Sunday, July 23, 2023

Book 1645-040 Tom M Apostol --> year 1954 ..july 4/.. Iron-54 murder/cover-up of Marilyn Reese Sheppard by university and Federal scientists

    Book 1645-040  by Herb Zinser

Tom M Apostol  --> 

 year 1954 ..july 4.. Iron-54 murder/cover-up of Marilyn Reese Sheppard by programmable STRING THEORY puppet  university and Federal scientists 

Tom M Apostol  -->  Earth systems
....year 1954, July 4, Iron-54 ...
the set-up, murder and cover-up
of Marilyn Reese Sheppard 

by ferrous/iron atom ... biased and corrupt .......
the  well-fed university and Federal scientists and legal system   

On 4 July 1954, Marilyn Reese Sheppard was found murdered in her BAY VILLAGE home.

Her husband
 (Hertzian brain waves .,,,bandwidth)

Sam (Sample Space), said that a bushy-haired intruder had killed his wife. Sheppard maintained his innocence despite questioning by officials, but Cleveland newspapers, particularly the CLEVELAND PRESS and its lazy, manipulative, nasty PUPPET editor, LOUIS SELTZER,
demanded his arrest (array estimates), 

On July 4, 1954, Marilyn Sheppard, the pregnant bio-antenna nasty broadcast 

by fetus .... bio-electron FET circuits

....wife of  Fe-54 /iron-54  ...
with 26 iron proton alphabet letters

doctor Sam Sheppard, was found murdered in their OhiO bedroom from a savage attack in the middle of the night.
But, who/
what social science SCHEME....system software  did it?

doctor Sam

doctor Sam

doctor Sam

doctor Sam - 1954

doctor Sam

Son of Sam - 1976

The shootings first attributed to the killer who would become known as the Son of Sam occurred in the Pelham Bay area of the Bronx. Two women, Jody Valenti and Donna Lauria, 18, were sitting in...

Female (ferrous/iron-54)
valence electrons (8 = 2 + 6) with the
18 atomic vertical families.....and
18 = H20 of water and wet, HOT Teenage WOMEN

The total number of valence electrons for iron is 8 as displayed by
the EXTERNALIZED tragic message 
of .......
Two women, Jody Valenti

2 electrons 
Two women of Fe --> Female)
in the highest occupied energy level (n=4) plus 6 electrons in the (n-1) d orbital, that is, 3d.


Parallel atomic social science languages &
atomic proton periodic table 
--> proper nouns --> human names

Caltech Tom M Apostol .....
and ......
From 1972, US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory -->
 National Lab extension -->  branch in New York City began human brain programming experiment on their selected
BERK  LAB specimen
..parallel name for easy identification

David Richard Berkowitz (born Richard David Falco, June 1, 1953), also known as the Son of Sam and the .44 Caliber Killer, is an American serial killer who pleaded guilty to eight shootings that began in New York City on July 29, 1976. [2] Berkowitz grew up in New York City and served in the United States Army.

Caltech Tom M Apostol .....
and ......
From 1972,
Department (Departures to the Afterlife)
of Energy’s 
Lawrence Berkeley 

selection WORD/CONCEPT parameters 

Apostol .....Departures....Berk

thus the selection and programming

Berkowitz attended Bronx Community College 
for one (Pier Oddone time)
year --> information pointer to
1929 Arequipa Peru ....
electron orb
ital Italian bank bandwidth agent Mr.Oddone ..father of Pier Oddone born in year 1944) 
enrolling in the spring 
enrolling in the spring 
enrolling in the spring --> Salvador Dali year 1929 painting 

..First day of Spring

enrolling in the spring of 1975.

 In 1976,
he went to work as a
driver for the
Co-Op City
Taxi (taxidermist)  Company.[27] 

He subsequently had several non-professional jobs, and at the time of his arrest was working as a letter sorter for the
Caltech(0)  atomic tom --> Tom M Apostol .....

Apostol was born in Helper, Utah
to become math-engineering  postal helper with mechanical equipment
and electronic e
quipment  for the
arrogant, snob intellectual problems of ...
Area of
quiver vibration of
quipa --> IP address of Pier Oddone....

and the atomic and quantum wave mechanics ..... communication division of the
COMPUTER EARTH existential processing 

the FermiLAB
Batch processing at
Batavia/Chicago job step.

Batch processing at
Batavia/Chicago store/ convenience store job step

feed ..potato chips ,,,

feed ..Idaho  potato ...

potato  THOUGHT & IDEA molecules

Nature's systems
electronTHOUGHT & IDEA chips in the format of potato chips INPUT
to male bio-electron BODY/BRAIN system

DD statement DDY requests one 3480 tape device.
Example 2: //DD1 DD DSNAME=AAG3,
DISP=(,KEEP), // VOLUME=SER=13230,UNIT=3400-5 

This DD statement defines a new data set and requests that the system assign any 3420 Magnetic Tape Unit that can operate in 6250 BPI NRZI nine-track format. Example 3:

Nature's systems
DISPostion =
(,Bee-KEEPing and Book-KEEPing), 
G B Lewis Watertown Wisconsin
year 1906 1926

Nature's systems

DISP=(,KEEP), //

Lutheran Logical Unit

Hi, The UNIT parameter identifies the type of device a data set is to. reside on. VOL= (,RETAIN) or VOL= (PRIVATE,RETAIN) PRIVATE. requests a private volume - this prevents MVS from. allocating an output data set to the volume until it is. specifically requested - the volume will be demounted when. the data set is closed unless the data set is ...

Tom M Apostol  --> 
Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
February TIME location of 
Fermilab (only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of
February ....February February 

Ferrous/iron atom .....
February --> array of 4 isotopes with
Feb ......
14 Valentine day code

of tensor space(10) + 4 iron isotopes &
.................8 Valence electrons 

The total number of
valence electrons for iron is 8:

2 of the valence electrons in the highest occupied energy level (n=4) 

2 human liFe Ferrous/iron formats on Valentine's time Day

The total number of
Valentine's Day valence electrons for 

February iron is 8:
2 electrons in the highest occupied energy level (n=4)
6 electrons in the (n-1) d orbital, that is, 3d.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) 
.. atomic concrete/cement
.. atomic iron and glass windows
.. atomic furniture and offices
.. atomic Laboratory building is easily the most prominent building located on the
6800-acre site of the Fermi National Accelarator Laboratory,
ear Batavia, Illinois earth....
Arequioa Peru .

building provides pregnancy & laboratories, offices, and

JOCK support space

for up to 1500 scientists who are working at the institution .....500 year project
from year 1500 to 2000.

