Book 1645-039 by Herb Zinser
Tom M Apostol -->
--> Federal government murder/death systems
FermilAB and Berkeley Labs TIME Projection Chamber(TCP)
,,,,,,,, TCP (Thought Control Police)
California INSECT PEOPLE policy of gas chambers
... Nature's systems .....the EARTH atmosphere creation of
oxygen molecule 32 gas ...... signal processing BATTLES
, Las VeGas floor 32 ...a hotel room as a gas chamber
and the
music(k) DEATH HARVEST of 58 dead,
California INSECT PEOPLE policy of gas chambers attack on the Caryl Whittier Chessman human LUNG oxygen system
California people issues gas chamber DEATH instructions to the
EARTH atmosphere to attack human LUNG chambers --->...kill 6.9 million people
... Nature's systems .....the EARTH atmosphere creation of
oxygen molecule 32 gas ...... signal processing BATTLES
11 May 2021 Medical oxygen has become one of the most important life-saving commodities in the fight against COVID-19 during which patients develop pneumonia and hypoxaemia - a low blood oxygen...
targets the Caryl Chessman respiratory system
targets the Sarah, Duchess of York (born Sarah Margaret Ferguson; 15 October 1959) respiratory system -->
diagnosis of early-stage breast cancer
The Sars CoV-2 virus in many cases targets the respiratory system, leading to an
inflammation of the lungs by virus
inflammation by
breast cancer cell growth

Tom M Apostol -->
the Ferrous/iron-54 ......
February TIME location of
Fermilab (only exists as the FIXED 28 neutron day month of February ....February February ....
interface with the face of
Norman Ramsey ...............
who recommended the construction of
Norman Schwarzkopf,
who recommended the construction
of the year 1990 perpendicular war in the
Persian Gulf region of q-variables of
Paul Dirac Irac
-->letter c to q --> Iraq/KuWait
Through the identity (45) this transforms into. Taking the derivative of a q -number with respect to time therefore amounts to multiplying its C ( J, J -t h) by 2 p i times the Bohr frequency D t H/h.
In this magic way
Computer earth BOS....
Early DOS/360 and BOS/360 systems
made more use of Y adcons,
who taught at military academies
well-known secrets of FermiLAB ....
theoretical physics secret -->
the existence of the open pit
The FERMILAB brain perception version
the existence of the open pit
well-known Ferrous/iron atomic secrets of FermiLAB ABstract....
theoretical physics secret -->
the existence of the open pit Mesabi ..atomic iron ore range of
atomic ferrous /iron metal
Haroon Khan show his car
- a 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution -
Harvard University and
MIT University evolution of bragging, BS, schemes, dealing in stolen property, ERRORS
per agent Pier error Oddone
- atomic ferrous/iron code
--> 26
--> 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution -
its 26 protons andits 26 atomic English alphabet letters used by metal cars /automobile
- a 2006 number equation 20+06 = 26
for sand casting .. cast iron automobile engines WAR /battle
The IRON Lady (the social & political engine of British Empire and English language of life--> ferrous/iron atomwith atomic female agent
agent fe = female ) Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher -
An Alzheimer's Victim Home
Year 1826 (iron 26 protons)
President John
Quiver vibration continuum
Adams--> continuum to Adam Lanza
and the
2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution
Jules Verne and
Mount Vernon ......
collective integrity and honor
Arequipa Peru March 26, 1944 and
Illinois Route 56 at
Fe = Federal Ferrous/iron atom
failure site of Fe = FermiLAB
Their IBM tribal lands comprise 597,288 acres of trust land and 27,354 acres of fee land in southwestern Colorado, northwestern New Mexico, and small, isolated sections of Utah.
2,200 tribal IBM BAL members live on, work on and use these lands 2200 BLOCK of a City.
year 1826
President John Quiver Quincy Adams -->
Adam Lanza fatally shot
20 children and 06 adults = 26 dead per
GLoria TOTAL Totzke(y) killed inGL = General Ledger......
EARTH accounting BATTLES
of Totals = O = Zero ---> at Oconomowoc/Summit Wisconsin
(26 atomic number Z of atomic
cast iron engines ..such as the Haroon KHAN 2006 Mitsubishi language engine Evolution) at Sandy Hook Elementary School
Alan Sokal
Alan Sokal
Alan Sokal Science WAR ....
Federal atomic education errors create the BATTLE .....
played out at Sandy Hook to generate a system feedback DATABASE
Margaret Mead nuclear family
.... atomic mass battle generates DATABASE ..code words
Before 930 atomic mass -->
Before 93 orbital electrons
DATABASE ..code words
Before 930 atomic mass -->
Before 93 orbital electrons implies
.......... 92 orbital electrons of uranium 235 and 238 exist
Arequipa, Peru Persistance song and dance of Time at the FermiLAB February
TIME PORT of Pier O --> clock symbol
of the ODD ONE = 1 )
.... her Friday Africa identity + TIM
and RWanda AFRICA --> the continent of Friday and the city of TIME --> Timbuktu
and Robert Wilson (RW) atomic piles in Rwanda
On August 7, 1998, nearly simultaneous
bombs blew up in front of the
American (Atomic mass) embassies
in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,
in Africa.
Two hundred and twenty-four people
died in the ...
