Book 1645-030 by Herb Zinser
Tom M Apostol language & symbol maps
IS = Information systems
Math EXISTENCE of the American Bar Association division of barometric pressure
Math EXISTENCE of the American Bar Association division of barometric pressure
LAW school with 760 mm hg pressure gates,
logic gates, nodes of Desi ArnaZ and
CuBan Bandwidths broadcast to death VIA
logic gates, nodes of Desi ArnaZ and
CuBan Bandwidths broadcast to death VIA
television show
I LOVE Lu = Logical Units
I LOVE Lu = Logical Units of cyanide angstroms of TV Electro-Magnetic (EM) wavelengths
of cEMetery mystery instructions
broadcast directly into the the
human and animal elctron brain STEM
Cyanide television and print poisoning is language and SCHEME photography images
in print magazines ....
optical nerve poisoning that results from exposure to any of a number of forms of cyanide asshole people and their bright ideas.
Early symptoms include the rigged information of the
James Clerk Maxwell trial of
James Earl Ray and Memphis EM broadcast ray field of nonsense garabage
James Earl Ray and Memphis EM broadcast ray field of nonsense garabage
Early symptoms include
dizziness, f
dizziness, f
Marina Sirtis )
Myrecipes › how-to › marinating-guide Our Complete Guide to Marinating:
What Works, What Doesn't ...1. The longer you marinate something, the more delicious it will be. I mean, this is the basic law or marinating, right?? Wrong. According to Driskill, this is blatantly incorrect. When it comes to marinating standard cuts of meat from the grocery store, your marinade is only going to make it so far into the surface of the meat.
in other words of DEATH
What Works, What Doesn't ...
Marina Sirtis )
Marina Sirtis )
Marinate Stir fry
Mr. supreme Sirtis ,,,
stir fry his penis meat)
Our time ...
Complete Guide to
TV Guide Marinating:
(Two iron towers and TV Towers
in Manhattan
get marinated in fire & flames with human MEAT , What Doesn't ...
Allrecipes › article › how-to-marinate-meat How to Marinate human male Meat :
A Step-By-Step Guide - AllrecipesAll recipes ..IP address space escape
..use air plane address spaceTAll recipes pests
Marinating is an effective way to enhance the flavor, add extra moisture using waterand the NYC fire department, World Trade Center, ...A total of 2,753 people were killed, including 343 firefighters.
add extra human Meat
and extra moisture (H2O - water)
using 1 combined package deal..... NYC fire department supplies water and 343 male meat
1. The longer you marinate something, the more delicious it will be. I mean, this is the basic law or marinating, right??
According to Driskill
...the software programming skill to killwith SE (Sun-Earth government)code word
skill --> S 11 --> SEptember11 2001,
this is blatantly incorrect.
When it comes to marinatingatomic FermiLAB standard cuts of meat
FermiLAB standard cuts of 26
human meat in with
26 atomic protons of liFeof defective semantics & definitions and audio nerve sound TRICKS
Federal 26 atomic alphabet letters and atomic bl00d 4 iron isotopes
Complete Guide to
TV Guide Marinating:
in Manhattan
get marinated in fire & flames with human MEAT , What Doesn't ...
How to Marinate human male Meat :
A Step-By-Step Guide - Allrecipes
A Step-By-Step Guide - Allrecipes
All recipes ..IP address space escape
..use air plane address space
..use air plane address space
TAll recipes pests
Marinating is an effective way to enhance the flavor, add extra moisture using water
Marinating is an effective way to enhance the flavor, add extra moisture using water
and the NYC fire department,
World Trade Center, ...
A total of 2,753 people were killed, including 343 firefighters.
add extra human Meat
and extra moisture (H2O - water)
using 1 combined package deal
and extra moisture (H2O - water)
using 1 combined package deal
..... NYC fire department
supplies water and 343 male meat
According to Driskill
...the software programming skill to kill
skill --> S 11 --> SEptember11 2001,
this is blatantly incorrect.
human meat in with
26 atomic protons of liFe
Federal 26 atomic alphabet letters
message Bridge from year 1250 Italy
Thomas Aquinas...... aqua water THOUGHT molecule
.... quiver vibration
continuum to year 1776
code name equation
Monticello is the autobiographical masterpiece of Thomas Jeffersonof Thomas Jefferson ......
ancient ferrous/ iron atom of liFe systems
EARTH magnetic field flow lines
the magnetic & gravity interaction
with iron metal & blood iron atoms
and Earth atomic iron ,,,,,
center core
thus the old version of
COMPUTER EARTHcenter core ...
ferrous/iron atom online system—helped agent Jefferson .....
and Herbert Spencer.....
designed and
redesigned the
atomic red clay brick building of
Monticello to parallel the
red bl00d cells of the
Monticello equationmolecular cell biology site.....
and built and rebuilt for more than forty years
--> 40, 41,42, 43 codes--> base 4 DNA code
..exponent 3 = 64.
