Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Book 1645-047 Tom M Apostol --> Was Mayor Richard Daley SR of BridgePort(BP) Abridged or Unabridged: What You Need to Know

   Book 1645-047  by Herb Zinser

Tom M Apostol  -->

Was Mayor Richard Daley SR of

Black Holes & Time Warps |
W. W. Norton & Company

books.wwnorton.com › Science › Astronomy
W. W. Norton & Company

Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ...
Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...

 tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
 tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
 tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...

in other words...practical words

Black Holes & Time Warps 

Black ink words ...information HOLES ..incomplete explanations
of tragic signaling events....

in  biased/corrupt newspapers, magazines. TV news, and legal systems ...that lack intellectual  standards of accuracy & integrity

South Carolina (SC) --> 
Sistine Chapel(SC) code Year 1512
Sub-Conscious MIND code Year 1912

TIME agent 

Senator Strom Thurmond
Thursday ....... Monday

Senator Walter Mondale 
Wave mechanics alterations
on Monday

Arizona nano-second processor speed .... female senator

Ky = 0 equation of a simple harmonic oscillator    with a time component 
of 1 of more years ,, up to ten(10) years ..... thus the oscillator within 
Tensor space/time entities .
array, matrix, and linear algebra
software structure .....

that explain hardware existence
office buildings,
apartment  buildings, etc

..sine wave map

Ky = 0 equation of a simple harmonic oscillator  

Arizona nano-second processor speed .... female senator
Arizona nasty map of harm oscillator

approved cover-up PLOT/ scheme .....
of the set-up to kill Gabby Giffords 
at a grocery store 

2011 Tucson GRAVITY FIELD battle of G = 6.6 ....
the EARTH gravity THOUGHT field ....
 MOTHER ROAD ....Route 66
- Wikipedia
On January 8, 1942  U.S. Representative (Universe System Representative for EARTH LAB ....
Gravity Base (GB) assigned to
Great Britain (GB) assigned to

Frank and Isobel Eileen Hawking 


Frank Lloyd Wright (right triangle)

and Isosceles triangle math life....

math & language celebrity for

calculus STEP functions 

--> Stephen Paddock Hawking

VS Hollywood phoney celebrity ....

Isoceles representation scams and
intellectual fraud

On January 8, 2011, U.S.S.R
(Universe Solar System Region)
RUSSIA --> SSI -->

Solar System Interface agents
for the
SUN-EARTH gravity THOUGHT field.....

upgrade the system MODEL....

an upgraded MODEL (version)
alignment of concepts and TIME...
financial  transactions of the
Alaska Purchase YEAR 1867 

year 1200
1215 (Magna Carter Britain)
1250 (Thomas Aquinas Italy) 

Year 1200 base
 ..........667 Sun gravity with EARTH -->
 ........1867  Alaska Purchase/ Bering Sea from the
R = Radius of inner EARTH agents
R = Russia 
North East Europe and North Asia

...EARTH gravity Government .....

agent G -->
Representative G = Gabby Giffords and 18 others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona, in the Tucson metropolitan area.

Math Series ix --> Six -->
Six people were killed

Math Series ix --> Six -->
Six people were killed

including fe --> ferrous/iron atom

Federal District Court Chief Judge
John Roll;
Gabe Zimmerman, one of Giffords's staffers; and a 9-year-old girl, Christina-Taylor Green

gravity HOST platform 

Gabe Zimmerman
Gabe Zimmerman
Gravity Field ABEND /DUMP

Gabe Zimmerman
Gabe Zimmerman
Gabe Z = impedance 

Gabe Zimmerman
Gabe Zimmerman
Gabe Z = impedance 
Gabe Z = impedance 
Gabe Z = imped --> pediatrics

Pediatrics (also spelled paediatrics or pædiatrics)

Pediatrics (also spelled .....
code names .....

Pe (Planet earth) diameter of the Inner DATABASE 

and Nikola Tesla MODEL
of inner earth ...

 claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil. A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo
 signature" using the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...

A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ... Above, we see the EARTH language label for a geography region in Central Europe. The EARTH mathematical-physics geography surface helps us understand the EARTH math/English language and its LINK to Tesla

the OS --> OSLO accords on oscillscopes and oscillating waves and their application to Nikol Tesla EARTH sin wave geography region of the Sinai Peninsula
... sin wave math series for society

Nature's atomic wireless (without using copper metal telegraph wires ..... but using an equivalent atomic quartz, sand, mineral ....electron data pipelines ....
Nature's ancient  message /
ECHO system)

is the branch of medicine that involves the medical math/calculus  /numerical control 
systems for population......