FermiLAB ......Wilson Hall
code name intials (FWH)

FermiLAB ......Wilson Hall
code name initials (FWH) -->

Frequency Wavelength Horizontal 

Frequency Wavelength Horizontal 
(FWH) --> failure to acknowledge
the existence  the 

FW (Vertical) Woolworth building in NYC

Frequency Wavelength of the vertical 

skyscraper as a TUNING FORK ......

Frequency Wavelength (FW)

The F W Woolworth Building, which towers 60 stories and 792 feet above Broadway between Park Place and Barclay Street in downtown Manhattan, was the tallest building in the world when it was completed, in 1913.

Financed in cash by Nature's systems

........ usage of human people and their social/economic and math  activity FLOW  .... creates a DATABASE for
d mechanics  ...project name

 the five-and-dime millionaire Frank W. Woolworth and designed by architect Cass Gilbert, the building won widespread acclaim for its pioneering steel-frame structure and stunning interior and exterior appearance.

Nature's systems    with human applications  representative  ..
IBM Base 16 Hex
'F' = 15 rank and file ....

thus Frank W
Woolworth --> two two --> 22

thus Frank W Woolworth systems VS 

F Worth --> Fort Worth &
data parallel Dallas Texas 

schemes and lies  of November 22, 1963

The Dallas DEMO
with fluid mechanic equations ...

engineering Functions and dy  ........
President John
F  Kennedy

engineering Functions and dy  ........
President John 
F  Kennedy .....
killed in the Ordinary and Partial differential equation battles

Ode to a Nightingale By John Keats
 My heart aches,
and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: 'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness,— That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees

Ode to a Nightingale By John Keats

Ode to a Nightmare  By John Kennedy 
 My heart aches,
and a drowsy numbness pains

The Kennedy
differential equation (DE) of DEATH

Sep 14, 2022

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden boarded Air Force One around 6:15 p.m. ET Tuesday evening for a roughly
30-minute flight to their hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, landing...

The F W Woolworth Building, which towers 60 stories and 792 feet above Broadway between Park Place and Barclay Street in downtown Manhattan, was the tallest building in the world when it was completed, in 1913.

Financed  by the five-and-dime millionaire Frank W. Woolworth and designed by architect Cass Gilbert, the building won widespread acclaim for its pioneering steel-frame structure and stunning interior and exterior appearance.

Standing wave .....

skyscraper equation Ky

simple harmonic oscillator      Ky

VERSUS atomic social sciences 

Chicago and 
Batavia BS


Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
Female atomic  BUILDING entrance ,,,,

Pronunciation Thesaurus entrance ( ehn - trihns , ehn - trahns ) noun 1. (place where one enters) a. la entrada (Feminine word)

Reception is right inside the ......  death entrance to the Wilson Hall ....
as a David Hilbert  ....
 Grand software /ideas Hotel.

La recepción está justo dentro de la entrada del hotel

Thus the secret atomic language BUILDING ...
female entrance 

NEEDS human males as Wilson Meats
to exist

Meat /protein specimens 

Archie BUNKER TV  ads for
Batavia/Chicago gonads RD
for Federal major american science RD
at FermiLAB.
...biology BEDROOM class 101 in
Majora Labia

 --> penis --> Meathead

Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
Female atomic  BUILDING entrance ,,,,
February TIME location of 

Fermilab (only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of
February ....February February

the Batavia region ....
TIME PHASE  additions 
on 1 July 2005 with the  Time Projection Chamber (TPC) project

arrival VIA

HMS Beagle TIME SHIP project

HMS (Hours Minutes Seconds) of
human brain conscious /aware time


human bio-computer and its interfaces with nano-second processor speed

na (Gabby Giffords NASA battle)

Mic Micro-second processor speed 

battle at the Chicago
E2 nightclub .....

of six(6)  foot pile...... 

at 2347 S AtoMic Michigan Avenue
number 6 with exponent 23

EARTH LAB specimen

Dr. OddOne was a oxygen molecule member of the team that developed the first Time Projection Chamber (TPC).

This tech
nology was subsequently used for many particle, gun bullet particles,  and nuclear physics experiments 

..such as the
Norris Hall DEATH TIME experiment ....... 
The Virginia Tech shooting was a spree shooting that occurred on April 16, 2007 (oo--> oxygen molecule ordered attacks
..oxygen atomic mass 16
 computer base 16 HEX/curse ),

comprising two attacks on the campus of the 
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in BlacksburgVirginia, United States.

He led the TPC collaboration with George Orwell  time manual  ......
from 1984
to 1987.

Which one will you be?

Probability theory / the ODDS 

from O        to 1  

from Zero  to 1

from O        to  One 

from Zero   to  One 


& applications

from O        to  One 

from O     ...      One 

from O        to  One (3 letter word contains Zero

thus One needs
decimal number 1 to exist

... thus     One = 1

Does simple math and counting exist 

with 8 billion people ....

numerical control systems


Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
Female atomic  BUILDING entrance ,,,,

Entrance in Pier ODDONE Spanish | English to Spanish Translation ...

Pi = 3.1459
i   = square root of minus one
e  = 2.718

O = zero
One = 1

Who is Pier  Oddone and his secret CODE NAME ......
CLUE -->
born in the Galapagos/Peru region
with orbital Italian Parents?

Which ONE?

The Office of Science(OS) identity crises
and their NOR logic attack --> OSlo bombing

Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
Female atomic  BUILDING entrance ,,,,
February TIME location of 

Fermilab calendar (only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of
February ....February February

needs O= Oxygen atomic/math codes of 8 orbitals    thus the

Ixonia/ Oconomowoc
--> I/
O region battle of
year 19
80 .......

Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
Female atomic  BUILDING entrance ,,,,
February TIME location of 

Fermilab calendar (only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of
February .

FIXED --> Batavaia / Chicago crimes


Bataan Death March The Bataan Death March began on April 10, 1942, when the Japanese assembled about 78,000 prisoners (12,000 U.S. and 66,000 Filipino). They began marching up the east coast of Bataan. Although they didn't know it, their destination was Camp O'Donnell, north of the peninsula.

Bataan Death March began on April 10, 1942
and a new analysis path / EARTH SYSTEMS information program
began construction .......

parameters WORDS & DATES 


Bataan Death March began on April 10, 1942

O'Donne     .....ll, north

converted and re-configured ....
symbol mappings and routings 

Next version DATABASE

Batavia ..illinois March 26 1944

O'Donne  (pier Oddone) --> to illinois Nort    

THUS selction of EARTH LAB specimen

Piermaria Jorge Oddone 
(born March 26, 1944 in 
is a 
Peruvian-American atomic theater part --> particle physicist.