Monticello is the autobiographical masterpiece of Thomas Jefferson
of Thomas Jefferson ......
ancient ferrous/ iron atom of liFe systems
ancient ferrous/ iron atom of liFe systems
EARTH magnetic field flow lines
the magnetic & gravity interaction
iron metal & blood iron atoms
and Earth atomic iron ,,,,,
center core
thus the old version of
center core ...
ferrous/iron atom online system—
ferrous/iron atom online system—
helped agent Jefferson .....
and Herbert Spencer.....
and Herbert Spencer.....
designed and
redesigned the
atomic red clay brick building of
Monticello to parallel the
red bl00d cells of the
Monticello equation
Monticello equation
molecular cell biology site.....
and built and rebuilt
for more than forty years
--> 40, 41,42, 43 codes
--> 40, 41,42, 43 codes
--> base 4 DNA code
..exponent 3 = 64.
..exponent 3 = 64.
7 days agoThere are four iron atoms in each molecule of hemoglobin, which accordingly can bind four molecules of oxygen. Globin consists of two linked pairs of polypeptide chains.
Connecticut/ kill/ eliminate with james Burke TV show Connect LIFE & DEATH dimensions of the Erwin School of gun rods .....Copehagen MODEL of proper nouns spellsSCH + ROD -->Schrodinger
from the grocery store, your marinade is only going to make it so far into the surface of the meat.
7 days agoThere are four iron atoms in each molecule of hemoglobin, which accordingly can bind four molecules of oxygen. Globin consists of two linked pairs of polypeptide chains.
Connecticut/ kill/ eliminate with james Burke TV show Connect LIFE & DEATH dimensions of the Erwin School of gun rods .....Copehagen MODEL of proper nouns spells
from the grocery store, your marinade is only going to make it so far into the surface of the meat.
Marina Sirtis )
Jay Hanna " Dizzy " Dean (January 16, 1910 - July 17, 1974), also known as Jerome Herman Dean (both the 1910 and 1920 Censuses show his name as "Jay"), was an American professional baseball pitcher. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] During his Major League Baseball (MLB) career, he played for the St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago Cubs, and St. Louis Browns .
ast heart rate, shortness of breath, and vomiting.
Math & physics EXISTENCE
of gates, logic gates, nodes, and the Andes Mountains death nodes ...
explained by IBM and FermiLAB
of gates, logic gates, nodes, and the Andes Mountains death nodes ...
explained by IBM and FermiLAB
Pier O --> OCEANgate 5 dead,,,, as
OC5 ABEND ..system completion codes
the reason code is 5 dead
The Titanic: Sinking & Facts - HISTORY
The RMS Titanic, a luxury steamship, sank in the early hours of April 15, 1912, off the coast of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic after sideswiping an iceberg during its maiden voyage ....
to generate an 1897 H G WElls
Village of IPing ....
INTERNET blog ping.
to generate an 1897 H G WElls
Village of IPing ....
INTERNET blog ping.
The RMS Titanic, a luxury steamship, sank in the early hours of April 15, 1912, off the coast of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic after sideswiping an iceberg
April 15, 1912 revenge in BOSTON
..............+ 100 year B100D iron atoms
April 15, 2012 ..atom project target year
The 2012 Boston Marathon took place in Boston, Massachusetts on Monday April 16, 2012. It was the 116th edition of the mass-participation marathon. Organized by the Boston Athletic Association, it was the first of the World Marathon Majors series to be held in 2012. A total of 22,426 runners started the race.
April 15, 1912 revenge in BOSTON
..............+ 100 year B100D iron atoms
April 15, 2012 ..atom project target year
....................+1 year to align April 15
April 15, 2013 revenge in BOS ..TON
Earth BOS systems and
TONS geology/water weight
TONS geology/water weight
and OCE (OCEAN --> answers failure)
Oceangate physical metal/carbon fiber
...floating submarine ......parallel language
...floating submarine ......parallel language
Floating-point-divide ...divide the floating submarine into pieces using
implosion technology ......ABEND code,
Investigation broadens into
Titanic-bound ...
OceanGate sub implosion
Negate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
verb ne· gate ni-ˈgāt negated; negating Synonyms of negate transitive verb
1 : to deny the existence or truth of negated and denied her own honest reactions
1 : to deny the existence or truth of negated and denied her own honest reactions
135 Synonyms & Antonyms of NEGATE - Merriam-Webster
verb Definition of negate
1 as in to deny to declare not to be true
this evidence negates his claim
that he was not at the scene of the crime
1 as in to deny to declare not to be true
this evidence negates his claim
that he was not at the scene of the crime
Earth systems
Investigation broadens into
Titanic-bound ...
OceanGate sub implosion
and the murder/cover-up of
Boy Scout DEN 1054 ...
the bio-computer software.....
killing /self-destruct program IMPLANTED
Sam Hengel age 15 because of the
COMPUTER EARTH location of his parents
killing /self-destruct program IMPLANTED
Sam Hengel age 15 because of the
COMPUTER EARTH location of his parents
house in the I/O port community
of Porterfield that reports .....
of Porterfield that reports .....
atomic social science & corporate legal
probability system of P --->agent Pier
and the Pier errors coupled with
Federal arrogant mistakes.... that create
.. terrorist EVENTS around the world systems
Federal arrogant mistakes.... that create
.. terrorist EVENTS around the world systems
,..... thus the COMPUTER EARTH location of his parents
house in the I/O port community
the Federal government queue of
Pier error fields ...
