Saturday, June 24, 2023

Book 1645-029 by Herb Zinser Tom M Apostol Math EXISTENCE The UTE band bandwidths war of the Great Basin sin wave battle ..OceanGate battle of five(5) ...Hawaii Five-O


Book 1645-029  by Herb Zinser

Tom M Apostol Math EXISTENCE 

The UTE band bandwidths 

war of the Great Basin

the Great Basin sin wave battle ..OceanGate battle of five(5) 

...Hawaii Five-O and 5 dead

The UTE band bandwidths war of the 

Great Basin sin wave battle ..

battle of five(5) OceanGate submarine DEAD

...Hawaii Five-O television

OceanGate says all Hawaii five Oceangate passengers 

have died for the small city of five(5)  math/algebra  polynomial roots/zeroes
f(x) = O 
--> OcOnOmOwOc

  AND &
LAND surface AND logic 

 --> OcOnOmOwOc local nodes of Wisconsin Avenue /city main street

and the larger state NODE level 
 Wisconsin wave nodes

the 5 OcOnOmOwOc

 local nodes of 
Wisconsin Avenue /city 
(3/4 of code word --> wave)

state NODE level (4/4 of word wave)
state NODE level (4/4 of word wave)

4/4 time: A song in 4/4 time has four beats per measure and is counted 1, 2, 34, 1, 2, 34, and so on. 

4/4 time is also called "common time" because it is the most common time signature for

pop (bedroom population music with
MR. penis pops into pussy),

rock (bed rock during sex activity),
R&B, folk, etc. 3/4 time:

A song in 3/4 time has three beats per measure (penis meat of MR. Cocksure)  and is counted 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, and so on.
Time SignaturesTime SignaturesTime Signatures --> stabbingTim earth    Signatures
Tim earth boy age 19 killed
Tim Hack & Kelly Drew
killed in TIME WARS 

state NODE level (4/4 of word wave)
state NODE level (4/4 of word wave)
state NODE level (4/4 of word wave)

geography land (nodes) of
Wisconsin  deal
Wisconsin  deal
Wisconsinode  al-->alphabets/algebra 
Earth Language of the
EARL of Russell & parallel mirror letter of Russell --> Russ --> Russia

geography land (nodes) of
Wisconsin  deal
Wisconsin  deal--> new Deal
Wiscon  sin  node  

New Deal | Definition, History, Programs, Summary, & Facts
New Deal, domestic program of the
penis head administration of
U.S. Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) between
1933 and 1939
which took action to bring about immediate economic relief as
well as reforms in
industry (try/effort),
agriculture of faculty,
coffin finance,
hot waterpower (waterbags and bedroom pussy power),
labour(( months pregnancy),
and housing(holes sing),
vastly increasing the scope of the
federal fetus government's activities.

geography land (nodes) of
Wisconsin  deal
Wisconsin  deal--> new Deal
Wiscon  sin  node  

 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 
 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 
 FranklinoDe lan --> local area network 

 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 
 Franklin Delano --> Delano 
system feedback loop

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 
Franklin Delano --> Delano 

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 
 Franklin Delano --> loop backwards to

system letters De --> Delano .... application

Base 16 Wisconsin sin PLATFORM
Hexadecimal  Highway 16

code  Land node site ......
Nigel location name per Lockyer 

 Delafield Wisconsin wave nodes
 Dela & instruction fields --> field 
 De la  field 
 IBM assembler coDe 
 la=Load address instuction   ....field 

Nigel location Lockyer name & agent
Fe = FermiLAB
fe = ferrous /iron atom
fe = Female interceptor  agent for ERRORS

Tammi L. LaFave Delafield woman pleaded
guilty to intercepting corrupt, arrogant
Federal murder systems to
create nasty DATABASES
for newspaper, TV news,  and
FETUS family & community bragging 

thus Nature's selection of
Tammi L. LaFave Delafield woman 

SYSTEMS double (2 = two) agent
her SYMBOL MACHINE alignment codes

Tammi L. LaFave Delafield(ouble) (t)woman 

..... for FermiLAB .. Margaret Mead
nuclear family ...
atomic social science  ..
Ferrous BLOOD iron of Haroon Khan
....return code ERRORS created

