Book 1645-028 by Herb Zinser
Tom M Apostol Math EXISTENCE
.....Short wave radio bandwidth interaction
human bio-electron husband bandwidths ....
H G Wells book ..Indirectly Visible man
Olson electronics humanoid extension
Orson Wells 1938 radio story
EMIT or REFLECT bandwidths
Tom M Apostol Math EXISTENCE
Four(4) foot tall Charles Steinmetz
Four (4) dimensions, existences, and perceptions of electrical engineering Fourier sin & cosine waves and their BLACK INK written math equations ......and its extension ......
the EXISTENCE of integrity and values in the Steinmetz human philosophy extension VIA metz-->Meta Zinser
... Short Steinmetz VS Shortwave radio life and its arrogant, snob people and their communication ERRORS
The set-up and murder of Gavin Eugene LONG by Longwave radio in Baton Rougeand the rigged, biased, manipulated ....
TV, Radio, newspaper reports on the tragic EVENT ..... with explanations written by
lazy, snob human RADIO HEAD idiots
in Cambridge --> secret radio bridge
to Radford Virginia ..... set-up and murder of
the EXISTENCE of integrity and values in the Steinmetz human philosophy extension
TV, Radio, newspaper reports on the tragic EVENT ..... with explanations written by
lazy, snob human RADIO HEAD idiots
to Radford Virginia
Ross Truett Ashley, Virginia Tech Shooter, Was 22-Year-Old Radford ...
Best Time To Listen to Shortwave ,,,
DEATH waves...of a radio RADFORD
programmable MALE puppet
Shortwave -
WORLD radio battle played out
at Vir location
Ohm's LAW of Resistance ot BS Dance
Worldband Radio Stations -
Best Time To Listen to Shortwave ...
22 meters - Similar to 19m. EVENING/NIGHT RECEPTION This is the best time to listen, because the broadcasters are deliberately beaming to North America.
These bands may be extremely good around sunset and sunrise too
These (Herman Hesse...Siddhartha) husbands bandwidth
may be (Maybelline )
cosmetics cosine math function and math curves .... via the female messenger vehicle) extremely good around
sunset (algebra set theory time) and sunrise (Hari Seldon .... too
Hari Seldon is Nature's language systems ...... a real SYMBOL MACHINE life form ....
a computer THOUGHT subroutine program comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, observations, perceptions, and ideas ..... that must be given name / identifer..hence
PGM = Hari Seldon
sunset (algebra set theory time) and sunrise (Hari Seldon .... too
PGM = Hari Seldon
Hari Seldon is Nature's language systems ...... a real SYMBOL MACHINE life form ....
of ancient sun-light, sunrise provide the day light for thoughts, SEEING and DOING work .....character in
In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University on the planet Trantor,
on the planet Trantor,on the planet Tran tor ..fill the void,on the planet Tran tor . Pattaya on the planet Tran tor . Bangkokon the planet Tran tor Heasrt on the planet Tran tor SLAon the planet TranSLA tor
spells translation / analysis /think
on the planet Trantor,on the pla net Trantor,on the plague Janet Reno Traitor,
and the FCC and FAA cover-upof
the tragic EVENT ....
EVENT set-up and the appearanceof an airplane accident ....
the accidental murder at the Watertown/Hubbleton
Wisconsin sin wave WAR ZONE
SHORT air waves attackEuclidean plane geometry
murder at the Watertown/Hubbleton
Wisconsin sin wave WAR ZONE
the tragic EVENT ....
EVENT set-up and the appearance
Short wave radio ... FLYING continuum and its
the human male body as a bio-electron
antenna ....
vertical(V) standing or
horizontal(H) in bed ...