Pier error fields ...
thus the human bio-sensor
BOY SCOUT --> sub-conscious output
data stream human bio-sensor interceptors ......
BOY SCOUT --> sub-conscious output
data stream human bio-sensor interceptors ......
age 15 Sam Hengel murdered with BOSTON approval ....Nature's revenge parameters
THUS create a nasty revenge feedback EVENT
age 15 --> April 15th
Sam Hengel --> Uncle Sam movie projector
schemes in BLOOD heme
schemes in BLOOD heme
Boy Scout dead ---> Boylston Street dead
23 hostages --> 23,000 runners in the Boston Marathon attack of 46,000 legs OF a Carl Jung ... collective sub-conscious Human GROUP (HG)..
with a HG Wells year 1897 ...
Insect GROUP MIND per book about the
Village of IPING (Insect People)
Insect GROUP MIND per book about the
Village of IPING (Insect People)
FranZ Kafka cook on Gregor.....
FranZ Kafka cook on Gregor.....
Giant INSECT BABY lying in a baby crib on its back ..... Kafka feedback message
thus the human bio-sensor
BOY SCOUT --> sub-conscious output
data stream human bio-sensor interceptors ......
age 15 Sam Hengel murdered by the
failure of
Federal government algorithms nonsense
Federal government algorithms nonsense
commands to society such as agents
Al Gore and Tipper Gore --> create horror
--> tip over the 2 towers on Sept 11, 2001 and create blood & guts and nasty gore --> create horror
--> tip over the 2 towers on Sept 11, 2001 and create blood & guts and nasty gore
Wisconsin human bio-sensor Congressman
Jim Sensenbrenner - Wikipedia
Frank James Sensenbrenner Jr. ( / ˈsɛnsənˌbrɛnər /; born June 14, 1943) is an
atomic mass (AM) --> American politician
who represented
who represented
Wisconsin wave 5 node 's 5th congressional district in the Atlantic Ocean wave battles ...
Thus the theory of existence, Nature
physical nodes and/or information nodes
in COMPUTER EARTH address space ....
and its various formats and expression variables of a
pissed of pi = 3.14159 of O (round circle)
pissed of pi = 3.14159 of O (round circle)
VS Federal Pier Pierror O OddOne
and Chicago Circle campus
(University of Illinois eisenhower
expressway in Chicago
expressway in Chicago
Thus the theory of existence, Nature
physical nodes and/or information nodes
Thus the VIEW that the earth land and oceans
is an atomic quantum wave mechanics and sin waves/oscillation continuum
1) that all atoms in the periodic atomic table are SOLIDS created at a NODE location ...
within the quantum wave mechanics continuum
and these SOLID atoms appear at room temperature in 3 density names
..Solid, Liquid, and Gas in the Bose-Einsertin Condensate Model
..Solid, Liquid, and Gas in the Bose-Einsertin Condensate Model
of the 5 dead --> 5 dead states of Matter and Language
Mad Hatter | angry Matter character | Britannica
Mad Hatter, fictional character ...correctly described by the
EARTH atomic underground geology BED ROCK as frictional LIFE FORM subroutine encountered by Alice at a tea party in Lewis Carroll ’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
EARTH atomic underground geology BED ROCK as frictional LIFE FORM subroutine encountered by Alice at a tea party in Lewis Carroll ’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
with copper atomic isotope 65(1865).
This article was most recently revised and updated by Kathleen Kuiper. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Table of Contents Home Literature Novels & Short Stories Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland novel by Carroll
This article was most recently revised and updated by Kathleen Kuiper. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Table of Contents Home Literature Novels & Short Stories Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland novel by Carroll
region of
Area of ancient quiver vibrations
and modern 60 cycle ac Nikola Tesla electric motor vibrations
(Arequipa Peru to quito Ecuador)
Area of ancient quiver vibrations
and modern 60 cycle ac Nikola Tesla electric motor vibrations
(Arequipa Peru to quito Ecuador)
Questions. the submersible at an under-water address space node ,,,,,,
an address space comprised of
EARTH gravity field
an address space comprised of
EARTH gravity field
and the
NORTH POLE magnetic field FLOW LINES
NORTH POLE magnetic field FLOW LINES
1600 feet from the atomic iron metal ship .... Titanic, British Logical unit X --> luxury passenger liner that sank on April 15, 1912
On 18 June 2023, Titan, a submersible operated by OceanGate,
June 18 2023 disaster of the H2O water molecule atomic mass 18
and Avogadro's number exponent 23
2023 Time anwser EVENT...
with a ....Titan submersible incident .....
Time anwser EVENT...fill in the
Google BLANK document ...BLANK space with a W ...Wino atomic node ...alphabet letter particle
Google BLANK document ...BLANK space with a W ...Wino atomic node ...alphabet letter particle
On 18 June 2023
On 18 ..H2O
atomic mass message
On 18 June 2023, Titan, a submersible operated by OceanGate, an American tourism company, imploded during its descent in the North Atlantic Ocean, about 400 nautical miles (740 km) off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. The submersible, carrying five people, was part of a disaster tourism expedition to sightsee the wreck of the Titanic.
