Book 1645-032 by Herb Zinser
atoMIC MICrosoft software
DEATH PROGRAMs (DP -- data processing)
from Redmond blood cell programming ERRORs create
the Milwaukee set-up and murder
Nature's chemistry interceptor agent ....
textbook agent for
Land Grant projects of L G Wade
....thus selection, set-up, and killing of
Wade atoMic Michael Page and
.red blood cell programming of
human bio-computer
molecular pages--> rampages kill
with the
EMMET township
Pi (π)
(Pier of Peru SA (SAD South America) ....intellectual and communication errors
contaminate the
atomic THOUGHT molecules
of all products of
--> comatose stock symbol code
contaminate the
atomic THOUGHT molecules
of all products of all allah companies
FSU --> Suicide bomber
programming projects at the
Paul Dirac atomic/molecular programming LEVEL from the
ALLAH region ....
atomic computer subroutine program
hide-out /save-haven at Tallahssee as explained by
Florida and their|
T see Symbol Machine ATTACK
Cornelius Vanderbilt university
Nas --> Nasty Nashville
--> villians
families and communities
Arequipa and the atomic earth language
Climate of Lima Peru
the entire world of
quantum wave mechanics-->
oscillations of INTERNAL COMBUSTION automobile engines,
Arequipa Peru and Quito quiver vibrations
Department of Energy run by
the Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND
of the male penis blood arteries
collective male erection -->
go to the Department of Energy ......
female LEG Legal gal/secretary systems
DEPART so the sperm/ semen men of mental thoughts with
male balls & 1 penis stick
..within the larger CONCEPT context of quantum wave mechanics,
oscillations of INTERNAL COMBUSTION automobile engines,
Arequipa Peru and Quito quiver vibrations
military codes attack SITES -->
..... bio-logical and geo-logical data stream
from various ... different ....but related PLATFORMS and platform hierarchy are
Status information highlights certain exceptional conditions such as short-on-storage (SOS)
select the CSA option (C) on
the CICS path
or enter fast path C.C
cotton THOUGHT molecules
/their anger
military codes attack SITES -->
Waukesha High school & Shah of IRAN battle ..
the predicted Showdown for
Milwaukee dancing
Grannies attack on Nietzsche EARTH systems result in
ancient Hittites atomic iron ...
between iron and humans
Members of a IBM partitioned data set (PDS) ...... group called the
Milwaukee--> double e--> earth electron PLATFORM agents ,,,,,
Z = impedance were among the victims killed
when a
Kenosha High school & Shah of IRAN
parallel site
..... bio-logical and geo-logical data stream
from various ... different ....but related PLATFORMS and platform hierarchy are
Kenosha .....oscillations PLATFORM of the
Office of Science(OS) .....
(and LOCAL name equation) exists
(and LOCAL name equation) exists
UPON the larger state land level .....
Upon the
and limestone message systems
copper metal dy --> differential equations .... math ...electron flow models and fluid dynamics)
with a cop force (copper wire electricity
..electro-motive force)
--> 29 copper electrons ,
- James Earle Breslin (October 17, 1928 - March 19, 2017) was an American journalist and author. Until the time of his death, he wrote a column for the New York Daily News Sunday edition. [1] [2] He wrote numerous novels,
his periodic atomic table columns of his appeared regularly in various
neutron --> newspapers in his hometown of New York City. - NEW YORK -- Author-columnist Jimmy Breslin, the Pulitzer Prize-winning chronicler of wise guys and underdogs who became the brash embodiment of the old-time, street smart New Yorker, died...
| Bangville Police (1913) ...
communication bandwidths of
Kenosha Wisconsin battle
Kenosha unrest shooting
unrest (earth underground
language of geological layers
November 2021 Grannies dance of death
WORD LINK to the
explanation and lies of the real estate HOUSE
the atomic catalog ....Cathedral of
St. John the Evangelist,
- Jan 13, 2015Published January 13, 2015 2:36pm EST Wisconsin House of Horrors: Scene of Scams, Sex and Murder Associated Press PORTAGE, Wisconsin. - Small-time scam artists on a cross-country
- crime spree --> double -->
earth electrons PROBLEMS....
--> leg alternating cycle
(Leg + ac +cy--> Legacy --> people with John Wayne Gacy software)
- Man gets 58 year sentence in Portage 'House of Horrors' case Published on Dec 31, 2008
- His Benjamin Sisko television PUPPET lawyer says AtoMic Michael Sisk will probably appeal the double ee --> electron errors
Milwaukee channel 58 --> 58-year prison sentence he was given Tuesday in- COMPUTER EARTH systems.....
the Portage
(I/O PORT ..entry sequenced data)
- "the real estate industry and the contaminated ,,,,atomic computer SOFTWARE nonsense attached to the cellulose, lumber,
atomic iron metal nails
LINK to the - EARTH government
- Ferdinand Magellan
(and + lan spells land)
North POLE.... - the SKY magnetic field map
- of the earth geography surface of iron metal automobile and .....
the atomic FermiLAB ferrous/ Iron nails (Hardware) - with Jesus Christ software attached
......used to build houses with social psychology for the
human Male word brain - son of GOD
- in the Chicago region of Gonads and TV/newspaper ads
- and the IBM assembler .........
displacement addressing
concrete/cement displacement errors - --> real estate industry ......
House of Horrors" case.
- the Real estate house and CMS
--> the Darwin selection by proper noun/name with word HOUSE ..thus the Real estate HOUSE industry ...
code set-up of
----> Kyle RittenHOUSE
(lumber and atomic clay brick ...
life forms)
(simple harmonic oscillator CONFLICT)
Nature's en house -->
(Os = Office of Science cover-up and lies about Kenosha city codes
-->Energy department and
Office of Science and
Nigel Lockyer and his approval of the
attack upon the city Kyiv Ukraine
years 1500 to 2000
On August 25, 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse,
a 17-year-old from Antioch, Illinois earth,
antimatter and its philosophical THOUGHTS
Persian, Sindhi sin wave double-helix interface and
Azeri, Kurdish, Azerbaijani, Rohingya, Fula, N'ko, Syriac and Maldivian are also right-to-left languages according to Bill of Rights
Top-To-Bottom Languages with
fatally shot
fatally shot
fatally short wave radio battle
fatally shot two men and wounded another man in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
The shootings occurred during the
riots (Resume I/O instruction TS Elliot),
and civil unrest that followed the shooting of a black man, Jacob Blake, by a white police officer.
Jacob Blake and Kyle Rittenhouse
Jacob Blake representing William Blake
2 postal state code Wil
Wi = Wisconsin and Il = Illinois
- William Blake (28 November 1757 - 12 August 1827) was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his life, Blake is now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual art of the Romantic Age.