FIXED ..set-up of Edward Edwards

FIXED ..the Nigel Location Lockyer

at Ixonia Wisconsin
night time murder schedule 

Tim Hack and Kelly DrewFermiLAB Margaret Mead uranium errors atoM  Murders

The remains of the deceased couple 

FIXED --> near Highway F &
Base 16 Highway 16 Ixonia

..base 16 HEX'F' =15

The remains of the deceased couple 

were discovered by
two Milwauk
ee (double e --> earth electronics) squirrel hunters

Milwaukee squirrel hunters
Milwaukee squirrel hunters
Milwaukee squirrel quiver vibration hunters of South America / Pacific Ocean coast 
with Arequipa hunters › darwin-charles › the-voyage-of-the-beagle › chapter-16
-- We reached Coquimbo(Co + qui --> code of quivers), where we stayed a few days. The town is remarkable for nothing but its extreme quietness. It is said to contain 
from 6000 to 8000 ...

Parallel languages and super-symmetry words and expressions ..
the atomic ANDES Mountains es --> escape of
E. Schrodinger ....his general wave mechanics MODEL and the Galapagos region of quivers
Coquimbo  to Area of Arequipa to Quito 

Thus the EARTH alphabet flowchart


--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa

earth language MAP

 ..silver (Ag) and gold(Au) atomic government ...message city

 HUMANOID specimen in a specific quiver language format

Via routing code

--> Quiver master base O (area/region of convergence) --> area of Arequipa
with agent O --> Pier Oddone

Thus we have the 
EARTH geography surface language 
of quivers of
Coquimbo  Arequipa   Quito


to ancient Greece
PLATO philosophy platform of oscillations , quivers. vibrations,

sin waves
 of the Sinai Peninsula


Thus we have the ancient
geography surface language 
...rf (relationship formats)
...rf (record formats)

geography surface relation to
geological  atomic underground language  ... the inner EARTH and COMPUTER EARTH inner database

Platname equation ......
Plate --> order entry into atomic soil/ land in Greece by Plato thinking/fingers & hand writing on paper ....
then walking (his legs and feet as fingers)  ..his body weight (8)....dats entry/data injection into
atomic land /sidewalks as a data entry keyboard 


Plate Tectonics language map and 
the language BETWEEN 
geography land surface (human face of Plato) and 
geology atomic underground DATA STORAGE SPACE

of the Map - Plate Boundary Map -

According the theory of plate tectonics,
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates (as computer hardware platform)

upon which exist the EARTH land surface
as an atomic SOFTWARE expression platform
...Botany trees , 4-legged animals, and hot women with software bodies to educate males

thus the --
Earth's outer shell is made up of a series of physical geology plates -> extended
on the EARTH surface with human communications shells --> named
 the Po--> Plato order entry knowledge in the inner earth DATABASE

Buy Affordable Books By Your Favorite Authors Starting at $3.59 & Up. Find A Book Today! Free Shipping on Orders Over $15. Shop Millions of Used Books at Low Prices Everyday.
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. The map above shows names and generalized locations of Earth's major tectonic plates. These plates move and interact with one another to produce earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain ranges, ocean trenches and other geologic processes and features. Map ...

 Khanacademy › partner-content › amnh › ... 
Geology Mantle Convection and Plate Tectonics (article) | Khan Academy
Plate tectonics refers to the movement of the rigid plates around the surface of Earth. The outer portion of the planet, or lithosphere, is relatively rigid because it is relatively cold. The lithosphere varies in thickness but is typically a hundred or so kilometers thick. It includes the upper mantle and both the continental and oceanic crust.

It includes the upper mantle (layers existence)
It includes the upper mantle 
It includes the upper mantle  language of geology

....sent  up to the EARTH geography surface
to the New York Yankees (earth electron systems)
as atoMic Mickey Mantle  from

spavinaw (amplitude wave) at
O = Output  area in
O = Oklahoma per
O = Oddone and his base ball team in Batavia
May 19, 2023
Welcome to Home of Peruvian atomic social sciences MESSAGE LINK
of Batavia Youth Baseball (BYB) Founded in 1956, BYB is an all-volunteer organization offering a quality human base register 

of IBM Basic Assembler Land Language (BALL) bio-computer & geo-computer & existential data processing computer
 program for the FermiLAB adult bio-computer children of inverted Bat  region of Batavia and MooseHeart (BMO-Harris bank region). 
Our (Oddone  uranium 238 programs for the 2-lane highway ROUTE 38 

serve over carbon atomic mass 12 layers amplified by with B100D giving the DEMO by 
1,200 players (p layers--> Processing layers
age 6 electrons of carbon 17 with over 90 MILITARY teams studying the 90 degrees angle of plane geometry BATTLE.

Nationalgeographic › encyclopedia › mantle 
Mantle - National Geographic Society
The lithosphere is divided into IBM Base 16

 15 major hexadecimal tectonic plates: the North American, Caribbean, South American, Scotia, Antarctic, Eurasian, Arabian, African, Indian, Philippine, Australian, Pacific, Juan de Fuca, Cocos, and Nazca. The division in the lithosphere between the crust and the mantle is called the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or simply the Moho.

The EARTH atomic iron center core as an atomic DATA CENTER /Information center 
..that is like a movie projector and sends data streams for display on the EARTH surface a movie screen

The EARTH surface land 
TV/movie   .....screen at Highway SC 

between Watertown and Ixonia  Wisconsin
as explained by Double e --> ee  --> Edward Edwards
 in the earth  electron ..rigged murder TRIAL over the tragic signaling EVENT generated by  the Killing vector program ...killing TIME agent-->Tim(e) Hack and Kelly Drew in year 1980

Feb 2009 - University of Torture at Toronto torture unto others ..such as Killing 
Tim Hack & kelly

The novelty of our theorem is the existence of Hawkings Killing vector-field (Ixonia corn field & Woods)
Tim Hack and Kelly Drew Murders

The remains of the deceased couple were discovered by two Milwaukee squirrel hunters

Milwaukee squirrel hunters
Milwaukee squirrel hunters

on October 161980, at the edge of the woods off Hustisford Road in the Town of Ixonia.

October 16,
October 16,
O = Oxygen 16 military ZONE 
by Wisconsin HEXadecimal Highway 16 ,

on October 161980 --> 8 orbitals
 Approximately 8 miles away from Concord house, the remains of the body were in a battered state, which is why the cause of death was, in the beginning, questionable.