On 18 June 2023,On 18 June 2023,during its descent
On 18 June 2023 water history descent
Published August 21, 2013
Dodge County
FOX 6 Now Milwaukee
The Dodge County Sheriff's Office has issued 18 citations for disorderly conduct after a fight at the Dodge County Fair.
A total of 11 females and seven males from Beaver Dam, Horicon, Mayville, Burnett and Juneau were involved in the incident.
Officials say the fight broke out over name calling --
and initially involved five girls
in other WORDS.. parallel
The Dodge (deep down)
County Sheriff's O = Ocean Office of OceanGate
water atomic mass 18
County Sheriff's O = Ocean Office of OceanGate
water atomic mass 18
Salt water atomic atlantic ocean
has issued 18 citations for disorderly conduct after a fight at the Dodge County Fair.
disorderly conduct
disorderly conduct
disorderly conduct ..
OceanGate submarine becomes disorderly
A total of 11 SKU11
FermiLAB female ferrous/iron-54 LAB specimens and seven males from Beaver Dam, Horicon, Mayville, Burnett and Juneau were involved in the incident.
O = Oddone O=Officials say the OceanGate fight broke out over INTERNET name server calling --
and initially involved five girls
4 days ago
All five passengers aboard the missing submersible owned by
All five passengers aboard the missing submersible owned by
the city of five(5) math/algebra polynomial roots/zeroes
f(x) = O --> OcOnOmOwOc Wisconsin
f(x) = O --> OcOnOmOwOc Wisconsin
and the math function government .....
algebra F(X) = O at --> OceanGate have died in a "catastrophic implosion," the U.S. Coast Guard confirmed.
The submersible, carrying five people, was part of a disaster tourism expedition to sightsee the wreck of the Titanic.
On 18 June 2023,On 18 June 2023,during its descent
On 18 June 2023 water history descent
JUNEAU -- After a thorough investigation the Dodge County Sheriff's water THOUGHT molecule Department
has issued 18 citations for disorderly conduct for a fight between teenagers that occurred at the Dodge County Fair.
has issued 18 citations for disorderly conduct for a fight between teenagers that occurred at the Dodge County Fair.
has issued 18 citations for disorderly conduct for a fight between teenagers that occurred at
has issued 18 citations for disorderly conduct for a fight between teenagers that occurred at
The submersible, carrying five people, was part of a disaster tourism expedition to sightsee the wreck of the Titanic.
On 18 June 2023,On 18 June 2023,during its descent
On 18 June 2023 water history descent
On 18 citations Juneau 2013
On 18 June 2023
history may repeat itself
On 18 June 1815
The Battle of Water molecules
was fought on 18 June 1815
Napoleon's French Army
and a coalition led by the
Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blücher.
The decisive battle of its age,
it concluded a war that had raged
for 23 years,
was fought on 18 June 1815
Napoleon's French Army
and a coalition led by the
Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blücher.
The decisive battle of its age,
it concluded a war that had raged
for 23 years,
and it it concluded another war
information pointer
for 23 years --> for 2023
ended French attempts
ended French attempts
ended Frencheattempts
to dominate Europe, string theory,
and single-threading task
and single-threading task
of the
earth geology site/building
,,the atomic stone/iron building &
the vertical geometry configuration
the vertical geometry configuration
... for alignment with the EARTH
gravity THOUGHT field ....
gravity THOUGHT field ....
of the vertical sin wave ...Singer Sewing machine building and its
sin wave alignment .....
sin wave alignment .....
and code number 66 alignment
of the vertical sin wave ...Singer Sewing machine building and its
sin wave alignment .....
sin wave alignment .....
and code number 66 alignment
Gravity Sin ..singer wave mechanics
and the
Mother Gravity THOUGHT & emotional FEELINGS of ferrous/iron atom
Mother Gravity THOUGHT & emotional FEELINGS of ferrous/iron atom
Get the best deals on Singer Model 66 In Antique Sewing Machines
with IBM system 370 CICS
..single-threading task
..single-threading task
per Boise Cascade Office Products(BCOP)
data processing at
--> I Task control area--> Itasca/Chicago
--> I Task control area--> Itasca/Chicago
1990 (BCOP) --> Basic Copenhagen model
Erwin Schrodinger/Paul Dirac
Erwin Schrodinger/Paul Dirac
with Charles Boise and the
Mary & LSB Leakey of Kenya/Tanzania
Zinjan Boise SKU11--> eleven...
ZinJan project battles
Mary & LSB Leakey of Kenya/Tanzania
Zinjan Boise SKU11--> eleven...
ZinJan project battles
SKU11 --> S 11 --> Sept 11 2900 dead
LSB Leakey--> B1ooD Leak of President
John Kennedy
John Kennedy
Vintage Singer Model 66
Red Eye Electric Sewing Machine W/Acces.
Red Eye Electric Sewing Machine W/Acces.
destroyed Napoleon's imperial power forever.
destroyed Napoleon's imperial power forever.