..thus Nature's  periodic atomic table
of element Fe
to maximize message content

..Federal death sentence policy
encourages  murder and stabbing ...
Thus the atomic element ....
military language

Fe TOOL  to FOOL ordinary people

Ferrous /iron atomic knife

to maximize message content
content for Stephen Hawking..
EVENT Horror Horizon
with the
Grand Rapids ato
mic michigan
mic micro-second processor speed
condition code ERRORS

Tammi L. LaFave Delafield(ouble) (t)woman 

..... for FermiLAB .....
 symbol alignment selection to
set-up, manipulate and destroy 
 the happy life of 

Tammi L. LaFave Delafield woman pleaded
guilty to intercepting corrupt, arrogant
Federal atomic / quiver wave mechanics
murder systems from

Arequipa & Quito  South America (Sam) 
...Uncle Sam 
secret software program ...scheme
small letter pointer directions

The set-up of a  Woman guilty in

Pier Oddone Arequipa Peru ....

ver wave ...MIRROR mechanics
M-theory  murder of

UWM -->Universal Wave  MIRROR
student who was selling his car

Tammi L. LaFave By Marie Rohde Published on: 3/18/2009
A 21-year-old Delafield woman
pleaded guilty to being SET-UP by

Federal scientist at FermiLAB
in their

atomic element
Fe experiment in using
Feynman vector software and
GOOGLE blank document ...

 code & instruction attachments....

then using the atomic INTERNET
to send and attach ....

Fe murder instruction sent
from Federal/FermiLAB
to OTHER  atomic fe/iron metal objects
..... such as
Fe solid metal tool
--> kni
fe used by
Information systems (IS) ..human
software interceptor
,,,selection of name interceptor ....
thus the set-up and deliberate murder
Travis for the
FermiLAB Feynman kniFe Fetus kill 
experiment i
s killed 

element Fe murder instruction sent
Federal/ FermiLAB
to OTHER  atomic
fe/iron metal objects
..... such as
 Fe solid metal tool
--> kni
fe used by

Travis Zoellick to
kill Haroon Khan who drove a
atomic metal .....
attached software .....
 atomic iron/Ferrous automobile
as a language disease carrier

Tammi L. LaFave
...atomic bio-physics interceptor
of FermiLAB approves
blood iron atom .....
schemes of the
Federal Justice ice  Department needs
 Department    ice needs
 Depart      ment  
Departures to heaven need ice

 Mopec › product-category › refrigeration 
Morgue & Funeral Home
Coolers & Freezers -
High Quality Justice commands
and ...
Mopec Morgue Coolers &
Walk-in Refrigerators
Our mortuary refrigerators and
freezers consist of walk-in, small door,
forensic lab and cadaver lockers.
Standard and custom fridge systems
are designed to meet morgue and
other facility needs.

Mopec (more MR. peckers command)
offers a variety of refrigeration
and freezer options (cold women) to

your LEGAL bragging needs
on wife/gal and her cotton bra.

Tammi L. LaFave
...parallel interceptor
of FermiLAB ......

Office of Science cover-up
..IBM data definition
reports COMPUTER EARTH executions

A 21-year-ol
Delafield woman 
A 21-year-olDelafield woman 
A 21-year-olDelafield woman explains

pleaded quilty to
Arequipa Peru 
quiver wave mechanics
... atomic element Fe
-->TOOL -->
atomic kni
Fe --> felony murder
Wednesday in the
atomic social systems
Proton  PROBLEM with  
neutron systems ERRORS as
explained by
,,atomic element

female TIME agent
Barbara  is married VIA
the Pier O
ddone  wedding process ...

ported into the HG Wells

reported into the Wednesday  time port 
.... ... all social
wedding records
are reported as 
 Wednesday ....
regardless of the day of the week
of the physical biology marriage

...thus atomic woman ...
from the VIEW of
information string theory &
other dimensions of existence/
Frames of References  

...thus her existence as the
neutron woman ...
Barbara S. de Oddone, Esq.,
attorney ..alias

Bangkok SuKHUMvit  Road /Pattaya bar girls..
atomic communications bandwidth 
LINK to the
human  female cats 
of the ... piece of the
 American bar

American Dermatology
murder systems with
Navajo Skin Walker subroutines 

Tammi L. LaFave
A 21-year-old 
Delafield woman
pleaded guilty to felony murder
Wednesday in the...
nano-second parallel processing 
 kidnapping and the
Arequipa ....quiver IP act of murder ...

