Thursday, July 27, 2023

Book 1645-042 Tom M Apostol --> Federal DEATH SENTENCES order FermiLAB to create the DEATH TIME PROJECT ...thus school shootings and other death events

 Book 1645-042  by Herb Zinser

Tom M Apostol  --> 

Tom M Apostol  --> 
Ferrous/iron-54 with 28 neutrons ......
February TIME location of 
Fermilab (only exists as the

FIXED 28 neutron day month  of
February ....February February 

Ferrous/iron BEAM atoms & cement building .....
February --> array of 4 isotopes with
Feb ......14 Valentine day code

of tensor space(10) + 4 iron isotopes &
.................8 Valence electrons 

The total number of
valence electrons for iron is 8:

2 of the valence electrons in the highest occupied energy level (n=4) 

2 human liFe Ferrous/iron formats on Valentine's time Day

The total number of
Valentine's Day valence electrons for 

February iron is 8:
2 electrons in the highest occupied energy level (n=4)
6 electrons in the (n-1) d orbital, that is, 3d.

Nature ...
Earth government systems with

John Locke, John Dalton, Michael Faraday, 

Herbert Spencer and William Ewart Gladstone


Fe=Ferrous/iron ... atomic English alphabet

of 26 letters of iron ...... from the
EXTERNAL Mesabi iron ore range (year 1900)
and the
INTERNAL blood iron
26 proton prose... atomic software language of year 1726
 ...EXTERNALIZED by the hepatology book author

Jonathan Swift
... on liver software language PROGRAMS  travel to gullible scientists

at the LAW of Liver at More Liver Labs in
Liver More California .......

thus the year 1726 iron 26 BOOK
..Gulliver's Travels over 287 years to

year 2013


Boston .... year 2013 April 15 attack....
on the human blood iron ORGINAL alphabet
...the language attack
by the 26 mile race run by Boston arrogant SPORTS snobs and manipulation school & business people


the perception problems of EXISTENCE

Fe -->the ancient  LiFe of the ferrous/iron atom

the modern ART & THEATER song & dance

mentality of trivia & happiness & intellectual dribble

...that is nonsense fed into the human brain 

to divert people from serious thoughts


Fe -->the modern  LiFe of the ferrous/iron atom

Fe = Federal fetus & feces VERSION of the alphabet 
used by the human bio-computer
bio-physics rect
um( universal  mind)

Federal ferrous errors create terror

Federal arrogance  dance 

Federal failure to study situations

Ferrous/iron BEAM atoms of the
Wilson Hall building at Batavia/ Chicago

Federal GROUP BRAIN translation ...


INTERNAL commands from Congress and the
Department of Justice people
live of on beef PROTEIN platform of beef steaks and burgers ......

that is 4-legged cattle 

(get the DEATH SENTENCE by the food system) 

and their beef animal
ferrous atom  iron/oxygen
PROTEIN thought MOLECULES are slaughtered

with a metal knife ...
thus Fermat's LAST beef protein THOUGHTS 

are input to the
Justice Department thinkers .....
as superior SOFTWARE copies of the
beef animal brain ,,

 LAST beef protein THOUGHTS of DEATH

enter the human STREAM of Consciousness

at community juries, university law schools, and 

state and federal judicial  systems filled by 

programmed bragging arrogant idiots

conclude a PARALLEL death sentence for 

human animal(e)

thus the
Ferrous/iron blood DEATH SENTENCE use knife

FermiLAB translation...iron-54 stable

FermiLAB translation...iron-54 stable

FermiLAB translation...iron-54 stable

FermiLAB translation...iron-54 stab  ...kill

in year 1954 

Samuel Holmes Sheppard, D.O. 
December 29, 1923 – April 6, 1970) was an American atomic neutron --> neurosurgeon. He was exonerated in 1966, having been convicted of the 1954 murder of his
ant ....fetus molecular insect

Marilyn Reese Sheppard and the 

ferrous/iron atom continuum LINK
to the Earth North Pole ....
sky magnetic field

At 5:40 am -->Ferrous iron-54--> Fermat earth 
Atlas location theorem.....

of  yn   life   forms


Marilyn Reese Sheppard 

At 5:40 am (atomic mass 54),

At 5:40 am (access method schedule),

At 5:40 am, a neighbor received an urgent phone call from Sheppard who pleaded for him to come to his home.

Federal prison ......