He was born in the city of 
Concord, state of Massachusetts. His brother, an ornithologist, had a great influence on his life. ... his was a natural forest area surrounded by farmland when Thoreau went to live and work at Walden Pond. Here he stayed two years keeping a journal of his thoughts and encounters with nature. ... memorial page for Henry David

Walden is based on 
Thoreau's two-year (1845-1847
Earth mineral ore language
code experiment

in living simply and thinking deeply in a house he built himself on land owned by Ralph Waldo Emerson at Walden Pond in Concord

Thoreau had his green desk with him at Walden Pond and on it wrote the first draft of Walden, which was published in 1854.


Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
Female atomic  BUILDING entrance ,,,,
February TIME location of 

Fermilab calendar (only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of
February ....February February

needs O= Oxygen atomic/math codes of 8 orbitals    thus the

Ixonia/ Oconomowoc
--> I/
O region battle of
year 19
80 .......

Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
Female atomic  BUILDING entrance ,,,,
February TIME location of 

Fermilab calendar (only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of
February .

FIXED --> Batavaia / Chicago crimes


Bataan Death March The Bataan Death March began on April 10, 1942, when the Japanese assembled about 78,000 prisoners

carbon 12 
Magna Carter 1215 ...
code year
1200 -->12,000 U.S.

Gravity THOUGHT field number 66 -->
parallel --->
66,000 Filipino).
They began marching up the east coast of Bataan. Although they didn't know it, their destination wa
s CamO'Donnell, north of the peninsula.

Bataan Death March began on April 10, 1942
and a new analysis path / EARTH SYSTEMS information program
began construction .......

parameters WORDS & DATES 


Bataan Death March began on April 10, 1942

O'Donne     .....ll, north

converted and re-configured ....
symbol mappings and routings 

Next version DATABASE

Batavia ..illinois March 26 1944

O'Donne  (pier Oddone) --> to illinois Nort    

THUS selection of EARTH LAB specimen

Piermaria Jorge OddOne 
(born March 26, 1944 in 
is a 
Peruvian-American atomic theater part --> particle physicist.

THUS the next phase of
FermiLAB ,,,,, TIME sections / TIME zones in the building

Phase 1--> 28 days

Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
February TIME location of 

Fermilab calendar (only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of

alignment with the
trogen molecule 28 of 

Night-clubs and wild parties ....director
Nigel Lockyer

Phase 2--> 32 day problem of Oxygen molecule ..atomic mass 32 

used by the human LUNG ...

suggests that
monthly monthly calendar 

of molecule oxygen is 32 days

with the Oxygen COBOL .. atomic oxygen computer word size 32 .......

with the Oxygen plane geometry 

... algebra coordinates x-axis and y-axis

with origin = O

Thus the EARTH atmosphere ......
Oxygen molecule (OM) .....
atomic camera equation of the
above  graph
oto ....

Photo  ..graph

with letter P (16th letter)

and letter h (8th letter) -->
thus the 16  8 in the photo graph battle
at O = Oklahoma  City

on April 19, 1995 

an atomic living  ...
office building as a vertical PAGE

bombing of the Alfred P. M ....
ederal Building void /missing BOOK software ......
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,

The Principia Mathematica (often abbreviated PM) is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics written by mathematician-philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913.


Phase 2--> 32 day problem of Oxygen molecule --> O + O -->atomic mass 32 

and oxygen molecule .....O  O

female INTERNAL  lung oxygen

and its

female O O information displays 

for serious male researchers


Phase 2--> 32 day problem of Oxygen molecule --> O + O -->atomic mass 32 

and oxygen molecule .....O  O

FermiLAB  male name   OddOne

...the 32 day oxygen calendar VS

the 28 day nitrogen calendar
of Nigel Nightclub Locations Lockyer
and women 28 neutron  day....
 menstruation 28 day cycles


32 day3 oxygen calendar
28 days female neutrons

missing 4 days
missing 4 days  
missing 4 days   
...miss female in her monthly HEAT & DESIRE cycle  ..need for male cock and bedroom

the  secret 4 day social engineering cycle of Fourier sin/cosine wave functions & math curves


...3 days of wild sex parties and rest/recovery on the 4th day
--> day 5 ..return
the Bose-Einstein Condensate of
solids & solid real reality of society and human sex / fun/pleasure & reward activities

Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
Female atomic  BUILDING entrance ,,,,
February TIME location of 

Fermilab menstruation cycle calendar
(only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of
February ....February February

needs O= Oxygen atomic/math codes of 8 orbitals    thus the

Ixonia/ Oconomowoc
--> I/
O region battle of
year 19
80 ....... 

Milwaukee --> double e
-->Edward Edwards

Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
Female atomic  BUILDING entrance ,,,,
February TIME location of 

Fermilab calendar (only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of
February .

FIXED --> Batavaia / Chicago crimes


Bataan Death March The

Pier Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

FIXED --> Batavaia / Chicago crimes and attacks


Graphic audio of the 2015 Bataclan theater shooting that left 90 dead and ~200 injured after 3 ISIS gunmen opened fire during a Eagles of Death Metal concert. The attack was the deadliest part of the 2015 Paris attacks that killed 138 people and injured 413.

2015 Bataclan theater shooting that left
90 dead ---> pointer to year 1990
ther Persian Gulf perpcndicular
..90 degrees plane geometry battles 

90 dead ---> pointer to year 1990ther Persian Gulf perpcndicular
..90 degrees plane geometry battles 

--> pointer to 

Orthogonal battle at Fort Hood

2009 Fort Hood shooting On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood (now Fort Cavazos ), near Killeen, Texas. [1]
Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others.

West Point
Ointments of words, BS. arrogance. families of lies, bragging over nothing done

The mathematical sciences embody those areas of mathematics which have strong interdependence with other disciplines.

The mathematical sciences of 
..............hematology and female dresses
with a  cotton
for activation of
male penis erection red blood cells -->

Their purpose is to clarify concepts and describe scientific phenomena through symbolic language and the rules for its use. Its scope spans the total breadth of knowledge that is capable of being quantified
and that includes pussy knowledge.

capable of being quantified
capable of being quantified

capable of being quantified

The male brain size

32 day problem of Oxygen molecule
 O + O -->atomic mass 32 

and oxygen molecule .....O  O

...consciousness agent

FermiLAB  male name   OddOne

Dr. Oddone was a member of the team that developed the first
Time Projection Chamber (TPC). This technology was subsequently used for many particle and nuclear music  physics experiments. He led the TPC collaboration from 1984 to 1987.