.....care of infants (insect family ants ...molecular extension into humans),


On 9 May 1978, Moro's body was found in the trunk of a Renault 4 in Via Caetani after 54 days of imprisonment, during which Moro was submitted to a political trial by a people's court set up by the BR and the Italian government was asked for an exchange of prisoners.

 and young adults. In the United Kingdom, paediatrics covers many of their youth until the age of 18

Gabe Zimmerman
Gabe Zimmerman

Gabe Zimmerman
Gabe Zimmerman,

The Zimmermann Telegram (or Zimmermann Note or Zimmerman Cable)

was a secret diplomatic 
was a secret diplomatic 
was a secret cheese dip recipe
for Willy Loman 

Willy Loman is an aging Brooklyn, New York salesman whose less than spectacular career is on the decline. He has lost the youthful verve of his past and his camaraderie has faded away. His business acumen is still at its peak, but he is no longer able to leverage his personality to get by. 

Time has caught up with him.

was a secret diplomatic 
was a secret diplomatic 
was a secret diplomatic 

was a secret diplomatic communication issued from the German Foreign Office 
in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between
Germany and Mexico (GM)

The gravitational parameter
for a body GM is the gravitational constant
G multiplied by the mass of the body.

 When doing calculations involving gravity, the gravitational constant
of the G = Galapagos region with
requipa Peru required --> red b100d cells 
of the
Italian heritage .....
ODD ONE specimen  
needed to attract 
the atomic orbital  Italian bottle of
information per

The Birth of Venus ( Italian: Nascita di Venere [ˈnaʃʃita di ˈvɛːnere]) is a painting by the Italian artist Sandro Botticelli, probably executed in the mid 1480s.

It depicts the goddess Venus arriving
at the shore 

Wardenclyffe Tower (1901-1917), also known as the Tesla Tower, was an early experimental wireless transmission station designed and built by Nikola Tesla on Long Island in 1901-1902, located in the village of Shoreham, New York.

after her birth, when she had emerged from the sea fully-grown

the goddess Venus arriving (wife)
of Pier Oddone

Executive at FermiLAB

PierOddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

He was appointed director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) and took up office on 1 July 2005.[2][3]

Oddone received the 2005 Panofsky Prize

in Lexicon  Kentucky  airport

simple harmonic oscillator experiment

on Runway  26 alphabet - Fashion Shows 

Fe = Ferrous /iron atoms and

Fe = Females and 

Fe = FermiLAB ....death by Season - ELLE

Runway - Fashion Shows by Season - ELLE Runway code -->
 Eliminate 49 people 
Lexington Kentucky 

The Best Fall/Winter 2023
The Best Fall
The Best Fall
The Best Fall

Nov 23, 2015 
Associated Press Paige Raque fell 39 feet from an apartment window during an off-campus party on
Oct. 13, 2012 breaking her pelvis and suffering brain trauma. (Penn State Cheerleading)...

Windows 8 launch event at in New York City.

On August 1, 2012, 
Windows 8 (build 9200 [42]) was released to manufacturing with the build number 6.2.9200.16384. [43] .

AtoMIc Microsoft planned to hold a launch event on October 25, 2012 [44] and release Windows 8 for general availability on the next day. [45] .

release Windows 8 with
(oxygen atomic number 8)
and the
O = Oxygen
--> O = Oklahoma City (OC)
rigged TRIAL
& murder of Timothy McV
eigh(t) = 8

Windows 8 launch event at
apartment building(a + bi) 
Complex math number Z = a +bi 
continuum battle ...... at Penn State

AtoMIc Microsoft planned to hold a
Windows launch event on October 25, 2012  and release 
Windows 8 for general availability on the next day. [45] .

AtoMIc Microsoft planned to hold a
Windows launch event from the
5th State of BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate)

Using blood
arteries ..... bio-computer software commands .... via ART language 

Alexander Calder ( / ˈkɔːldər /; July 22, 1898 - November 11, 1976) was an American sculptor known both for his innovative mobiles (kinetic sculptures powered by motors or air currents) that embrace chance in their aesthetic, his static "stabiles", and his monumental public sculptures. 

Alexander Calder  instruction and commands to set-up the Clader Commons signaling EVENT ...
battle with atoMIC Microsft communications failure ..ad stolen property issues per

Tale of Two Cities is a historical novel published in 1859 by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French frequency Revolution.

The novel tells the story of the
French Doctor Ma
nette (interNET),
his 18-year-long imprisonment in the
Bastille in Paris, and his release to live in London with his daughter Lucie
 whom he had never met.