FermiLAB cover-up on blood HEME messages

February 2, 2001Detroit,


At Osborn High School, two students and a teacher were grazed by gunfire after a student fired a gun in their classroom.

At Osborn High School
At Osborn High School
AtMOs  ...... High School
AtMosphere High ... languages

Osborn --> Os (Office of Science of Oscillations and quiver/vibrations)

At Osborn High School parallel 
At Os--> Galapagos Peru LINK 
to Borneo Indonesia ...VIA

agent code name Pier Oddone
Born March 26 1944 in 
West Andes Coast of South America

of Arequipa
Area of
quivers bandwidths/
sin wave/oscillation wave ...
wave mechanics energy of existence 

from year 1250..... Computer Earth
Italy Peninsula Aquinas (IPA) 

Nature's year 1250 Thomas Aquinas 
to other combinations

atomic Fermi orb
ital ITALIAN  &
moon orbital italian Galileo &
solar system EARTH
ital italian Galileo

...the various ITALY  bandwidth  bank codes
sent in year 1929 (Route 29 murder /cover-up in Virginia by the university & Federal government scientists ) 

...the various ITALY  bandwidth  bank codes
sent in year 1929 by Europe rope/string theory information systems 

...the various ITALY  bandwidth  bank codes
sent in year 1929  VIA

my father was transferred to Lima Peru by the

Tom M. Apostol ....
mathematical-physics SYMBOL MAP of the earth geography land ,,,, activity and expression sur

.... and its need for human action figures
with a Algeria algebra.... quadratic equation .... North Africa math codes go NORTH to Italy seek an intelligent parabola face

My father Oddone .....
from the EARTH language .......
SYMBOL & CONCEPT living language MACHINE  was identified as a useful
EARTH LAB specimen .....

his WORD identity in Italy as

father Oddone .....
f  ....... O .,.,,,,
f(x) = O 

becomes useful in the Galapagos/Peru ..region
of evolution messages & concepts .....

...the various ITALY  bandwidth  bank codes
sent in year 1929 by Europe rope/string theory information systems of copper wire strings

...the various ITALY  bandwidth  bank codes
sent in year 1929  copper 29 VIA

. . He was managing the bank branch in Arequipa of the bank that he had started working for when he went to Peru in 1929. 

father Oddone .....
f  ....... O .,.,,,,
f(x) = O --> to FermiLAB (x) .......
graphic arts symbol = as
a 2 lane highway Route 38 pointer to
uranium 238 ..with 2 Fe atomic directors
Federal  President O and
FermiLAB Director O
for the
EARTH government language  
of water THOUGHT molecules
...BIG O --> Lake Okeechobee Florida 

. . He was managing the bank branch 
. . He was managing the bank branch 
. . He was managing the hydro-carbon molecular expression bank ...... of organic  branch molecule system used by humanoids

. . He was managing the bank branch in Arequipa of the bank that he had started working for when he went to Peru in 1929. 

Nature's ORIGINAL hardware
 energy & existence molecules
... Branched chain molecules 

human action figures
created a parallel
 SOFTWARE platform .......
Bank  branch  --> 
Branched chain
O = Organic agent O = Oddone

he got a degree that in Italy is called “ragioniere”, which is a kind of a business administration degree. He went to work for the Banca Commerciale Italiana 

, which still exists today.
And he did very well.
They sent him to many countries in Europe and at one point—he could speak five languages— met my mother in the circumstances that I described. They had this romance going on in various cities in Europe. My mother also had a “ragioniere” degree and was working for an import-export company.
Then the person who was running the subsidiary of Banca Commerciale Italiana in Peru recruited my father as a CIA agent in Nature's  nano-second processor speed technology at the

Deciphering Peru's Nasca Lines using
California atomic rings 
and  FermilAB rings

VIA one common PERU denominator

. The mysterious lines 
. The mysterious lines 
. The mysterious lines 
... math fraction

one common PERU.....
the South American HEMISPHERE
one common denominator

of Pier ONE

. The mysterious lines stretch for miles across southern Peru,

spanning the plains 
spanning the plains 
spanning thexplains 
Warren Spahn VS
Spanish language
..... spanned data record problems

adjacent to the bone-dry Atacama Desert, Earth's driest. 