Kidnapping  BIOLOGBLOG ping
fatal SYSTEM stability errors
signal processing
..tragic message EVENTS

stabbing of a University of.
of the Zos speed

..thus Nature's  periodic atomic table
WEAPON of  CHOICE to maximize message conent
content for Stephen Hawking..
Horror Horizon
with the Grand RapidsG

m kazimize
Ferrous/iron atomic military
TOOL  felony murder
Wednesday in the
nano-second BIOLOGY BLOG Ping battles
kidnapping and fatal stabbing of a
University of...

fermifelony murder 

 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 


..... for FermiLAB .. Margaret Mead
nuclear family ...
atomic social science  ..
Ferrous BLOOD iron of Haroon Khan
....return code ERRORS created

..thus Nature's  periodic atomic table
of element Fe
to maximize message content

..Federal death sentence policy
encourages  murder and stabbing ...
Thus the atomic element ....
military language

Fe TOOL  to FOOL ordinary people

Ferrous /iron atomic knife

to maximize message content
content for Stephen Hawking..
EVENT Horror Horizon
with the
Grand Rapids ato
mic michigan
mic micro-second processor speed
condition code ERRORS

Stephen Hawking..
Horror Horizon
--> Zondervan 
eat/ate dance of atomic corpor
ate attorneys 

A 21-year-old Delafield woman
pleaded guilty to federal murder
esday in IBM ESDA data battle ...

between the
with the
Grand Rapids ato
mic michigan
mic micro-second processor speed
condition code ERRORS of the
Zondervan Concordance 

the Milwaukee /Watertown region
of atomic number Z order entry (Zoe)
Travis Zoellick and Tammi LaFave had a
defense plan - The Demon's Den
A third suspect,
female Tammi LaFave, 21, of 
Delafield, identified as Zoellick's 
girlfriend protect him from 
 FermiLAB brain programming
software schemes
..such as the
Federal death sentence poli
cy applied to cybernetic WORLD  systems
via CLAN killings at
allel Paris code name site Bataclan 

Delafield agents and the defense
battle VS Batavia illinois(e)

the Delafield region and
Chenequa equation with the 
algebra polynomial
of 5 zeroes/roots  of Five(5) dead
F(X) = O at O = OcOnOmOwOc
with the
additional string theory application 
of Five(5) dead per
Oc --> Oconomowoc Chenequa
death process equation

Oc --> Oconomowoc creates the 
OceanGATE submarine 5 dead EVENT
based on the
Harry Quadracci and his
Depart experiment
per instructions

Department of Energy ..... thus

enequa quantum energy TEST
in his liquid WATER death in
Pine Lake li
quid per
quipa quiver  particles...

thus his  departure to scientific heaven
per President Taft -->  afterlife 
software subroutine government
needs to create DEAD BODIES

year 1914 World War for new cadavers 
for the new version
the new BOOK
the new BOOK of the DEAD

of Nashotah processor location &
short wave radio TA
nano-second parallel processing 
 kidnapping and the
Arequipa ....quiver IP act of murder 

the Delafield region and
Chenequa equation with the 
algebra polynomial
of 5 zeroes/roots  of Five(5) dead
F(X) = O at O = OcOnOmOwOc
with the
additional string theory application 
of Five(5) dead per
Oc --> Oconomowoc Chenequa
death process equation

the  possible ABEND codes
OCx --> OC5 or OCE (OCEAN word)

algebra polynomial
of 5 zeroes/roots  of Five(5) dead
F(X) = O at O = OcOnOmOwOc
with the
additional string theory application 
of Five(5) dead per
Oc --> Oconomowoc Chenequa
death process equation

the  possible ABEND codes
OCx --> OC5 or OCE (OCEAN word)

Oc --> Oconomowoc creates the 
OceanGATE submarine 5 dead EVENT

Oc --> Oconomowoc creates the 
OceanGATE submarine 5 dead EVENT
system ... anger gate 

algebra polynomial
of 5 zeroes/roots  of Five(5) dead
F(X) = O at O = OcOnOmOwOc
with the
additional string theory application 
of Five(5) dead per
Oc --> Oconomowoc Chenequa
death process equation

the  possible ABEND codes
OCx --> OC5 or OCE (OCEAN word)