24 hour clock equation WAR
twenty-four --> implies 24 hours
twenty subtract four --> 16 hour day
Tan zania
Tan zan ia --> Time answer (name servers)
Tarzan project --> Z atomic number
Dr. Dana Katherine Scully, MD, is a
Robert Wilson character and
one (Pier Oddone) of the
two protagonists in the
Fox (oxygen atom 16 ..... IBM base 16 oxygen atmosphere computer
LINK to human LUNG oxygen bio-computer)
with EARTH language systems.....
living languages
super-symmetry existential data processing........
supernatural Altamira.... messenger RNA television series
supernatural Altamira.... messenger RNA television series
the Cleveland OhiOThe Cave of Altamira ( / ˌæltəˈmɪərə /; Spanish: Cueva de Altamira [ˈkweβa ðe altaˈmiɾa]) is a cave complex, located near the historic town of Santillana del Mar in Cantabria, Spain. It is renowned for prehistoric cave art featuring charcoal drawings and polychrome paintings of contemporary local fauna and human hands.
supernatural Altamira.... messenger RNA television series
The X-Files, played by the atomic SYMBOL equation used by HOT women in Heat
Gillian Anderson and
Gillian Zinser.
atomic number (AN) = Z name server
Gillian Amalia Zinser
atomic number + atomic mass)
Margaret Mead nuclear family ...
secret female agent
is an American Paul Dirac actress,
known for her appearances as Ivy Sullivan in 90210. She attended
Isaac Newton extension --> New York University in New York City, NY.
Prior to 90
Prior to 90 (year 1990 Iraq /kuwait war)
Prior to 90210, she appeared in
Southland, Cold Case and Cupid.
Southland, Cold Case
Southland, Cold Case
Suthland, Cold Case
Kelley killed 26 people, including an unborn child and wounded 22 others, before killing himself.
Sutherland Springs
Sut her land Springs
SLut her (pleasure/fun)
land BED-Springs pregnancy problem
Kelley killed 26 people
Kelley killed 26 people
Kelley killed 26 people software program
Richard Poplawski equation..
population law of human skins
Richard Poplawski brain software
neurons firing .... trigger zone level orders. ........
opened fire on two Pittsburgh Police officers
population numeric control Officer Eric Kelly, killed in the
Thomas Robert Wilson Malthus battles
her atomic electron shells parallels
--> She played a recurring role in 90210 during the second season from 2009 to 2010,
as a young Californian surfer named
EARTH surface of ferrous/iron atomic metal automobiles & their language
...that communicate with the
female BLOOD iron software interface agent ....Ivy Sullivan (IS) --> Information Systems code ..... member of IS IS .
Robert Wilson as
IBM BAL ... Baltimore
--> Basic assembler Language
with Morenci Arizona
atomic copper mine
Robert Wilson (register 0)
with Bertrand Russell
--> buy & sell
merchandise and people
In 1300 + 667 --> 1967 he assumed
EARTH ship (in the Solar System)
directorship of the
National Accelerator Laboratory,
subsequently known as the
EARTH atomic center core
.....iron-54/ ferrous oxide atom
EARTH geography surface interface
location of Lockyer & the Odd ONE
iron-54 with a FIXED 28 neutron day
month of
February (with 1 day every 4 years when
when 4 jet airplanes
LEAP into the sky for the needs of
afterlife dimension)
February TIME location of
Fermilab (only exists as the
FIXED 28 neutron day month
of February ....February February
after the SR (system region) STARTS with Godfrey frequency
harold Macmillan(d) Hardy
SRiniVasa RamanuJan January
Batavia/Chicago TIME series/sequence
January array of
atomic Ferrous/iron-54 metal
BEAMS/reinforced concrete (cement)
.....TIME building
January array .. with Feb Feb Feb Feb
February (28 neut ron days
for brain neuron of north europe people)
IBM BAL (Baltic region of
Basic assembler land time clock) ron
--> base registers
Registers 0 --> n
R0, r1 r2 --> rn (assembler software)
medical calculations
February TIME location of
Fermilab (only exists as
the 28 neutron day month ........
for brain 28 iron-54 neutrons alignment
with the
NItrogen molecule mass 28 of a
N = November 1952 (52 weeks per year)
EARTH born .........
Scotland male specimen ...
originally named
NI -->Nitrogen Nigel Location Lockyer
then his enhanced name
Rand McNally Road Atlases
State & Specialty Atlases,
International Maps and
State of MIND international maps
THUS the EARTH,,,, Scotland
cotangent math hand/curve reached
down into the west African DATABASEfor his extended name and his
career in West Canada
THUS Nigel code name
NI -->Nitrogen Location LockyerNiger Nigeria Location AFRICA of
Nige land --> Nigel Lockyer
February TIME location of
Fermilab (only exists as
the 28 neutron day month ........
of February ....February February
after the SR (system region) STARTS with mathematical-physics ........
Godfrey frequency
harold Macmillan(d) Hardy
SRiniVasa RamanuJan January
Soil layers and the EARTH core
with math layers of
SRiniVasa RamanuJan January
surface land of INDIA and itsunderground geology
layers of atomic clay/
atomic limestone message
known by the sub-conscious MIND as
as the
sub-continent of India
underground math TIME agent.......
