
Natron and embalment,
Mummification -
Why did the Ancient Egyptians embalm their dead?
Mar 7, 2023
The Embalming Stage of Mummification.
After the internal organs were removed and
placed in canopic jars, the body was then
covered in natron salt for 40 days.
Natron is a naturally occurring salt rich in
sodium carbonate and bicarbonate.
It was mined from dry lakebeds and used by
the ancient Egyptians for various purposes,
including mummification.
terminate tasks, and shut down the
CICS system. CEMT -
master terminal CEMT - master terminal
Catalina Garcia, 20;
Catalina Garcia, 20 (CIA agent killed)
Cat code name Schrodinger VS school
Julianna Gehant, 32; month of July
Ryanne Mace, 19; and
Daniel Parmenter, 20.
Nineteen other people were wounded. Officials and friends have said Kazmierczak...
change the values of parameters
Daniel Parmenter, 20. ALIVE
Daniel Parmenter, 20. DEAD
used by CICS, alter the status of the
system resources, terminate tasks, and
shut down the CICS system. CEMT -
master terminal CEMT - master terminal
Two hundred years ago,
Washington Irving created a character
who's haunted generations ever since,
the Headless Horseman.
We meet him in "The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow"
when a gangly schoolteacher named
Ichabod Crane
(Indo-china bodies)
tries to court a wealthy young woman.
But on a dark autumn night, he's scared away
by the Headless Horseman, who may or may
not have been a rival suitor, but he wields a IBM
physical unit(PU) --> processing unit(pu)
.....pumpkin as his severed head.
We're joined now from
IBM system 370 Tarrytown, N.Y.
(Thought array area),
the setting of
IBM Headless Horseman
...synthetic leadership
"The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow," by historian Elizabeth Bradley, who's written about this.
Thank you so much for being with us.
ELIZABETH BRADLEY: I'm very happy to speak with you.
CEMT - master terminal - IBM
The master terminal program provides dynamic
user control of the CICS system. By using this
function, an operator can inquire about and
change the values of parameters used by
CICS, alter the status of the system resources,
terminate tasks, and shut down the CICS system.
master terminal CEMT - master terminal
Cemt Inquire Terminal - Ibm
Description INQUIRE TERMINAL returns
information about a named terminal that is
present in the terminal control table (TCT).
In an SNA environment,
a terminal is the CICS® represen
Master terminal CEMT INQUIRE transaction -
Master terminal CEMT INQUIRE transaction
You can check the status of event processing,
list the installed EVENTBINDINGs and their
status, and see the temporary storage queues
created by the TSQ EP adapter or by the
sample custom EP adapter.
You can use IBM CICS Explorer views to
perform problem determination as follows:
BIND/create EVENT at Columbind/connect
Master terminal CEMT INQUIRE transaction
Master terminal CEMT INQUIRE transaction
13 DEAD people ..create DEAD DATABASES.
Below is a list of the victims
who died on April 20, 1999.
Cassie Bernall, 17
Steven Curnow, 14
Cory DePooter, 17
Kelly Fleming, 16
Matthew Kechter, 16
Daniel Mauser, 15
Daniel Rohrbough, 15
Dave Sanders, 47
Rachel Scott, 17
Isaiah Shoels, 18
John Tomlin, 16
Lauren Townsend, 18
Kyle Valesquez. 16
atomic mass massacre ... - MetroDave Sanders, 47 Teacher,
(silver bullet band..bandwidth)
Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band
ROCK · 1994 1
Roll Me Away (Roland Groth)4:40 2
Night Moves
(Edward Edwards Ixonia murder)5:24 3
Turn the Page (Live) --> DEAD
--> Wade Michael Page Turn the Page (Live) - Paige Raque
dad and grandfather
William David Sanders,
known as Dave, was in the cafeteria
when he heard gunfire and rushed to
warn the students.
He has been hailed a
hero sandwich after he...
Tim Hack & Kelly Drew
Both 19, no one doubted that one day they'd get married.
Both 19,
Both 19 --> Book Thoughts 19 19
library battle casualties
Ironically, the high school sweethearts vanished
from a wedding reception on Aug. 9, 1980.
Code AU gold ..79 and 197 atomic mass
Two months later searchers found their
decomposed bodies in the countryside only
a few miles from the reception hall,
setting off a whodunit that has haunted the
small farming communities between
Madison and Milwaukee for three decades.
atomic limestone message columns.
The lobby contains serpentine floors; white-marble and stainless-steel walls; reddish-burgundy glass ceilings; and artwork by Josef Albers, Fritz Glarner, and Francis Brennan. The ground floor also includes storefronts and originally also housed La Fonda del Sol, a Latin American-themed restaurant. Each of the upper floors measures 28,000 sq ft (2,600 m2) and consists of a column-free space around a mechanical core. The 48th floor originally contained the
IBM Western Hemisphere government --> Hemisphere Club, a members-only restaurant during the day.