- Poet, painter, engraver, and visionary William Blake worked to bring about a change both in the social order and in the minds of men. Though in his lifetime his work was largely neglected or dismissed, he is now considered one of the leading lights of English poetry, and his work has only grown in popularity.
Race (
INTERNAL acetylcholine molecule ....
EXTERNAL bio-computer Face as a computer display terminal)
was a major theme in U.S. media commentary, although Rittenhouse and those he shot were white.[2][3]
Rittenhouse was armed with an
ARequipa Peru
hardware ...
military tool recommended by FermiLAB Batavia/Chicago and their computer programmers
with oxygen 16...
atomic military computer base
16 Hex'Fatal' = 15 decimal
AR-15 style rifle and had joined a group of armed people in Kenosha who said that they were in Kenosha to protect businesses.
Joseph Rosenbaum, a
atomic micro-second processor speed
VICTIM of the NBA (National Basketball Association) television broadcast of
fast speed movements and
secret body languages
attack and over-load the viewing audience sub-conscious MIND bio-optical computer processor and eye/optical nerve image processor with
UN-explained images and fast signals
...such as the
PIer Oddone (March 26,1944)
atomic approval of the molecule level
... college March Madness basketball attack
the physics/chemistry project...
Jerry Lewis ...Lewis DOT structures and Waiting for GODOT ......
March of Dimes (Dimensions)
and basketball March Madness attack
on M-theory and
on Jerry March organic structures
a 36-year-old unarmed Kenosha man
360 degree circle O of
Pier error O Oddone of OS = Office of Science arrogance problems
chased Rittenhouse into a parking lot and grabbed
field ...communications Bind/link
with the underground atomic BEDROCK database
the barrel of his rifle --> symbol equation military tool -->
his rifle --> hindu Srinivasa RamanuJAN if levels of the
atomic inner earth
...math geological levels
Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum four times at close range in the
Fourier engineering battle of
math sin wave & functions
VS religion sin song & dance with
Wisconsin PLATFORM
6][7][8] Rittenhouse fled and was pursued by a crowd.[4] Anthony HUBer ... Hub errors
a 26-year-old-resident of
atomic liFe of 26 ferrous/iron protons and
their 26 alphabet letters
the 47 electrons of silver metal tuning forks
and their Ag ..symbol LINK to Ag --> Agriculture of food grains and cattle
was fatally shot once in the chest by Rittenhouse after he struck Rittenhouse with his skateboard and grabbed Rittenhouse's gun.[9][10]
Gaige Grosskreutz,
a 26-year-old West Allis man who pointed a handgun at Rittenhouse, was shot by Rittenhouse once in the
right arm /right hand rule battle and survived
Wales / Waukesha
(2 = two =dos numbers may exist)
the bank manager father of Pier One
Speaking on behalf of the
various components
that comprise his existence
and his subsequent appearance in
humanoid FORMAT
OK. I was born in 1944 in Arequipa, Peru, which is a southern town, and I grew up there for about four years until my father was transferred to Lima. He was managing the bank branch in Arequipa of the bank that he had started working for when he went to Peru in 1929.
in other words
..his symbol life CREATION as a
EARTH LAB information vehicle
OK. I was born in 1944 in 2 version of
base 4 space
of 4-legged animals and
4-wheeled motor vehicles with Amazon rubber tires
--> code expanded
OKinawa IBM
IOWA system Borneo Indonesia
Thus my name
Pier Oddity of Indonesia
abbreviated by
H G Wells & Orson Wells
Well done/cooked by Cook County
TV and radio waves VOLUME
to Pier Oddone
OK. I was born in 19 4 4 constructed of Dirac 4 X 4 matrices
in Arequipa (Area of quiver vibrations), Peru, which is a southern town,
and I grew up there for about four years until
my father (Earth surface agent for
the F layer of the ionsphere/atmosphere
Hertizian wave
thus Nature's systems .......
local region of Arequipa
Climate transfer to Climate
of Lima Peru
was transferred to Lima.
He was managing the organic chemistry continuum and its bank branch
in Arequipa of the earth existence bank that he had started working for when he went to Peru in 1929 for the Earth mineral ore government.....
and its Western Hemisphere
copper metal wire with 29 electrons
2-legged humans (human ZOO agents for)
the animal kingdom and beef protein machine dollars
secret beef protein FINANCIAL markets
..... Morenci Arizona atomic copper mine with 29 electrons used by communication bandwidths that use
electricity and telephones and telephone truck LINES.......used by banks that
have male bio-electron husbands with bandwidths
Yes --> yesterday
..past verb tense.
ferrous/iron atom problems
math array
to area Wales
atomic orbital Italian agents of the
Europe ...... COMPUTER EARTH
Italian Peninsula(IP) address space
IBM CICS single threading task
ODDONE to Bank ONE1994 Wisconsin
atomic orbital Italian agents of the
Europe ...... COMPUTER EARTH
Italian Peninsula(IP) address space
area of quivers of Arequipa
EARTH COMPUTER geography site location of Arequipa -->Boot-strap/start
God has chosen a certain group of people to be saved at FermiLAB - the 144,000.
(born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa, Peru [1]) is a Peruvian - American particle physicist . Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.
95 thesis battle ,,,,
Oddone --> odds /probability of KLM:
And, in fact, the
principal (quantum level) agent said
at one point
"Why don't you send Pier to Switzerland parallel EARTH magnetic field Location?"—> South Wisconsin
Catholic (Alonzo Church) Church
Zierler --> zier + ler -->
Zinser family letters
OK. So, to start, let's go right back to the beginning. Tell me about your birthplace and your family background and your early childhood in Peru.
OK. I was born in 1944 in Arequipa, Peru, which is a southern town, and I grew up there for about four years until my father was transferred to Lima. He was managing the bank branch in Arequipa of the bank that he had started working for when he went to Peru in 1929. I'll tell you a little bit about the background of my parents in a minute.
We moved to Lima in '49, and
I attended a school in Lima called
Colegio Pestalozzi .......
Complex power series --> 0zzi.
I was there from kindergarten through high school.
It was not a very large school, and it was a
Holstein milk dairy cow
..... protein THOUGHT molecules
input to humans
PROTEIN MACHINE school that had half Swiss teachers and half Peruvian teachers.
It had Swiss cheese hole -->
existension --> teachers because this was the school for the Swiss colony.