VHF | communications |
VHF signals are widely employed ...ploys per PLO Yassar Arafat of
the Sin wave region of the Sinai .... EARTH geography shape
as a writing pen --> peninsula of sand electrons per Star Trek
the Sin wave region of the
as a writing pen --> peninsula of sand electrons per Star Trek
Sulu - Wikipedia
Hikaru Kato Sulu is a
representative name for the EARTHconflict areas ........friction
/ frictional character in the FORMAT frictional character word - 1 letter....
frictional ---> fridayfrictional ---> friday idaho TIMEfrictional ---> friday florida
frictional ..the English language real estate market & sell words and definitions.......twist & rotate semantics and noun/concept perceptions
frictional subtract letter rfrictional sub-division real estate tracts ...LINK land & lumber houses to eye/optical nerve / vision BLACK INK language
frictional subtract letter rfictional missing letter r
the Star Trek media franchise --> chisel ..using an ink pen as a chisel (to sculpt language words instead of marble).
the Star Trek media franchise --> chisel ..using an ink pen as a chisel (to sculpt language words instead of marble).
media franchise --> chiselmedia franchise --> chisel /sculpt the human skull and attack the Zinjan Boise skull projectusing Television EM attack waves
representative name for the EARTH
/ frictional character in the FORMAT
the Star Trek
Fran Drescher reveals the 1 nano-second processor speed chisel speed
of Playboy Jan 1997Jami Ferrous Ferrell
IF logic Gary iron atoms & Muncie Indiana 'Nanny' episode of
Fran Drescher reveals the ODDone = 1 nano-second
atomic nose agents at

Chicago/Batavia nose area
of Areaquipa extension Pier ODDonethat 'everybody ... - TODAY
April 9, 2021, 2:48 PM PDT / Source: TODAY By Alexander Kacala Fran Drescher has been there and back
The Nanny --> nano-second ..oscillation errors
(TV Series 1993-1999) - IMDb
65 Play trailer 2:09 2 Videos 99+ Photos Comedy Family Romance After being fired from her job and dumped by her boyfriend, a cosmetics saleswoman becomes the nanny to the three children of a rich English widower.
The Nanny (TV Series )
The Nanny (TV Series 1993-1999) - IMDb
Methods of
Chemical structure of ABS, PS and PVC. - ResearchGate
ABS polymer is a complex THOUGHT ...THOUGHT carrier molecule - composed of acrylonitrile
- (15 wt% of atomic Nigel Lockyer),
- butadiene (40 wt% die/death in San Diego with the swimming pool and the
- Macgyver TV show with
Phoenix Foundation order entry dire commands broadcast
by dire director PETER and the - set-up. selection and murder
- of Peter Selis) and styrene (45 wt%).
- ABS polymer is a complex THOUGHT ...THOUGHT carrier molecule
- composed of acrylonitrile
- (15 wt% of atomic Nigel Lockyer),
- butadiene (40 wt% die/death in San Diego with the swimming pool and the
- Macgyver TV show with
Phoenix Foundation order entry dire commands broadcast
by dire director PETER and the - set-up. selection and murder
- of Peter Selis) and styrene (45 wt%).
The Mysterious Affair
at Styles - Wikipedia
- The Mysterious Affair at Styles is the first detective novel by British writer Agatha Christie, introducing her
- THOUGHT molecule detective
- ... amplified into humanoid FORMAT
- for easy visibility and eye comprehension
- .....molecule name Hercule Poirot.
- The ABS molecule monomer is shown schematically in Figure 2. The sample showed...
- The Mysterious Affair at Styles is the first detective novel by British writer Agatha Christie, introducing her
- THOUGHT molecule detective
- ... amplified into humanoid FORMAT
- for easy visibility and eye comprehension
- .....molecule name Hercule Poirot.
- The ABS molecule monomer is shown schematically in Figure 2. The sample showed...
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene - Wikipedia
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ( ABS) ( chemical formula (C 8 H 8) x · (C 4 H 6) y · (C 3 H 3 N) z ) is a common thermoplastic polymer. Its glass transition temperature is approximately 105 °C (221 °F). [4] ABS is amorphous and therefore has no true melting point.,
school education schemes on blood heme software languages .scams, rackets, fraud, manipulation ...for television and radio transmissions on death by air plane events,
drowning of
short Harry Quadracci in four --> 4 1/2 feet of Wisconsin sine wave ........FOURIER math ... .
social and print ..... social engineeringand population math language ...ERROR MESSAGE site
school education schemes
short Harry Quadracci in four --> 4 1/2 feet of Wisconsin sine wave ........
social and print ..... social engineering
Quadracci ....accidentally
drowned in lake -
The Journal Times
Harry V. Quadracci ...dual(2) message,
- In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory. An address constant can be one, two, three or four bytes long, although an adcon of less than four bytes is conventionally used to hold an expression for a small integer such as a length, a relative address, or an index value, and does not represent an address at all. Address constants are defined using an assembler language "DC" statement.
