Book 1645-033 by Herb Zinser
Tom M Apostol --> Time Maps
Oxygen base 16 life form with
IBM Basic (biology) assembler language (BAL)
Oxygen base 16 life form with
IBM Basic (biology) assembler language (BAL)
...the city Baltimore
..... time VERSION of orbital electron extensions
..... time VERSION of orbital electron extensions
in humanoid format with
register 0
--> Ro ..Robert F White company
secretary school
ChicaGO Dolton project 1971 1972
--> Ro ..Robert F White company
secretary school
ChicaGO Dolton project 1971 1972
.... the GOD Particle book
(word/alphabet letter ....particle of language )
(word/alphabet letter ....particle of language )
Leonardo da Vince (1504)
--> Galileo (1616)
--> Napoleon (1812)
--> Galileo (1616)
--> Napoleon (1812)
--> Leopold & Loeb(1924)
--> DNA nucleotideas(1955)
--> DNA nucleotideas(1955)
--> paleontology
- The study of the atomic and gravity THOUGHT fields.......forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times,
as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms
..such as - the Galapagos Island
EARTH LAB extension site named
FermiLAB in DuPage County by
Chicago --> long long ago ...... - paleontology
- The study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms.
noun other words- The study of the atomic forms of life existing in prehistoric STATE OF MIND in Chicago or geologic times,
- as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms..such as church organ music
on the secret molecular pussy muscle language BATTLE at the
Emanual (Emotions)
African cannibal Alzheimer's software
(Bedroom metabolism) Methods
per the bio-math Alonzo Church - with Charles Darwin
- in Charleston
SC(Sub-Conscious mind of South Carolina)
Charleston church shootingOn June 17, 2015, a mass shooting occurred in Charleston, South Carolina, in which nine African Americans were killed and a tenth was injured during a Bible study at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. - Charleston church shooting
--> Route message for analysis ...
2244 W. Charleston Street
Chicago 60647 --> Ag --> silver atom 47 electrons - ..the silver metal tuning fork
- Earth Electron address
site code ( E1 and E2) - at 2347 S. Michigan
atomic pale face (white man) paleontology
- The study of the forms of modern male life
- ..... still existing at the BRAIN LEVEL
- rooms inside the brain
- with memories and thoughts from ancient prehistoric or geologic times
(Chicago Sun-TIMES newspaper), as represented by the fossils of
newspaper printing plants,
sports with human animals,
and other advertising and marketing organisms.
Leon Lederman (le + le)
double helix agent code
Left VS Right
Robert Wilson (RW) of FermiLAB approves
the Fe attack on RWANDA,
the Manhattan Project ..Tanzania embassy attack
--Manhattan Project .attack on
Manhattan TWO TOWERS
during World War 3 (September 11, 2001),
during World War 3 (September 11, 2001),
Tom M Apostol -->
Bertrand Russell and Paul Dirac
Time Maps
Robert Wilson (RW) approves the
RWA (Routing Wavelength Assignment)
Fe attack on RWANDA
(FermiLAB.... February time code... Fe)
Fe attack on RWANDA
(FermiLAB.... February time code... Fe)
February(28 days exist with 4 Fridays
in the Fourier(4) TIME SERIES of the sin/cosine wave continuum of math equations and curves)
attack the feeble AFRICAN people that live on the continent .....where every day of their
attack the feeble AFRICAN people that live on the continent .....where every day of their
existence is FRIDAY
(time to eat, dance, play, music and party)
(time to eat, dance, play, music and party)
and RWanda AFRICA --> the continent of Friday and the city of TIME --> Timbuktu
and the city of TIME --> Timbuktu and the Watertown Daily Times approval of the
set-up and murder of Tim earth farm boy
(age 19)
Tim earth farm boy (age 19)
for the EARTH government systems ......
set-up and murder of Tim earth farm boy
(age 19)
Tim earth farm boy (age 19)
for the EARTH government systems ......
earth geography ....
surface space/time
military FORT -->Fort Atkinson Wisconsin
surface space/time
military FORT -->Fort Atkinson Wisconsin
and his girlfriend Kelly Drew
.... her Friday identity along with
her boyfriend proper noun/name TIM
.... her Friday identity along with
her boyfriend proper noun/name TIM
..creates her database DESTINY codes
girlfriend Kelly Drew
.... her Friday identity + TIM
.... her Friday identity + TIM
thus her code words and
her location ....
at the year 1980 ...night of her selection
for DEATH by Watertown
(CITY of the LIVING DEAD) ...