Wisconsin wave 5 node 's 5th
battle of nodes in the Atlantic Ocean
3 days ago
All 5 passengers LINKED to the
Allah religion of the
All 5 passengers LINKED to the
Allah religion of the
with Florida State University
Tallahassee and
their terrorist software HOME
their terrorist software HOME
,,,,, their molecule movie BS about
Stephen Hawking and his
agent/ wife Janesville
Wisconsin /Illinois earth e
Stephen Hawking and his
agent/ wife Janesville
Wisconsin /Illinois earth e
--> Jane poetry postal codes
Wi + il + de -->
Jane Wilde code name.....
Wi + il + de -->
Jane Wilde code name.....
Jane Wisconsin Illinois de -->
is --> IBM information systems(IS)
..system node
feedback message loop LINK
..system node
feedback message loop LINK
Jane Wilde --> DeKalB Illinois
and the poetry language cover-up of
the Cole Hall ....
Northern University ..DeKalb
the Cole Hall ....
Northern University ..DeKalb
...IBM system 370
Node battle 37 miles from Oddone of
OceanGate's missing Titan submersible are dead
All five(5) passengers
All five(5) passengers
claiming to vector particles aboard the missing assembler instruction format
360 and 370 Assembly/360 Instructions/MVC - Wikibooks
It is a six byte, SS (storage-to-storage) instruction. As with the 360 series, movement is right to left, thus the first argument is the target to move to (with optional length specification), the right argument is the source to move from. For movement of more than 256 bytes in one instruction, the MVCL instruction should be used
submersible owned by the
EARTH government ...
math-physics-engineering continuum
EARTH government ...
math-physics-engineering continuum
...thus algebra polynomial
equation f(x) = 0 with 5 roots/zeroes
owns --> O and OceanGate
equation f(x) = 0 with 5 roots/zeroes
owns --> O and OceanGate
.... 5 have have avenue of death
have died in a
have died in a
IBM existence data processing
IBM existence data processing
SYS1.Catalog war --> "catastrophic
deeper existences at 13,000 feet
with OceanGate
OceanGate calls the node gate attack ....
the only crewed submersible in the world that can take five people as deep as 4,000 meters — more than 13,100 feet —
below the surface of ..
and the United States House of Representatives from 1979 to 2021 (numbered as the 9th district until 2003).
He is a member of the
Galapagos Islands/Peru
Galapagos Islands/Peru
reptile extension --> Arequipa Republican Gentile Party
Since first forming in 1954, Boy Scout Troop 1054 has been chartered by the Peshtigo Lions Club. With a charter size of 51 members, Troop 1054 is the largest Troop in the Marinette / Menominee area.
Pier O --> OCEANgate disaster,
Bill Gates atoMic Microsoft problems,
Henry Louis Gates / Harvard cover-up,
the NOR logic dead of Norway, etc
Henry Louis Gates / Harvard cover-up,
the NOR logic dead of Norway, etc
Tom M Apostol Math EXISTENCE
Tom M Apostol
Tom M Apostol
aTomic TOM MAPS on existence
TOM M Apostol
TOM M Apostol
Barometric Pressure ,,,
The standard atmosphere (symbol: atm) is a unit of pressure defined as 101,325 Pa hPa millibars, 760 mm Hg,
Atmospheric pressure, also known as barometric pressure (after the barometer), is the pressure within the atmosphere of Earth,
known as B pressure.. pressure bombing on
Boylston Street in Boston .......
Thus the EARTH living atmosphere....
military forces and vectors ....
PROJECTs of Nature and Democracy
level 0 --> year 0776.0 (month 0 is January)
..................................... (month 1 is February)
level 1 --> year 1776.0 (month 0 is January)
..................................... (month 1 is February)
..................................... (month 7 is July &
4th of July --> 4 and 7 --> implies 47 and the
atomic ...... Sterling silver 47 electrons and the Sterling metal silver tuning fork ..... different DESIGNER signal formats of letters/ codes/ shapes)
Sterling metal silver tuning fork ,,,
output transmitter to coordinate and standardize
different wavelengths and their
social/ high society messages at fancy, formal dinner parties
.....TEN(10) different DESIGNER secret language patterns ....... signal formats of letters/ codes/ shapes)
Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia
The Sterling Hall bombing occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970, and was committed by four men as an action against the university's research connections with the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. It resulted in the death of a university physics researcher and injuries to three others.
Sterling HALL silver tuning fork ..
using ferrous/iron atomic metal shaped by
using ferrous/iron atomic metal shaped by
the fourier engineering .....
a THOUGHT LIFE FORM of sin/ cosine math function
and their math curves..
and the University of Wisconsin sin wave battle
....... using four(4) human action figures
a THOUGHT LIFE FORM of sin/ cosine math function
and their math curves..
and the University of Wisconsin sin wave battle
....... using four(4) human action figures
and the University of Wisconsin sin wave battle
....... the hard work and toil...of toilet SEAT in Bill Gates Seattle Washington
or Madison Wisconsin
sit on a toilet ........ toilet seat
and when finished with your
human bio-computer .........
rectum .....universal mind
human bio-computer .........
rectum .....universal mind
--> data record output reports on saTURDay
...... the official COMPUTER EARTH .....
existence data processing system ....
existence data processing system ....
the 7th day of the week and
the last day of the week --> TURD report day
per Alan Turing .... math systems and
numerical control of population
numerical control of population
..and the set-up and murder of Alan Turing
by BRAIN IMPLANT software commands
from newspaper and magazine article/new columns ...
words/verbs/ drawings .....
with embedded instructions to to self-destruct
from newspaper and magazine article/new columns ...
words/verbs/ drawings .....
with embedded instructions to to self-destruct
and the University of Wisconsin sin wave battle
....... the hard work and toil...of toilet SEAT in Bill Gates Seattle Washington
....... the hard work and toil...of toilet SEAT in Bill Gates Seattle Washington
or Madison Wisconsin sin waves of human arm
sit on a toilet ........ toilet seat
and when finished with your
human bio-computer .........
human bio-computer .........