Harry V. Quadracci,Harry V. Quadracci,
think editor of a magazine OR book publisher .........- resolved ..
- needs to resolve
- (his inner brain
fantasy island as - editor of orifice holes ) with an external reference
Harry V. Quadracci,
- Harry V. Quadracci,
- Harry V. Quadrac --> Quadratic equation
- address space with CICS ..... access to the algebra / plane geometry / math continuum
- and its expressions and killing systems
The Pine Lake .....
- liquid solution...... water thought molecules ...DEATH solution parameters
- at Chenequa equation needs human names/code ....
- let b = betty
- let ac--> quadracci
- let 4 --> 4 feet of water
,,, water H2O molecules as - Walden Pond ......Henry David Thoreau
body of knowledge WITH
a dead human body of Quadracci - of Chenequa and SuSSex Wisconsin
The death codes and - The Natures' sytems quadracci Quadractic death DEMO
- president and founder of Quad /Graphics, was set and murdered in the V-addresss spaceaccidentally drowned while swimming in Pine Lake, police and the medical examiner's office said. His body was found...
Harry V. Quadracci ...dual(2) message, - In IBM System/360 through present day z/Architecture, an address constant or "adcon" is an assembly language data type which contains the address of a location in computer memory. An address constant can be one, two, three or four bytes long, although an adcon of less than four bytes is conventionally used to hold an expression for a small integer such as a length, a relative address, or an index value, and does not represent an address at all. Address constants are defined using an assembler language "DC" statement.
- Harry V. Quadracci,
- Harry V. Quadracci,
think editor of a magazine OR book publisher .........- resolved ..
- needs to resolve
- (his inner brain
fantasy island as - editor of orifice holes ) with an external reference
- Harry V. Quadracci,
- Harry V. Quadracci,
- Harry V. Quadrac --> Quadratic equation
- address space with CICS ..... access to the algebra / plane geometry / math continuum
- and its expressions and killing systems
- The Pine Lake .....
- liquid solution...... water thought molecules ...DEATH solution parameters
- at Chenequa equation needs human names/code ....
- let b = betty
- let ac--> quadracci
- let 4 --> 4 feet of water
,,, water H2O molecules as - Walden Pond ......Henry David Thoreau
body of knowledge WITH
a dead human body of Quadracci - of Chenequa and SuSSex Wisconsin
The death codes and - The Natures' sytems quadracci Quadractic death DEMO
- president and founder of Quad /Graphics, was set and murdered in the V-addresss spaceaccidentally drowned while swimming in Pine Lake, police and the medical examiner's office said. His body was found...
Quadracci death an `accidental drowning' - The Business Journals
Harry V. Quadracci's body was discovered Monday afternoon in 4-1/2 feet of water in Pine Lake, near his home in Chenequa. He was 66 years old. Quadracci had been missing since the...
. In the United States and Canada, television stations that broadcast on channels 2 through 13 use VHF frequencies, as do FM radio stations. Many amateur radio operators also transmit on frequencies within the VHF band.
- Harry V. Quadracci's body was discovered Monday afternoon in 4-1/2 feet of water in Pine Lake, near his home in Chenequa. He was 66 years old. Quadracci had been missing since the...
United States and Canada, television stations that broadcast on channels 2 through 13 use VHF frequencies,
broadcast on channels 2 through 13
broadcast on channels 2 through 13 to create the year 2013 April 15 Boston bombing
the year 2013 April 15 ..letter 13
the year 2013 April 15 symbol M
the year 20 April 15
the year 20M April 15
the year 20M April 15
the year 20M April --> riddle 15
of Pier Oddone and wife S DE ODDONE --> Differential equationsat FermiLAB(F) Oddone(O)
.... thus the Arequipa area of quiver vibrations and Galpagos oscillations AND the equal / equivalence
wife S DE ODDONE --> Differential equationsat FermiLAB(F) Oddone(O)
suggests F O --> F equal O
suggest FLOW equations
and female woman ....pregnant
.. ancient insect/ant molecular software in human female WOMB
human action figures
Short Brothers atomic metal airplane battle report VS
Short wave radios adios /good-bye /death
..quiver PEOPLEof Arequipa Peru
Quito Ecuador with
Quito Ecuador with
Pier Oddone of Berkeley Lab
Named Fermilab Director -
Nasty/ ugly News
surface area of
food grains, fish proteins,
HinDu earth chess board
duplicate language area
...historyPier Oddone of the
atomic expression systems and
FermiLAB O --> Oddone
atomic mud hole = O in summer time
dry black soil + liquid water like ink fluid
human male sub-conscious MIND ?