919 Charles (Darwin) street traveling
software that set-up and murdered
Travis Zoellick and Haroon Khan in
year 2008 in the BATTLE
system Z order entry parallel existences
her location ....
at the year 1980 ...night of her selection
for DEATH by Watertown
(CITY of the LIVING DEAD) ...
919 Charles (Darwin) street traveling
software that set-up and murdered
Travis Zoellick and Haroon Khan in
year 2008 in the BATTLE
system Z order entry parallel existences
and his girlfriend Kelly Drew
.... her Friday identity along with
her boyfriend proper noun/name TIM
.... her Friday identity along with
her boyfriend proper noun/name TIM
..creates her database DESTINY codes
girlfriend Kelly Drew
(drew/draw /paint messages by
Salvador Dali...
(drew/draw /paint messages by
Salvador Dali...
TIME codes ...parabola time of the quadratic equation at
Chenequa at algebra site
F(x) = O at math site
F(x) = O at math site
O =Oconomowoc Wisconsin
1) math subscript ...1,2,3, 32will access the 32 data storage location
2) using
IBM assembler language displacement addressing ..
from 0 to 31 (total of 32 locations of data)
Salvador Dalí and Muhammad Ali
The Persistence of Memory 1931 On view MoMA, Floor 5, 517 The Alfred H. Barr, Jr. Galleries
The Persistence of Memory 1931 On view MoMA, Floor 5, 517 The Alfred H. Barr, Jr. Galleries
Hard objects
Jun 6, 2023G.H. Hardy, in full
Godfrey frequency
..math social life
announcement/ Harold /Herold
Godfrey frequency
..math social life
announcement/ Harold /Herold
The Herald Angels Sing " is an English Christmas carol that first appeared in 1739 in the collection Hymns and Sacred Poems.
The carol, based on
The carol, based on
Luke 2:14,(human Lung key ..
2 atoms of nitrogen mass 14 = 1 molecules of atomic mass 28
2 atoms of nitrogen mass 14 = 1 molecules of atomic mass 28
tells of Dr. Edward Teller 1948
atomic EARTH government
Euler's number e = 2.718 constant
property law of tyrosine micro-second
Euler's number e = 2.718 constant
property law of tyrosine micro-second
--> economic system ....
communications bandwidth
BANK .... money/dollars
Edward TELLER -->
Nature's systems property ......
Bonwit Teller & Co. was an American luxury department store in New York City, New York, founded by Paul Bonwit project ....
for Ed Witten .... Princeton & Big TEN university intellectual failures.....
for Ed Witten .... Princeton & Big TEN university intellectual failures.....
Paul Bonwit project ....code name
(Linus Pauling + Paul Dirac
molecular bonds with
molecular bonds with
1895 at Sixth Avenue and 18th Street, and later a chain of department stores .
Sixth Avenue and 18th Street,
1895 at Sixth Avenue and 18th Street, and later a chain of department stores .
Sixth Avenue and 18th Street,
Sixth Avenue and 18th Street,
with carbon atom 6(six)
and the velocity of light message site
180,000 + 6,000
--> atomic Bank Teller at the Bank ONE
robbery ...
data generating EVENT at
data generating EVENT at
Wave mechanics ....
social/economic display EVENT
at Wales / Waukesha
social/economic display EVENT
at Wales / Waukesha
by THEATER EARTH performances
Galapagos/PERU systems agents .....