AtoMIc Microsoft planned to hold a
Windows launch event
using bio-comoputer Paige Raque
from the 5th State of
BEC (Bose-Einstein Condensate)
at the 5th floor of existence at
Calder Commons

 on October 13, 2012  and

release Windows 8 for general hospital
The Penn State cheerleader who fell five stories out of a window in October 2012
 is being released from a Kentucky rehabilitation center today. Paige Raque, 19, of Louisville, Ky., appeared at a press ..
general availability on the next day. [45] .

The Best Fall/Winter 2023
The Best Fall
The Best Fall
The Best Fall from the aviation sky

Germanwings Flight 9525[1] was a scheduled international passenger flight from Barcelona–El Prat Airport in Spain to Düsseldorf Airport in Germany. The flight was operated by Germanwings, a low-cost carrier owned by the German airline Lufthansa. On 24 March 2015, the aircraft, an Airbus A320-211crashed 100 km (62 mi; 54 nmi) north-west of Nice in the French Alps. All 144 passengers and all six crew members were killed

/Winter 2023 Couture Looks Boss Embraces the Heat—and Water
HOT women and wet pussy

in Miami The Best Looks From Paris Fashion Week FW23 All the...

Frquency Wavelength 23

Pier Oddone

in Experimental Particle Physics for 

in Experimental Particle Physics

for the invention of the Asymmetric B-Factory to carry out precision measurements of 

CP violation 

in B-meson decays.[4]

The Birth of Venus ( Italian: Nascita di Venere [ˈnaʃʃita di ˈvɛːnere]) is a painting by the Italian artist Sandro Botticelli, probably executed in the mid 1480s.

It depicts the go
ddess Venus arriving (wife)


atomic Orbital talian artist Sandro Botticelli, probably executed in the mid 1480s
to the
Bank of Italy ...bandwidth agent sent to
Arequipa Peru in year 1929 .....
then the next generation of bandwidth born in year 1944 .......
M-theury LAB specimen ...
March 26

Location   1   2  3   4   5
Letter.........A  B  C 
D  E ...

Thus 1944
and   19DD --> D-Day in Eur
ope north

Thus 1944 artist Sandro Botticelli
reappears as DR O --->

reappears as DR.ODDONE  per
Thus 1944 artist Sandro Botticelli
reappears as DR O ---> chameleon

reappears as DR.ODDONE  per

chameleon of

leon Lederman
kə-mēl′yən, -mē′lē-ən


  1. Any of various tropical lizards of the family Chamaeleonidae,
    chiefly of Africa and Mada
    gascar --> Las Vegas,
  2. Counting Cars is an American reality television series shown on History and produced by Leftfield Pictures. The series is filmed in Las Vegas, where it chronicles the daily activities at Count's Kustoms, an automobile restoration and customization company owned and operated by Danny Koker a.k.a. The Count,

  3. having a p
    rehensile tail  ...retail store industry,

    eyes that can move independently,

  4. and the ability to change color and
  5. math functions of Z = a +bi

  6. An anole lizard, especially Anolis carolinensis of the southeast United States.
  7. A changeable or inconstant person.

Venus Anadyomene and often depicted in art).

The gravitational parameter for a body GM is the gravitational constant G multiplied by the mass of the body. 

It is however difficult to measure the value of G to high degrees of accuracy.
The known value of G=
6.674 08 

The known value of G= Gabby Giffords
at Arizona Route 66 with
NASA -> South America(SA) mental crap

.... Arizona nano-second region ...
Kelly cover-up of the killings of
Kelly (Ixonia)   and 
Detective Kelly (Pittsburg area)

 if the United States entered World War I against Ge = Ground earth --> Germany. 

With Gabby Giffords/ Germany's aid,
Mexico would recover Texas,
Arizona, and New Mexico.

English language nouns,

proper nouns, concepts system connections with

EVENTS per Stephen Hawking theory and book explanations.

EVENTS......... signal processing EVENTS

signal processing EVENT

March 5, 2001Santee, California
sand/ golf course tee -->
sports manipulation of
teenage females age 18 age 19   

business company commit
educational committees
various government committees
..such as the 
House Ways and Means Committee

The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America defines "fairway" thusly: "... fairways are those areas of the course that are mowed at heights between 0.5 and 1.25 inches, depending on grass species and the cultural intensity desired.

Santana High School shooting:
15-year-old student Charles Andrew Williams killed two LUNG students, 14-year-old Bryan Zuckor and 17-year-old Randy Gordon, at 
Santana High School

Two(2) Nitrogen atoms of mass 14 each =

nitrogen gas(NG) molecule mass 28 

GIVES year 1914 June 28 assassination 
in Sarajevo Yugoslavia 

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot to death by a 
Boston Massachusetts .... agent
Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the
EARTH government System Area .....
Bosnian capital of Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The...