After Time Inc. expressed
After Time Inc. expressed
Afterlife Time Inc. of
atomic coffin DATABASES expressed
its secret financial systems
of the publishing industry
...BOOK of the DEAD
President Taft--> T + aft --> Year 1910
Time afterlife project
needs new DEAD BODIES
..thus the creation of
Sinking of the atomic
Time SHIP -->
Titanic iron/ferrous metal SHIP- Wikipedia
The Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean, four days into her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City. The largest ocean liner in service at the time, Titanic had an estimated
2,224 people on board
2,224 people on board
2,224 people on board --> route DATABASE to Chicago
Computer EARTH
address space2,224 people on board ---> to number alignment
2024 N Winchester Street
Charles DarWin language links
with Bradley & Zinser
Bucktown area by
Armitage and Damen/
the Fundamental theorem of
Algebra and human existence
year 1976
2,224 people on board --->
to number alignment
1st) 2024 N Winchester Street
Charles DarWin language links
What is A Winchester Disk Drive?
What is A Winchester Disk Drive?
What is A Winchester street
human bio-computer
.. spinal cord disc (Disk) Drive--> drive
a 4-wheel iron metal automobile
thru the EARTH magnetic field ....
surface .....street /avenue space?|
September 1, 1996 Updated on: May 24, 2021 Another term for hard disk drive. The term Winchester comes from an early type of disk drive developed by IBM that had 30 MB of fixed storage and 30MB of removable storage; so its inventors called it a Winchester in honor of its 30/30 rifle.
2nd) route Zinser
using parameters
2,224 people on Titanic
2024 N Winchester Street
Charles DarWin
....Earth language
route 2,224 --> to 2244 W Charleston
about 21 blocks
on north side of Chicago .....
displacement address 21 blocks
equivalent to 22 blocks north
with 2200 block WEST
thus enabling analysis
22 blocks north
22 blocks west

Of the estimated 2,224 passengers and crew aboard,
more than 1,500 died
(year 1500 Frame of Reference System)
FRS ........,
with a Z (atomic number Z)
thus 2 IP --> ZIP system
to run parallel to the
ancient original systems
1) the desire/want of
EARTH orbital LINK Italian language
and its year
1492 atomic city/state government
with EARTH land
surface names, regions & cities
2) the Italian geography BOOT to
START UP/BOOT a new version of an
EARTH computer system
3) The Christopher Columbus data bus
4) the usage of SHIP -->as IP address vector
5) the construction of the SHIP MARIA
Santa MarĆa (ship) - Wikipedia
La Santa MarĆa de la Inmaculada ConcepciĆ³n
( Spanish for: The Holy Mary of the Immaculate Conception ), or La Santa MarĆa, originally
La Gallega, was the largest of the three ships
used by Christopher Columbus in his
first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in 1492.
Her master and owner was Juan de la Cosa .
to become a symbolic ......
Italian-Spanish language ....
TIME SHIP carrying a IP
Maria DATABASE from
year 1492 to July 2023
with a navigation update from ITALY in
year 1929 VIA
MR.Oddone (father)...to Arequipa Peru
and the year 1944 March 26 update
Italian-Spanish language ....
TIME SHIP carrying a IP
Maria DATABASE -->
to the new generation information carrier
Pier Maria Odd One (son)...
to Lima Peru to the university of
TIMe mirror letters eMIT --> eMITTER
university named MIT in Cambridge/Boston
Pier Maria Odd One ...
to Dr. Oddone was a member of the team that developed the first Time Projection Chamber (TPC). This technology was subsequently used for many particle and nuclear physics experiments. He led the TPC collaboration from 1984 to 1987.
Pier Maria Odd One ...
to FermiLAB ..........the director
La Santa MarĆa de la Inmaculada ConcepciĆ³n
FermiLAB director explains his identity
( atomic Spanish for:
The Holy Mary of the Immaculate Conception ) Isabella I (
Spanish: Isabel I; 22 April 1451 - 26 November 1504), [2] also called Isabella the Catholic (Spanish: Isabel la CatĆ³lica ), was Queen of Castile from 1474 until
her death in 1504.
She was also
Queen of surface Area Aragon from 1479
until her
death as the
atomic Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic wife
of King Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic
THOUGHTS & logic...
INFER --> Ferdinand II.
of the atomic ferrous/iron metal SHIP
as a data container ..
absorbing data / data transfer from the
human information carriers
with atomic iron/ferrous BLOOD software
transfer RNA.. transfer data
transfer ferrous/iron atoms
Sinking of the Titanic - Wikipedia
The Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean,
four days into her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City.