Galapagos/PERU systems agents .....
with common denominator codes
of the language region
James and Ted Oswald
(farm house & barn in Watertown)
Pier Oddone (Federal science agent from Peru with his parents ....COMPUTER EARTH Italian Peninsula (IP) address space heritage -->
his banker father
(secret language ....atomic orbital italian communications bandwidth) routed to
(secret language ....atomic orbital italian communications bandwidth) routed to
Peru to the Arequipa --> IP address space
of the Midpoint AREA --> Arequipa
Area of electron quivers
of Coquimbo Arequipa quito
and the
COMPUTER EARTH ancient Internet
BIOLOGY BLOG Maria database
BIOLOGY BLOG Maria database
Piermaria Oddone
Piermaria Oddone
Pier maria database human interceptor
Oddone --> connects Galapagos Islands/Peru galactic COMPUTER page
DuPage County/FermiLAB
thru EARTH geography surface (water) like a FISH ........
and travels thru LAND using the 2-legged humanoid walkers (the human action figures that the ship carries
....Logical Unit(LU)--> Lumber ..cellulose extensions that eat food grains and have LUNGS..........
traveling in information TIME ship (ip = Internet Protocol of the Area of Arequipa --> earth geography region IP address space)
-- We reached Coquimbo(Co + qui --> code of quivers), where we stayed a few days. The town is remarkable for nothing but its extreme quietness. It is said to contain
from 6000 to 8000 ...
the atomic ANDES Mountains es --> escape of
a E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo to Area of Arequipa to Quito
--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa
..silver (Ag) and gold(Au) atomic government ...message city
HUMANOID specimen in a specific quiver language format
Via routing code
--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa
with agent O --> Pier Oddone
Thus we have the
EARTH geography surface language
of quivers of
Coquimbo Arequipa Quito
to ancient Greece
PLATO philosophy platform of oscillations , quivers. vibrations,
Thus we have the ancient
geography surface language
...rf (relationship formats)
...rf (record formats)
geography surface relation to
geological atomic underground language ... the inner EARTH and COMPUTER EARTH inner database
Plato name equation ......
Plate --> order entry into atomic soil/ land in Greece by Plato thinking/fingers & hand writing on paper ....
then walking (his legs and feet as fingers) ..his body weight (8)....dats entry/data injection into
atomic land /sidewalks as a data entry keyboard
atomic land /sidewalks as a data entry keyboard
Plate Tectonics language map and
the language BETWEEN
geography land surface (human face of Plato) and
geology atomic underground DATA STORAGE SPACE
of the Map - Plate Boundary Map -
According the theory of plate tectonics,
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates (as computer hardware platform)
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates (as computer hardware platform)
upon which exist the EARTH land surface
as an atomic SOFTWARE expression platform
...Botany trees , 4-legged animals, and hot women with software bodies to educate males
thus the --
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates -> extended
on the EARTH surface with human communications shells --> named
Earth's outer shell --> next shell layer with eyes--> Shelley Books -
Poetry by Percy Bysshe Shelley
the Poe --> Plato order entry knowledge in the inner earth DATABASE
Buy Affordable Books By Your Favorite Authors Starting at $3.59 & Up. Find A Book Today! Free Shipping on Orders Over $15. Shop Millions of Used Books at Low Prices Everyday.
Types: Edu & Reference, Lit & Fiction, Children's Books, Religion & Spirituality
. The map above shows names and generalized locations of Earth's major tectonic plates. These plates move and interact with one another to produce earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain ranges, ocean trenches and other geologic processes and features. Map ...
Geology Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics (article) | Khan Academy
Plate tectonics refers to the movement of the rigid plates around the surface of Earth. The outer portion of the planet, or lithosphere, is relatively rigid because it is relatively cold. The lithosphere varies in thickness but is typically a hundred or so kilometers thick. It includes the upper mantle and both the continental and oceanic crust.
It includes the upper mantle (layers existence)
It includes the upper mantle
It includes the upper mantle language of geology
....sent up to the EARTH geography surface
to the New York Yankees (earth electron systems)
as atoMic Mickey Mantle from
spavinaw (amplitude wave) at
O = Output area in
O = Oklahoma per
O = Oddone and his base ball team in Batavia
May 19, 2023
Welcome to Home of Peruvian atomic social sciences MESSAGE LINK
of Batavia Youth Baseball (BYB) Founded in 1956, BYB is an all-volunteer organization offering a quality human base register
of IBM Basic Assembler Land Language (BALL) bio-computer & geo-computer & existential data processing computer program for the FermiLAB adult bio-computer children of inverted Bat region of Batavia and MooseHeart (BMO-Harris bank region).