molecule & vector specimen
Cafeteria & Food Service - Law of Berkshire hogs ...
molecules with orthogonal
software FOOD input at
Berkeley National Laboratory
Pier Oddone is converted to
Berkeley National Laboratory
... named Pi ---> Pier in Arequipa Peru
continuum(Office of Science):
ODD quinea pig ... named Pi
his original Andes Mountains
destiny to become equivalent
to a tiny quinea pig
--> OddOne ..cook well done
radio & TV EM waves
from display .......
NATURE's display systems .........
the periodic atomic table & language
.... the Chicago atomic continuum display of information DATA FIELDS .........
data field building...named
AMUSE the human rectum people
ZERO =O ..empty brain project of
ODDONE and President O base map
Boy Scout Sam Hegel
and Janet Reno death software..........
Paul Dirac,
FermiLAB quiver wave RD
THOUGHT molecules
with attached
THOUGHT molecules
THOUGHT molecules
proton ... proper PERU noun
..Symbol & Concept Machine
molecules from year 1626
pi = 3.14159 of Pier with his
Red Pig food molecules is
to upgrade the RED blood cells
to the (soun alike words)
READ book software level
to upgrade to basic intellect ,,,,
Read Red blood cells of
human Pi(error)
Pi(3.14159) group of symbols
human guinea pig.....
Lewis Carroll and the
"Come, that finishes the guinea-pigs!" thought Alice. "Now we shall get on better."
"I'd rather finish my tea," said the Hatter, with an anxious look at the Queen, who was reading the list of singers.
I'd rather finish my tea,
I'd rather finish my tea,
I'dan rather finish my CBS News
,,Bull-shit teacher,
In 1981, Rather was promoted to news anchor for the CBS Evening (7) News on
Piermaria Oddone
"You may go," said the King of thinking
while looking at a thin line of black ink
of white cellulose paper,
and the Hatter hurriedly left the court,
Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa, Peru[1]) is a
Peruvian-American particle physicist in
Lewis Carroll performances in
without even waiting to put his shoes on.
without even waiting to put his shoes on.
without even waiting to
put his shoe s on --> order entry.
The Batavia inverted BAT view
HIs head ..
the EARTH center core
of ferrous/iron atoms
..his body length (earth radius)
..His feet the SYMBOL foundation
of FermiLAB/ Wilson Hall
per link
without even waiting to put his shoes on
1990 (Perpendicular 90 degrees
geometry vertical ...
.... the perpendicular math computer
Address constant
How to Speak Pig Latin - 4 Rules to be Fluent in Pig Latin | BLEND
Pier maria Oddone of the
Indonesia Borneo
.....maria name DATABASE used
by Peru banker bandwidths-
Map of Ute Territory in Utah and Colorado by Band Name and Location
Ute people & Computer EARTH
Ute people
Ute people bio-electrons
Ute people
Ute people relationship
Ute people
Ute people relationship
Ute people
Ute people name servers
Ute people
Ute people LINK geo-electrons
Ute people
Ute people
Ute people peoples of the Great Basin (Base sin wave) to
Great Britain
(Great atomic thought Bridge)
U te
U te
U te
U teleprocessing
electricity and electron circuits
year 1980 copper wire electricity
IBM 3270 CRT terminals
the bank marble surface transfer to Eric Fromm
electricity and electron circuits
year 1980 copper wire electricity
IBM 3270 CRT terminals
atomic /gravity THOUGHT field computer of Florida State University
...... Paul Dirac coffin database using the atomic quantum wave mechanics language
noun ...COMPUTER EARTH existential data processing
- Computer service by means of centuries old
- human bio-computer terminals remote from the central computer of the Julles Verne EARTH Center core.
- .
- The exchange of data between computers, or between a central computer and terminals, via telecommunications links; data communications.
- Data processing in which some of the functions are performed in different places and connected by transmission facilities.