Gas Warfare: 
Gas warfare was first used in World War 1. It was one of the new weapons. It was first used in 1915 by the Germans on an attack against French and Candadian soldiers. Many lives were lost that day. There were two different methods of using gas against the enemy. One, was the cloud attack. To make a gas cloud attack, 100 pound ...

Gas Warfare: 
Gas warfare was first used in World War 1. It was one of the new weapons. It was first used in 1915 by the Germans on an attack against French and Candadian soldiers. Many lives were lost that day. There were two different methods of using gas against the enemy.
One, was the cloud attack. To make a gas cloud attack, 100 pound


One, was the cloud attack. 
One, was the cloud attack on
one person --> Matt Anderson . 

Carl Anderson discovers the positron

In 1932 Carl Anderson, a young professor at the California Institute of Technology in the US, was studying showers of cosmic particles in a cloud chamber and saw a track left by "something positively charged, and with the same mass as an electron". After nearly a year of effort and observation, he decided the tracks were actually antielectrons, each produced alongside an electron from the impact of cosmic rays in the cloud chamber. He called the antielectron a "positron", for its positive charge and published his results in the journal Science, in a paper entitled The apparent existence of easily deflectable positives (1932).

In 1932, nuclear physicist Carl Anderson was able to show the paths of cosmic rays within a cloud chamber, and in one photograph was the positron, the first antiparticle ever to be discovered.

Matt Anderson

discovers the

Carl  Anderson ...
atomic BRAIN cloud chamber
can cause
accidental murder using LOADERS

and Base 16 FFA

 Death position

 on the positron

University of Wisconsin cover-up
of the killing vector software

Hawking-Ellis type of matter on Killing horizons in symmetric spacetimes. 

 Killing horizons
 Killing horizons battle at
Deep Water Horizon

Federal government lies and schemes
to blame British Petroleum and rip off the company money  with  fines and bogus penalties

Jul 7, 2023
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, also called Gulf of Mexico oil spill, largest marine oil spill in history, caused by an April 20, 2010, explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig—located in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 41 miles (66 km) off the coast of Louisiana —and its subsequent sinking on April 22.
The explosion

April 20, 2010, explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig

Department of Justice 
arrogant intellectual ....
...deep BS problems

money rackets & schemes

EFFECT in parallel NAMES
murders in
Deeper Life church

On 7 August 2012, a mass shooting occurred at Deeper Life, an evangelical Christian church near Okene in Nigeria's central Kogi State. Three unidentified gunmen killed 19 people, including the church's pastor.


Spherically, plane, or hyperbolically symmetric spacetimes with an additional hypersurface orthogonal Killing vector are often called ``static'' spacetimes even if they contain regions where the Killing vector is non-timelike. It seems to be widely believed that an energy ...

Earth sand/silicon dioxide atoms .... 
nonsense and idiot electronics 

March 5, 2001, a school shooting occurred
at atomic sand 
Santana High School in
silicon/sand Santee, California

The gunman,
15-year-old Charles Andrew Williams, opened fire with an eight-shot (8 pins message)

.22-caliber revolver, killing two students and wounding 13 others

 Williams was arrested and convicted of murder and attempted murder. He was sentenced to life with the chance of parole after serving 50 years.[9]

March 30, 2001Gary, Indiana
17-year-old Donald Ray Burt Jr. fatally shot Neal Boyd IV with one bullet to the head in a parking lot outside Lew Wallace High School.[14] Burt was sentenced to 57 years in prison.[15

March 30, 2001Gary, Indiana

of interaction 
with ferrous/iron atomic meta/
steel mills in Gary

17-year-old Donald Ray Burt Jr. fatally shot Neal Boyd IV with one bullet to the head in a parking lot outside Lew Wallace High School.[14] Burt was sentenced to 57 years in prison.[15

17-year-old --> year 1917

17-year-old Donald Ray Burt Jr. fatally shot Neal Boyd IV 
Neal Boyd IV 
Neal Boyd IV -->
Roman numeral 4 --> four (Four
ier sin & cosine social engineering functions)

Neal Boyd --> yards

Niels Bohr--> hours

Niels BohrNiels BohrNiels Bohr ..code name
molecular & language heritage

Niels BohrNiels Bohr  FROMNi     Bo  ........ FROMNigeria & Bonobo 
Nature's  atomic languageEVOLUTION toNiels Bohr ...who wins the
Bonobo --> Nobel prize

Mar 20, 2021Bonobos look like smallish chimpanzees, with whom they share 99.6% of their DNA. And both of these great apes share 98.7% of their DNA with humans, making them our closest living relatives. What ...