Our (Oddone uranium 238 programs for the 2-lane highway ROUTE 38
serve over carbon atomic mass 12 layers amplified by with B100D giving the DEMO by
1,200 players (p layers--> Processing layers)
age 6 electrons of carbon 17 with over 90 MILITARY teams studying the 90 degrees angle of plane geometry BATTLE.
Mantle - National Geographic Society
The lithosphere is divided into IBM Base 16
15 major hexadecimal tectonic plates: the North American, Caribbean, South American, Scotia, Antarctic, Eurasian, Arabian, African, Indian, Philippine, Australian, Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, and Nazca. The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho.
..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface a movie screen
The EARTH surface land
The EARTH surface land
TV/movie .....screen at Highway SC
between Watertown and Ixonia Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee --> Edward Edwards
in the earth electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over the tragic signaling EVENT generated by the Killing vector program ...killing TIME agent-->Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew in year 1980
Feb 2009 - University of Torture at Toronto torture unto others ..such as Killing
Tim Hack & kelly
The novelty of our theorem is the existence of Hawking’s Killing vector-field (Ixonia corn field & Woods)
Tim Hack and Kelly Drew Murders:
How Did They Die in the
machine FOOL & DIE industry batles?
machine TOOL & DIE industry batles?
What ergodic /large scale system ERROR created the Killing using a programmable bio-computer bio-electron
HUMAN action figure named DOUBLE E --> EE
The remains of the deceased couple were discovered by
IBM BASE 2 Binary ....two Milwaukee squirrel hunters on Base 16 hex October 16, 1980,
IBM BASE 2 Binary ....two Milwaukee squirrel hunters on Base 16 hex October 16, 1980,
at the edge of the woods/corn field off Hustisford Road in the Town of Ixonia.
Approximately 8 data bit miles away from
Concord dance house,
the remains of the body were in a battered state, which is why the cause of death was, in the beginning, questionable.
The bodies of Kelly Drew and Tim Hack, both 19, were discovered in a Jefferson, Wisconsin corn field on 1980. The two had attended a wedding reception before their...
in a full neighborhood of the 2-sphereS, without making any analyticity assumption. It is precisely this information, i.e. the existence of Kin (Fort Atkinson) the complement of the domain of dependence of N ∪ N,
between Watertown and Ixonia Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee --> Edward Edwards
in the earth electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over
I = current/amperage region of rage/anger at
I = Ixonia and Milwaukee (double e = ee)
electrical engineering battles of
Charles Steinmetz software programs
VS human family errors
The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center core
..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface a movie screen ..
thus the earth atomic center as an atomic projector
The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho
The EARTH Land Surface version
The division STREET (CHICAGO) in the lithosphere between the pizza pie crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity at a disco dance club, or simply the Moho.
Geoscienceworld › gsa › geology › article › 42 › ...
Wikipedia › wiki › Lithography
takes the education/ train to Chicago, to live with her older sister Minnie and Minnie's husband bandwidth.
On the train/educate, Carrie(r) systems meets
James and Ted Oswald
(farm house & atomic barn in Watertown)
Linking plate tectonics and mantle flow to Earth’s topography
Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion
Firstly, it sugar thought molecules and the digestive that the interplay between dinner plate motion
Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between plate motion and mantle flow
Firstly, it suggests that the interplay between BASEBALL home plate motion and
atoMic Mickey Mantle flow ..... running to 1st plate
could explain the early- to mid-Miocene uplift of the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau (e.g., Molnar and Stock, 2009 ), without the need to invoke lithospheric delamination ( Molnar et al., 1993 ).
and the
EARTH geography surface expression layer with
English literature and hospital buildings &
medical calculus/math people
lithospheric geology underground layer
and the
EARTH geography surface expression layer
Lithography - Wikipedia
Lithography (from Ancient Greek λίθος, lithos 'stone', and γράφειν, graphein 'to write') [1] is a planographic method of printing originally based on the immiscibility of oil and water. [2] The printing is from a stone ( lithographic limestone) or a metal plate with a smooth surface.
lithospheric geology underground layer
and the
EARTH geography surface expression layer
Printing -- Lithography geography Topic
Hub at Hubbleton Wisconsin sin wave region
: Printing Process Overview
Lithography, currently the dominant printing technology, is an indirect (offset) process.