He managed to complete the facility
on time and under budget,
but at the same time
it aesthetically pleasing,
with a main administrative building
purposely reminiscent of the
EARTH 24 hours
....per agent Robert Wilson and the
FLIP Wilson process,,,, FLIP WIlson Hall image
Clerow " Flip " Wilson Jr(Job region). (December 8, 1933 - November 25, 1998) was
an(atomic number Z)
Am(atomic mass ..atomic table of THOUGHTS and EXISTENCE)
Am (Access method)
Am --> AMerican comedian and actor best known for his
DR. Edward Teller --> Teller vison-->television appearances during the late 1960s and 1970s.
From 1970 to 1974, Wilson hosted his own weekly variety series The Flip Wilson Show, and introduced viewers to his recurring character Geraldine.
COMPUTER EARTH internet equation
The Flip Wilson -->
FLIP --> FL (florida) IP address of
FSU Tallahassee (tall vertical person)
above earth ground
flip person (Flip LIFE to Death))
Flip above earth ground human (alive)
to 6 feet under ground (dead)
then Rotate to horizontal
Paul Dirac underground horizontal
BODY of Knowledge
..atomic coffin DATABASE
using the new special language
of Dirac & Schrodinger
Paul Dirac underground horizontal
BODY of Knowledge
..atomic coffin DATABASE uses atomic quantum software languages,
gravity field languages,
and the
Tallahassee Roselawn cemetery ...
EARTH gravity grave wormhole..
data cycle software technology
..... underground ...
atomic data records eventually re-surface thru atomic earth soil
garden vegetables --> into humans
that receive ....
Paul Dirac & Tom Apostol
atomic educated food molecules
transfer (SYMBOLIC transfer)
to human tongue
The (Europe)
Nature's ancient
atomic isotope (open data set)
......... radio/ image
/ isotope photograph
from Kashmir mirror
and India Asia
the shape of India as a baseball diamond
.... the India diamond wedding ring diamond and boxing ring
from Kashmir mirror
from Kashmir AMU mirror
AMU -->M-theory of
small data set as points
AMMU --> surface area MIRROR at
M times M
Map of Kashmir, India / Pakistan
(IP) address
of the
Those who receive Communion may receive either in the hand or on the tongue
Communion may receive either in the hand or on the cow tongue FOOD recipe,
Atomic Directions 1.
Isotopes recipes
Place the (Oliver Heaviside attachments)
tongue in a heavy skillet.
Add water to
(Heaviside math cover-up) cover and cook for three hours.
Cool thoroughly and peel off skin. Slice thinly and place into a
(Euler equation series ix) six-quart pot (hypothesis testing).
2. Combine remaining ingredients an a three-quart pot and bring to a boil.
3. Pour over sliced tongue --> gluon explanation
Gluon, the so-called messenger particle of the strong nuclear force, which binds subatomic particles known as quarks within the protons and neutrons of stable matter as well as within heavier, short-lived particles created at high energies.
Quarks humanoids from Arkansas
interact by emitting and absorbing
marriage gluons with CLINTON name
Tallahassee Roselawn cemetery ...
EARTH gravity grave wormhole..
data cycle software technology
..... underground ...
atomic data records eventually re-surface thru atomic earth soil
garden vegetables --> into humans
that receive ....
Paul Dirac & Tom Apostol
atomic educated food molecules
transfer (SYMBOLIC transfer)
to human tongue
the atomic information process
as clearly described by
part of the Paul Dirac ......
modern BOOK of the DEAD
In year 1300 + 667--> 1967 he assumed
gravity THOUGHT FIELD directorship of the
National BABY /Population Accelerator Laboratory,
subsequently known in
atomic EARTH Language as Fetus of Fermilab.
He managed to complete the facility on time
and under budget, but at the same time made
it aesthetically pleasing, with a main administrative building
purposely reminiscent of the
EARTH 24 hours
EARTH 24 hours
....per agent Robert Wind Wilson,,,,
the EARTH daily Rotation and the
reminiscent --> centrifugal force
SIDEWAYS data collection WIND....
on the COMPUTER EARTH surface
.... centrifugal force SIDEWAYS flow
collects data from people, trees, buildings, animals, iron kitchen pots and pans
(collect/get data)
of the active verb tense GET ...
once a
Carl Jung collective conscious
/ sub-conscious..........
DATA collection by the
vertical signal processing walls
..the atomic rock & stone walls of
the Beauvais Cathedral,
..the atomic rock as information ROC
..the atomic rock & stone walls of
The probability of
serious symbol table (ST)
,,data absorption probability = one = 1
atomic bank lobby Marble rock/stone data absorption MODELS
of Markov data absorption of abstract knowledge by the
marble surface s-orbital
atomic bank lobby Marble rock/stone data absorption MODELS problems
of Markov --> created the kosovo battles
The American, Canada,and Europe
bank executives .....
bank lobby MARBLE battles played
out Yugoslavia ......
(NATO Military) atoms of
Marble ...... beginning air strikes in
March 1999
The American, Canada,and Europe
bank executives .....
with bank depositor approval ..........
deposit BOMBS and ROCKETS into
Kosovo & Yugoslavia ...........