Now, we talk about colonies in Lima, which are the groups of people who moved there from abroad, first, second generations, from Switzerland in this case. There are similar colonies for Americans who had gone there for business, English and German colonies, and so on. And so, in Lima, there were several schools that were primarily for those groups, but they were not exclusive; parents could mix and match and many Peruvians attended those schools as well. My parents were Italian, but they did put me in the Swiss school, not the Italian school, which was Colegio Raimondi, probably because Colegio Pestalozzi was considered a somewhat better school. And that Swiss school also took care of the German kids, because during the war the German school had been shut down, and it was reopened only later. Anyway, as I say, I went through that school. It had typically two classes per grade of about 20 or 30 kids, so it was a small school. It still exists today. In 2009, I was invited back to the school and I gave a talk about physics and what I had done in life. And I appreciated anew how orderly the Swiss can be. When I went to give the talk, coming back after 50 years, actually, for the first time since I had left the school, they presented me with all the grades I had had in high school. It was a whole sheaf of papers. And they claimed that with those high grades I would have received a gold pin – a program they had implemented since then. Very graciously they gave me a nice gold lapel pin with the Peruvian and Swiss flags.
But what really impressed me was not so much the pin but the fact that they could go in and dig out—
Dig out the grades. [laugh]
—50 years ago and get all my grades. We had many classes. The school education in Peru was somewhat limited—this was a good school given the constraints, that's the way I would put it. What do I mean by constraints? For example, in high school, the government prescribed the curriculum because it was trying to maintain quality but also make sure that all the private schools and those associated with other countries were teaching the right things, Peruvian geography, Peruvian history, all of these different subjects. So typically, in any one year, we would carry 10, 12 different classes. And in high school, the government would send teachers from the public schools to examine that we had been taught what was prescribed by exams that took just about all of the last month of school So there was very little creativity or expansion. If a kid could do more, it was very hard for the school to provide that.
And, in fact, the principal said at one point—"Why don't you send Pier to Switzerland?"—I was probably 11 or 12—"Because he can do a lot more there than we can do here." But, of course, that was not a good idea to send me away by myself at that young age, and my parents rejected the idea.
I said my parents were from Italy, so the story there is that my dad grew up in a small village, Santa Maria di Moncalvo, between Torino and Milano, and here the genes come through when I'm growing grapes. The Oddones have been farming there and making wine and growing grapes for at least 400 years.
I once went to the local archives and found that the Oddones that lived in this particular compound in 1604 were asking the bishop to build a chapel in the little town
this particular compound in 1604
for IBM Base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16
this particular compound in 1604
in year 1904 with the
Bethesda Lutheran Home farm and vegetable gardens for
Fe = ferrous atomic liFe facility
for feeble minded farm.
this particular ODDONE language compound in 1604
first sexual encounter with his wife-to-be, Nora Barnacle, [1] and named after its protagonist Leopold Bloom . Name [ edit]
Vancouver-based triad crime group
It houses the world's largest cyclotron,[3] a source of 520 MeV protons, which was named an IEEE Milestone in 2010.[4] Its accelerator-focused activities involve particle physics
- Sep 6, 2021
With his black hair parted down the middle and modest fashion sense, Tse Chi Lop didn't look like the head of a multinational operation that had flooded the streets of New York with heroin before... - Jan 24, 2021Canadian national Tse Chi Lop was detained at
- Atomic master city ....
Amsterdam's Schipol International Airport on Friday, according to - Base 16 Hex'A' =10 and Hex'F'=15
- Australian Federal Polynomial Police (AFP), which has taken the lead in a sprawling...
- Dec 22, 2022Tse Chi Lop is accused of heading up a multibillion-dollar drug
operation of the
Spanish language spanning several countries in the
Asia Pacific (AP = Alaska Purchase the gravity transaction year 1200 + 667 = 1867 ) - ,
from Japan to New Zealand. A notorious figure whose status in Asia has...
Analysis of the the
TSE CHI LOP (Teacher SEretary school ....
and Wisconsin sin wave continuum / platform ....
COMPUTER EARTH human management
PROGRAM = Sinaloa
PROGRAM = Sinaloa
PROGRAM = Sin wave continuum /platform
that carries data and instructions
The Noah's ARK (data boat) on
water waves (quantum wave mechanics) ....
thus Nature's signal processing/
message technology methods .....
the difficultly for most humans .... to see, understand, and interface with the atoms
and the
atomic language SIZES
and WORD ?SYMBOL formulas
...... in their body/brain ( ... successful INTELLECTUAL interface agents and translators of
Nature's REALITY structure and syntax/ graphic arts shapes/etc.....,,
Ludwig Boltzman,
Erwin Schrodinger,
Max Born,
Linus Pauling, Paul Dirac, etc)
Analysis of EARTH LAB existence and
social engineering bio-computer programs
by Herb Zinser
Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel
Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel Sin ...... Cart el ......
sin --> sin waves.......
alternating cycle waves
Metal ...... copper .......
sin wave oscillations /alternating cycles .....
cartesian coordinates ....
of electrons and their thought & social activity elements
Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the leader of Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel, has claimed personal responsibility for up to 3,000 murders in a drug war that took some 300,000 lives.
That is not Tse’s way
That is not Tse’s way
That is not Tse’s way
That is not Tse’s way
That is not Tse’s information data highway
T. S. Eliot and the evolution of his thoughts and ideas ... into existential computer sub-routine programs that exist in various language WORLD ..... on the surface of EARTH and its human love & emotion ....
social/ economic activity continuum
4) the conscious level ..such as going to
work, grocery shopping, going to a movie
with your girlfriend/ wife
of data streams, thought control,
and the various
Carl Jung collective GROUP MINDs
That is not Tse’s way
That is not Tse’s way
That is not Tse’s way
Oddone: ITALY
That town has about 20 primary amino acid families. It's very tiny.. like a MODEL for a molecule and the Amish school shooting in Georgetown area of
But they were asking to build a chapel there in 1604, so they were already established well enough. And the farm has been continuously in the family. It's a small farm, very modest. The young people don’t want to farm the land anymore, they all want to be lawyers and businessmen. There's only one person left that farms the land, whereas before, everybody, all the uncles and cousins, farmed the land together.