U te
murder/create accident software program acting on behalf of
Pier Maria Oddone (without his approval)
FermiLAB DuPage county
...County of tyrosine tyrosine molecule and
short distance from the runway
49 dead mirror 94 --> year 1914 President WOOD (2)
Debris from OceanGate sub found 1,600 feet from Titanic after "catastrophic implosion," U.S. Coast Guard says
FermiLAB quiver wave RD
MIDWEST RD into death quivers
North Dakota for analysis
at location 7 of G
violations of the
plowed land quiver waves to rotate
Shirley Temple Black ...Black
farm soil Chernozem
10 things to know about
Curly Top --> TOP soil plowed/curled
and the rigged legal crap ....
BIG TOP CIRCUS destroyed by
legal nonsense
Barnum circus trials
The American circus,
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey, has said it will cease performances after
146 years because of..
Shirley Temple Black
IBM base 16 message Hex'e' = 14
farm soil Chernozem
10 things to know about Curly Top
plane geometry farm land
Berkeley Lab experiment in
creation of Sam Berkowitz
Named Fermilab Director -
Nasty/ ugly News
Pier Oddone of Berkeley Lab
Named Fermilab Director -
Nasty/ ugly News
David Berkowitz - Wikipedia
David Richard Berkowitz (born Richard David Falco, June 1, 1953),
also known as the Son of Sam also known as the Son of Sam also known as the Son of uncle Sam also known as the Son of uncle Sam also known as the Son of vague/ unclear Sam
and the .44 Caliber Killer, and the .44 Caliber Killer, and the .44 Caland the .44 Cal
and the .44 Calculus interceptorand the .44 Calculus interceptorand the .44 Calculus interceptor
mentally born in year 19 AD as a decimal(e) fraction....The ODDONE born in 19.44 AD --> HEAD
Piermaria Oddone - Wikipedia
Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa, Peru [1]) is a Peruvian - American particle physicist
Algebra agent zero --> f(x) = O --> Oddone earned
his bachelor's sba degree in
The set buffer address order - IBM
orders with a set buffer address (SBA) order to indicate where you want to place or change a field. To do this, you send an SBA order followed by a 2 byte address, as in Figure 1. SBA sequence The address in the figure is a “12 bit†address for position 112 ( X'70'), which is row 2, column 33 on an 80-column scree
Oddone earned
his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 doing hands on research on female physical biology specimens
and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.
is an American serial killer answer who pleaded guilty to eight shootings that began in New York City on electricity intellectual battles July 29, 1976 --> Joules code
July 29, 1976.July 29, 1976.
July 29, 1976.July 29, 1976.
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia
Since 1996, there has been an unusually high number of cases involving young women disappearing along U.S. Route 29 (US 29) in Virginia, or an area known as the "Route 29 Corridor". [1] Five young women disappeared in five years between 2009 and 2014, earning it a particularly notorious reputation. [2]
Missing personsMissing personsMissing persons .....
rotating automobile rubber tires generate a parallel electricalternating cycle(AC) ..... sin wave
cases along ....
copper metal wire 29 electron flow
using Route 29...
moving motor vehicles /
cars as messages
about other things .......
at 63 miles /65 miles per hour
U.S. Route 29 in Virginia
[2] Berkowitz grew up in New York City and served in the United States Army.
Oddone is the recipient of the 2005 Panofsky Prize for having a 1st name --> Pie --> Pier
and the the invention of the
Asymmetric B-Factory with BF Skinner.
Oddone is married to Barbara S. de Oddone, Esq., an attorney. They are the parents of Gian Michele and Alessandra. After many years in California, Oddone said that he and his wife look forward to getting to know the Chicago area.
Short BrothersShort Brothers
Asymmetric B-Factory with BF Skinner.
Z407 Herb Zinser translates
Tom M Apostol tolstoy
South Dakota (SD)
database military
math book
and other ...
Apr 3, 2023
Short Brothers SD-360-300, registration: N372AC Accident occurred Sunday, February 05, 2006 in Watertown, WI --> February implies FE = Ferrous oxide atomic mass 56 Probable Cause Approval Date: 03/31/2008
Aircraft: Short Brothers SD-360-300, registration: N3735W Injuries: 3 Fatal,1 Minor,2 Uninjured.