Bonobo |
Size, Habitat, & Facts |

Salvatore Phillip "SonnyBono (/ˈbn/ BOH-noh; February 16, 1935 – January 5, 1998) was an American singer, songwriter, actor, and politician who came to fame in partnership with his second wife Cher as the popular singing duo Sonny & Cher.

Early life --> earth language[edit]

Bono was born in Detroit,

 the son of Zena "Jean" (née DiMercurio) and Santo Bono.[3] 

His father was born in MonteleprePalermo, Italy, and his mother was also of Italian descent. His mother called him "Sono"

One of his earliest songwriting efforts, "
Needles and Pins" was co-written with Jack Nitzsche, another member of Spector's production team. In 1965, he achieved commercial success with his wife Cher in the singing duo Sonny & Cher. Bono wrote, arranged and produced a number of hit records including the singles "I Got You Babe" and "The Beat Goes On", although Cher received more attention as a performer.[10] He played a major part in Cher's early solo recording career, writing and producing singles including "Bang Bang" and "You Better Sit Down Kids".

Jun 23, 2023
bonobo, ( Pan paniscus ), also called pygmy chimpanzee, ape that was regarded as a subspecies of the chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes) until 1933, when it was first classified separately. The bonobo is found only in lowland rainforests along the south bank of the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

17-year-old --> year 1917
In April 1917 Niels Bohr began a campaign to establish an Institute of Theoretical Physics.

He gained the support of the Danish pastry
...molecule government of 

flour/sugar THOUGHT molecules/ etc .....

that uses male human action figures
rewards then with DANISH  pastry
and sweet women

and the Carlsberg Foundation,]
and the Carlsberg Foundation,
and the Carl Jung sub-conscious   
and the Signal Freud iceberg MODEL   ...

 Foundation .... atomic underground language & data NATION,

and the Carlsberg Foundation,
and the Car l  sberg Foundation

and the Car l --> carbon language at
carbon atomic mass 12 --> at Milwaukee
12th and National killing of Gloria Totzke
and the sberg --> shoot Norberg and Kunish...
Milwaukee policemen

and the Carlsberg Foundation and sizeable contributions were also made by industry and private donors, many of them Jewish.

Nature's ancient
BIOLOGYcomputer systems  .......

Year 1917...... 
Copenhagen Denmark 
Copenhagen Denmark --> Code

Copenhagen Denmark 
Copenhagen Denmark 
--> gravity field parameter... 

Brush up your COBOL in year 2023:
Why is a 120 year old language

Brush --> B rus -->
 Bertrand Russell

Hexadecimal Base 16 
year 1900 .... 1910 BOOK

May 4, 2022
If you are painting an entire wall 
If you are painting an entire wall
If you are painting 
an entire math function wall

If you are painting an entire wall 
If you are painting an entire wall
If you are painting 
an entire math function wall 
an entire math function music

Reba Nell McEntire (born March 28, 1955), or simply Reba, [1] [2] is an American country music singer and actress. Dubbed "the Queen of Country", [3] she has sold more than 75 million records worldwide. [4] . Since the 1970s,
McEntire has placed over 100 B100D software singles on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, 25 of which reached the number one spot.

Reba McEntire math function ..BATTLE- Wikipedia
The harmonic sound wave ...auaudio attack between the
WATER (H2O) node city 
of Water100 and Watertown 

Reba Nell McEntire 

Reba Nell McEntire 

Reba Nell
Mc En   tire -->
Mathematic Macro
subroutines &

energy battles
(automobile rubber tire fire)

Billboard Hot Country Songs

for earth atomic  soil by Watertown 

Wisconsin sin Z  math waves

battle site

Wisconsin Since 
sin(−z) = − sin z sin ( − z) = − sin z, 
we(west road) Watertown region

have that f(z) f ( z) is well defined

as F(Z) = Family Farm arm/hand Zinser

Earth language

and Emma(map agent) TreFz
of Tolstoy South Dakota (data quota)

 and entire because it's the ratio of two entire functions with
NATO military symbols.......
nator never vanishing. 