Seen from above,
they depict animals and people,



Time Life building

trapezoids --> Zodiac killer ideas, 
Zodiac killer, unidentified American serial killer who is believed to have murdered at least five people in
northern California (NC = Numerical Control systems) between 1968 and 1969.
An earlier murder, the stabbing death of an 18-year-old college student in
Riverside, California(RC = Return Codes) in 1966, is also sometimes attributed to the Zodiac killer.

and other geometric forms—or simply run straight, paths to nowhere. Since they were first described ...
the underground BEDROCK .....
atomic li
mestone messages....
logical logic levels .....

BEDROCK ..... selection of DR.O for
FermiLAb  and underground
Batavia li
mestone message systems

Batavia limestone message systems

and Dr.ONE  communications
public relations bragging and boasting exists

On Friday, Feb. 22, Ivy Tech 

took a trip to Batavia, Illinois earth  to Fermilab -
the United States.... surface land
electron s-orbital land ..algebra subset 
electron s-orbital land
electron s-orbital  --> soil land
farm soil dirt particles --> particle physics 

Toyota automobile accelerator 
SCHEME & rigged RACKETS laboratory. 

Akin to CERN in Geneva, Switzerland where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is located,
that created the murder of
MIT proper noun

 Fermilab is an international hub for 
husband bio-computer bandwidth
PUPPET male scientists from more than 50 countries to collaborate on

year 1929... First Day of
(atomic iron metal bed springs)  Spring
Salvador Dali 

Fermilab is an international hub for 
husband bio-computer bandwidth...

Fermilab is an international hub of 
human males with skull/head ,,,,
 7 holes.... as I/O  ports 
the husband bio-computer bandwidth
as a 
 7 Port USB 3.0 Hub 

...that is human bio-electron
 7 Port USB 3.0 Hub 

Pier Oddone says
. . He was managing the bank branch in Arequipa of the bank that he had started working for when he went to Peru in 1929. 

I said my parents
I said my parents

I said my parents
I said my parents

I said my parents
I said my parents ISA routing of idea people

Italy to South America

I said my parents
I said my parents

I said my parents
I said my par  ....en ......ts

I said my particles & energy ... thoughts

I said my parents

 were from Italy, so the story there is that my dad grew up in a small village,
Santa Maria di Moncalvo,

between Torino and Milano, 

between the 2 nodes of existence & expression, 

between Torino and Milano, 

between Torinode and Milanode

COMPUTER EARTH ... existence systems

route high school/college PPSC physics

...water /ripple tank ...empirical LABs experiments with nodes and waves

I said my parents
(as 72% water THOUGHT molecules)

 were from Italy, so the story there is that my dad grew up in a small village,
Santa Maria di Moncalvo,

between Torino and Milano, 

between the 2 nodes of existence & expression, 

between Torino and Milano, 

between Torinode and Milanode route

between Torino and Milano, 

between the 2 nodes of existence & expression, 

between Torino and Milano, 

between Torinode and Milanode route

grew up in a small village,
Santa Maria di Moncalvo,

between /in the middle between
Torino and Milano---> 

Torinode and Milanode math route

of Bolzano ....intermediate value theorem & geography application ....
location of
no city    nodes 

Bernard Bolzano,,,, 5 October 1781 - 18 December 1848) [12] was a Bohemian mathematician, logician, philosopher, theologian and Catholic priest of 

Italian extraction 

Vanilla extract for COOK county bakers

of chocolate chip cookie recipes....
and SYMBOL recipes at nearby DuPage county at FermiLAB


 VA: Universal Theory of
Weak Interaction of 
vanilla extract inchocolate chip cookie molecules...

vanilla extract INPUT
to Pier Oddon in
attempt to extract him
from a
sheltered LIFE -     

created a molecular NEST 
of intellectual comfort in his body/brain

causing him
to ignore the complete symbol equation

E. C. George Sudarshan

Fermi had postulated a scalar,
formed out o

Italian extract  ..Pier Oddone

between /in the middle between/
intermediate between ....
Torino and Milano---> 

Torinode and Milanode

between Torino and Milano, 

between the 2 nodes of existence & expression, 

between Torino and Milano, 

between Torinode and Milanode route

grew up in a small village,
Santa Maria di Moncalvo,

between /in the middle between
Torino and Milano, 

node and Milanode route

...........O .........MI................O -->

...........O .........MI................O -->

...........O .........MIDDLE................O -->

spells --> ODD family needs -->

traveling NODE family .........

traveling NODE family ......... 

information explorers  ....
seeks new wave mechanics FORMATS and LOCATIONs 

THUS year 1929 (Copper 29 electron alternating cycles) Are
quipa (area of quiver   vibrations)

VIA Atlantic Ocean waves on a boat 

traveling Atlantic Ocean 

NODE family .........