My mother grew up in Torino where she met my father. The story goes that they happened to be living in the same apartment building at one point, and she was falling down the stairs and fell into my father's arms. And that was the beginning of a love affair that took place for probably two or three years in Europe. My dad was a posthumous child, his father had died before he was born . All his brothers went to war , the first world war, and he was left to take care of the farm with his mother. When the brothers came back in 1917 or '18, they said, "OK, you worked the farm enough. We'll send you to school. You're the smart one anyway." And so, he got a degree that in Italy is called “ragioniere”, which is a kind of a business administration degree. He went to work for the Banca Commerciale Italiana , which still exists today. And he did very well. They sent him to many countries in Europe and at one point—he could speak five languages— met my mother in the circumstances that I described. They had this romance going on in various cities in Europe. My mother also had a “ragioniere” degree and was working for an import-export company. Then the person who was running the subsidiary of Banca Commerciale Italiana in Peru recruited my father. He wanted to have “young blood”, what would amount for us to hiring postdocs today, young people to help build the business. He proposed to my dad that he go to Peru and, in those days, it was 1929, it was a big adventure to go to Peru. And for him, the possibility of a career in Italy was somewhat limited. In those days, if you went to work for Banca Commerciale Italiana, you had to be of the right family to move up the ranks. So he decided to go to Peru, and the proposition to my mother was that he would go and try it out for a year, and if it all worked out, she would join him there and they would get married there. My mother's father agreed to all of that. That's what happened. I was told that they wrote each other—no email in those days—every day, and they would get packets of mail that came by ship about 30 days later. My dad found that Peru was a good place, so he invited my mother to come over, and she did. He had the priest at the foot of the dock when they tied up in the harbor, and they got married right there and then. No living in sin in those days. Right away, they went to Arequipa, which was to be his principal site. He had to leave after a few days for Cusco, and then a revolution started there, and he got stuck there. They were separated for three months right after they got married. By the time my dad came back to Arequipa, my mother was fluent in Spanish and had all these friends. They made their life in Arequipa for many years. And for them it was not only a hospitable country, but also saved them from the Second World War.
Because my mother was half Jewish. Her brothers had to go underground in the resistance. And it would've been a big problem for my parents, of course, if they had been in Europe. They had gone back in 1939 on vacation, and they barely escaped.
My dad had an arrangement with the bank where he would work straight for several years and then take six months off to go to Italy. So, when we were growing up, apart from getting educated in Colegio Pestalozzi, they took my younger brother and me out of school twice for six months, in 1952 and 1958, and took us to Italy. That's where I learned Italian and met my cousins, aunts, and uncles.
My dad was funny. Even though as a young man he had traveled in Peru in airplanes all over the place, he was terrified of airplanes because he was the sole provider in the family, and he was worried about what would happen if he went down. And so, he—probably from the time that I was born in '44 to probably something like '84--- never traveled on an airplane, always ships. If you wanted to go to Italy from Peru, it was 26 days on a ship to get from Callao to Genoa. For us kids it was great. But you didn't go to Italy for two weeks or three weeks, you went for six months, one month going, one month coming back—
—and a few months in Italy. That was my childhood. It's really interesting today, you know, that I had a little 8-mm movie camera and I have films of those trips. It's amazing how empty the world was then compared to today -- you go to Venice or to the tourist places today and they are jammed. For us, getting out of school was scary because then, when we came back to school, we still had to pass the exams. But it was a tremendous education to just go out and see the world in a quite different way than you would in Lima. It was terrific for us kids to be able to have that experience.
Pier, what languages did you speak growing up?
Well, my native language is Spanish, so in school and with my parents we always spoke in Spanish. They would speak to us in Italian or Spanish, so we understood both languages. And we learned to speak Italian because of those trips to Italy, because there
we had to interact with
cousins math life math surface ...
farm country ......cosine bio-math forms and there was no choice.
But we already had the language in our heads—my parents would speak to us in Italian, we answered in Spanish.
And so that's the way we picked up those two languages. In school they tried to teach us French and German. I had a smattering of those languages, but—
But even the
Swiss chocolate
molecule extensions --> Swiss teachers would teach in Spanish and Chin Swiss chocolate?
Yes, yes. So, as I said, it was about half young teachers who came from Switzerland. I think there was something like—not quite like the Peace Corps but they got certain benefits if they went abroad to teach. And that was very good. We had also good Peruvian teachers. In those days, the director was Swiss. Today, they have two directors, a Peruvian director and a Swiss director, and it's completely bilingual. They force you to learn German.
Now it's obligatory to teach part of the curriculum in German. In the days I was there, they taught us German but did not insist that we become fluent in it. And I got interested in physics early on from reading all the things that were happening elsewhere, certainly not in Peru.
In the '50s, there was this hope that all of these discoveries during the war, like nuclear energy, radar, and all these things, would lead to quite an expansion on the things that we could build—nuclear rockets, go to the moon, all of these kinds of things. And to me, that was exciting. And so, I—
As a high school student, you mean?
Yeah, in high school. I started reading magazines and journals and learning as much physics as the high school could provide. It was relatively limited. And when it came time to finish high school—I finished high school at age 16—my parents thought, OK, if you're going to do physics—and there was a debate between my mother and my father. My mother was the more intellectual, saying, "If you are going to do physics you have to get out of here now." My dad, more conservative, would say, "Well, why don't you study engineering here? There's a very good engineering school. And then, if you still want to do physics, why don't you go abroad after university?" My mother won, and—
What about you? Where were you in this debate? What did you want to do?
Oh, I wanted to study physics wherever. [laugh] And certainly the US was a lot closer—I knew I had to get out, but whether it was Europe or the US, the US is just a lot easier for somebody living in Peru.
There is a lot more connection, a lot more traffic, it's closer. The system is better understood. And also, the universities, frankly, from my reading about these places, were really the best places in the world if you wanted to study physics. My parents had figured out that I needed some help beyond what the school could provide, so I had a tutor, mostly English and math, for the last year of high school. And he was very good, and that helped me prepare for the all the SATs and all those exams, which I aced, and I got into every place I applied. Then I went talking to people who had been to these various schools. And I must have been a very strange kid, because I talked to the person who had gotten his degree at Stanford and was running a big plastics factory in Peru. All he could tell me was, how wonderful the weather was and how close the girls' dormitory was to the boys' dormitory, and what a blast the whole thing was. I went to the guy who knew about MIT and he said, "It's a horrible place."
"It's the hardest place on earth. My cousin couldn't handle it and committed suicide. Don't go there." And, of course, I chose to go to MIT.
So, as I say, I was probably a pretty strange kid.
Not just a strange kid, but, I mean, if you're coming from not a particularly strong physics background in high school, the fact that you have the option among these universities in the United States, you must've been an exceptional student to be accepted, as well.
Yeah. I think certainly, in terms of academics, I was pretty good. I had good grades and my SATs, and all that stuff was fine, but I didn't have the preparation that kids in the US would have had, the advanced classes in high school. So when I came to MIT, my first roommate, Bruce Sunstein, who has been very successful in life—and I'll say a little bit more about that later—came from a district in Philadelphia, Bala Cynwyd, that is fairly prominent and has great schools. When I was talking to him -- we were sharing the same room and studying together -- I found he knew everything that we were going to get the first year. And I realized, my God, I'm in trouble. These people already know all of that. This is really going to be tough. And I probably never have worked as hard in my life as that freshman year. I was just like a machine, go to class, come back, read everything, to such an extent that, at the end of the year, after we had lived together for a year—we're still very good friends, we see each other often—at the end of the year, he abandoned physics. He had wanted to study physics, and he said, well, “if people were going to work that hard in physics it's not for me”. He scared me the first time around so much that at the end, by working so hard, I scared him off physics. So, my working like a machine was an interesting reaction to finding oneself in an environment that was vastly different.