...the 32 day oxygen calendar VS

the 28 day nitrogen calendar
of Nigel Nightclub Locations Lockyer
and women 28 neutron  day....
 menstruation 28 day cycles


32 day3 oxygen calendar
28 days female neutrons

Time Projection Chamber (TPC).

Time Projection Chamber (TPC).

Time Projection Chamber (TPC)

secret code names

Saturday -->


Saturday --> Turday --> Thursday 

Thursday agent code names 

Area of real reality (geography land
Th = Thoughts
--> assign to Thursday) OR 
--> assign to Thomas

Area of real reality 
... earTH 
= Thoughts 
--> assign to Thursday


  1. In Welsh sources, Arthur is portrayed as a leader of the post-Roman Britons in battles against Anglo-Saxon invaders

    of Brain evolution word--> Britain in the late 5th and early 6th centuries.

of Brain  addition / insert for BR = Bridge
 IT(information teleprocessing or
information telecommunications) gives

BR = Bridge   + IT plus.......
math thought series /sequence 
....... from   a
i  to   an  a section of

START a0  a1  a2 ....a i-1 (end)-->
then send data via TALK or written words


Area of real reality 
... earTH 
= Thoughts 
--> assign to Thursday


Arthur Rubloff (June 25, 1902 - May 24, 1986) was an American real estate developer who founded Arthur    Rub off      & Co. and is credited with naming and developing Planet EARTH .......
and the Earth North Pole magnetic field flow lines ,...interaction site at the
North  .... atoMIC Michigan Avenue ....
Avenue --> oe --> order entry

in Chicago, Illinois into the "Magnificent Mile". Biography

Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr. ( / ˈʃlɛsɪndʒər / SHLESS-in-jər;
born Arthur Bancroft (bandwidth) Schlesinger; October 15, 1917 - February 28, 2007) was an American historian, social critic, and public intellectual.

Arthur M. SchlesingerThursday Monday scheduleLINK tosend senator Thurmondsend senator ordersThursday ...... monday
James Strom Thurmond
Sr(System region). 

James Strom Thurmond Sr. (December 5, 1902 - June 26, 2003) was an American politician who represented South Carolina in the United States Senate from Iron-54 ....1954 to 
Prior to his 48 years as a senator, he served as the 103rd governor of South Carolina from 1947 to 1951.
code nameJames Strom Thurmond Sr.

James (atomic mass)

 Strom (read only memory)

Thurmond Sr.
Ben-Hur is a 1959 American epic religious film directed by William Wyler, produced by Sam Zimbalist, and starring Charlton Heston as the title character. A remake of the 1925 silent film with a similar title, it was adapted from Lew Wallace 's 1880 novel Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ.
in other words
James Strom Thurmond Sr.James Strom Thurmond Sr.
Thurmond Sr.--> Route toWalter Mondale Senator
U.S. senator from the DECISION THEORYstates of theorem  Minnesota 
 DECISION THEORYstates of theorem  Minnesota --> necessary--> secretaryVS
IBM tarrytown New York

The John Neumann math systems ....
military  software program
human social science ...numerical control and LOGIC ERRORS
brain neuro-science LANGUAGE  battle of
Or Logic.....
Orlando Florida and
..Oregon Umpqua college 
of p--> q  ....p implies q Snyder Hall

John  Neumann Jr(Job region)
On June 5, 2017, John Robert Neumann Jr., a 45-year-old former employee of Fiamma, killed five former colleagues before killing himself.[1][2] 
Orange County (Botany government .....
 orange fruit trees)

or (fruit orchard)  

Jerry March molecule NAME SERVER   extension
Jerry Demings said Neumann 

did not
appear (apples & pears of grocery store molecules)
to belong to any kind o
f subversive or terrorist group from
FSU (Florida State University)
Tallahassee --> allah .... a COMPUTER EARTH  terrorist software program ...HOME

Dalla--> allah .... a COMPUTER EARTH  terrorist software program & names
on November 22, 1963 ... oscillation wave mechanics ...sin wave  ATTACK
by Leadership Harvard OsWald
..... the assassination of President JFK 

The five victims 

were Robert
Snyder, 69, lead manager at the factory of real explanations/facts of life; 

On the morning of Oct. 1, 2015
a gunman entered Snyder Hall at logic university 

 Community College and killed nine people, injured eight more and then turned his handgun on himself after a shootout with...

Monday agent
da Montanez-Crespo Crespo, 44;
credibility response
required of Arequipa atomic agent 44
--> year 1944 alphabet locations per
Location Lockyer
Piermaria Jorge Oddone 
(born March 26, 19
44 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.

Peruvian-American particle physicist.
P    Americ   an particle physicist.
PAm      Anderson  male particle physicist
for the
Department of Ene
rgy gynecology  RD

evin Clark, 53;
volt input circuit

effrey  effort ...
frey frequency Roberts,
ferrous/ Iron-57 isotope
age agent 57;

and Kevin Lawson, 46 genes

Walter Mondale

Walter Mondale

Wave  alternations
molecule nodes

Walter Mondale

Walter Mitty .. 1939
neuro-transmitty problems

per James Turbulance Turber
and the sin wave .. bio-radio KHZ ....

SiKH turban  bandwidth
of Alan Tur  Turing/ 
 SiKH turban  hat/  baseball cap/

Why Jewish Men Wear a
Kippah, or Yarmulke -
Learn EAR people
& Mouth dribble


Kippah (pronounced kee-pah) is the Hebrew word for the skullcap traditionally worn by Jewish men. It is also called a yarmulke or koppel in Yiddish
 ..ancient satellite radio dish
 Yiddish and Swedish .....
body / brain radio battles

Walter Frederick Frequency "FritzMondale
from 1964 to 1976,

he was the 
 (electro-magnetic field)

Walter Frederick Frequency "FritzMondale

Party's nominee (electron engineering) in the 1984 presidential election, but lost to incumbent electron Ronald Reagan in an atomic electron orbital
the missing empirical data
of the idiot ....... bit  information VOID
of the EAR /MOUTH PEOPLE ....
human MOUTH ..nonsense
oral talk 
Electoral College 
and popular vote landslide

Walter Frederick Frequency "FritzMondale
Walter (wave alternations)
..wavelength and

the Minnesota radio attack at
Radford Virginia and the
killing of 22 year old
Ross Truett Ashley and 

university officer
Deriek W. Crouse,

Walter Frederick Frequency 
FritzMondale software WARs.