Image carriers
Image carriers (or plates) are generally be classified
Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection ( CSMA/CD) is a medium access control (MAC) method used most notably in early Ethernet technology for local area networking. It uses carrier -sensing to defer transmissions until no other stations are transmitting.
Sister Carrie(r) (1900) is a carrier system novel by mineral ore messenger Theodore Dreiser
(1871-1945) about a young woman who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream. She first becomes a mistress to men that she perceives as superior, but later becomes a famous actress. It has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels".[2]
Mar 24, 2023
Collision detection in CSMA/CD involves the following features: Carrier sense:
Before transmitting data, a HUMANOID or molecule device listens to the network to check if the transmission medium is free. If the medium is busy, the device waits until it becomes free before transmitting data.
18-year-old Caroline Meeber atomic iron blood information flow / menstruation PERIOD cycle
..wavelength of 28 days of the 28 neutronTIME cycle of fe = ferrous /female iron-54
..message about
..message about
The Periodic Table - Chemistry 2e | OpenStax
The elements are arranged in seven horizontal rows, called periods or series, and 18 vertical columns, called groups. Groups are labeled at the top of each column. In the United States, the labels traditionally were numerals with capital letters. However, IUPAC recommends that the numbers 1 through 18 be used, and these labels are more common.
, "Sister Carrie C =carbon array" to her
hydro-carbon engineering(HCE) family of gasoline.etc,
In late 1889, dissatisfied with life in Columbia City, Wisconsin, 18-year-old Caroline Meeber, "Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE) family
family of messengers includes ......
Finnegans Wake is a novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It is well known for its experimental style and its reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the Western canon.[1] Written over a period of seventeen years and published in 1939, the novel was Joyce's final work.,
Sister Carrie" to her family -->
Carbon/ Hydro-carbon engineering (HCE) family
family of messengers includes ......
The book explores, in an unorthodox fashion, the lives of the
Earwicker family,(of EARTH systems at Wicker Park Chicago family of Sophie Madej ...who owned and ran the Busy Bee systems site Polish-American restaurant of 1546-50 North Damen Avenue in Chicago, Illinois math/science application region of the Fundamental theorem of algebra
comprising the father HCE (hydro-carbon engineering),
the mother ALP (Mother earth ancient Alphabets),
and their three children
Shem the Penman,
Shaun the Postman,
and Issy IBM Information social systems) .
Following Following (differential equation ....
human shopping ..... fluid mechanics flow wing
using the horizontal platform /of several hundred retail stores
across the geography land of America ......
F W Woolworth 5 cents and dime store chain
collects data from millions of people over 40 years
takes the education/ train to Chicago, to live with her older sister Minnie and Minnie's husband bandwidth.
On the train/educate, Carrie(r) systems meets
On the train
On the train
On the atomic iron metal
passenger train train
... a math series ai trap
passenger train train
... a math series ai trap
..... from start location ao, a1 to ai-1
and then the phase change at
location i (step up) to another level
location i (step up) to another level
...then ai+1 ai+2 an (end)
the perception phase change per india math ... square root of minus 1
AND the existence
horizontal and vertical line segments
horizontal and vertical line segments
under a partial cover/roof
robbery ...
data generating EVENT at
data generating EVENT at
Wave mechanics ....
social/economic display EVENT
at Wales / Waukesha
social/economic display EVENT
at Wales / Waukesha
by THEATER EARTH performances
Galapagos/PERU systems agents .....