 He proposed to my dad that he go to Peru and, in those days,
 it was 19
29, it was a big adventure to go to Peru and


Torinode and Milanode route

60 cycle AC (alternating cycle)
electricity pressur/work wave


to middle of the Ocean ..... 

the Oddone bio-wave-sensor 


Atlantic Ocean waves and wave nodes. 


Arequipa Capital (AC) of the 

quiver province /department of Arequipa

Arequipa Capital (AC) of the 

quiver province /department of Arequipa

,,,Natures ancient
NaZca air lines /quiver message systems
in 1929 by the arrival of MR. Oddone
and his collection/history of experience oscillations/sine waves,  ocean waves .

the quiver continuum LIFE FORM
was very excited by this
in year 1929 ...for alignment with
Cu= copper 29 and EARTH language
atomic Cuzco equation --> Cu + Z +

Cu (copper symbol)...
 Z atomic number 29 ...copper metal wire

and a software LINK to
Copenhagen Denmark and the
Copenhagen MODEL of   E Schrodinger ,,

Arequipa Capital (AC) of the 

quiver province /department of Arequipa

the quiver continuum LIFE FORM
was very excited by this
INPUT DATABASE provided by
Mr, ODDONE in year 1929

And for him, the possibility of a career in Italy was somewhat limited.

In those days, if you went to work for Banca Commerciale Italiana, you had to be of the right family to move up the ranks.

 So he decided to go to Peru, and the proposition to my mother was that he would go and try it out for a year, and if it all worked out, she would join him there and they would get married there.

My mother's father agreed to all of that. That's what happened. I was told that they wrote each other—
no email node  in those days—every day, and they would get packets of mail that came by ship about 30 days later.

My dad found that Peru was a good place,

My dad found that Peru was a good place,

My dad found that Peru was a good place,

My dad found that Peru --> 

  • Successful execution of a  branch bank instruction
    IBM® System 370 /Architecture® processors).

My dad found that Peru was a good place, so he invited my mother to come over, and she did.

He had the priest at the foot of the dock when they tied up in the harbor, and they got married right there and then.

No living in sin in those days.

No living in sin in those days.

Node living in sin in those days.

Right away, they went to Arequipa quiver wave mechanics region

, which was to be his principal site. 

He had to leave after a few days for Cusco, and then a revolution started there, and he got stuck there.

in other WORDS

He had to leave after a few days for Cusco, and then a electric motor revolution on an automobile starter .......started there, and he got stuck there. 

They were separated for three months right after they got married. 

All 3M Products for Automotive. Abrasives. Adhesives, Sealants & Fillers. Advanced Materials. Automotive Parts & Hardware. .

By the time my dad came back to Arequipa, my mother was fluent in Spanish and had all these friends.
They made their life in Arequipa for many years. And for them it was not only a hospitable country, but also saved them from the
Second World War...TIME WAR.

Nasca nano-seconds 

atomic micro-seconds

regular time...brain conscious time

of Hours, Minutes, Seconds


the quiver TIME Cities
as quiver nodes

Coquimbo Chile

Iq  (intelligence Quotient) at

Iq = Iquique Chile 

Arequipa Peru (Oddone family)

Quito Ecuador 

and here the genes come through when I'm growing grapes. 

The Oddones have been farming there and making wine and growing grapes for at least 400 years.

I once went to the local archives and found that the Oddones that lived in this particular compound in 1604 were asking the bishop to build a chapel in the little town.

That town has about 20 primar
y amino acid families

as molecule  representatives.

It's very tiny(like a molecule)

 But they were asking to build a chapel there in 1604, so they were already established well enough. And the farm has been continuously in the family. It's a small farm, very modest.

The young people don’t want to farm the land anymore, they all want to be lawyers and businessmen.

they all want to be camel lawyers and 

advanced businessmen as animals.

There's only one person left that farms the land, whereas before, everybody,
all the uncles and cousins,

 farmed the land together.

My mother grew up in
no (node ...stable stationary site) 

where she met my father (a traveling sin wave LIFE FORM ,,,, that must pass thru a NODE)

. The  Torino   story goes that they happened to be living in the same apartment building at one point, and she was falling down the stairs and
 fell into my father's Feller arms ...

range from O  to ONE

range from 0 to 1

range from zero  to 1

And that was the beginning of a love affair that took place for probably/ a probability theory probe.... .....

for  two or three years in Europe. 