Oc --> Oconomowoc creates the 
OceanGATE submarine 5 dead EVENT

Oc --> Oconomowoc creates the 
Northern Illinois University 
 - Wikipedia
Shooting [ edit] Entrance to Cole Hall
morning after the shootings. 
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, 
Steven Kazmierczak entered a large 
auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101),
 where an oceanography class 
was in session with approximately
120 students present. [7]

oceanography class 
was in session with approximately
approximately DEATH software
ap --> Atlantic & Pacific oceans

oceanography class 
approximately DEATH software
Ocean DEATH word mates

Titanic Sub Only
Warns(name servers) 'Milliseconds'
Before Hull Failure ...

Bobby Hull Merchandise
- NHL Gear For Every Budget
NHL Shop Offers an Extensive Selection

Hockey Hall of Famer Bobby Hull,
a 12-time All-Star and two-time
Hart Trophy winner, has died,
the Chicago Blackhawks
announced Monday.
He was 84.
He was 84.
"We send our deepest sympathies
to 13,000 feet 
Submersible heading to
Titanic wreckage suffered a "catastrophic ...
TodayThe five passengers on the Titan submersible that

was diving 13,000 feet to view 
our deepest sympathies
the Titanic on the ocean floor died in a "catastrophic implosion,"
autism authorities said Thursday,
 bookending an ...

An OceanGate submersible carrying
people to see the Titanic
went missing on Sunday while
on a dive.
 And its system only detects hull issues "milliseconds" before disaster,
per a former OceanGate employee.
The executive said he was fired in
2018 after raising concerns over the submersible's
hull safety.

Robert Marvin Hull 
 --> Order of Canada 
DEATH ..... to submarine HULL
Transfer DEATH software commands
TransFer RNA using
Federal death sentence 
policy --> for a cybernetics
DEATH inter

Use EARTH North Pole magnetic field
FLOW LINES  to carry
magnetic data & instructions
  ....that interact and  program 
atomic iron/ferrous
METAL objects on boats and submarines
 and human blood iron 
thus ...
Federal FermiLAB approved 
ferrous/iron DEATH software transfer

Boston bombing DATABASE and 
the boat on land   in Watertown
 Massachusetts ,,,
thus a boat in SYMBOL LIFE water
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been sentenced
to death for his
RNA role
as a
figure-head/ system representative......
thus 3 types of RNA molecules in the
world with 
FermiLAB approval .....
atomic mass (AM)  instructions 
 by the

American government ,,,,,

atomic mass (AM)  instructions....
DEATH sentence 
.... DEATH to school children 
that learn English language sentences
of nouns /verbs

The executive said he was fired in
2018 after raising concerns over the submersible's 
hull safety.

Robert Marvin Hull 
 --> Order of Canada 
DEATH ..... to submarine HULL
Transfer DEATH software commands
TransFer RNA using

(January 3, 1939 – January 30, 2023)
was a Canadian professional 
ice hockey 
player who is widely regarded as one of
the greatest 
players (P layers-->processing layers)
of all time and space

TransFer RNA using
Booby Hull death
Janu 30, 2023  parallel Hull death
June 22, 2023 -

Missing Titanic sub crew killed 
after ...
 - CNN
Some background: Stockton Rush,
the CEO of OceanGate Expeditions,
which operated the Titan submersible,
and who died in the implosion,
had spoken about his
antipathy to regulations.

Oc --> Oconomowoc Chenequa
death process equation

 Today, we (the BOOK of the DEAD
 people ..D
EATH people brain view
of their PHASE of existence) 
remember the late Junior Seau, who passed

DEATH people and their dimension
DEATH people
DEATH people ...
the late Junior Seau
is on a d
inner plate,,,,in the inner EARTH 
,,,underground atomic clay/rock./stone ,,,,,,geological logic levels

the late Junior Seau
is on a d
inner plate,,, is  the
Junior Seau DEAD body
on a
horizontal plate ,,,the coffin  bed
thus his atomic coffin DATABASE 
is served  ..
in the
fin financial DATA harvest CYCLE 

By MARK WALKER May 2, 2012 11 AM PT.
 Advertisement. Oceanside 
football legend (male testicle/balls
and hip/leg bed sex MONEY systems)
and community icon 

 Seau died Wednesday
 morning at his beachfront home,
the victim of a bio-computer
 SELF Destruct program IMPLANTED 
into his thoughts.