The first year was very tough, but I was able to manage it. Probably the humanities was the hardest course, because we had not really done very many essays in my high school. I could write in English, but with a tendency to write like you wrote in Spanish, in a very florid and convoluted way. For the first paper I had to turn in, I busted my ass and worked very hard on the language and all that. And I hand in this thing—and the teacher was great. I still remember him, and he became a good friend by the end. But he said, "This is bullshit." [laugh]
And he gave me a terrible grade and he told me all these things that were wrong. But I was able to fix it. At the end of the course he gave me a good grade. He understood what I had to go through, that the way you wrote in Spanish at that time was quite elaborate and not this more direct language, this most direct expression that you use in English. You know, it taught me a lesson that was, again, very useful.
So, let's see. What have I left out from Peru? Well, my parents were both from Italy, my dad worked in the bank and he became not the senior manager but a senior manager in that bank and did very well. He had a very strong reputation for honesty and integrity. He never took Peruvian citizenship. Then, when he retired in 1966 at around—
in 1966 at around—
in 1966 at around—
in 1966 at around—
in 1966 at ar round—
in 1966 atlas .. area round
—> round sphere (Spencer, Herbert)
of Planet Earth ..... land surface area
of people, trees, building
Then, when he retired in 1966 at around—
in 1966 at around—
in 19 66 at around—
in 19 66 at around—>
Potassium atom K with 19 atomic number
Z of 19 electron & 19 protons
his body atomic mass interaction
and his Blood Fe= Ferrous/iron atoms with gravity field life
GOT activated ,,,,,
by the EARTH gravity THOUGHT FIELD 66
Thus my father ,,,,,,
Then, when he retired in 1966
his thought & work activity underwent
a phase change relative to the
EARTH gravity government and its economic companies/ as atomic organizations ........
thus his Italian heritage & language
a phase change relative to the
a phase change relative to the
EARTH government property
of atomic minerals and ore ....
THAT create blast furnaces and factories &money / the
E = Earth .... Explanation area of serious thoughts of
E = Einstein
E = Euler,
E =Epicurus
(the Europe thought PLATFORM)
with the underneath
Africa ancient PLATFORM
E = Egypt
E = Ethics ..... Ethopia code name
Euler's number
e = 2.1718 = math constant & LIMIT laws
spells econ software for
atomic people/ male penis
(as a hardware level)
and the quantity
RULES of Thomas Robert Malthus
regarding atomic biology humanoids
and FermilAB ...
Bedroom social ...... nuclear breeder reactors using female orfice holes
Mesabi Ferrous/iron ore range
has a
Margaret Mead and
Margaret Thatcher atomic social science
ERROR ...RD LAB site
to study the perfect atomic mass male ....... M-theory + perfect asshole
--> male ....Mass hole playing with
golf holes ...
and Ferrous .... FermiLAB approved
iron clubs to hit /attack/club
Theodore Dreiser ...Sister Carrie(r)
Theo Van Gogh plus his year 1888
December 23 1/2 ..
Sartre existential object
A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a 17-digit code, comprised of capital letters and numbers, that uniquely identifies a vehicle. Each letter and number provide specific pieces of information about your vehicle including
the year, make, model, engine size, and manufacturer and the
Milky Way Universe / Galaxy
-->Sun-EARTH manufacture of all
existences and emotions.
brother VIN centrifugal force
EARTH messenger art/canvas ....
EAR signal of Dec 23 1/2 1888
(atomic ferrous Iron/ glass/atomic cement building and its
IBM assembler displacement in existence).....
Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
geography land partitioned into information pages / counties of Illinois as Pages of a BOOK ....there are 102 counties in Illinois
pages of earth ground ......
the surface area , length and width,
the WORLD land surface as a
HinDu chess board /
squares & rectangles & pages -->
DuPage County PAGE
SiKH (earth soil --> sin wave continuum of
KH (potassium K and hydrogen H
E. Schrodinger)
...the Wisconsin city level ...
the oscillations of Kenosha
(Kyle Rittenhouse of
Anti-och Illinois VS Wisconsin
Waukegan and the
Node deaths at
Northern Ill University(NIL)
Trade and
Consumer Protection Rackets its secretary since 2003, drowned Wednesday evening while swimming in Lake Superior off Michigan's Upper Peninsula
of Consumer systems
of the
destruction of Wisconsin
eat the great Leader VIA ....DeatH.
....and atomic soil and rock as electron circuit boards with PINS............
clearer Pinyin romanization system.
water THOUGHT molecule/beach
island of Taiwan as a solid geo-electron PIN sticking UP from the FLOOR of the
Pacific OceanThus Computer EARTH &
Jules Verne
Atlantic Ocean floor----> ICELAND (Atlantic Ocean DATABASE route to AO Smith company in Milwaukee)
ancient communication systems
short wave radio and long wave radio
modern HAM molecule
LANGUAGE communication systems
Pig ---> raise small letter g UP to
animal(e) .... Mr. number 9
..... ..thus the relationship
GeographY region of
Pig ---> raise small letter g UP to
animal(e) .... Mr. number 9
4-legged Fourier sine/cosine
math engineering curve display devices
molecule winter sweaters for males
that need
to become horny for females with a
--> retail store space
...where tail-less human females
constant 66
and the EARTH gravity thought and feeling field ....and human social activity
Mother Road 66 --> mirror 99 cents
mo --> molecule movie
Mo--> Modus operandi
existential Cornelius Vanderbilt
LANGUAGE communication systems
Viking Vector space at
Wardenclyffe Towers LINK to
Wa region of waves of Lkae atomi Michigan
Clyman is located at 43°18′46″N 88°43′11″W (43.313002, -88.719895).[8]
According to the United States Census Bureau, the village has a total area of 0.37 square miles (0.96 km2), all of it land.[9]
Oklahoma City bombing generates
Warsaw Poland .... children blood arteries programming at art school ...
Poland older ..senior generation of grandpa and grandma eliminate the LEADERSHIP
their ethics, integrity, and serious philosophy
thus the set-up and murder of the seriousOLDER GENERATION of 96 people by the
happiness LIFE STYLE shall prevail
A --> ART canvas set-up at the
A --> Avogadro's number ....
MOLE levels and eliminate at
System location in Russia
Smolensk sky/airport and use
Joan River data streams
Alexandra --> dracula software
INTERNET ns(human bio-computer name servers)
SKY people to die
--> Molinsky molecular death route to
System Moles---> Smolensk
Among the victims were the president of
Poland, Lech(o) Kaczyński,
and his wife,
Maria and the her Maria DATABASE,
although a modified system that was orthographically somewhat between Pinyin and Wade-Giles has been in limited use there since about 2000.
on 20 February 1888
(Iron atomic TIME MACHINE schedule
Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic software
Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic software
Time Projection Chamber (TPC).