Wisconsin sin waves of human arm
while using
the action VERB & object of the verb wiping,,,,,,,
the action VERB & object of the verb wiping,,,,,,,
,wiping asshole ......
with Wisconsin .... human arm generates sin waves
with Wisconsin .... human arm generates sin waves
thus the process/ method / flowchart of actions....
wiping asshole with
SCOTT branD NAME ..... cellulose toilet paper to
trace human DNA shit brains .....
Outhouse ....
old computer science in year 1880
- Wikipedia
old computer science in year 1880
- Wikipedia
An outhouse is a small
COMPUTER EARTH site/location ....
COMPUTER EARTH site/location ....
for the collection of output data streams from ROYAL assholes ...... a physical structure, separate from a main building.
The OUTHOUSE used by year 1880 computer programmers .......
The OUTHOUSE used by year 1880 computer programmers .......
the building covers a toilet .... toilet seat designed by
Nature's molecular THOUGHT systems ....
Basic assembler language systems to study the
Basic MALE ass hole and the collection of
assholes and legs --> language evolution to
assholes and legs --> language evolution to
state assembly ......
state legislature and INTELLECTUAL manure
state legislature and INTELLECTUAL manure
THUS the
serious WORK & EFFORT ..toil location used by
human bio-computer output muscles inside the body
,,,thus the
INTERNAL biology THOUGHT system
and its relationship to
EXTERNAL reality ..... toilet interface
INTERNAL biology THOUGHT system
and its relationship to
EXTERNAL reality ..... toilet interface
as molecules MAKE a phase change per HERBERT SPENCER.
Instructables › Building-an-Outhouse
Building an Outhouse : 7 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
Using the stakes and sound
words/ beef steaks
as a guideline,
Computer EARTH
System FLOWCHART protocol
using human devices
INPUT to human bio-computer
Outback Steakhouse - Wikipedia
Outback Steakhouse is an American chain of Australian-themed casual dining restaurants, serving American cuisine,
based in Tampa(X), Florida language reg
based in Tampa(X), Florida language reg
The chain has over 1,000 locations in
23 countries with 23 language countries
23 count
23 count
23 count problems
23 count
23 count
23 count molecules
23 count
23 count
23 count
23 count
23 count
Milwaukee year 1943
optical nerve DATABASE
optical nerve DATABASE
throughout North and South America, Asia, and Australia.
Outback Steak house
INPUT to human bio-computer
require parallel language 'OUTPUT'
and change VOWEL position
from the ..mathematical-physics
restaurant seat/sit position
restaurant seat/sit position
to the site of
white toilet paper that needs
black/dark brown writings ....
black/dark brown writings ....
the sigNATURE of
human BRAIN thought supremacy
over NATURE ....thus
human BRAIN thought supremacy
over NATURE ....thus
Outback Steak house
INPUT to human bio-computer
serious INTELLECTUAL processing
serious INTELLECTUAL processing
and the consequential ....
human bio-computer
Outback Stake house
dig a hole three feet deep. Keep the sides as straight down as you can. Try to make the hole as much of a cube as you can.
If the outhouse is going to get constant use,
dig the hole deeper.
If the courthouse output data stream
of the world of arrogant bull-shit .....
of the world of arrogant bull-shit .....
the WORLD TRADE center a symbol
outhouse is going to get constant use,
dig the hole deeper in the
Federal approved schemes
Ferrous atom/blood iron software
Fetus volume errors ....
Ferm i LAB ..female atomic pussy ROOM
Fetus volume errors ....
Ferm i LAB ..female atomic pussy ROOM
interface LAB to the the
penis Pentagon gonads ....
male sperm/semen milk military major
for their wives INTERNAL bio-vector space with
atomic pussy software designer
penis Pentagon gonads ....
male sperm/semen milk military major
for their wives INTERNAL bio-vector space with
atomic pussy software designer
1997 Fashion designer Gianni (Giant nice pregnant)
Versace (Womb vector space and
BRAIN acetylcholine memory line manipulation to create Alzheimer's
memory loss) ...
EXTERNAL design languages of clothes colors & patterns and jewelry, etc as
INPUT to the
customer eyes, finger touch of
clothing fabric texture and
BRAIN acetylcholine memory line manipulation to create Alzheimer's
memory loss) ...