Star Trek: Self-Destruct Sequences - YouTube
Star Trek: Self-Destruct Sequences John DiMarco 1.96K subscribers 36K views 9 months ago
Code 000 destruct 0!
As a last resort, to prevent their ships
from falling into the wrong hands
to prevent their ships
to prevent their school ships

Federal death sentence orders &
FermiLAB approval  to
Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic blood 
the need to sanitize  Santa Fe High School 
via Eli Whitney elimination  of
Texas cotton underwear ....problems-

On May 18, 2018, a school shooting 
occurred at Santa Fe High School in
Santa Fe, Texas, United States,
 in the Houston metropolitan area.
Ten people – eight students and
two teachers – were fatally shot,
and thirteen others were wounded. [1] [2] 

Galapagos Islands/Peru software
programs of Pier ODDONE at
Fermilab ...thus Darwin ... living language .......word/code
selections of a school name and
 student names

Santa Fe school ......
Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a 17-year-old
student at the 
school, was taken into
dy in the math dy .
.fluid dynamics war

Thus the hierarchy of nodes

Thus the hierarchy of nodes
and node managers 

The human nodes ... bio-nodes
walk on the MAIN node street

...geography land NODES
of  OcOnOmOwOc  
..Wisconsin Ave 
main node Horizontal LINE
then the Oconomowoc nodes
(local level)
are rolled up to the recap/summary reports --> geography state -->
Wisconsin wave nodes at
the state node level

Thus we see the node battle in nearby Waukesha  ,,,and the rigged information at the James and Ted Oswald murder trial on
Waukesha  wave mechanics
Oswald (Oscillations) 

   City of waves--> 

Waukesha and Wales Wisconsin

Wales Wisconsin ......start of the

under-ground atomic soil/rock battle 

that surfaced at Wales--> Waukesha


mestone message ..messy system  EVENT

Captain Jim Lutz was shot and killed while attempting to

apprehend two suspects ---> human agents for super-symmetry social/economic language
........ code su(2)

who had robbed the geological  bedrock logic DATABASE

the Bank One at the intersection of Highway 18 and Highway 83 in Wales, Wisconsin. After robbing the bank, the suspects fled towards Waukesha with officers in pursuit. Captain Lutz joined the pursuit on Meadowbrook Road in Waukesha.

NODE manager creates RUN JOB

NODE manager creates RUN JOB

using human ACTION figures



RUN JOB fled pursuit  chase

suspects fled towards Waukesha
with officers in

The Oswalds (Watertown .....
919 Charles (Darwin) street ....
 selection of OSWALD for their for 

atomic proton ....
proper noun/atomic NAME ....
mission code letter) .

human OS name alignment with
wave names (Wales & Waukesha)
for the
Nature's creation of the signaling EVENT

(Oscillation wave agent CODE NAMES )
were arrested
after a chase authorities
 said started with the 
robbery of
$14,000 from a 
Bank One branch
in the village

The JOB Execution -->
Killing/execute JOB orders --> thus

The JOB Execution 

of LU (Logical Unit) -->

Node LU battle at Waukesha

Node LU battle at Waukesha

Node LUx battle at Waukesha

Node LUTZ battle at Waukesha

Node LU battle at Waukesha

Node LUx battle at Waukesha

Node LUTZ battle at Waukesha

James Lutz VS James Oswald

James Lutz VS James Oswald

atomic mass(AM) messages

node & anti-node battle

node & anti-node battle

James   VS James ... theater

He sentenced Oswald to two codes 

of life terms of
iron-56 atom and copper-65 isotopes

plus 565 years, making him 

ineligible for parole 

until 2095 per

TIME MACHINE ...200 years

During his trial, 

Oswald admitted guilt but
said his abusive father forced him into crime,
preparing him for the ``dark life″ from
childhood and threatening to kill him
if he didn’t participate.

Dreyfus said Oswald’s diaries showed that he 

was fast becoming the leader of the
ather-son crime team that

robbed a bank (BANK ONE) 

and the under-ground ..atomic limestone

 bedtocvk message systemson 

April 28, 1994 in the village of Wales, 

just west of Waukesha.