Thru the Looking Glass windows ...
the building, its contents and people that LIVE/ WORK in the building
Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutron days
THAT must align 3/4 of a 4 year TIME cycle
The 3/4 is one such time signature that is frequently used in songs from across genres.
Also known as the
FermiLAB government "waltz time," this particular rhythm pattern has 3 quarter notes in every measure of math measure THEORY And if you've been looking for songs to play in this pattern, you've reached the right blog
e converted to music FORMAT
that has the EARTH geography surface
built by the month of February (EARTH space/time continuum ..time flow and DR.WHO (alias Robert Wilson..the lab's first director and the labs first TIME abstract director, a TIME LORD
....Holstein milk dairy cows
,,as Base 16 animal bio-computers.. PROTEIN thought MACHINES)..........
built by the month of February
the EARTH geography surface Iron-54
and Nickel is constructed and sent to the Earth surface per Jack Kentish
Vice-president Richard NI= Nickel Nixon),
60 Ni , 61 Ni , 62 Ni and 64 Ni ,
February Building-->
Fermilab Batavia/Chicagoues base 16
--> DR.Chicago --> Dr. Z --> DR.Zhivago
- Jul 25, 2022Asynchronous communication takes place between two or more people without requiring them to be present at the same time, and without needing an immediate reply. On a remote team, this communication method makes it easier for team members to collaborate across time zones, while reducing time spent in meetings
Time Projection Chamber (TPC).
Floorida State University Tallahassee --> nigel Lockyer
Arequipa Peru ODDONE
ODD ONE ...Bank of Italy (Peru) to
BANK ONE (wa --> wave mechanics
of Wales /Waukesha) and
Andrew Wiles & Wales
and Fermat last Theorem metal
Ferrous/iron ore at
Waukesha casting iron foundry
26 alphabet letters for
Advanced Molding Processes:
2016 Abel Prize
for his bio-math wife clitorist
2 iron balls and 1 superior cock
three(3) annual and.
three-century-old problem in
rotation number theory of
100 years of EARTH rotation/
centrifugal force vector DATA --> century of
ALAN Turing informations
100 times around the sun in 100 years
Base 10 ...... 100 decimal(e)
one hundred (read) red b100d cells
land surface area
--->Area--> Arequipa Peru & Argentina
(face area ---> Pi = 3.14159 of a circle O-->
face area ---> Pier O Oddone) and the
code Arles --> Area of Wales Wisconsin
with Galpagos oscillations agent
..James and Ted Oswald'
located around the Equator 900 km (560 mi) west of South America. They form the Galápagos Province of the Republic of Ecuador, with a Spanish-speaking population of slightly over 33,000 (2020).
Nigel Lockyer (FermiLAB)
three smaller islands
(such as Wales Wisconsin..
Galapagos oscillations traveling
bandwidth used by Bank One
intercepted by
human OS bio-sensors ......
James and Ted Oswald working for the
female gals killed in Equator battles
Karen Simek killed in
Milwaukee (earth equator) and language
Milky Way Galaxy WORD feedback LOOP
Galaxy --> to Galapagos Pacific Ocean
Gloria Totzke killed by
math axiom tool --> ax
By Jennifer Hassan November 22, 2021 at 8:53 a.m. EST The Waukesha Police Department said... farm soil CURLED by
iron-56 metal plow
molecule movies
Shirley Temple Black with her hairdo with exactly 56 curls
to geography surface reality
LEFT Temple and a RIGHT Temple
code Arles --> Area of Wales Wisconsin
with Galpagos oscillations agent
..James and Ted Oswald'
living in a state of sin
... nasty and evil --> that is ....
the geography state of sin
Wis con sin ...sine waves
Sun -->
Earth Lab -->
start location --> Galapagos
Galapagos --> oscillations/ sine wave /
quiver vibrations ....
continuum of Erwin Schrodinger
wave mechanics equations, concepts,
...that humans exist upon
start location --> Galapagos
--> page 0 page 1 page 2 --->
...... page k (Kane County)
to Page n (the last atomic page
and symbol N overlaps into Number dimension N to Z
English En --> energy alphabet
of 13 stars and 13 stripes
and 13 letters AND 13 letters
A to M spells atom
N to Z spells New Zealand
Earth Lab -->
start location --> Galapagos to
AReqipa Peru to FermiLAB
DuPage County
and the Federal
Office of Science(OS) Chicago area
FermiLAB ---> code pointer to
ferrous/iron mine in mi --->minnesota
...thus the
female symmetry on our braine needs
FERMILAB-PUB(BEER PUB) age 18 -18-765-
Fe = FermiLAB majora LABIA Lab_--ramleE 98,112013(2018)
Tests of Lorentz invariance
the 1 month time shift of James Joyce. However, it is generally believed that all symmetries in string the- ...
Wilson Hall Batavia
Then, when he retired in 1966
his thought & work activity underwent
a phase change relative to the
EARTH gravity government and its economic companies/ as atomic organizations ........
thus his Italian heritage & language
the atomic biology & gravity
configuration of my father and
INTERNAL bio-computer SOFTWARE system
ENABLED his interface/as a translator and to inject modern information into atomic system of Margret Mead
as an atomic electron orbital italian interface
he must've been, what, 60-something—yeah, he was born in 1902, so he was 64—he was not particularly happy being retired.
And what then started happening to him is that the government (earth government)
used him as a technical fixer of entities that were in Euler mathematical accounting function trouble
of e = 2.718 constant --> econ
--> economic of e = 2.718
technical fixer of entities
technical fixer of entities
technical fixer --> f(ix) errors of
Euler entities
So, his more interesting career, in many ways, started after he retired from this Italian-owned bank, at rather advanced age,
if you consider 64 advanced age.
The first thing that he had to do was go fix PetroPeru, the petroleum company of Peru—that couldn't meet payroll. He fixed that.
Then he was asked to run the national bank, Banco de la Nación, which is like the Federal Reserve.
And the last job that he had was with
the pre-cursor FermiLAB of the
Fe = Ferrous/iron atomic government and its various expressions of liFe
on EARTH surface and human blood iron...
as as the Oddone (Italian banker)
and the FermiLAB sin wave mechanics
....Bank ONE robbery and cover-up
Wales Wisconsin
magnetic field (SKY) flow lines
IBM magnetic tape carry INTERNET instructions and
MAGNETIC tape ... magnetic data Fields
to & from the
atomic iron/nickel center core
as a
COMPUTER EARTH data center ..