My dad was a posthumous child, his father had died before he was born . 

of Arequipa
at DuPage County  / FermiLAB

Feb. 20, 2002
Ferrous/iron atom continuum of iron metal automobile language of 26 iron proton alphabet letters.... living  liFe 
Vincent High School,

This is a two-step process: Step 1: Go to and enter the full VIN into NHTSA's VIN decoder, then click Decode VIN. Example Step 2: Refer to the field at the bottom of the page result, which expressly lists the build plant and country for the searched vehicle.

VIN Decoder -->
Vincent Willem van Gogh ( Dutch: [ˈvɪnsɛnt ˈʋɪləɱ vɑŋ ˈɣɔx] ( listen); [note 1] 30 March 1853 - 29 July 1890)
was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter 
was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter living 
in the
Holstein milk dairy cow
region of  
.. the milk/cheese/ meat .....
protein THOUGHT molecules that human live upon

... thus the PROTEIN MACHINE language

... thus the protein electron chip..POST office

he was a HinDu Dutch Post-Impressionist painter 

was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who was not commercially successful during his life, but became one of the most famous figures in Western art history after his death. Van Gogh's artistic activity was brief and prolific.

Title: The potato eaters. Creator: Vincent van Gogh. Date Created: April 1885 - May 1885. Location Created: Nuenen, The Netherlands. 

The potato eaters
FROM lithograph
/painting on canvas in

TO actual ... real reality in 
central Wisconsin potato growing region


transformed from
 1 expression
in existence
(and its art/picture

DATABASE (original)
(may) generate
Herbert Spencer (sequences)
Henry Miller
Henry Miller's Rosy Crucifixion, his second major trilogy, took more than 10 years for the author to complete.

Beginning in 1949 with Sexus, a work so controversial all of

parallel processing Paris was abuzz with L'Affaire Miller,

(and publisher..code name
Girodias ,,,Grid iron .....
football horizontal 
grid iron and
the vertical 
grid iron of a skyscraper)

 saw himself threatened with jail), 
following (data flow wings)
in 1952 with
Plexus (Euclidean plane geometry), and finally concluding with 1959's Nexus, the three works are a dazzling array of the
vertical grid iron .....
F W Woolworth building in NYC.

The painting is considered to be one of
Van Gogh's masterpieces.


transformed from
 1 expression
in existence
(and its art picture...

.......Oil on canvas

DATABASE (original)
(may) generate

.......Oil on canvas

Wisconsin's production of potatoes is concentrated in the central sands region, which is located in the Wisconsin River watershed. At the center of this production is Portage County, Wisconsin's top potato-producing county. The high yields in this region are attributed to the sandy soil, which allows for an earlier planting season.

Chai Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while he unintentionally trespassed upon a hunting group in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary, as of 2006.

The painting is considered to be one of
Van Gogh's masterpieces.

Composition & Words

transformed from
 1 expression
in existence

actualization into
physical reality...over
B100D years later ...
B100D information flow from Rice Lake

Van Gogh
Chai Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while he unintentionally trespassed upon a hunting group in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang (vector angle),

who lived in Saint 
Paul(DIRAC) quantum

(Botany rice shoots ...shoot bullets

 sprouts are 2-3 days old rice shoots that germinate when mature rice grains are exposed to the necessary germination conditions such as moisture and room temperature. The process of germinating rice facilitates an increase in the amount of nutrients such as protein, potassium, and minerals.

The process of germinating
rice language BATTLES

This review provides an overview of the regulation of tiller angle in rice, with particular focus on the roles of the growth environment and method of cultivation; phytohormones such as auxin, gibberellins, and strigolactones; gravity; and genes related to the control of tiller angle.

Jan 3, 2022
In rice, tillers, which are specialized 

On November 22, 2014, Tamir E. Rice, a 12-year-old African American boy, was killed in Cleveland, Ohio, by Timothy Loehmann, a 26-year-old white police officer. Rice was carrying a replica toy gun; Loehmann shot him almost immediately upon arriving on the scene.

Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 – August 28, 1955) was an African American boy who was abducted, tortured, and lynched in Mississippi in 1955 at the age of 14, after being accused of offending a white woman, Carolyn Bryant, in her family's grocery store. The brutality of his murder and the acquittal of his killers drew attention to the long history of violent persecution of African Americans in the United States.