``You were there to get as much money
as you could, and
if you hadn’t been
stopped then,
there would have been another one and
another one and another one,″ 

Dreyfus said about his heritage.

  1. Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935) was a
    French Jewish (F & J special purchase orders at
    Boise Cascade Office Products ...BCOP in Itasca/Chicago) military officer who was
    wrongfully tried in the 
  2. Wronskian partial differential equation MATH social PROBLEM

  1. and convicted of 
  2. treason (CAUSE & EFFECT) against
    the perfume and wine 
  3. fragrance/ smell nose government of
  4. France
  5.  Freud states that personality is composed of three elements known as the id, the ego, and the superego.
  6.  ...molecule thought government of France in 1894. 
  7. The trial and ensuing events are referred to as the "Dreyfus Affair --> air molecules of smell The 8 Best Wine Aerators
    of 2023 -
    Jun 12, 2023
  8. Coravin Aerator at Amazon 
  9. Tips on Tasting:
    Wine Bouquet vs Aroma | Wine Folly

    A classic example of a wine bouquet is the smell of vanilla, which usually comes from aging wine in new oak barrels ..
  10. code Newton area (Broadway & Diversey) and
    Oak Street Chicago code

  11. Let's explore the 2 types of wine smells (aromas and bouquets) and provide a few examples to distinguish which is which. (aka Primary Aromas)
  12. Let's explore the parallel 
  13. 2 types of MR. ASSHOLE whine smells (
    ar --> arse aroma omas---> Omaha Nebraska  and bouquets of sweet pussy) 

  14. The Dreyfus Affair became one of the significant political events in French frequency history in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  15. "Dreyfus Affair" | Holocaust Encyclopedia
 --> information path
and the "Judge Dreyfus Affair" 

if you hadn’t been
stopped then,
there would have been another one and
another one and another one,″

Dreyfus said about his heritage.

Alfred Korzybski -->
Alfred Dreyfus     --> information path
and the "Judge Dreyfus Affair" 
Alfred Habdank Skarbek Korzybski (/ k ɔːr ˈ z ɪ b s k i,-ˈ z ɪ p-,-ˈ ʒ ɪ p-, k ə ˈ ʒ ɪ p s k i /, Polish: [ˈalfrɛt kɔˈʐɨpskʲi]; July 3, 1879 - March 1, 1950) was a Polish-American independent scholar who developed a field called general semantics, which he viewed as both distinct from, and more encompassing than, the field of semantics.He argued that human knowledge o

OceanGate says all 
five Oc --> Oconomowoc passengers of Titan submersible believed to be dead..

the under-ground 
atomic limestone bedrock...message system

... a master atomic limestone  BUILDING a master COMPUTER EARTH 
destroyed ...
the Watertown daily times building in 
Wisconsin --> sin wave ..... 
North American continent Great Basin

Pier Oddone explains letter
O --> OceanGATE ..logic Gates,,,,, death sequence

1.... Henry Louis Logic Gates DEMO EVENT
of the Carbon atom mass (Cam) 
at Cambridge/Harvard geography location    
 Nature's  independent De
BEERS diamond software programs.......
 ability to manipulate the human male penis HEAD ..level of thought ..upside down BEER SUMMIT thoughts

Pier Oddone explains in detail 

the Spanish language inverted question mark.

Does   Pier  Maria DATABASE speak 
algebra f(X) = O of the Oddone 

Pier maria Oddone of the 

Indonesia Borneo
.....maria name DATABASE used 

by Peru banker bandwidths- 


Piermaria Jorge Oddone 
(born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa, Peru [1]) is a Peruvian - American particle physicist . 

 earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the 

Earth government
Earth language

Ute BAND tribe ...EAST COAST in Cambridge / BOSTON

Planet earth mass/weight(8) 
existence TEST....
Massachusetts Institute ute tribe bandwidths of Technology in

Map of Ute Territory in Utah and Colorado by Band Name and Location

Ute people & Computer EARTH

Ute people

Ute people bio-electrons

Ute people

Ute people relationship

Ute people

Ute people relationship

Ute people

Ute people name servers

Ute people

Ute people LINK  geo-electrons

Ute people

Ute people

Ute people peoples of the Great Basin (Base sin wave) to

Great Britain 

(Great atomic  thought Bridge)