Aircraft: Short Brothers SD-360-300,
Atomic intellect and its return codesof Nature's systems of the
periodic atom table that is USED by the
humanoid snobs at FermiLAB, arrogance of Argonne,unconscious idiot university...
the work/ effort to take a shit/ toilet seat to sit,
February 05, 2006Fe br uary 05, 2006 --> Female Barbara of Fermilab
Short Brothers
SD-360-300, registration: N372ACSD-360-300, registration of Barbara SD360 geometry degrees in a round circle O -->
thus named O --> ODDONE
Asymmetric B-Factory. Oddone is married to secret interceptor agent Barbara S. de
(South Dakota earth and
Secrets of Schools of Delawarejack & jill project of Jill Biden) Oddone,
Barbara S. de
(South Dakota earth language)
Asymmetric B-Factory. Asymmeatric B-Factory. Asymmeat tricK B-Factory
....Asymmetric B-Factory.Asymmetric B-Factory.
Animal BeeF actor story.
periodic atom table that is USED by the
the work/ effort to take a shit/ toilet seat to sit,
SD-360-300, registration: N372AC
thus named O --> ODDONE
(South Dakota earth and
Secrets of Schools of Delaware
(South Dakota earth language)
....Asymmetric B-Factory.
Animal BeeF actor story.
Jim Dell ,
earth surface life form
CEO - CENTER earth atomic
iron core -->symbol O
(middle earth diameter). of
inner EARTH
Jim Dell , CEO --> O = Oxygen atomic mass 16in the EARTH atmosphere ....
EARTH surface humanoid with LUNGS ...... Jim (alias Captain Jim KIRK of Star Trek) joined the down to earth land region of farmer Karl Zinser.
Mark my Words my atomic land as an earth electron platform electron shell...... s-orbital algebra sub-set ---> so i l, and Landmark in March of 2018 as CEO and President.
Jim grew up on a 500 cow-calf operation in Conde, South Dakota(SD)
as part of the 500 year Bose-Einsetin Condensate project
cultivating 3,200 acres of row crops and small grains within the EARTH atmosphere.... Oxygen molecule.
Jim grew up on a 500 cow operation ..with 4-legged female cows in HEAT ...that JIM recognized ...thus farm sex, signal and animal protocol education of JIM DELL and
his SRP molecule
at the Animal House movie --->University
He attended Southwest State University of HOT female students in their monthly molecule HEAT & DESIRE cycle.....
4 day cycle for wild parties & sex in Marshall, Minnesota to obtain a degree in Ag Business. Jim began his
Mark my Words
Jim grew up on a 500 cow-calf operation in Conde, South Dakota(SD)
his SRP molecule
4 day cycle for wild parties & sex
Short Brothers…the forgotten tra -
The Short No.1 Biplane, the first aeroplane designed by the brothers in 1909, crashed on its first take-off. Photo: Public domain. In 1897 two brothers Eustace and Oswald Short, both living in Sussex, took a ride in a coal gas filled balloon. This ride set the scene for their entry into the aviation business.
Short WAVE sin wave... Galapagos oscillation agents
OS = Oswald Short
The Short No.1 Biplane,
The Short No.1 Biplane,
The Short No.1 Biplane LINK to Village of IPING,
OS = Oswald Short
The Invisible Man -->
Indirectly visible Manuscript of
Nature's social & communication
expression systems
that use the human body
as a HOST Platform
A mysterious man, Griffin, referred to as
'the stranger software subroutine',
arrives at the local inn owned by
Mr. and Mrs. Hall of the English village of Iping, English village of Iping, English village of Iping, West Sussex, during a snowstorm. The stranger wears a long-sleeved, thick coat and gloves; his face is hidden entirely by bandages except for a prosthetic nose, and he wears a wide-brimmed hat.