Galapagos/PERU systems agents .....
with common denominator codes
of the language region..
codes Galapagos -->
Lee Harvard Oswald in Dallas
Lee Harvard Oswald in Dallas
and Oswald robbery in Wisconsin of Bank oddone
James and Ted Oswald
(farm house & atomic barn in Watertown)
- At the time of the crimes,
- Ted and James James (atomic mass messages of E. SC--> escape VIA E.Schrodinger)
- Oswald (Oscillations year 1847 message PLATFORM codes at
Concord Massachusetts location of the Zondervan-Strong Concorddance of - the
EARTH message dance between
North American continent geography surface land and the
Joules Jules V-section Verne
geology Joules JOURNEY ........ - EARTH atomic iron-54 center core
- 2 similar communication systems
- The Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance gives complete access to every word of the NIV text as well as to the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek from which the NIV was translated. Feature for feature, this Gold Medallion award-winning volume is by far the finest, most thorough NIV-based concordance available.
- James and Ted Oswald
(farm house & atomic barn in
Watertown Wisconsin
--> water --> H2O mass 18 molecule
Ted and James Oswald lived in a converted barn on a relative's propertyH2O water THOUGHT molecules- At the time of the crimes,
- Ted and James James (atomic mass messages of E. SC--> escape VIA E.Schrodinger)
.... water /lake....
(the John Dalton atomic mass (AM)
and oscillation wave mechanics model
of Erwin Schrodinger)
of Erwin Schrodinger)
lived in a converted atomic stone/rock barn on a
relative's property
(Albert Einstein's SPECIAL THEORY of Relatives and physics property law) in Peru rural rural (uranium language)
(Albert Einstein's SPECIAL THEORY of Relatives and physics property law) in Peru rural rural (uranium language)
Water thought molecule
Investigators (who drink Gatorade....
Investigators (who drink Gatorade....
Gatorade Sports Drink, Wide Mouth, 20 Oz Bottles, Orange, 480 Fl Oz
... liquids with wetness)
said the two (2) agent in Watertown implies H2O chemistry name
said the two (2) agent in Watertown implies H2O chemistry name
- A Holstein milk dairy cow ...
milk PROTEIN thought MOLECULES barn (symbol: b) is a
metric(k) unit of area equal to 10−28 m2 (100 fm 2 ). - The standard unit for measuring a
nuclear earth cross section TRIAL - at Waukesha Wisconsin
- secret language & images group
I ran with a basketball- (denoted as σ) is the barn, which is equal to 10−28m2, 10−24cm2 or 100 fm2.
- nuclear earth cross section TRIAL
at Waukesha Wisconsin publisher - ASTRONOMY MAGAZINE
53233 Zip code
State Street Chicago
Linear Control systems DATABASE- destroyed in the Chicago LOOP
Attributes and orders can be set only by their constant names or by their associated graphic values (for example, A for unprotected and Modified Data Tag (MDT) set).
You can get the standard attribute and printer character control list by including the DFHBMSCA copybook
in your
DFHBMSCAM rackets copybook application program.Oscillations /alternating cycles / sin waves ... wave mechanics TRIAL
waves vector space TRIAL in the
Waukesha courthouse Wisconsin
Ted and James Oswald lived in a converted barn on a relative's property in rural Watertown. Investigators said the two had accumulated an array
two had accumulated an array
two-dimensional ....
accumulated data & instruction
array .......- barn, unit of area used to measure the reaction cross section (generally different from the geometric cross section) of atomic nuclei and subatomic particles in the study of their interactions with other nuclei or particles. It is equal to 10 −24 square cm.
The year 1847 (AG silver 47 electrons.
.... silver metal tuning FORK )and the year 1947 partition of
India Pakistan(IP) into 2 new IP address spaces --->
West IP
(WIP or fill in the blank -->WHIP to take over United States HOUSE brain wavesEmmer: It's time to stop underestimating Speaker McCarthy cartesian coordinates
and House Republicans brain maps. )
and East IP
(East Pakistan Asia -->EPA ---> brain wave attack at Waukegan Illinois Output areaand rigged PCB trials on
Program Control Blocks)- The year 1847 (AG silver 47 electrons.
.... silver metal tuning FORK ) and the year 1947 partition of
India Pakistan(IP)
Chicago North side zip code 60647
- Chicago ..EARTH battle at the E2 nightclub at
2347 S. Michigan Avenue of Avogadro's number
- 47 --> Ag --> silver atom with
Vice-President Spiro Agnew
47 electrons - ..the silver metal tuning fork