Human Parasite region

COMPUTER EARTH language systems

Site Profile -
Watertown Tire Fire -

EPA (East Pakistan Asia
...brain wave mentality controls
the En Protection rackets agency)

Planet Earth communication systemsand the ancient atomic interNETOSC Response
Galapagos oscillations/ sin waves/Peru Period at Arequipa of quiver vibrations on
the EARTH geography land surfaceLINK
to the

Joules --> Jules V-section Verne
French Frequency andFrench people bio-electron chipsINJECTED in the
geo-electron FRENCH soil by

2-legs humanoid walking

Joules --> Jules V-section Verne
Joules Journey to the

Earth atomic/
quantum wave mechanics
center  core

(oscillation data processing site)
--> OSC Response

On July 19, 2005, a tire fire broke out at the Watertown Tire and Recycling facility which is on the northwest side of Watertown, Wisconsin in the town of Shields.

The fire spread rapidly 

and everyone got out of harms way and no injuries were reported. The fire engulfed the main building and the large tire stockpile in the rear of the facility.

Red female hair of a
HOT woman with
transformed into red flames
at the energy TIRE FIRE

Reba Nell McEntire
... Jerry
March molecule life form
March 28, 1955), 

or simply Reba, [1] [2] is an American country music singer and actress
for the farm country

--> Township of Shields 

EARTH systems battle site

Dubbed "the Queen of Country", [3] she has sold more than 75 million records worldwide. [4] . 

Since the 1970s,
McEntire has placed over 100 B100D software singles on the

Billboard (skyscraper as billboard sign)

Billboard Hot 
Billboard Hot 

Billboard Hot Country ,,
try Songs chart,
Count plane geometry 
Right triangle 25

25 of which reached the number one spot.

If you are painting an entire wall

by brush,

you will need at least two different brushes: 

you will need at least 
two different math brushes: 

a 2-inch angled brush is best
for cut

26 people in Connecticut

in around windows, doors, and baseboards; and a 3- or 4-inch straight-edged brush is best for
distributing paint 
distributing paint 
distributing pain/ suffering/ torture

distributing pain
across the field of a wall and
smoothing it out

Thomas Jonathan " Stonewall " Jackson (January 21, 1824 - May 10, 1863) was a general officer in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. He played a prominent role in nearly all military engagements in the
Eastern theater of the war until his death.

distributing pain
across the field of a wall

distributing male SOLDIER pain
across the
CIVIL WAR battle-field of a wall
with Stonewall Jackson

Brush up your COBOL in year 1903
Why is a 120 year old language

Brush up your


year 1600 --> IBM base 16 HEX
year 1860/1861
--> IBM Base 16 President ...

16th President ABE Lincoln 
IBM MIS & BAL language Vice-President
HanniBAL -->
year 1900
 to HanniBAL MISSOURI and
the SYS1.SOURCE code library with
Mark Twain...
Sample Space --> Samuel Clemency

Clemencies have been granted in death-penalty cases for a variety of reasons
Huckleberry Finn code
bury coffin database with 

Dirac 4 X 4 matrices extended to n by n matrices

 and the physical body ALIVE 
and  brain DEAD ........
William F Buckley,JR. publisher and
PBS intellectual talk show  scam show

Basic Assembly Language) is an extremely restricted , introduced in 1964 and used on IBM System/360 mainframe systems with only 8 KB of main memory, and only a , and a printer for input/output, as part of IBM Basic Programming Support (BPS/360). 

north EUROPE computer science

IBM BAL regions of
BAlmoral Castle

 and the Baltic Sea region

with French and Russia
  BALLET computer code LETTER of the
assembler dancers BODY LANGUAGE

and movements of IBM body code

CO= Copenhagen language evolution

COUPLED WITH year 1903

The Bolsheviks (Russian)
were an
earth electron life ....
atoMic Michael
aday extension of the
IBM BAL ...BALTIC region--->
far-leftrevolutionary Marxist assembler instruction FORMAT faction 

founded by 
Vladimir....mirror agent  
Lenin (length nine(9))

 that split with the Mensheviks[b] from the Marxist Russian ss instruction FORMAT

There are two formats for the 
SS (Storage-to-Storage) instructions. ... (Storage-to-Storageformat instructions require length codes. 
Storage-to-Storage: Character Instructions ... Example of Packed Decimal Instructions. 

Solar ....EM sun-light field 
Democratic (OCR = humna eye optical character reader ....Lab ..black ink words and drawings & Flowcharts 

Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), a Planet Earth revolutionary socialist political party 

formed in 1898, 
year 1895
Hours Minutes and Seconds
at its Second Party Congress in 1903

Congress Street Chicago

Code name

Idea Base HG Well 
Language Machine subroutine drivers

Before it became a grand east-west axis in the Chicago Loop, Ida B. Wells Drive was known as Congress Street and only ran from State Street to
Mic Michigan Avenue of Avogadro's number. 