Deriek W. Crouse (radio user),
39, was shot --> pointer to
in the year 1939.,,,,,,,
" The Secret Life of Walter Mitty " (1939) is a short story by James Thursday Thurber
that got  transformed into real reality reality. 
by Thurber program on Thursday

End of Watch Thursday,

Virginia TECH... OHMS LAW
instructions to get RID of 
Police Officer I Deriek W. Crouse

Virginia Tech Police Department, Virginia

Virginia Tech Police Department, Virginia

Virginia TechiPolice Depart /good-bye

End of Watch Thursday, December 8, 2011

Walter Frederick
Walter Frederick from life to death

Walter Frederick Frequency 
Fritz" Mondale software WARs......
Friday --> Monday
get rid of policeman TZ

in the
Walter wave mechanics
battle region of Wales & Waukesha
Captain Jim Lutz was shot and killed while attempting to apprehend two suspects who had robbed the Bank One at the intersection of Highway 18 and Highway 83 in Wales, Wisconsin. 

Jimmy Wales and the secret world of stolen
HG Wells 1897 book on bandwidths bandages of  Mr. Griffin
year 1929 Peru/ atomic
orbital Italian banker bandwidths of Oddone
and his FermiLAB son
Pier Odd
,,,,,bandwidths of Bank One-

CALTECH(O) of Logan

UT with
Kip S Thorne + earth diameter

Wi = geography Postal code of the Wisconsin..sin wave continuum .......a platform upon which humans and buildings exist

Wi = geography Postal code of the Wisconsin..sin wave 

hardware platform for 

TOM M Apostal.... math POST OFFICE languages of society

Watertown Wisconsin 

Water THOUGHT molecule
.....H2O atomic mass 18
--> atomic/molecular continuum sends agents to Highway 18

..........agents   Ted Oswald and father
James(Jimmy)  Oswald sent to 

Wales Wisconsin to generate an EVENT ... parallel DATABASE

James(Jimmy)  Oswald sent to 

Wales  Wi -->Wisconsin 


Jimmy Donal Wales 
agent for the
ancient EARTH jewelry atomic internet
...(born August 7, 1966 -
-> code Au gold mass 197 ),

also known on Wikipedia by the nickname
of the earth atomic center core
of iron/nickle

Jimbo, is an American-British (AB) --> animal beef..protein MACHINE extension in male humanoid format,
a JaNET Reno
death Internet entre entrepreneur, webmaster, and former atomic coffin DATABASE financial trader. 

What Is an Entree? |

entre entrepreneur-->europe -->
open SECRET data sets on  his identity

of Mylan Labs in the Netherlands and the below sea level ...Nikola Tesla

EARTH wireless software LINK to

Myanmar ...

.COMPUTER EARTH .buffer map (Burma)

Illegal gambling, black (farm soil) markets and no government control - we take you on Monday to Mong-la...Myanmar's Sin city where anything goes (Goethe systems)

,,,Wisconsin <--> Singapore <---> Sinai Peninsula

Entree Definition and Examples - BinWise

French Entrées
French Entrées
French Frequency Entrées

French Frequency Entrées
Jimmy brain Waves Wales,  (born August 7, 1966, Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.),
entree entrepreneur,--> 
brain neuro-science..pre-conscious LEVEL

Entree And Entrée
Never miss a single post (Saturday Evening Post Magazine).

Get our EARTH land
continent language content in your inbox weekly.
Email Address to
Emile Zola and Emile Borel

An entree is the main dish served at a typical three-course meal in North America.

Diners eat it after an  
(Alaska Purchase year 1867 and
year 1970 petroleum
Prudhoe Bay Oil Field is a large oil field on Alaska's North Slope. It is the largest oil field in North America)

 and before a dessert menu item. 

Iraq/KuWait ..waiter menu

advanced restaurant SECRET language 

before a dessert 
before a dessert 

Catalog#: 91-159-AB. When the Iraqi army invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990, the United States deployed a major joint force as part of a multination coalition to stop President Saddam Hus--> Husband Hussein's code name...

The Gulf War 1990-1991 (Operation Desert ShieldDesert Storm) The Gulf War (2 August 1990 - 28 February 1991), was a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States...

Most people regard it as the most vital part of the dinner.--> earth diameter inner 

He is .fill in the blank
He is --> Western Hemisphere agent
He is a co-founder of the online non-profit encyclopedia Wikipedia 

and the for-profit wiki hosting service Fandom (formerly Wikia).

Captain Jim Lutz was shot and killed while attempting to
apprehend two words


apprehend two suspects 
apprehend two su  spects
apprehend two super-symmetry spectrum symbols--> SU(2) and SU(3) livin language life forms

apprehend two suspects
apprehend two suspects
comprehend two suspects

who had created the underground 
BEDROCK interface language to access the geological ... logic layers ,,,database

who had robbed 
the underground BEDROCK database
......atomic limestone message system
at the Waukesha quarry -->
Paul Dirac 
and E Schrodinger
.......escape software.
atomic wave mechanics .. ....
quantum arrays --->quarry

the Bank One 
the Bank One 
the Bank Odd One 
I grow grapes
I grow grapes
I grow grapes
Isotopes .... grow grapes

I grow grapes in math sequence region
S0. S1, S2, S3 ---> Sonoma County,
and I've been doing this for the quiver/vibration continuum
..Area -->  Arequipa  to Quito ,,,

quiver/vibration continuum
..Area -->  Arequipa  to Quito ,,,
 quite (oe --> order entry) a while.

ODDONE: I grow grapes in Sonoma County
for the fermentation process ...using the most advanced software secret languages.

When I retired from the
Fermilab intellectual /brain
fermention projects in  2013,

it was my last job in interaction with existence and science structures
Fermat Last job theorem, 

we came back to this home
we have in Dry Creek Valley,
near Healdsburg. 
the Bank One 
the Bank One 
the Bank One 
ODDONE: OK. I was born in 1944 in Arequipa, Peru, which is a southern town

in other words
my brain molecular software origins

ODDONE: OK. Inawa wave mechanics region
,,,,  was(ser) ..water THOUGHT molecules 
Answer (1 of 6):
The vowel was already short (wave) in
Germanic *watōr and thus it was kept short(wave) in High German rooms as well

my brain molecular software origins

ODDONE: OK. Inawa wave mechanics region
,,,,  was(ser) ..water THOUGHT molecules 

borneo  indonesia  and named
ODDONE in year 1944...
that is
ODDONE code D-Day
1944 in Arequipa, Peru, which is a southern town

the Bank One 
the Bank One 
the Bank One ..bandwidth K channel

 my father .....OddOne ....
 He was managing the bank branch in Arequipa of the bank that he had started working for when he went to Peru in 1929 ..... hence
 bank branch in Arequipa with 
..OddOne ....

the Bank One at the
intersection of Highway 18 (18 atomic vertical ...column families)

and Highway 83 in Wales, Wisconsin.
and Highway 38  in FermiLAB, Batavia Illinois

After robbing the bank, the suspects fled towards Waukesha with officers in pursuit. Captain Lutz joined the pursuit on Meadowbrook Road in Waukesha.