In rice, tillers, which are specialized panicle-bearing branches that arise from the axils of each leaf on the unelongated basal internodes, are one of the most important agronomic traits that determine rice grain yield 

 northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang (vector angle),

who lived in Saint 
Paul(DIRAC) quantum

(Botany rice shoots ...shoot bullets
on year 1970 Vietnam rice paddy fields
Rice Lake Wisconsin)

SYMBOL Machine language region,

who lived in Saint Paul
(DIRAC) atomic iron metal....
 quantum 4 x 4
used by a
Dirac Dodge pick-up 
 4 x 4 trucks

The 4x4 truck is a staple of the American motoring world. From lifted behemoths to small and cheap dailies, there is a 4x4 pickup truck for every need. These vehicles come in different...

The term 4×4 means a four-wheel-drive vehicle. Technically, the first digit is the number of wheels and the second is the number that are driven, so a four-wheel-drive pickup truck is a...

 Minnesota at the time ..matrix/array
 Minnesota at the time ..evolution
 Minnesota at the time 
 Minnesota at the time 
n x n square matrices upgrade

Nitrogen 7 7 7 upgrade

n x n--> 7 x 7  square matrices upgrade
FAILURE results in the creation of  a 
SYMBOL message event 

Comair  plane in Lexicon Kentucky
dictionary/ semantics region
 ... tries to fly up into
grades..but failures

n x n--> 7 x 7  --> 49 people elements DEAD
On August 27, 2006, about 0606:35 eastern daylight time, Comair flight 5191, a Bombardier CL-600-2B19, N431CA, crashed during takeoff from Blue Grass Airport, Lexington, Kentucky. The flight crew was instructed to take off from runway 22 but instead lined up the airplane on runway 26 and began the takeoff roll. The airplane ran

, killing 49 people,

 Vang (vector angle),

who lived in Saint 
Paul(DIRAC) quantum

and n by n 

 Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary, as of 2006.

Vincent High School,
Vincent High School,
Vincent High School, Milwaukee

vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique code assigned to every motor vehicle when it's manufactured. The VIN is a 17-character string of letters and numbers without intervening spaces or the letters Q (q), I (i), and O (o); these are omitted to avoid confusion with the numerals 0 and 1.

Vincent High School,
Metal thickness
(Mil = thousand of an inch)
waukee  secret code

Automotive sheet metal once ran in the range of 18-gauge, which was 48 thousandths of an inch thick (actually 0.0478 inch).

20-gauge became common in more recent times, and this meant .0359-inch-thick metal—still a lot to work with in-bumping and metal finishing.

 Milwaukee (double e = ee --> electronics engineering) WAR/BATTLE  of
automobile electronics........
social engineering .....
romance and
pussy BIO-electronics in parked cars

automobile electronics........
automotive ..motive /purpose  electronics....
..... electronics SOFTWARE ....

in the atomic iron sheet metal particles..

atomic information parking lot of
Vincent High School
vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique code assigned to every motor vehicle when it's manufactured. 

vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique code assigned to every human BIOLOGY motor vehicle 
and its Brain 
 motor neurons ...... 
when it's manufactured using RED blood cells of code name Fred. 

motor neuron (or motoneuron or efferent neuron[1]) is a neuron whose cell body is located in the motor cortexbrainstem or the spinal cord, and whose axon (fiber) projects to the spinal cord or outside of the spinal cord to directly or indirectly control effector organs, mainly muscles and glands.[2] There are two types of motor neuron – upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons. Axons from upper motor neurons synapse onto interneurons in the spinal cord and occasionally directly onto lower motor neurons.[3] The axons from the lower motor neurons are efferent nerve fibers that carry signals from the spinal cord to the effectors.[4] Types of lower motor neurons are alpha motor neuronsbeta motor neurons, and gamma motor neurons.

A single motor neuron may innervate many muscle fibres and a muscle fibre can undergo many action potentials 

undergo many action potentials 
undergo many action potentials 

effectors.[4] Types of lower motor neurons are alpha motor neurons, beta motor neurons, and gamma motor neurons.

Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh's Easter-yellow 1977 Mercury Grand Marquis now sits in the museum's newly Janet Reno renovated second floor. 

This phase of the BS scheme enhancements is dedicated to
Dr. Edward Teller telling the story of the rigged. biased, corrupt  investigation and pussy juice molecules --> justice.