EXTERNAL design languages of clothes colors & patterns and jewelry, etc as
INPUT to the
customer eyes, finger touch of
clothing fabric texture and
clothing (female dress)
cotton fabric page as a
GOOGLE blank document ...
that becomes programmed with SECRET Google document & atoMic Microsft software attachments on nonsense,
cotton fabric page as a
GOOGLE blank document ...
that becomes programmed with SECRET Google document & atoMic Microsft software attachments on nonsense,
dribble, and shopping crap for idiots
EARTH Language
..WORLD of IBM MISTER --> MR.cock
..WORLD of IBM MISTER --> MR.cock
penis --> IBM penis -->
is = information systems
Pentagon gonads with
Argonne needs National Gonads LAB by Cgicago goands city....
is = information systems
Pentagon gonads with
Argonne needs National Gonads LAB by Cgicago goands city....
male sperm/semen milk military major
for their wives major LABIA
...FermiLAB RD LABIA mentality
Federal approved schemes
Ferrous atom/blood iron software
Fetus volume errors ....
Ferm i LAB atomic code language
Fetus volume errors ....
Ferm i LAB atomic code language
snobs and the arrogance dance
between the
EARTH ground/soil/land &
atomic clay &
atomic limestone message systems
(ground and gravity down vector)
atomic limestone message systems
(ground and gravity down vector)
and the arrogance dance
and the sky UP vector
...thus up and down quark space
as explained by
Arkansas language of
Arkansas language of
President Clinton &
Hilbert language array space
Hilbert language array space
of female agent Hillary
,,that is
Feb 10, 2021February 10, 2021 8:50pm
Updated Hustler
Updated Hustler
magazine set new
boundaries at with
Satyendra Nath Bose
boundaries at with
Satyendra Nath Bose
Hustisford is a village in Dodge County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,123 at the 2010 census.
Federal approved schemes
Ferrous atom/blood iron software
Fetus volume errors ....
Ferm i LAB atomic code language
Fetus volume errors ....
Ferm i LAB atomic code language
February attacks to kill and destroy
1) February 26,1993 attacks ..
Federal semen/sperm/male testicles of milk ... human breeding errors
Federal semen/sperm/male testicles of milk ... human breeding errors
and sports basic endorsements of the Manhattan Project create the basement attack Wotld Trade center
1) February 26,1993 attacks NEXT in Herbert Spencer sequence........
2)The Federal Fe(iron)
February 28 and April 19, 1993.
February 28 and April 19, 1993.
Waco siege and Edgewater technology shooting by James Joyce book ...
coffin --> Finnegan's funeral Wake attack at
Wakefield Massachusetts needs new dead bodies for the underground...
atomic BOOK of the DEAD
atomic BOOK of the DEAD
(wave mechanics cosine battle on the 90 geometry degrees phase difference),
IBM IMS SSA battle
USP Compounding Compendium
extension ....
What Is Sulfate and destiny .....
and Does It Affect Your Health
and Does It Affect Your Health
and dead body lay --->
in Lay fate in Lafayette ? - WebMD
in Lay fate in Lafayette ? - WebMD
In this Article Where Is Sulfate Found?
Sulfate is Found in equation letters?
S + Ul + fate -->
Underwriter & undertaker Labs
Underwriter & undertaker Labs
and fate ...programmed for death
2015 Lafayette shooting - Wikipedia
On July 23, 2015, a mass shooting occurred at the Grand 16 movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. [3] John Russell Houser, [4] [5] 59, opened fire during a showing of the film Trainwreck, killing two people and injuring nine others before committing suicide. [6] [7] [8] [9] Shooting [ edit]
Health Effects of Sulfate Can You Avoid Sulfate? Sulfate is a group of mineral salts that can have a natural or human-made origin. These salts
Sulfate expression agents in humanoid format ..
language vectors of
Sulfate--> State university fate
Sulfate--> State university fate
with the Andes Mountains secret destiny of Pier Oddone and atomic number Z
U.S. federal government -->mental
Texas state law of piece of ass and eat shit
Texas state law of piece of ass and eat shit
,,,mother-in-law schools wants
grass lawns and real estate house developments with concrete driveways ..... enforcement officials of a
grass lawns and real estate house developments with concrete driveways ..... enforcement officials of a
chemistry compound belonging to the religious cult known as the Branch Davidians between February 28 and April 19, 1993.
dig the hole deeper
dig the hole deeper
dig the hole deeper
History › news › world-trade-center-bombing...
History › news › world-trade-center-bombing...
7 Facts About the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing | HISTORY
Eighteen minutes after noon on February 26, 1993, a bomb exploded in the basement parking garage
to dig the hole deeper
below the north tower
below the north tower
below the north tower of
Saul Bellow |
American BS & Scam author | Britannica
American BS & Scam author | Britannica
Saul Bellow, (born June 10, 1915, Lachine, near Montreal, Quebec, Canada—died April 5, 2005, Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S.), American novelist whose characterizations of
Duplicate/Double ..information/system pointers ...thus in the above
picture 2 female legs....
provide leg/legal direction for males
picture 2 female legs....
provide leg/legal direction for males
modern urban man
modern urban man
modern urban manuscript/computer program
Relative record number (RRN),
relative byte address (RBA) and ...
RBA specifies that the record identification field contains the relative byte address of the record to be accessed.
A relative byte address(RBA)
is used to access an ESDS, and it can also be used to access a KSDS that is not opened in RLS access mode.