Bank One -->

 Dr. Oddone was a member of the team that developed the first Time Projection Chamber (TPC). This technology was subsequently used for many particle and nuclear physics experiments. He led the TPC collaboration from 1984 to 1987.

Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Time of DEATH Projection Chamber (TPC)

Captain Lutz joined the BANK ODDONE
Captain Lutz joined
Captain Lutz --> Time Zulu

"What are you driving so fast for in
Wales / Waukesha?"
 "Hmm?" said 
Walter Mitty neuro-transmitter.

James Thursday Thurber Reflections for
Captain James Lutz,
Waukesha Police Department, Wisconsin

Captain James Lutz Waukesha Police Department, Wisconsin End of Watch Thursday, April 28, 1994

 "Hmm?" said 
Walter Mitty neuro-transmitter.

Walter Frederick (frequency infra-red)
 "FritzMondale (January 5, 1928 – April 19, 2021) 

was an American lawyer and politician who served as the 42nd 
vice president of the United States from 1977 to 1981 under President Jimmy Carter. U.S. senator from Minnesota from 1964 to 1976, he was the Democratic Party's nominee in the 1984 presidential election,

Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Time Projection Senate Chambers (TPC) 

Walter Mondale

Walter Monday

Strom Thurmond

Thur ......


(A)Tom Data Daschle Schedule

Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
"What are you driving so fast for?" "Hmm?" said Walter Mitty.

Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Time Project    ..... Thursday Chamber (TPC)

King Arthur, also called Arthur or Arthur Pendragon, legendary British king who appears in a cycle of medieval romances (known as the Matter of Britain) as the sovereign of a knightly fellowship of the Round Table. It is not certain how these legends originated or whether the figure of Arthur was based on a historical person.

Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr. ( / ˈʃlɛsɪndʒər / SHLESS-in-jər; born Arthur Bancroft Schlesinger; October 15, 1917 - February 28, 2007) was an American historian, social critic, and public intellectual.

Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
Arthur Thursday  M. Schlesinger Jr.Master Schedule

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle KStJ DL (22 May 1859 - 7 July 1930) was a British writer and physician. He created the character Sherlock Holmes in 1887 for A Study in Scarlet,
  the first of
four (4 atomic iron isotope) novels


fifty-six(56) short stories about
Stockholm (Swedish) Holmes
DRIVER Dr. Watson for

. The Sherlock Holmes stories are milestones in the field of
crib metabolism ERRORS
crime  fic --> friction

Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Time Project    ..... Thursday Chamber (TPC)

Arthur Schopenhauer ( / ˈʃoʊpənhaʊər / SHOH-pən-how-ər, [18] German: [ˈaʁtʊʁ ˈʃoːpn̩haʊɐ] ( listen); 22 February 1788 - 21 September 1860) was a German philosopher. He is best known for his 1818 work The World as Will and Representation (expanded in 1844), which characterizes the phenomenal world as the product of a blind noumenal will. [19]

Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Time Project    ..... Thursday Chamber (TPC)
Arthur Morton Godfrey (August 31, 1903 - March 16, 1983) was an American radio and television broadcaster and entertainer who was sometimes introduced
by his EARTH center core
nickel --> nickname The Old Redhead.

At the peak of his success, in the early to mid 1950s, 
Godfrey was heard on radio and seen on television up to six days a week, sometimes for as many as nine separate broadcasts for CB

Time Projection Chamber (TPC)
Time Project    ..... Thursday Chamber (TPC)

Arthur Koestler, (born Sept. 5, 1905, Budapest, Hung. —found dead March 3, 1983, London, Eng.), Hungarian-born British novelist, journalist, and critic, best known for his novel Darkness at Noon (1940).. Koestler attended the University of Vienna before entering journalism.Serving as a war correspondent for the British newspaper News Chronicle during the Spanish Civil War, Koestler was 

Sir Arthur Charles Clarke CBE FRAS (16 December 1917 - 19 March 2008) was an English science fiction writer, science writer, futurist, inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host.. He co-wrote the screenplay for the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, widely regarded as one of the most influential films of all time. Clarke was a science fiction writer, an avid populariser of space ..

Arthur Murray dance studio

Arthur Murray dance studio

Arthur thursday TIME dance

Arthur Murray (born Moses Teichman; April 4, 1895 – March 3, 1991) was an American ballroom dancer and businessman, whose name is most often associated with the dance studio chain that bears his name.

Arthur Ira Garfunkel (born November 5, 1941) is an American singer and actor who is best known for his partnership with Paul Simon in the folk rock duo Simon & Garfunkel.
Born in Forest Hills, Queens, New York, 
Garfunkel became acquainted with Simon through an elementary school play of Alice in Wonderland and sought a partnership.

How Arthur Ashe Transformed Tennis—and Athlete Activism Having grown up in the segregated South, Ashe became the first Black man to win the U.S. Open in 1968. The victory helped him find...

Arthur James Balfour,
1st Earl (Earth Language)
Balfour of alfalfa hay for four legged beef cattle and Holstein milk dairy cows

1st Earl of Balfour, KG, OM, PC, FRS, FBA, DL ( / ˈbælfər, - fɔːr /, [1] traditionally Scottish / bəlˈfʊər /; [2] [3] 25 July 1848 - 19 March 1930), also known as Lord Balfour, was a British statesman and Conservative politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1902 to 1905.

James Grover Thurber (December 8, 1894 - November 2, 1961) was an American cartoonist, writer, humorist, journalist and playwright. He was best known for his cartoons and short stories, published mainly in The New Yorker and collected in his numerous books.

Tree of Knowledge
of cel
lulose --> Logical Units
New York City ..
tree .....street languages
explained  Waiting for Godot
by Samuel Beckett

Branch Mnemonic Opcodes
Assembler Branch Instructions
James Thurber name equation
James Thurber Ja --> Job accountingJam --> atomic mass James messagesThursdays
ber -->
Ber = Branch on
Equal Register

James Grover Thurber (December 8, 1894 - November 2, 1961) was an American cartoonist, writer, humorist, journalist and playwright. He was best known for his cartoons and short stories, published mainly in The New Yorker and collected in his numerous books.