The American, Canada,and Europe
executives of vector space ....
for their superior wives and children
they and the newspapers approve the execution
of thousands
The marble marKOV DATABASE wars

The atomic ferrous
The Fe = Ferrous atom/iron-54 battles
of 28 neutrons of the
Fe = FermilABn & federal approved
Fe = February 28 neutron attack and kill schedule sent to brain neurons
to satisfy their BLOOD THIRSTY
female wives (menstruation blood loss)
....... the psychological need for parallel
(shootings, war, conflict)
The Waco Texas siege by U.S. federal government and Texas state law officials of the Branch Davidians between
February 28 1993 and April 19, 1993
Kosovo War was an armed conflict in Kosovo that lasted from
February 28 1998 until 11 June 1999.
It was fought between the forces of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (i.e. Serbia and Montenegro), which controlled Kosovo before the war, and the Kosovo Albanian rebel group known as the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The conflict ended when the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) intervened by beginning air strikes in March 1999 which resulted in Yugoslav forces withdrawing from Kosovo.
The Cathedral of Saint Peter of Beauvais (French: Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Beauvais) is a Roman Catholic church in the northern town of Beauvais, Oise, France. It is the seat of the Bishop of Beauvais, Noyon and Senlis.
The cathedral is in the Gothic style, and consists of a 13th-century choir, with an apse and seven polygonal apsidal chapels reached by an ambulatory, joined to a
16th-century transept.
reached by an ambulatory, joined to a
16th-century transept.
16th-century VERSUS year 2012 Colorado
Aurora Century 16 Theater Shooting
On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside a Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, United States, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. Dressed in tactical clothing, 24-year-old James Holmes set off tear gas grenades and shot into the
audience (death wish)
with multiple firearms.
16th-century VERSUS year 2007
On April 16, 2007, 32 people died after being gunned down on the campus of Virginia Tech by Seung-Hui Cho, a student at the college
16th-century and
Julysses time manipulation
James Joyce June 16, 1904
time shift scheme..
shift time back-ward of 1 month .....of the FOUR isotopes
ferrous/iron atomic METAL
clock dimension of iron metal motor vehicles, kitchen refrigerators, etc
Chattanooga shootings
Four Marines died - Wikipedia
On July 16, 2015, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez ..... opened fire
on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee --> two versions of Time.
He first committed a drive-by shooting at a recruiting center, then traveled to a U.S. Navy Reserve center and continued firing, where he was killed by police in a gunfight. [citation needed] Four Marines died on the spot.
July 16,1904 electron coulombs TIME
James Joyce June 16, 1904
time shift scheme..
to shift atomic electron coulombs TIME
16th-century and
Julysses time manipulation
James Joyce June 16, 1904
time shift scheme..
shift time back-ward of 1 month .....of the FOUR isotopes
ferrous/iron atomic METAL
clock dimension of iron metal motor vehicles, kitchen refrigerators, etc
Chattanooga shootings
Four(4) Marines died creating a BLOOD information flow DATABASE
of 4 iron atoms ...hemoglobin battles- Wikipedia
On July 16, 2015,
INTERNAL software fights
Jun 19, 2023
There are four iron atoms in each molecule of hemoglobin,
which accordingly can bind four molecules of oxygen.
Globin consists of two linked pairs of polypeptide chains.
The Columbind High School massacre, commonly refederred to as Columbine, was a school shooting and attempted bombing that occurred
on month four -->April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado, United States.[b]
The perpetrators, consists of two linked pairs
Feb 14, 2023Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychoanalytic theory and method of therapy developed by Eric Berne during the 1950s. Transactions refer to the communication exchanges between people.
I'm OK - You're OK is a 1967 [1] [2] [3] self-help book by psychiatrist Thomas Anthony Harris. It is a practical guide to transactional analysis as a method for solving problems in life. The book made the New York Times Best Seller list in 1972 and remained there for almost two years.
16th-century VERSUS
Tulare County Sheriff's Office investigators at the scene of where six people were killed in a
Central Valley farming community on
Base 16 hexadecimal --->Jan. 16, 2023, in Goshen, CA. Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times...
Central Valley Shooting
(CVS) --> mirror letters SVC
IBM --> ABE ABEND Lincoln (1861 to 1865)
and IBM Abend/Dump message repeated
As a character and literary allusion, Humpty Dumpty has appeared or been referred to in many works of literature and popular culture, particularly English author Lewis Carroll 's 1871 book Through the Looking-Glass, i
Battle of GET macro
Battle of Gettysburg
()[13] was fought on July 1–3, 1863, in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by Union and Confederate forces during the American Civil War. In the battle,
It was the highest Gothic choir in the world:
It was the highest Gothic
It was the hig hest Gothic
It was
the high heist Got/ get/ steal/ rob/ scheme
It has the highest Gothic choir in the world: 48.5 metres (159 ft) under vault.[4] From 1569 to 1573 the cathedral of Beauvais was, with its tower of 153 m (502 ft), the highest human construction of the world.
Its designers had the ambition to make it the largest gothic cathedral in France ahead of Amiens.
Victim of two collapses, one in the 13th century, the other in the 16th century, it remains unfinished today; only the choir and the transept have been built.
The planned nave of the cathedral was never constructed.
The remnant of the previous 10th-century Romanesque cathedral, known as the Basse Œuvre ("Lower Work"), still occupies the intended site of the nave.