The largest ocean liner in
service at the time, Titanic had an estimated 2,224 people on board
when she struck an iceberg at
around 23:40 ( ship's time) [a]
on Sunday, 14 April 1912.
EARTH system revenge
Sinking of the Titanic - Wikipedia
The Titanic sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 in the North Atlantic Ocean,
EARTH system revenge
hours of 15 April 2012 in
hours of 15 April 2013 in Boston
EARTH system revenge
North Atlantic Ocean -->
North Avenue was created as Milwaukee's northern boundary. It didn't last long.
Ten years after Milwaukee was
incorporated as a EARTH surface city,
North Avenue was created
by iron-56 isotope in 1856 by ordinance
as the northern limit of the city.
But it wasn't for long. Within a year,
the city's northern limit was pushed about a mile farther, to
Buffer -->Burleigh (length eight=8) Street.
(The street/address numbering system Milwaukee adopted by 1930 set
North Avenue Avogadro's number
at 2300 North,
and Burleigh(t) at
oxygen molecule mass 32
(x,y) math/algebra /plane geometry coordinates using IBM assembler displacement addressing
oxygen molecule mass 32
two methods for 32 data storage sites
count,,,,1, 2, 3 -->32
or start at zero = 0, 1,2 --> 31
-->3100 North.)
EARTH system revenge
North Atlantic Ocean-->
AO -->
Built in 1920, the A.O. Smith Corporation's automated automobile frame factory began production May 23, 1921, and operated until
June 24, 1958. It achieved a
manufacturing output of better than
one frame every six seconds, or
10,000 main frames a day.
A mainframe is the central data repository, or hub,
in a corporation's data processing center, linked to users
through less powerful devices such
as workstations or terminals.
The presence of a mainframe often
implies a
IBM mainframes are large computer systems produced
by IBM since 1952. During the 1960s and 1970s, IBM dominated the
large computer market. Current mainframe computers in
IBM's line of business computers are developments of the basic design
of the IBM System/360
when she struck an iceberg
when she struck an iceberg
she(atomic bullet shell ...parallel)
struck an iceberg -->
INTERNET female agent
Vynetta Norberg met husband Bryan Norberg
when he was a new officer and
she trained human male CHESS pieces
black rooks and white rooks -->rookies.
They stayed in touch after he became
a beat officer.
On June 9, 2009, she heard two officers were shot in the head on the south side and texted him to see if he knew who it was.
2,224 people on board
2,224 people on board 2,224 people on board
2,224 people on board
2,224 people on board when she struck an iceberg at around 23:40 ( ship's time) [a] on Sunday, 14 April 1912.
Time afterlife project
needs new DEAD BODIES
..thus the creation of the EVENT
Sinking (killing ARCH DUKE)
of the atomic HUMAN biology
Time SHIP --> hip/legs/feet
Sophie Madej, who ran Busy Bee diner with Polish-American language in
Wicker Park in Chicago
James Joyce
IRISH-ENGLISH language codes .........
The book...
Negev desert Coffin Finnegan's Wake explores, in an unorthodox fashion, the lives of the EARTH people Earwicker family
(Down-to-Earth people
at the Busy Bee ........
Polish-American restaurant in Wicker Park, comprising the father HCE,
the mother ALP -->ALPhabet, and their three children
Shem the Penman,
Shaun the Postman, and
IBM Issy (information systems ..System 370).
Wicker Park in Chicago
Time afterlife project
needs new DEAD BODIES
..thus the creation of the EVENT
TiT Titanic ship)&
Bosnia sinking female ROYALTY
Titanic iron/ferrous atomic BLOOD
meta-bolism SHIP-
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is considered one of the key events that led to World War I. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, were assassinated on 28 June 1914 by Bosnian Serb student Gavrilo Princip. They were shot at close range while being driven through Sarajevo, the provincial capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina, formally annexed by Austria-Hungary in 1908.Princip was part of a group of six Bosnian assassins together with Muhamed MehmedbaÅ”iÄ, Vaso ÄubriloviÄ, Nedeljko ÄabrinoviÄ, Cvjetko PopoviÄ and Trifko Grabež coordinated by Danilo IliÄ; all but one were Bosnian Serbs and members of a student revolutionary group that later became known as Young Bosnia.
Afterlife TIME (death) incorporated
corpses (the Dawn of the
Living BRAIN dead ....molecule movie)
After Time Inc. expressed its intention to move from 1 Rockefeller Plaza in the 1950s, Rockefeller Center's owners proposed a skyscraper at 1271 Avenue of the Americas to accommodate Time Inc. Construction started in May 1957; the building was topped out during November 1958; and occupants began moving into their offices in late 1959. The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission designated the lobby as a city landmark in 2002.