(VIA the SKY magnetic flow lines)
to the
EARTH geography surface land
and interact at several levels
Marshall Fields retail department store on STATE STREET Chicago ..... site/LINK
Chicago Marshall Fields /Milwaukee Boston Store & Gimbels & Schuster's
(Map magnetic data Fields) LINK
of Milwaukee and Sarasota Florida)
Jack Kahn (originally a textile family) and wife
Louise Blair Kahn ..
Herb Fields (data fields LINK)
atomic iron taxi cab input passengers
human blood iron atoms--->
Then, when he retired in 1966 at around—he must've been, what, 60-something—yeah, he was born in 1902, so he was 64—he was not particularly happy being retired. And what then started happening to him is that the government used him as a technical fixer of entities that were in trouble. So, his more interesting career, in many ways, started after he retired from this Italian-owned bank, at rather advanced age, if you consider 64 advanced age. The first thing that he had to do was go fix PetroPeru, the petroleum company of Peru—that couldn't meet payroll. He fixed that. Then he was asked to run the national bank, Banco de la Nación, which is like the Federal Reserve.
And the last job that
my agent a system agent
he (his blood hemoglobin Fe= Ferrous/iron 26 proton alphabet letters) had He fixed that
Fermat last theorem job
that he had was when the government took over a bank bandwidth that was very prominent in Lima but had been gutted by the family that owned it,
the copper metal ..(Cu) Banco Popular del Peru, that was run by the Prado family. So, again, the government was in trouble, the thing was going under. They got my father to come in to fix it, which he did. He worked there as General Manager until age 85.
And at 85, he was still running this big institution. The time to quit came when we had our daughter, Sanna, born in 1983. My mother had grown up with two brothers, had only boys as children, my brother Claudio and me, and then our son, Gian, born four years earlier as her only grandson. So, when the first girl arrived in the family it was time to retire and come to the US. And they actually, at that age—and I admired them for it—picked up stakes, sold everything they had in Peru, their apartment and all of that, left their friends and in 1986 moved to Berkeley where we lived at the time. My mother was a stay-at-home mom, but she did a lot of charitable work—these colonies in Peru that I spoke of had charitable organizations to help, in this case, the Italians that had fallen into bad times, had lost a parent, whatever. She also worked very much with the Institute for the Blind, both in Arequipa and in Lima. She taught herself Braille so that she could translate books into Braille for the blind. She did lots of good things in terms of helping people. That was her contribution to being in Peru, this country that was very hospitable to them.
So, I think that probably gives you a sense of what
growing up in Peru as code word -->
perusal agent sent for perusal project .....was like for me.
- Careful examination or survey; scrunity.
- The act of perusing or reading through; reading.
- The act of carefully viewing or examining.

Yeah. Now, at MIT, what MITOCHONDRIA professors did you become close with?
Yeah. Now, at MIT, what MITOCHONDRIA professors as system PROJECT carriers did you become close with?
did you become close with?
Probably the closest was a Professor named
Hale Bratt and his blood iron atoms
H B magnetic field life.
He was part of Computer Earth
assembler register o -->
Rossi's human bio-computer ..... IBM assembler language group with
SSI instruction format
Storage to Storage instruction format
Practical computer earth ......
Grocery store to retail clothing store
studying cosmic rays. I had gone to Bolivia with him after my first year, where MIT, Universidad de San Andrés in La Paz and University of Tokyo, had a cosmic ray station on
Mount Chacaltaya....lab sits at over 17,000 feet
He was installing an extensive air-shower array. He offered me this summer job to go there
because of my South American WORD/CITY language MAP connections.....
the Area of quiver vibrations to
the other side of the Pacifiv Ocean
Ky simple harmonic oscillators
and the Tokyo equation
and the Tokyo equation --> order entry into the
existence/dimension / expression format named --> zero --> 0 )
Arequipa to --> Lima Peru to -->
Quito to --> to --> tokyo topology space.
Professor named
Hale Bratt and his blood iron atoms
H B magnetic field life .....
his need for
Earth government H-1B VISA to
access permissions
the cosmic --> cos +mic --> cosine
......NORTH POLE magnetic field flow lines interaction at over 17,000 feet
the lab sits at over 17,000 feet, the highest cosmic ray laboratory in the world. .
It was really an interesting summer because the lab sits at over 17,000 feet, the highest cosmic ray laboratory in the world. It had been built by somebody who became a physicist after being the ping-pong champion of Bolivia and who was from Austria and needed to have some place to ski. Now, close to the equator, of course, if you want to ski, you have to go high. And he took a truck and used the truck engine to build the rope lift up there so that he could go out and ski. He had cut a road up the mountains, and that laboratory was born because that road and facility was already there. He eventually became a physicist, but the initial thrust was to put a road up for the ski lift up there .
And so, I went to Mt. Chacaltaya. I could never get used to sleeping up there because it was just too high. So I would take the Jeep for an hour and a half back to La Paz,
which is only at 12,000 or 13,000 feet,
and I felt like a million dollars
with all that oxygen
implies CO2 ,,Chin ODDONE code CO2 nose born on March 26. 1944
CO2 data carrier molecule ....
atomic mass 44
went partying to all hours and then the next morning would go up there, in the jeep, taking a nap on the way, to cable up the experiment.
And because Hale Bratt didn't trust the ability of later technicians to check the equipment—you could have had magnetic tape, but it was hard to check that the experiment was working with magnetic tape — all the data from the air showers was actually written on a bunch of punched paper tape.
OK. So, to start, let's go right back to the beginning of the Solar System.
Tell me about your birthplace on PLANET EARTH and your family background of Black ground farm soil/ground
and your early childhood in
the Periodic atomic table expression region of Peru.
OK. I was born in 1944 in the
geo-display region of the
inca--> i = square root of minus one
inca--> i = square root of minus 1
the 1st letter is a --> Minus a
Therefore agent minus one is sent to
the USA as number /math sequence
-1 0 one -->Pier 0ddone
-1 0 one --> i 0ddone
-1 0 + 1 sent to FermiLAB
of the i ---> inca and their math steps
carved in atomic stone steps for the Oddone
OK. I was born in 1944 in the
Galapagos Islands (horizontal reptiles)EARTH LAB extension to the solid land /continent Arequipa, Peru (vertical Republican gentiles),
which is a southern town ....where my father went to...when he came to Peru in 1929.
on behalf of
Nature and its EARTH expression and work SYSTEM comprised of message codes
1) Four(4) iron atomic metal/ferrous oxide isotopes
Nikola (Inca Kola) TESLA
..a 60 cycle ac electric motor uses
in high school/college ......... 1960 PSSC Physics ripple /water tank experiments)
Milwaukee electron expression region
..... 2 connected EVENTS
SiKH Temple in Oak Creek
...... sin KHZ bio-EM field
...... sin KHZ bio-EM field
at the EM battle site of
Watertown /Emmet Township as
Television & radio
Electro-magnetic (EM) ships of
all atomic soil/land,
atomic buildings and
attack 4-legged animal bio-electronics
and the Holstein milk dairy cow
and 2-legged people BRAINS
Pabst Holstein Dairy farms
deliberate destruction of
protected OM FRS site
(IBM system 370 Main Frame America
American depositary receipt (ADR)
Kenya VS Kennedy america
atomic communications continuum
..Director for
Atomic Mass Unit --->
parallel region Dallas Texas
Mau Mau atomic blood oath
.... oath of Office of
President John Kennedy and the
Dallas 1963
blood electron flow ...integrity information MODEL with
GRIT TV channel 57-2 southeast Wisconsin
Arthur thursday William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, OM, FRS
ST Coletta & Bethesda LU Home
vegetable garden system for feeble minded farm workers .......... results
atomic/molecular corn fields
a atomic mass ordered shooting took place at the gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, United States where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others.