A human system relative byte address(RBA)
is used to access an
Entry Sequenced Data Space
Entry Sequenced Data Space
ESDS at Bethesda LU=Logical UNIT site
....Bethesda Lutheran Home ...
of bet/ probability of random variables
... heritage base of Bavaria
of bet/ probability of random variables
... heritage base of Bavaria
Lutheran Home with Holstein milk dairy cows and hogs/pigs for feeble minded people to
become useful farm workers ....
that pay their own way thru LIFE
..... thru LIFE with pride
..... at doing the BEST work and effort
that they CAN,,,
become useful farm workers ....
that pay their own way thru LIFE
..... thru LIFE with pride
..... at doing the BEST work and effort
that they CAN,,,
.... given their unfortunate BRAIN circumstances
modern urban man,
disaffected by society but not destroyed in spirit, earned him the
Nobel Prize for Literature in Litterature 1976
for human family
.... litter of several children to violate the Thomas Robert Malthus population
,,,, family LIMIT Laws
.... litter of several children to violate the Thomas Robert Malthus population
,,,, family LIMIT Laws
Nobel Prize for Literature schemes, lies,
and manipulation of reader brains & perceptions
and manipulation of reader brains & perceptions
the World Trade Center. The massive explosion killed six people...
Outhouse building.
Using 4 x 4 posts, make a rectangle that is eight feet long and four feet wide.
the University of Wisconsin sin wave battle
....... the hard work and toil...of toilet SEAT in Bill Gates Seattle Washington
....... the hard work and toil...of toilet SEAT in Bill Gates Seattle Washington
or Madison Wisconsin sin waves of human arm
sit on a toilet ........ toilet seat
and when finished with your
human bio-computer .........
human bio-computer .........
Wisconsin sin waves of human arm
while using
the action VERB & object of the verb wiping,,,,,,,
the action VERB & object of the verb wiping,,,,,,,
,wiping asshole ......
with Wisconsin .... human arm generates sin waves
with Wisconsin .... human arm generates sin waves
thus the process/ method / flowchart of actions....
wiping asshole with
SCOTT branD NAME ..... cellulose toilet paper to
trace human DNA shit brains .....
THUS wiping asshole (as a sin wave NODE) generates a BIOLOGY BLOG ping
for the world INTERNET
THUS the flowchart of 1 shit a day ....
...his asshole output records are a
BIOLOGY BLOG POST/ report on his
bio-computer thoughts, school, work & romance activities for the last 24 hours
BIOLOGY BLOG POST/ report on his
bio-computer thoughts, school, work & romance activities for the last 24 hours
...that goes into the toilet and the
EXTERNAL world and sewage systems
EXTERNAL world and sewage systems
as an unpublished BIOLOGY POST
...thus his final systems act is to
,,,thus wiping his asshole generates
a BLOG PING announcement to the
world of all
existences (Theory of Everything)
a BLOG PING announcement to the
world of all
existences (Theory of Everything)
which includes COMPUTER EARTH
atomic cement/concrete data processing at FermiLAB ......
that gets 8 billion BLOG pings every day
from eight billion people
wiping asshole (as a sin wave NODE) generates a BIOLOGY BLOG ping
for the world INTERNET
as reported from
...internal biology PING message from
Chi + na--> Chicago north america
Chi + na--> Children of Indiana
Atmospheric pressure, also known as barometric pressure (after the barometer), is the pressure within the atmosphere of Earth,
known as B pressure.. pressure bombing on
Boylston Street in Boston .......
thus barometric pressure
VS the American Bar Association of arrogance and sloppy, rigged DATA VOIDS caused by deliberately planned stupidity and laziness WITH
VS the American Bar Association of arrogance and sloppy, rigged DATA VOIDS caused by deliberately planned stupidity and laziness WITH
family and community approval (PLAY DUMB)
,,,the rigged information trials that deny EXISTENCE
..... and the FBI (Frequency Bandwidth interceptors)
OF human bio-radio
school ...... in Virginia ..
Geography state
& the FBI State of MIND ,,,,, Virginia ..
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
Mon, May 12th 2014, 8:10 PM PDT 0 (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
lies a wooden cross weathered by time,
and some artificial flowers.
“All we can do is pray for her,”
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia
at Quantico --> ti + co --> think/thought control
school .....
to manipulate male brain bio-computers
with Federal and law school ....
mother-in-law BS on sex, BEDROOM communities,
fetus,baby, and families)
mother-in-law BS on sex, BEDROOM communities,
fetus,baby, and families)
Atmospheric pressure, also known as barometric pressure (after the barometer), is the pressure within the atmosphere of Earth,
known as B pressure.. pressure bombing on
Boylston Street in Boston .......
Barometric Pressure THOUGHT & Gestalt systems /
lawyers, attorney,
& judges --> gestalt/ BIG picture view of events
lawyers, attorney,
& judges --> gestalt/ BIG picture view of events
Math & physics EXISTENCE of gates, logic gates, nodes, and the Andes Mountains death nodes ... Pier O --> OCEAN.gate disaster, Bill Gates problems, Henry Louis Gates cover-up, the NOR logic dead ,etc
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