American cartoonist, 
American cartoonist using plane geometry/algebra...
cartesian coordinates 

He was best known for his

. brain electron THOUGHT circuits

cartoons (cartesian Coordinates
 and short (short wave radio) stories
from the
atmosphere levels/ layers/
stories/ floors



3 days ago

Chief Meteorologist/The Morning Show Madison,
Wisconsin sin wave
C= Continuum 
C= Charlie received his
ee (earth electronics) in
Meteorology from the 
Sartre existential
Universe of Wave Mechanics located at
UW-Madison in year 1988.

On December 231888, Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, suffering from severe newspaper press SOFTWARE dribble and idiot nonsense explanations
that creates ......body/brain depression,

Overview There are hundreds of lymph nodes in your body that gather at where two or more lymphatic channels come together, in your neck, armpits and groin. Lymph nodes connect your lymphatic system, which moves fluid through your lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are bean-shaped organs that filter fluid in your body.

cuts off the lower part of his left 
ear with a
Occam's  razor while staying in
IBM Base 16 HEX region A to F
---> Arles, France.
He (hexadecimal oxygen life form) later...

On December 231888,
SOn of history 1888,
plus/ add  water100 years Wisconsin
son in year 1988.

 After graduating,
he joined the
Air Force (and the FAA )and was a pilot...

 After graduating as pilot,
he joined the
Air Waves TV Force (and the FCC) and was a pilot...

The ionosphere is important for radio wave (AM only) propagation.... ionosphere is composed of the D, E, and F layers.......
DEFINE language/graphic arts/
symbols/Nature's system

composed of the D, E, and F layers.......
composed of the D, E, and layers.

year 1929, 1932 to year 1935
NEW nodes DEAL 
AL Capone(AC = Alternating cycles)
layers --> 
President  Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

  Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  FranklinoDelano Roosevelt.

 Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
 Delano feedback loop 

composed of the D, E, and F layers.......
composed of the D, E, andlayers.
......,,,,Dirac  = Euler Earth ,
layers --> Florida layers

In pursuit of a rumored fountain of youth located on an island known as Bimini, Ponce de León led an expedition to the coast of Florida in 1513. Thinking it was the island he sought, he...

Tales of sacred, restorative waters
(Watergate 1972 Nixon)

existed well (H G Wells 1895 The TIME software Machine)

before the birth of
Spanish language conquistador
Juan Ponce de León around 1474


before the Galapagos / Peru
EARTH LAB ... birth of human specimen
Spanish language conquistador.....
EARTH Continent ....
quiver/vibration wave mechanics
language continuum/
communication station
at Area of Arequipa Peru

Juan Ponce de León around 1474

birth of
language con
quistador 1944

Piermaria Jorge Oddone (born March 26, 1944 in Arequipa, Peru[1])
is a 
Peruvian-American quiver particle physicist ROUTED to become a Batavian-American by

Alexander the Great, for example, was said to have come across a healing “river of paradise” in the fourth century B.C.,

 healing Joan Rivers -->“river of paradise” in the fourth century B.C.(Batavia/Chicago),

and similar legends (human leg sends data) cropped up in such
disparate locations as (Nigel Location Lockyer)

--> the Canada Canary sings(Islands)

Lockyer served as song & dance Director of TRIUMF, Canada's national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics, from May 2007 to September 2013, and was a Professor of Physics at the University of British Columbia and University of Pennsylvania

, Japan ( atomic cotton panties), Polynesia and England.

During the
Middle Ages, some Europeans even believed in the FermiLAB mythical king 

Piermaria Oddone

Prester John, whose kingdom allegedly contained a fountain of youth and a river of gold. “You could trace that up until today,” said Ryan K. Smith, a history professor at Virginia Commonwealth University. “People are still touting miracle cures and miracle waters.”

Spanish sources asserted that the Taino Indians of the Caribbean also spoke of a magic fountain and rejuvenating river that existed somewhere north of Cuba. These rumors conceivably reached the ears of Ponce de León, who is thought to have accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World in 1493. After helping to brutally crush a Taino rebellion on Hispaniola in 1504, Ponce de León was granted a provincial governorship and hundreds of acres of land, where he used forced Indian labor to raise crops and livestock. In 1508 he received royal permission to colonize San Juan Bautista (now Puerto Rico). He became the island’s first governor a year later, but was soon pushed out in a power struggle with Christopher Columbus’ son Diego.

Having remained in the good graces of King Ferdinand, Ponce de León received a contract in 1512 to explore and settle an island called Bimini. Nowhere in either this contract or a follow-up contract was the Fountain of Youth mentioned. By contrast, specific instructions were given for subjugating the Indians and divvying up any gold found. Although he may have claimed to know certain “secrets,” Ponce de León likewise never brought up the fountain in his known
EARTH land surface ....... 
Joules  Journey 
Jules V-section Verne

EARTH atomic center core of
Ferrous/iron and nickel atoms ...

communications  LINK to earth surface
... the human face of Ferdinand.

  1. The ionosphere (input/output sphers is important for 
    radio wave
    (AM only--> AMINO-acid bio-radio) propagation.... 
    • Weather V.S. Climate

      Weather is characterized by: air temperature; pressure; humidity; clouds; precip; visibility; wind; Climate can change, but over long time scales

    • The Ionosphere

      The Ionosphere. Is an electrified region within the upper atmosphere. contains large concentrations of ions (charged particles) and free electrons

  2. propaganda & BS schemes

  1. ionosphere is composed of
    D, E, (DEATH)
    F(FATAL) layers  --> Location
    radio wave death of
     EMILY Hilscher at location

    (AM only--> AMINO-acid bio-radio)
  2. Ambler Hall dormitory 
  3. .... Darwin ....EM species
    the new version of Nature's
    EM/radio software ....
     intellectual subroutines programs......  MILITARY selection of a specific DEATH location at Virginia (Ohms Law battle)
     the FCC

  4. ionosphere is composed of the D, E, and F layers. the D layer is good at absorbing AM radio waves.

    layer dissapears at night.... the E and F layers bounce the waves back to the earth. this explains (sex life on the Great Plains)
  5. why radio stations adjust (adios/
  6. good-bye brain )
    their power output at sunset and sunrise.
  7. The ionosphere ( / aɪˈɒnəˌsfɪər /) [1] [2] is the ionized part of the upper atmosphere of Earth, from about 48 km (30 mi) to 965 km (600 mi) above sea level, [3] a region that includes the thermosphere and parts of the mesosphere and exosphere. The ionosphere is ionized by solar radiation.

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Book 1645-049 Tom M Apostol --> the set-up and murder of Travis Zoellick by the University of Wisconsin and Green Bay Packers FOOTBALL

    Book 1645-049 by Herb Zinser  Tom  M Ap ostol  --> Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company › Sci...