. In 1897 two brothers Eustace and Oswald Short, both living in Sussex, took a ride into information and knowledge space
two brotwo brotwo bro
'the stranger software subroutine',
arrives at the local inn owned by
Mr. and Mrs. Hall of the
Louis Broglie and the
Idea of Wave-Particle Duality(two = 2..or more)
In 1924, Broglie developed his theory of electron waves, which was the idea that matter might have the properties of waves on the atomic scale, rooted in Einstein's earlier theories. Th
Idea of Wave-Particle Duality(two = 2..or more)
In 1924, Broglie developed his theory and application of
electron TIME waves with Jacob Franksand the BS law school at the University of Chicago 1924 hour clockexperiment
using the Duality of spiritual Brothers/Best Friends with BEST BUY electron brain circuits ... Friends
electron TIME waves with Jacob Franks
Idea of Wave-Particle Duality(two )
. In 1897 two brothers Eustace and Oswald Short, both living in Sussex, took a ride,,,,,,,,,, PARALLEL
took a ride,,,,,,,,,took a ride,,,,,,,,,took a ride,,,,,,,,with age 14 Bobby Franks,
Leopold and Loeb -
Cornell University
On May 21, 1924 the boys put their plan in action and kidnapped Bobby Franks, their neighbor, after offering Franks a ride as he walked home from school.
Once inside the car, Once inside the car,Once insideathe car,
Loeb struck him in the back of the head by the brain stEM with a chisel,
The Nanny (TV Series 1993-1999)television EM field franchise of Fran-
Creators Fran Franchise
Drescher..address space
Creators Fran Franchise
Creators Fran Franchise
Creators Fran Drescher --->
Chernobyl disaster - Wikipedia
The Fran Drescher &
Sonny and Cher TV music &
American school teacher
unified errors attack -->Chernobyl disaster [a] was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the No. 4 reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR in the Soviet Union. [1].
Tensor space/time GEATSNano-second Nanny TV show99+ Photos Comedy Family Romance
After being fired from her job and dumped by her boyfriend, a cosmetics saleswoman becomes the nanny to the three children of a rich English widower. As time passes, the two fall for each other. Creators Fran Drescher
although some dispute remains over whether Leopold and Loeb actually struck the child.
three children of a rich families of the rich English language in Chicago
three children of rich money
Bobby FranksNathan Leopold and Richard Loebnew .....
. In 1897 two brothers Eustace and Oswald Short, both living in Sussex, took a ride,,,,,,,,,, PARALLEL IN OTHER WORDS
. In 1897 --> time shift to --> in year 1924
two University of Chicago brothers Eustace (Leopold) and
Oswald(Loeb) Short Height (Bobby Franks),
Bobby Franks & Charles Steinmetzyear 1924 --> age 14--> 4 feet tall
..about Four (4) feet tall living within theFourier social engineering .....
sine wave and the 90 degree phase difference of the cosine wave
Short Height (Bobby Franks),Short wave radio BATTLE with Steinmetz ...using (Bobby Franks height 4),
Oswald(Loeb) Short Height (Bobby Franks),
sine wave and the
atomic rocks....
that think like Jacob Franks TIME FACTORY
male cotton underwear filled
with 2 male testicle/balls as hard as rocks because they are
..filled with sperm/semen ......
thus the horizontal BED with sex oscillations ...that travel to the underground atomic sin wave detector)
biology electrons of the
EARTH LAB specimen .....
the atomic electron Body
--->Bobby Franks organs / livers/
protein muscles/ brain SOFTWARE content ,,,,,,,scanned by Nature's ..... fixed atomic iron/ferrous railroad track
generates oscillations / waves seeking
for Nature's wave telescope scan of
Bobby Franks bio-computer body
of data records &
.....thus Nature's Oscilloscope
sine wave and the
two University of Chicago brothers Eustace (Leopold) and
Oswald(Loeb) Short Height (Bobby Franks), both living in Sussex, took a ride to the
oscillations/vibrations ...
atomic iron metal RAIL ROAD trackson the EARTH geography surface...... a moving atomic iron/ferrous ....
passenger TRAIN /
freight (8) TRAIN of the Pennsylvania Railroad ... oscillations as a
moving INK PEN --> writing information
the atomic social region of
quantum wave mechanics
two University of Chicago brothers
Oswald(Loeb) Short Height (Bobby Franks), both living in Sussex, took a ride to the
atomic iron metal RAIL ROAD tracks
passenger TRAIN /
freight (8) TRAIN of the Pennsylvania Railroad ... oscillations as a
moving INK PEN --> writing information
the atomic social region of
quantum wave mechanics
Robert Franks Murder
A culvert along the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks near Wolf Lake in Hammond, Indiana, where the body of 14-year-old Robert Franks was discovered by Tony Minke on 22nd May 1924. Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, two students from Chicago, later confessed to Franks' kidnap and murder. (Photo by Topical Press Agency Hulton Archive/Getty Images)1
. In 1897 . In 1897 . In 1897 ,,,two brothers (as messengers)
in the
EXISTENCE of language THEORY .....with various levels with
several different applications in society and legal systems
. In 1897 two brothers Eustace and Oswald Short, both living in Sussex, took a ride
In 2006 February 5 ,,,,,,,,a SHORT BROTHERS living atomic mass /metal airplane ........