The Cathedral of Saint Peter of Beauvais
(French frequency :
French frequency /amplitude height:
Trench amplitude wars 1914 to 1918
on French soil
French frequency
Cuisine sine Guide:
Everything You Need To Know -
The French-Indochina wars 1952 to 1960
by French art & music , writers and
food cafes with a
billboard hot 100 the week's most popular current songs across all genres of
brain neuro-science
/brain waves & bio-radio & brain TSO,
The 14th Dalai Lama [c]
(Sept 11, 2001
spiritual name...
4 Jets Jetsun
Jamphel (miles per hour)
Ngawang computer
Yeshe Tenzin (Big TEN university
..Wisconsin Zinser)
Gyatso, also known as Tenzin Gyatso;
, and known to the Tibetan people as
Bethesda Lutheran Home of Holstein
milk Dairy cows with feeble minded farm workers ....
Gyalwa Rinpoche,
Gyalwa Rinpoche,
Gyalwa Rin poch e,
Gyalwa Rin pooch earth,
Does anyone know why a dog is called a "pooch"? Although this is a very old slang word, it is not included in my 40-year-old edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Why? Ruth Summers,...
- Although this is a very ...
as the incumbent Dalai Lama is the highest spiritual leader and head of
Tibet.(Time base of probability bet)
Time Sharing Option ( TSO) is an interactive time-sharing environment
of the
EARTH center core/atomic iron-54 for
EARTH geography land surface
and IBM mainframe operating systems, including OS/360 MVT, System 370, OS/VS2 (SVS), MVS, OS/390, and z/OS .
Use In computing, time-sharing is a design technique that allows many INSECT PEOPLE to use a
EARTH land continent computer system
........ concurrently and independently—without interfering with
each other's love & romance life..such as
Chicago 1972
The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934
("1934 Paul Dirac Act," or "molecule Exchange Act" of
monkey primates software and the monkey tail software) primarily regulates transactions of securities in the
secondary market.......
Holstein milk dairy cows..
in their second and final stage of existence
PROTEIN securities in the primary market
of milk, cheese,ice cream and custard
....secondary market..
As such, the 1934 Act typically governs transactions
which take place (Watertown Wisconsin) between parties in Sartre existential processing
(Bethesda ...entry sequenced data site/location
..Lu(logical Unit) --> Lutheran Home
with Holstein milk dairy cows with feeble minded workers.........
which are not the original issuer
(such as the Solar System sun-light and NATURE,)
such as trades that
retail (Galapagos reptile tail) investors execute through Louis de Broglie brokerage companies. Disclosures
F W Woolworth building (NYC) &
Robert F White payroll company &
secret secretarry school (Chicago)
IBM Tarrytown NY ..thought array
"HOur Town" is Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning three-act(3) TIME play
with three-act(3) with Kip S Thorne
IBM system 3,
system 360,
system 370
that depicts life in a fric-->Friction -->fictional New England pituitary gland town at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Set in algbera set theory space of
EARTHLY existence....
the application set -->
Grover's Corner, New Hampshire,
the Cornelius Vanderbilt systems play follows the daily lives of two prominent middle-class families:
the Gibbses
and Webbs, who are next-door neighbors. ...
ranked by streaming activity from
cemetery grave
underground atomic coffin DATABASES
Kill people and dig a grave hole
.... digital music sources tracked by luminate, radio airplay audience (die/death)
impressions as ...
Billboard Charts Billboard Hot 100
- Landing Pages
- Landing Paige Raque
The student body of Pennsylvania State University has rallied in recent days to show support for Paige Raque, a 19-year-old cheerleader who fell 39 feet to the pavement from an off-campus apartment complex's fifth floor on Saturday, according to State
- Her Landing Paige
- ding/dong
It has the highest Go
It has the highest Go
It has the
highest atomic biology MALE .... intellectual Gonads......
- in the greater Chicago gonads government region
It has the highest Gothic choir in the world: 48.5 metres (159 ft) under vault.[4] From 1569 to 1573 the cathedral of Beauvais was, with its tower of 153 m (502 ft), the highest human construction of the world.
Its designers had the ambition to make it the largest gothic cathedral in France ahead of Amiens.
Victim of two collapses,
one in the 13th century, the other in the 16th century,
it remains unfinished today
(April 15, 2013 Finish line );
only the choir and the transept have been built.The planned nave of the cathedral was never constructed.
only the choir
only the choir
only the cho ir --> the
sugar thought molecule BATTLE
at Virginia TECH
only the choir
only the choir
only the cho
billboard hot 100 the week's most popular current songs across all genres of
brain neuro-science
/brain waves & bio-radio & brain TSO,
The 14th Dalai Lama [c]
(Sept 11, 2001
spiritual name...
4 Jets Jetsun
Jamphel (miles per hour)
Ngawang computer
Yeshe Tenzin (Big TEN university
..Wisconsin Zinser)
Gyatso, also known as Tenzin Gyatso;
, and known to the Tibetan people as
Bethesda Lutheran Home of Holstein
milk Dairy cows with feeble minded farm workers ....
Gyalwa Rinpoche,
Gyalwa Rinpoche,
Gyalwa Rin poch e,
Gyalwa Rin pooch earth,
Does anyone know why a dog is called a "pooch"? Although this is a very old slang word, it is not included in my 40-year-old edition of the Oxford English Dictionary. Why? Ruth Summers,...