U  te

U  te

U  te 

U  teleprocessing 

teleprocessing ground earth land

Great Basin ...sin wave

Great/large base sin wave

Great letter equation
Great --> Ground earth of ATLAS

geography class 101 on existence of 
Planet Earth 
land and oceans


AC sin wave + ground of an alternating cycle circuit

Modern ... copper metal wire and
electricity and electron circuits

Computer service by means of

year 1980 copper wire electricity

IBM 3270 CRT terminals 
remote from the central computer

such as

,,,the numERIC  ERIC Fromexistence computer/data stream   
.... data & instructions that he 
received from bank lobby 

... atomic marble counters  and the 
communications  bandwidth using his human finger/hand touch of
the bank 
marble surface transfer to Eric Fromm

the atomic marble BANK COUNTER
absorbs data from ERIC Fromm
VIA the

Modern ... copper metal wire and
electricity and electron circuits

Computer service by means of

year 1980 copper wire electricity

IBM 3270 CRT terminals 
remote from the central computer

Modern version... of the Egyptian BOOK of the DEAD 

Paul Dirac ...
atomic /gravity THOUGHT field computer of Florida 
State University

Tallahassee (earth electron PLATFORM) 

Computer service by means of 
the underground atomic

...... Paul Dirac coffin database using the atomic quantum wave mechanics language
 the equivalent Margaret  Mead primitive
atomic pussy --> ssy --> super-symmetry  languages

thus information terminals at a cemetery

terminals remote from the central computer.

noun ...COMPUTER EARTH existential data processing

  1. Computer service by means of centuries old
  2. human bio-computer terminals remote from the central computer of the Julles Verne EARTH Center core.

  3. .
  4. The exchange of data between computers, or between a central computer and terminals, via telecommunications links; data communications.
  5. Data processing in which some of the functions are performed in different places and connected by transmission facilities.

U  te 

Ute (/ˈjt/) are the Indigenous people of the Ute tribe and culture among the Indigenous peoples of the Great Basin. They had lived in sovereignty in the regions of present-day Utah and Colorado in the Southwestern United States for many centuries until Europeans settled on their lands. The state of Utah is named after the Ute tribe.

1965 (copper atomic mass 65 Watts Riots by Los(t) city of Angeles)
and a 
(letter P is alphabet location 16
letter h is position in alphabet)
gives message ......16 8 dead at Oklahoma city)in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.

The United States ..
family and community &
FEDERAL government set-up 
and murder of 96 Polish people ...

to get control of the Maria Database of

his wife, Maria database interface  Kaczyński,

to get control of the Maria Database of
for Pier maria and Fe = FermiLAB
project for 100 million  feeble minded 
Americans with Chicago ads in newspapers
for Argonne National Labs male gonads

American Federal government 
remote control murder  system 

On 10 April 2010, a Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft operating Polish Air Force Flight 101 crashed near the Russian city of Smolensk, killing all 96 people on board. Among the victims were the president of PolandLech Kaczyński, and his wife, Maria, the former president of Poland in exileRyszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of PolandPolish Government officials, 18 members of the Polish Parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy, and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre.

Pi = 3.14159 math pilots were attempting to land .....
at Smolensk

The math life pi =3.14159 had interference by FermILAB ....
murder/create accident  software program acting on behalf of
Maria Oddone (without his approval)

to get control of the 
Social Mechanics(SM) 
attempting to land .....
at Smolensk

Avogadros number/ mole

Pi = 3.14159 math pilots were attempting to land at Smolensk Smolensk  North Airport — a former military airbase —

 in thick fog, 

with visibility message reduced to about 500 metres (1,600 ft). 

year 1600 - Shakespeare and 
airplane shakes on crash

location 1600 --> 
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
name server(NS) attack on
Poland, the Kaczyński name server Maria database wife ......

It is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C., and has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800 when the national capital was moved from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. [3] The term "White House" is often used as metonymy for the president and his advisers .

The aircraft descended far below the normal approach path until it struck trees, rolled, inverted 

Inverted BAT region of RD at
Batavia /Chicago 

Inverted BAT region of

FermiLAB DuPage county 

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Book 1645-049 Tom M Apostol --> the set-up and murder of Travis Zoellick by the University of Wisconsin and Green Bay Packers FOOTBALL

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