Flying thru EARTH ATOMOSPHERE nitrogen gas (NG) used by the
Wisconsin AIR National Guard (NG)living in Sussex/ Milwaukee air port space
Wisconsin wave ..Oswald space
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
. In 1897 two brothers Eustace and Oswald Short, both living in Sussex, took a ride
. In 1897 two neuro-science molecule messenger brothers Eustace and Oswald Short, both living in Sussex, took a ride
molecule messenger brothersbrothers Eustace brothers Eustace brothers E ust ace
--> acetylcholine (ACh--> American Cities names CH
CH --> Charleston SC -->
sub-conscious MIND battle at the Emanuel AFterlife Methods Church of harvesting the atomic coffin database
brothers Eustace brothers Eustace brothers E ust ace
--> acetylcholine (ACh--> American Cities names CH
the ENTRY of external world ....
Virginia tobacco farm ..... human TOUCH data transfer to tobacco leaves .... thus tobacco nicotine cotangent math molecules of United States Tobacco(UST --
common stock symbol in year 1970 /1975)
and CONCEPT site/ reminder of the tobacco industry
in the
EXISTENCE of language THEORY .....
several different applications in
Wisconsin AIR National Guard (NG)
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
sub-conscious MIND battle at the Emanuel AFterlife Methods Church of harvesting the atomic coffin database
Virginia tobacco farm .....
common stock symbol
Hustisford Rd, Watertown, WI 53094 | Zillow
Dec 23, 2022N8603 Hustisford Rd, Watertown, WI 53094 |
American Cigar Co - Watertown History
Wm. F. Earle, Superintendent of the Watertown branch of the American Cigar AC) company has been on a
parallelbusiness trip for some
weeks (Wisconsin Electric sin waves)
(Wisconsin Electric sin waves)(Wisconsin Electri cosine waves)
(Wisconsin Electric sin waves)(Wisconsin Electri cou sin waves)
(Wisconsin Electri country cousin waves)
past through the tobacco sections of Wisconsin, and succeeded in buying the product of 800 acres of tobacco.
brothers Eustace brothers Eustace brothers E ust ace
--> acetylcholine (ACh--> American Cities names CH
the ENTRY of external world ....
Virginia tobacco nicotine molecules of United States Tobacco(UST --
the ENTRY into the lung
--> blood stream-->brain COMPUTER
EXTERNAL nicotine moleculesbrings NEW information into the brain molecular bio-computerto LINK with its neuron family friend as the nicotine molecules cotangent ....
cotangent math curve that is like a
human male/mail messenger arm .........
as SYMBOL LIFE human ...
human arm (the nicotine molecule)
with a EXTERNAL Virginia land /soil...Thomas Jefferson thoughtsare within the earth electron Virginia tobacco leaveswith OHMS Law of Resistance to BS
human arm (the nicotine molecule)
nicotine DATABASE
---> information POKER hand of
acetylcholine data line storageof the molecule
INTERNAL ..the internal isolated molecule
.... molecule prison
molecular cell biology
molecular JAIL cell biology
acetylcholine PRISON
(Wisconsin Electric sin waves)
past through the tobacco sections of Wisconsin, and succeeded in buying the product of 800 acres of tobacco.
Virginia tobacco nicotine molecules
--> blood stream-->brain COMPUTER
human male/mail messenger arm .........
human arm (the nicotine molecule)
---> information POKER hand of
.... molecule prison
M1 Money Supply: How It Works (2) and How to Calculate It - Investopedia
Feb 16, 2023M1 is the molecule money supply that is composed of electric current generates currency, demand deposits, other liquid deposits of
wine, whiskey liquids—which includes savings deposits. M1 includes the most liquid portions of the money supply...most(moisture) liquid (wet pussy) portions of the
female money .....female supply of pleasure...generates economic /money activity
wine, whiskey liquids—which includes savings deposits.
female money .....
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