Time Inc. vacated 1271 Avenue of the Americas in 2015, and the building Base 16 Hex'F' = 15 in year 2015
subsequently destroyed
by the piece of ass (secret code)
Waco Texas system ...
with David Koresh
atomic iron-54 center core .....
government of MOTHER EARTH
the blood ferrous/iron-54 atoms
of the Justice errors Department
Time Inc. vacated 1271 Avenue of the Americas in 2015,
and the building Base 16 Hex'F' = 15 in year 2015
subsequently destroyed
atomic DEATH team of female
Janet Reno renovated
between 2015 and 2019 .........
Janet Reno renovated existence
Human activity space & time is
renovated arrogant,snob,superior bullshit
between 2015 and 2019 .........
Janet Reno renovated
between 2015 and 2019 .........
Janet Reno renovated existence
Time LIFE building renovation
Time ...human LIFE building
Time ...human LIFE renovation
Year 2015 to 2019
the superior INSECT PEOPLE renovate TIME and HUMAN LIFE
renovate TIME and HUMAN LIFE
renovate TIME year 2019 finish
year 2019 finish TIME renovation
year 2019 finish -->
TIME human LIFE ...
TIME renovation
Time Converter --> DEATH TIME
Time Converter and World Clock
- Religious Conversion at a Glance
START new TIME phase..
human atomic coffin DATABASE
... year 2019 finish --> Coffin
What You Need to Know
about year 2019 -->COVID-19.
COVID-19 is the TIME-LIFE building
re-programming LANGUAGE disease
caused by
(System Area) SARS-CoV-2 (Language conversion), the coronavirus that emerged in December 2019
that emerged from the
BS desi ArnaZ
I LOVE idiot LUCY design group-->
Sick-JaNET-reno-renovated /changed and destroyed ..between 2015 and 2019
...... Nature's social engineering
........ EARTH system architecture
........ the original relationship
between EARTH North geography pole & the EARTH magNETic field ........
interNET flow lines
magnetic field interaction site /EARTH round Atlas land location .......in Manhattan Island as a printed circuit MOTHER BOARD.......
the Iron-54 THOUGHTS in year 1954
started a thought process that became actualized ---> building was developed between
... 1956 and Nickel-60 .....1960 as part of the EARTH geography surface Rockefeller Center and its relationship to the EARTH geology center core with IRON-54 atomic factory that manufactures iron-56 57 58 atoms
and nickel atoms.
Isotopes of the TIME-LIFE building.
Naturally occurring
nickel is composed of 5 stable isotopes; 58Ni, 60Ni, 61Ni, 62Ni and 64Ni with 58Ni being the most abundant (68.077% natural abundance).
Naturally occurring
nickel is composed of 5 stable isotopes; 58Ni, 60Ni, 61Ni, 62Ni and 64Ni with 58Ni being the most abundant (68.077% natural abundance) ..
the TED BUNDY ....electric(k) chair dance of math agent dy for
social mechanics WAR/battle
... differential equations.
TIME LIFE atomic iron
metal BEAM building as an EARTH SYSTEM atomic /magnetic field INTERNET
(year 1934
EARTH magnetic field POST office
comprised of atomic iron buildings)
(year 1934
EARTH magnetic field POST officeannouncement
By Hollywood/ Beverly Hills (B H codes)
EARTH magnetic field
year 1934
POST Office announcement
Could the U.S. Post Office
Could the U.S. Po --> South Pole
Could the U.S. Post Office
Really Help Prove Santa Exists,
Like in ‘Miracle on 34th Street’?By Kevin Carr · Published on December 16th, 2013A perennial this-time-of-year favorite, Miracle on 34th Street features a kind, old gentleman (Edmund Gwenn) who insists he is the real Santa Claus, getting a job at Macy’s and bringing holiday cheer to a single mother and her daughter. During the course of the film, the store psychologist has it in for Kris Kringle and sends him to Bellevue. This leads into a high-profile hearing in which a young lawyer named Fred Gailey (John Payne) sets out to prove that Kris Kringle is the one and only Santa Claus.As the hearing reaches the final day, on Christmas Eve no less, when Gailey presents three letters simply addressed “Santa Claus” to the judge.This is to prove that the U.S. Postal Service believes Kris to be the real deal.
Edmund Gwenn and Natalie Wood in Miracle on 34th Street. Miracle on 34th Street, American comedy film, released in 1947 by the silver Ag atom 47 electrons ..silver metal tuning fork frequency 47 of Silver Signal Freud .... ,
When the prosecutor demands more then three letters, and the judge insists that Gailey put the exhibits on his desk, almost a dozen postal workers enter the court with 21 giant mail bags filled with letters. A Christmas miracle happens, and Kris Kringle is vindicated.
Janet Reno of DEATH at Waco Tecas
as a parallel
by a new emphasis on knowledge alone—primarily knowledge of the ultimate identity of all phenomena, which merely appeared to be separate
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