...... sin KHZ bio-EM field
FCC, EPA, Energy Department
CP SNOW TWO Cultures problem
and the
Neuro-science ueroscience WARand E
At the time of the shooting, Kyle Rittenhouse was 17-years old.(Inventions and patent law problems)
Kyle's father was living in the
F atmosphere layers
VIA a Ky simple harmonic oscillator
interaction LINK
to the earth surface (radio frequency)
bio-radio em life --> employees
in Kenosha,
but Kyle lived with his mother EARTH
, a community about 20 driving miles away.[28][42][43]
Prior to the Kenosha unrest,
he had participated in
local police cadet cadaver programs and expressed support on social media for the Blue Lives Matter movement and
law enforcement of cement & concrete.[44][42][45]
Three months prior to the shooting,[46] Rittenhouse's friend,
Dominick Black, purchased a semi-automatic,[47] AR-15 style rifle[42] as a favor
in other words
Dominick Black(dark chocolate), purchased a semi-sweet automatic,[47] AR-15 style rifle[42] as a favor--> Flavor
for him in Wisconsin since Rittenhouse was too young to purchase a gun.[48][49]
Black's stepfather
stored the gun(gravity unit)
in a locked safe
at his home in Kenosha
but had relocated the weapon
to an unsecured area in the basement on August 24 --> year 1924 Leopold & Loeb TRIAL on the
Jacob Blake --> Jacob Franks
24 hour clock... TIME kidnapping ....
, the second day
atomic Micro-seconds
regular VISIBLE
...seconds minutes hours
of the Kenosha unrest, for ready access in case of a break-in.
Owners and penis administrators can change the read access permissions for
(bathroom toilet ...toil of letters
...rectum muscle effort / works/ toils
to shit output data records ......
and files and folders.
stream of bull-shitand nonsense
is owned by a team or project area, the process area permissions determine who can set read access permissions.
Project areas
Those killed were Joseph Rosenbaum, aged 36 from Kenosha, and Anthony Huber, aged 26 from Silver Lake. Gaige Grosskreutz, aged 26 from West Allis, was injured.[53]
Oslo Norway explosion) and
FermiLAB/Argonne National Labs
year 1826 ..26 alphabet letters of
WORLD government systems
existing established ..... government MODELS of administrative terminology, concepts, flowcharts,
WORD of HONOR and INTEGRITY upgrades
the simple NOUN/ PROPER NOUN
..word association method (when possible)
.... for easy memory
World systems selection of the city..
and its nearby communities of
... copper wire computer software and
RED blood cells ) Redmond --> Monday schedule of Senator Walter Mitty Mondale
and the
(OceanGate submersible with the existence
of submersible levels
math / algebra f(x) = 0 --> 5 dead Zeros
by of Bill Gates and Microsoft people)
County seat
County seat
County seat --> seattle
county seat: County Seat -->
TCo + un + ty se + at --> atlas
unconscious/ unaware/unconcerned
their + tyrosine molecule time year
tyrosine molecule government interaction
.. plowed farm land
sine waves of solid soil.
. It is also known as the county town.
County Supervisor:
A county commissioner who is responsible for managing the affairs of a county is called a county supervisor.
County Warrant:
A legal document issued by a court that authorizes law
...thus the author ..the creation of
mother-in-laws ...
OceanGate .....
system completion code .... the
OCx ABEND codes ..... expose the
logic gate software & language battles
that may get transformed into
physical reality dimensions of land, buildings,and people, working, love & romance
and then .....
the software is activated/gets actualized
the creation of a disaster / killing /air plane/ school shooting/ fire/ etc
Nature's atoMIC MICrosoft system agent
and the Microsoft stolen property in
Seattle /Redmond.....
iron / Fe = ferrous oxide atom
its various expression of liFe
and atomic oxygen breathing liFe forms
such as ......
iron automobiles with 4-rubber wheels,
steel beams for bridges,
stainless steel metal
restaurant equipment ......
26 protons of iron
Management Information System)
for male brain stems
male brain sub-conscious level for THOUGHT CONTROL
EARTH land surface ....
geography location and
Thomas Robert Malthus social engineering LIMIT LAWS
the promotion of schemes, scams, sports, movies and shopping
EARTH land surface ....
geography location
data base and data center existence ...
and the existence of Joules
Nature inner earth geology ....
French frequency ground
earth under-ground rock/ soil sonar
French LANGUAGE frequency probes
Red blood cells VS
Insect People
earth surface by Seattle Washington
atomic iron 26 proton center core
Nature's systems CREATION of a string
and human Blood iron atoms ..... thus
Gravity Perpendicular lines (like a vertical standing human) .....
and the sideways rotation WEAVEs
the language/nouns/verbs fabric a human arm reaching down to touch/catch something .......
FermiLAB ferrous/iron atomic continuum
,,, inner EARTH geological logic layers
cover-up about tragic EVENTS in the atomic continuum
family and community bull-shit ....
technology of gynecology male puppets
The complaint said Totzke apparently decided to commit the murder while he was driving home from Seattle a few days earlier, and after the killing, he called police to report it.
The biased and manipulated complaint
said the
Mark D Totzke(MDT)
...Nature's computer model -->
triggering the
IBM system 37.0 Celsius temperature ..
human bio-computer ..
the IBM CICS software within his body
implanting ALIEN atomic software from Microsoft and its arrogant snobs
with penis--> is --> information systems
. Microsoft soft female nonsense IDEAS
triggering the protected field
(human bio-sensor Mark D Totzke)
atomic bio-computer subroutine program
rigged infromation murder trial of
Alfred infra-red skin TRIAL.
.string theory murders by
strangulation DEMO by Gaynor,
By Lauren Rosenblatt
Seattle Times Amazon reporter
The office of OceanGate, the company manning the deep-sea vessel that vanished on its way to the Titanic wreckage, has...
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