It was never a major street until the 1909 Plan of Chicago, a masterplan that was intended to improve the quality of life for Chicago residents.
 Authored by two architects and city ...

was known as Congress Street
was known as Congress Street
was known as Con gr ess Street
was known as Con gr ress -->

Computer Earth systems
North American continent .....

Earth gravity grammar
earth surface 
name LABELING field

Computer Earth ,,,,
the gravity HOST PLATFORM
that keeps the human body/legs
on the earth land/ground ......

earth surface name LABELING
... sometimes ...by the gravity field

....address space

Ida B. Wells Drive (formerly Congress Parkway) is a major east–west street in downtown Chicago, Illinois, in the United States. 

It runs east from the 

Wells Drive--> HG Wells language subroutine drivers

Jane --> neutrons
Mayor Richard Daley SR (system region)

TIME Bridge I/O PORT at
Bridgeport neighborhood in Chicago

Bridgeport .......

Unabridged refers to the full literary work remaining untouched.

Mayor Richard Daley SR with
SRiniVasa RamanuJan --> Jane --> January

where it meets the 24 hour PHASE shift
--> 24th parallel
perpendicular..90 geometry degree battle

Interstate 90 (I-90 --->
and the
Iraq KuWAIT war in year 1990), 

I-94 and 
I-290 ---> I=amperage/current of 29 electrons of copper and the parallel city of electricity.

 At Wells Street, Ida B. Wells Drive continues as a surface street past 
State Street and Michigan Avenue, until ending at Columbus Drive in Grant Park in front of the Buckingham Fountain

In 2018, the idiot bragging of

BIG Bird generation --> editorial board 
MOTHER HEN chicken brains 

the desructive  ATTACK on the year 1895

Martin Luther 95 THESIS (work 9 to 5)
time LINK to

TIME (software) MACHINE of HG Wellls 

LINK to 
EARTH systems ...
geography and molecular road map
with Wells Street Chicago

the Chicago City tyrosine sine wave 

Council's renaming of the street to
confuse COMPUTER EARTH systems
tp honor the 
CONCEPT manipulations and schemes of 
 the journalist and her ergs & joules 

Enter the number of ergs to convert into joules.

Easy ergs to J conversion.
Easy ergs to J conversion.

SJOBERG.......erg battle and cover-up 
at Oconomowoc High School prom dance
Details of Disappearance Catherine was last seen leaving her Oconomowoc High School prom during the early morning hours of June 5, 1974. The prom was held at the Concord House dance hall, in Concord, Wisconsin. She got into an argument with her boyfriend at 3:00 a.m.

Catherine Lynne Sjoberg -
The code name Project 

Sjoberg --> S + job + erg -->System job Ergodic theory experiments
A central concern of ergodic theory is the behavior of a dynamical system when it is allowed to run for a long time.

Boston ...
run 26 miles every year
for 100     B100D years

The first result in this direction is the 
Poincaré recurrence theorem,
which claims that 
almost all points in any subset of the phase space eventually revisit the set. 

(female nipples as bio-math points) points in any subset of the 
phase space (HOT woman ...
2 phases -->phase BEDROOM space)

the female nipple point -->

 Poincaré recurrence theorem,
which claims that 
almost all points in any subset of the phase space eventually revisit the set. 

in other words

Males ....eventually revisit the set of algebra nipple points. 

Systems for which the Poincaré recurrence theorem holds are conservative systems; thus all ergodic systems are conservative.

Easy ergs to J conversion. An is a unit of energy equal to one 10 millionth of a joule.

Easy ergs to J conversion
On the surface of the Earth....... Battle.

Jungle  Cong V= vietnam 1970 
war Version, 

Easy ergs to J conversion

On the surface of the Earth
it takes about 0.98 ergs to lift a 1 milligram object by 1 centimeter. 

joule is the standard unit of energy
A journey letter   of Joules VIA algebra subset name Jules  --> july entry sequenced data stream  ...schedule.

On the surface of the Earth
at Tijuana Mexico ...

H G Wells ......TIME MACHINE
...software location 
data processing ,,, symmetry systems

Someone who is hopelessly unable to find success. I don't know why I ever married a two-time loser like you! You're just a two-time loser, Betty.


 --> june


 --> july

it takes about 0.98 ergs to lift a 1 milligram object by 1 centimeter.

object by 1 centimeter.
object by 1 centimeter.

Central America

Time comparison
TiJuana nano-second pussy speed

Marijuana nano-second  flowers (errors),
for brain stems,
and see
ds(data sets) from the
Cannabis sativa or
Cannabis indica plant.