 "They can watch the EARTH SYSYEMS creation of the Oklahoma Bombing signaling event......
justice happen within these semen balls with cell walls,"
 Executive Dire/nasty Director Kari Watkins said.

A single motor neuron 
undergo many action potentials 
undergo many action potentials 
undergo many action potentials 

Motor neuron 
EXTERNALIZED fertilizer  bomb

The Oklahoma City bombing was a
domestic ferrous/ iron metal atoms a with attached  evil nonsense software attachment  error  byte terrorist ......
motor Vehicle war/battle .....
iron sheet metal truck bombing of the
 Alfred P. M  Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, on April 19, 1995, 

Alfred P. M  Federal Building 
language  dribble ERRORS
Atomic  PROTON MASS of Fe= ferrous /iron metal 26 protons
...26 English alphabet letters

domestic ferrous/ iron metal atoms a with attached  evil nonsense software attachment Ferrous america ...usa metals ......

Ferrous --> errors --> selection of human 
programmable bio-computers
to be  human action figures
to be 
transformed into terroristto create t

 --> error  byte terrorist ......
motor Vehicle war/battle .....
iron sheet metal truck bombing of the
 Alfred P. M  Federal Building in O

iron sheet metal Factory shooting of the
 Alfred P. M  Federal Building 
in O = Orlando Florida

Fiamma is a more than 70-year-old family-run atomic iron sheet metal business that produces "lightweight, easy-to-operate RV awnings with hand-built craftsmanship," according to the company's
MATHEMATICAL systems web site...
On June 5, 2017, John Neumann Jr., a 45-year-old former employee of 
Fiamma --> mathematics,

John Neumann Sr., a year 1945  former employee of 
Fiamma --> mathematics,

Feb. 20, 2002Vincent High School
Milwaukee (double e --> ee --> 
BRAIN electron engineering

cent High School
Vin  cent High School
Vin  central nervous systems 370
bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR ......... High 

V = Voltage with software ...Voltaire input philosophy
VS football LIMITED, SPECIALTY thought circuits 
Vincent Lombardi 

 Sixteen-year-old Joseph Johnson,

IBM base 16 = Sixteen

  Sixteen-year-old Joseph Johnson,
math series ix

murders & dispearance 
 in the ixonia region near Milwaukee

 Sixteen-year-old Joseph Johnson, a Washington High School student,
 was shot and killed in the parking lot of Vincent High 
School during a...

Joseph Johnson... Johnson Controls,
earth electron BATTLES

MILWAUKEE, Jan. 13, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Johnson Controls, (NYSE: JCI),

an EARTH geography surface ....
global multi-industrial company
with established 
core businesses 
with the energy english & french language agent --> energy Joules --> Jules V-section Verne

EARTH center core atomic factory and data center

Planet EARTH Government
geography surface ....
global multi-industrial company
h established core businesses 
with established core businesses 
withiest --> stolen  core businesses 

the earth LAND SURFACE ......
in the buildings

 automotive and criminal motives.....
energy storage industries &
energy --> gynecology
...FETUS/WOMB biology storage industries

, today announced 

 it has signed a periodic atomic TABLE ....
definitive atomic silver 
Ag --> agreement
to sell its atomic gold  
Au automotive electronics business to

Book" is the closest term to describe the loose collection of high school algebra texts [4] consisting of a MATH function and number of the quadratic equation  with 2 ROOTS

A quadratic equation is an equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a ≠ 0.

For the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, the expression b2 – 4ac is called the discriminant.
The value of the discriminant shows how many roots f(x) has: - 
If b2 – 4ac > 0 then the quadratic function has two distinct real roots.

Book" is the closest term to describe the loose collection of texts [4] consisting of a number of
magnetic field......
magic spells of published magazine word/spelling TRICKS & maniplation

intended to assist a BRAIN dead person's journey through the Duat,
 (cotton THOUGHT molecules and 
male underwear and female cotton panties), and into the afterlife and written by many priests over a period of about 1,000 years.

the BOOK of the DEAD

the underground LIFE forms

atomic coffin financial DATABASE and
DATA CYCLE .... that re-surfaces as a 
visiting corpse...... 
using human action figures ..representaive for the
code name

Visteon Corporation (NYSE: VC)
for $265 million ...