- Although this is a very ...
as the incumbent Dalai Lama is the highest spiritual leader and head of
Tibet.(Time base of probability bet)
Time Sharing Option ( TSO) is an interactive time-sharing environment
of the
EARTH center core/atomic iron-54 for
EARTH geography land surface
and IBM mainframe operating systems, including OS/360 MVT, System 370, OS/VS2 (SVS), MVS, OS/390, and z/OS .
Use In computing, time-sharing is a design technique that allows many INSECT PEOPLE to use a
EARTH land continent computer system
........ concurrently and independently—without interfering with
each other's love & romance life..such as
Chicago 1972
The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934
("1934 Paul Dirac Act," or "molecule Exchange Act" of
monkey primates software and the monkey tail software) primarily regulates transactions of securities in the
secondary market.......
Holstein milk dairy cows..
in their second and final stage of existence
PROTEIN securities in the primary market
of milk, cheese,ice cream and custard
....secondary market..
As such, the 1934 Act typically governs transactions
which take place (Watertown Wisconsin) between parties in Sartre existential processing
(Bethesda ...entry sequenced data site/location
..Lu(logical Unit) --> Lutheran Home
with Holstein milk dairy cows with feeble minded workers.........
which are not the original issuer
(such as the Solar System sun-light and NATURE,)
such as trades that
retail (Galapagos reptile tail) investors execute through Louis de Broglie brokerage companies. Disclosures
F W Woolworth building (NYC) &
Robert F White payroll company &
secret secretarry school (Chicago)
IBM Tarrytown NY ..thought array
"HOur Town" is Thornton Wilder's Pulitzer Prize-winning three-act(3) TIME play
with three-act(3) with Kip S Thorne
IBM system 3,
system 360,
system 370
that depicts life in a fric-->Friction -->fictional New England pituitary gland town at the beginning of the twentieth century.
Set in algbera set theory space of
EARTHLY existence....
the application set -->
Grover's Corner, New Hampshire,
the Cornelius Vanderbilt systems play follows the daily lives of two prominent middle-class families:
the Gibbses
and Webbs, who are next-door neighbors. ...
ranked by streaming activity from
cemetery grave
underground atomic coffin DATABASES
Kill people and dig a grave hole
.... digital music sources tracked by luminate, radio airplay audience (die/death)
impressions as ...
Billboard Charts Billboard Hot 100
- Landing Pages
- Landing Paige Raque
The student body of Pennsylvania State University has rallied in recent days to show support for Paige Raque, a 19-year-old cheerleader who fell 39 feet to the pavement from an off-campus apartment complex's fifth floor on Saturday, according to State
- Her Landing Paige
- ding/dong
It has the highest Go
It has the highest Go
It has the
highest atomic biology MALE .... intellectual Gonads......
- in the greater Chicago gonads government region
It has the highest Gothic choir in the world: 48.5 metres (159 ft) under vault.[4] From 1569 to 1573 the cathedral of Beauvais was, with its tower of 153 m (502 ft), the highest
human BRAIN construction of the world.
Its designers had the ambition to make it the
largest gothic cathedral in France
- cathedral in France
- cat hed ral in Fr ance
- cattel herd corral inference dance
- at FermiLAB
Its designers had the ambition to make it the largest gothic cathedral in France ahead of Amiens
(Atomic mass ,,name servers).
of Amiens
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ( MEESS-...-ROH; German: [ˈluːtvɪç ˈmiːs fan deːɐ̯ ˈʁoːə]; born Maria Ludwig Michael Mies; March 27, 1886 – August 17, 1969)
In the 1930s, Mies was the last director of the Bauhaus,
a ground-breaking school of modernist blood arteries (INTERNAL software language)
and their
art (create World War 2 bloods
flows from arteries),
design (art gallery military
ground-breaking school tools --> Artillery shells. mortar shell, bombs, and rockets
ground-breaking school of modernistarchitecture (create the
ground-breaking Ukraine war in 2022)
Ukraine war in 2022)
In the 1930s, Mies was the last director of the Bauhaus,
In the 1930s, Mies was the last director of the Bauhaus,
In the 1930s, Egyptian MumMies software program was
the last director of the
Bauhaus letter equation -->,Bau + Hau symbols,,,,,,
Base Au(gold 79 electrons and 197 atomic mass)
Maria Ludwig atoMic Michael Mies;
March 27, 1886 –
August number code 17, 1969)
President Taft
President of the
Base 16 HEX'af' = 175 level -->afterlife
..needs new dead bodiesfor the
new COMPUTER EARTH project
,,,,,,,,,, underground
atomic coffin DATABASES
THUS create World War 1
Chicago GOOGLE crawl space crimes| Britannica
The casualties suffered by the participants in World War I dwarfed those of previous wars: some 8,500,000 soldiers died as a result of wounds and/or disease. The greatest number of casualties and wounds were inflicted by artillery, followed by small arms, and then by poison gas.
THUS create
political influence death --> Flu
The 1918 flu pandemic,[6] also known as the Great Influenza epidemic or by the common misnomer of the Spanish flu, was an exceptionally deadly global influenza pandemic caused by the H1N1 influenza A virus. The earliest documented case was March 1918 in the state of Kansas in the United States,
Two years later, nearly a third of the global population, or an estimated 500 million people, had been infected in
four successive SIN waves(vector space) of Fourier social engineering math military functions
Apr 4, 2020
Bustling major cities and rural towns were brought to their knees, as transportation, law enforcement, commerce and civic life were wiped out
by math-engineering equations.