Marijuana ....
Marionette brain puppet Theater has been pulling the strings on family fun since 1963!
At our new
home in getting Highland Park

Easy ergs to J conversion.
Easy ergs to J conversion.
Easy ergs to Judge conversion.
Easy ergs to Jury    conversion.
Easy ergs to J conversion.
Easy ergs to Journalism conversion.

perception of existence and
real reality  ....
Bedroom sex parties, dance , musics, eat 
wetch TV  ....civil rights of lazy people .... activist of 

Congress Street in Chicago does
NOT exists   -->
Nihilism ......  N
ew York Times newspaper people   ....  dictionary profile..
Publisher --> beer pub publisher  

Male reporters --> beer/ale intoxicated by words

Male graduate of Yale --> advanced English class ...... bragging alcoholics
Yale code equation ----> ale/beer and Y..... 
with Y glass for wine,.etc

BUT the code name 

Idaho Boise & H2O....
water THOUGHT molecules 
in water wells

Brush up your COBOL in year 2023:
Why is a 60 year old language
suddenly in demand?

COBOL stands for
CO mmon
B usiness
O riented 
L anguage. 
One of the first of the high-level languages, it was put together by a group sponsored by the Department of Defense to develop a common business language.

Copenhagen Denmark --> Cobol batch
Copenhagen Denmark --> Open data sets

human female bio-computer software systems using  SOFT Bodies of WOMEN

want the  male penis Hardware

for system completion code

THUS molecular cell BIOLOGY
social & political law school

Female leg & clitoris (information systems) software

Legislation establishing the institute (uterus) was passed in November 1918

17-year-old Donald Ray Burt Jr. fatally shot Neal Boyd IV with one bullet to the head in a parking lot outside
Lew Wallace High School.[14] Burt was sentenced to iron-57 isotope --> 57 years in prison for 
FermiLAB ferrous/iron atom errors
and deliberate /rude insults the 
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family
and the IRON LADY
and the IRON MAID english

one bullet to the head in a parking lot outside

He was in love with a divorced and remarried American woman named Wallis Simpson, and the royal family was not having it. Why couldn't he just hook up with a cousin like a normal relative-marrying royal? No, Edward was determined to be with Simpson, no matter what.

Wallis, Duchess of Windsor 
Wallis, Duchess of Windsor 
Wallis, HinDu chess board of
EARTH & Winds of Win
dsor Data sets 

Bessel engineering math function ......
female military soldier in the
MACHINE wars/conflicts ..code name 
 Bessie Wallis Warfield, later Simpson;

 June 19, 1896 [a] - April 24, 1986), was an American socialite and wife of the former King Edward VIII. 

Their intention to marry and her status as a divorcée caused a constitutional crisis that led to Edward's abdication . 

Bessel function Wallis grew up in
IBM BAL region
Baltimore, Maryland and as a secret female 
 agent...... to align 2 systems ...
using NAMES  &
word approximate

.... thus her mission... as an agent for the
STATE of Maryland  for her to be in the 
STATE of Marry land --> to get to the
emotional state of --->

STATE of Merry land

and to align
IBM BAL region
Baltimore to Balmoral castle

Coordinates: 57°2′27″N 3°13′48″W Balmoral Castle ( / bælˈmɒrəl /) is a large estate house in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and a residence of the British royal family. It is near the village of Crathie, 9 miles (14 km) west of Ballater and 50 miles (80 km) west of Aberdeen .

The Balmer series, or Balmer lines in atomic physics, is one of a set of six named series describing the spectral line emissions of the hydrogen atom. The Balmer series is calculated using the Balmer formula, an empirical equation discovered by Johann Balmer in 1885.

Balmoral Castle has been 
the Scottish math cotangent home

of the Royal F --> algebra/math Function F(x) Family --> Family of Polynomials

since it was purchased for 

Little's Law Types of Stochastic Processes Basic Components of a Queue Arrival process

6. Service discipline
5. Population Size
 Waiting positions in KuWait war 1990

2. Service time distribution 
3. Number of servers Kendall Notation
in year 1963
...President Kennedy city of Dallas


A: Arrival process
S: Service time distribution m: Number of servers
B: Number of buffers (system capacity)

Queuing theory & applications -->Queen Victoria by Prince Albert in 1852, having been first leased in 1848.

Systems earth
This year the grounds

include ground beef

Systems earth
This year thgrounds

include coffee grounds

Systems earth
This year thgrounds

include electricity circuit ground

gardens and exhibitions at Balmoral will open to the Public daily until IBM BASE 16 hexadecimal 
Wednesday 16th August 

and you can now book your tickets online. Opening Details

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Book 1645-049 Tom M Apostol --> the set-up and murder of Travis Zoellick by the University of Wisconsin and Green Bay Packers FOOTBALL

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