On the scale of death "They were stacked up in the...
four successive SIN waves(vector space) of Fourier social engineering math military functions
life were wiped out
by math-engineering equations.
Concept equation.......
Earth surface family(x)--> __1___
........................coffin level. X(underground) .....................................................................................

Tom M Apostol -->
the Ferrous/iron-54 ......
February TIME location of
Fermilab (only exists as the FIXED 28 neutron day month of February ....February February ....
Fermilab...Wilson Hall entrance
Female entrance of the building is Spanish word
the Ferrous/iron-54 ......
(only exists as the FIXED 28 neutron day month of February ....February February ....
a. la entrada (F)
Reception is right inside the entrance to the hotel.
La recepción está justo dentro de la entrada del hotel.
2. (act of entering) a. la entrada (F)
a. la entrada (F)
Reception is right inside the entrance to the hotel.
La recepción está justo dentro de la entrada del hotel.
2. (act of entering) a. la entrada (F)
La recepción está justo
dentro code la entrada del hotel.
Walter Palmer, a dentist and hunter from the U.S., killed Cecil the lion
outside Z
outside Z
outside Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park in July 2015. The lion's death sparked outrage. Photograph by Brent...
H w ange
H wa ange
Horizontal wave (work area)
angle (electricity)
Clues and notes
A Tale of Two Cities is a historical novel published in 1859 by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel tells the story of the French Doctor Manette, his 18-year-long imprisonment in the Bastille in Paris, and his release to live in London with his daughter Lucie whom he had never met.
A Tale of Two Cities A Tale of Two Cities
RobertWilson (March 4, 1914 - January 16, 2000) was an American physicist known for his work on the Manhattan Project during World War II, as a sculptor, and as an architect of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), where he was the first director from 1967 to 1978.
Jun 20, 2022
In a Parallel Male brain Universe --> Miss Universe beauty contest,
Another You (code word) As
Asif Ali Zardari
As if MODEL of human theater and
Asif Ali Zardari
(Urdu: آصف علی زرداری;
Sindhi: آصف علي زرداري; sinbad the sailor..
double-helix(DH) .... hi --> hierarchy
born 26 July 1955)
Jun 15, 2023
The four Ps are a "marketing mix" comprised of four key elements—product, price, place, and promotion—used when marketing a product or service.
Asif Ali Zardari
(Urdu: آصف علی زرداری;
Sindhi: آصف علي زرداري; sin waves/oscillations and quantum wave mechanics node hierarchy
Typically, sin wave businesses consider the four Ps
coors BEER coordinates
..... 6-pak ---> Pakistan
they probe the secrets of the cosmos, scientists question whether our reality is but one in a multiverse. The orbits of stars near a black hole in the...
Nov 18, 2016Is There Another 'You' Out There In A Parallel Universe? Ethan Siegel Senior Contributor Starts With A Bang Contributor Group Nov 18, 2016,10:00am EST This article is more than 6 years...
Robert Wilson (born October 4, 1941) is an
American stage director and playwright
who has been described by
The New York Times as " [America]'s - or even the world's - foremost vanguard ' theater artist.
INTERNAL blood arteries theater information FLOW,,,,,, via
EXTERNALIZED ........ directly visible in real reality ..........foremost vang ...........
theater artist of blood arteries display EVENT
created at Rice Lake Wisconsin.
The New York Times newspaper bragging of CREATING blood & guts events .... and the subsequent cover-up and
lies/incomplete explanations of tragic signaling EVENTS

Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while he unintentionally trespassed upon a hunting group in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang,
who lived in Saint Paul (Dirac) region of Dirac matrices
4 by 4 matrices ..
evolution to
linear algebra President NiXoN --->
N X N matrices of Minnesota and
Vietnamese rice fields
N X N matrices of Vietnamese rice fields
and Darwin/Dickens selection of
a human
INTERNET name server
Root nameserver - The root server is the first step in translating (resolving) human readable host names into IP addresses.
It can be thought of like an index in a library that points to different racks of books - typically it serves as a reference to other more specific locations.
Name server
Name server
Nameta Zinserver
Na--> north america
......the BRAIN neuron torture to death by Alzheimer's ....
brain bio-computer memory moved
(versus take a copy of the bio-electron memory)
by cannibal subroutine
N X N matrices of Vietnamese rice fields
and Darwin/Dickens selection of
a human
INTERNET name server
Root nameserver -
Roo t --> theodore ROOT Roosevelt
....Roots (7) elements & time
.....Feeble minded EAR PEOPLE control of
the federal ......
the harmonic sound wave ...
audio nerve government
audacious attack with
Ferrous/iron-54 atomic
isotope photographs
of the 28 neutron news gathering facilities
February 28 and April 19, 1993 at
the quantum wave continuum at Waco Texas & on President Roosevelt software code -->
seven = 7 ..... 7th Day Adventist
seven = 7
seve = 7
sever/cut/kill = 7
....... per code name Vang --> vector angle
Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the atomic number ---> Anamosa State Penitentiary, as of 2006.
Robert Wilson (born October 4, 1941) is an American stage director and playwright who has been described by The New York Times as " [America]'s - or even the world's - foremost vanguard 'theater artist. [1]
He has also worked as a choreographer, performer, painter, sculptor, , and sound and lighting designer
THE MANHATTAN PROJECT nuclear piles (1939 - 2023)
From its beginning in 1939 with Enrico Fermi's graphite-pile reactor under the bleachers of Stagg Field at the University of Chicago to the fiery explosion of the first atomic bomb near Alamogordo, New Mexico, the Manhattan Project took a little less than 3 years to create a working atomic bomb.
University of Chicago gonads
BS experiments at
2347 S. AtoMic Michigan Avenue
47 electrons Silver atom (Ag) battle
with silver jewelry people
The E2 nightclub stampede occurred on February 17, 2003, at the
E2 nightclub above
level E1 -->the Epitome restaurant at 2347 South Michigan Avenue in the
South Loop (system feedback loop) neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, in which 21 people died
graphite-pile reactor under level E2
graphite-pile reactor under
graphite-pile reactor under
carbon black ....graphite
-6-foot atomic human pile on level E1
Apr 29, 2022
Police said the pile of bodies on the stairwell was as high as six feet in some areas.
[1] He has also worked as a choreographer,
[1] He has also worked as a choreographer,
[1] He has also worked as a chore
..doing dairy farm chores (milking cows)
1] He has also worked as a choreographer,
performer, painter, sculptor, , and sound and lighting designer of
EARTH farm land soil and the atomic clay underground
and lighting designer ofand lighting designer of
and lighting designer of the re-design
of the ancient, original MODEL of existence
SUN/Solar System and natural sunlight ...and designer of the
human eye/ rods & cones battles.... with
Hillary light array Rod Clinton,
Dennis Rodman basketball eye balls
Joey(e) Meyer DePaul Leg School schemes
natural sunlight ...and designer of the
optical nerve and
optical photon memory
Robert Rathbun Wilson (March 4, 1914 - January 16, 2000) was an American physicist known for his work on the Manhattan Project during World War II, as a sculptor, and as an architect of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), where he was the first director from 1967 to 1978.
In 1943, Wilson and many of his colleagues joined the Manhattan Project's Los Alamos Laboratory, where Wilson became the head of its Cyclotron Group (R-1),
and later its
Research (R) Division -->
atomic SOCIETY
atomic language continues. Earth
atomic land continent
atomic land continent
problems of human bs
Cyclotron Group (R-1),
Cycle --> oe --> order entry....
Cyclotron Group...more than 200 persons,
motorcyles and blood clots
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, United States, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where more than 200 persons, including members from motorcycle clubs that included the Bandidos, Cossacks, and allies, had gathered for a meeting about political rights for motorcyclists. [1]
Nine bikers were killed, 18 others wounded or injured,[2] and 177 individuals were ultimately arrested and initially detained in connection with the shootout, most for alleged participation in BIOLOGY ......
female vagina organized crime
beca meathead

ARCHIE BUNKER, MEATHEAD & TALKING AMERICAN AllTheBest 764 subscribers 1.6K views 2 years ago
ARCHIE BUNKER ,,beef cattle feed bunks
PROTEIN thought MACHINE language
the 4-legged beef animal .......
killed for food.....
- In a posthumous manner; after one's decease.
- After death of 4-legged PROTEIN MACHINE
- the beef steak & hamburger continues
- In a posthumous manner ---->
into 2-legged human society and the
beef news--->
Washington POSThumous newspaper;
- .
Classic, (post)humorous scene from
"All In The protein Family" between Archie & Mike that shows some things...
atoMic Michael Casimir mirror "Mike" Stivic
is a frictional character played by Rob Reiner on the 1970s American television sitcom All in the Family.
He is the blood vein software son-in-law of the series' lead character, Archie Bunker, who frequently calls him "Meathead".
Michael is the husband of
Archie's ..... Lev Landau daughter Gloria Totzke of Oconomowoc
(played by Sally Struthers ).
Symbolic Character overview
of its Cyclotron Group (R-1),
and later its
Research (R) Division -->
Wilson and many of his colleagues joined the Manhattan Project PATH..... New York City's
Cyclotron Group (R-1),
Cycle --> oe --> order entry....
Cyclotron Group..
bicycles and blood clots
Man behind deadly New York bike path attack sought martyrdom, defense ..
Jan 9, 2023
NEW YORK, Jan 9 (Reuters) - A man charged with using a truck to kill eight people on a Manhattan Project ...atomic bike path in 2017 believes his attack was
justified and sought to die a
martyr (tyrosine ..TIME YEAR zero
sine wave orders)
for Islam (atomic mass )...periodic table,...
On October 31, 2017,
of its
Pier Oddone
Cyclotron Group (R-1)
programmed agent .......,
Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov drove a rented pickup truck
into a human Cyclotron Group comprised of a group cyclists and runners
for about Pier Oddone one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the
Sherlock Holmes/ Mrs. Hudson THINK TANK of consciousness/data river
...........Hudson River Park's bike path alongside
The SRiniVasa RamanuJAN....... mathematical vehicle-ramming attack killed eight people,
six of whom were Euler math series ix agents .... foreign tourists (eigenvalue), and injured eleven others.
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