March 22, 2001El Cajon, California


For the second time in three weeks, a teenage gunman opened fire at a suburban




go high school, wounding five people


before a policeman on duty at the campus brought a quick end to the attack, shooting the gunman.




go ...


high school, wounding five people 


Arthur Meier Schlesinger Jr. ( / ˈʃlɛsɪndʒər / SHLESS-in-jər; born Arthur Bancroft Schlesinger; October 15, 1917 - February 28, 2007) was an
beer Ameri
can historian,
social critic, and
beer pub public intellectual.

Police identified the suspect as Jason Hoffman, 18, a Granite Hills High School senior variously described as a good student and a loner with emotional problems. He was shot in the face and buttocks. None of the injuries to him or others was critical.

Shortly before 1 p.m., Hoffman drove a pickup truck on East Madison Avenue and stopped outside the school administration office, authorities said. Then, they said, he knelt in a shooting position and opened fire from the street with a military-style, Mossberg pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, spraying the building, breaking windows and creating chaos in fifth-period classes throughout the 60-acre campus.

in other WORDS


For the second time in three weeks, 

For the second time in three weeks, 

For the 


time in 




 Gravity number .667 battle

a teenage 


man .. agent for 




iversal gravitational



ancient gravity THOUGHT field life

of the 


COMPUTER EARTH software life

 (Planet earth) pe


Constantinople is an ancient city in modern-day Turkey that's now known as Istanbul. First settled in the seventh century B.C., Constantinople developed into a
thriving Computer EARTH I/O port thanks to its.


For the second time in three weeks, a teenage gunman

opened fire at a subur

ban communications bandwidth






/silicon dioxide electron circuit

 experiments using human 

BODY/BRAIN bio-electronics ....

 San D

iego high school, 

wounding five people 

Thursday before a policeman on duty at the campus brought a quick end to the attack, shooting the gunman.

Police identified the suspect as Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 

Charles  DARWIN ....
 proper noun/name / word selection

..his brain programmed by year 1968
Chicago Democratic (computer ) Machine

and its HUMAN software programs
in year 1968

Police identified the suspect as Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 

Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 
J........Hoffman18, a Gra nite Hills 
August 1968 Democratic National Convention opens in Chicago before Judge Julius Hoffman...

Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 
J........Hoffman18, a Gra nite Hills 

a Grant Park  protests  at nite 
Hills  of atomic cement/stone HOTELS
on South atoMic Michigan Avenue
.. Conrad Hilton and Blackstone hotels
with  by IBM

COMPUTER EARTH address space  ..
by Balboa Street

Police identified the suspect as Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 

Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 
J........Hoffman18, a Gra nite Hills 
August 1968 Democratic National Convention opens in Chicago before Judge Julius Hoffman...

Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 
J........Hoffman18, a Gra nite Hills 

a Grant Park  protests  at nite 
Hills  of atomic cement/stone HOTELS
on South atoMic Michigan Avenue

Police identified the messenger suspect as Jason Hoffman,


Police identified the messnger suspect as Jason Hoffman, 18,

a Granite Hills 
High School senior variously described as

Granite Hills High 
(atomic gravestone of Paul Dirac
on a hill at
Roselawn Cemetery in Tallahassee)

a Granite Hills High School senior variously described (coffin atomic DATABASE) as

Paul Dirac underground atomic BODY

with molecule CLOTHES as cotton bandages -->
atomic gestalt DATA

using the Nikola Tesla MODEL of
Nature's ancient wireless ...

with the specific signal processing

UPGRADE .......
of the ancient Egyptian BOOK of the DEAD message systems

thus the  year 1930 ...
data record FORMAT with header/identification headers &trailer records for
FUTURE data stream routing .....

thus the P Dirac E Schrodinger language of atomic quantum symbols and methods...

attached to their  atomic cotton & wool clothes they wore in year 1930 ....

the human atomic body and
the molecular clothes

exchange RECORD FORMAT information

to have a common DATABASE and ROUTE codes .... for possible future use

THUS the year 1984 ..

the FUTURE data stream routing .....


for the dead P Dirac ....

the FUTURE data stream routing .....

becomes the CURRENT  data stream routing 
 the George Orwell
TIME software manual 

with the addition IBM base 16 hexadecimal COMPLEMENT NUMBER 

giving the YEAR 200o TIME Boundary of Y2K ... space/time laws of earth existence

thus the P Dirac E Schrodinger 

alternating cycle..escape route

language of atomic quantum symbols and methods..

Paul Dirac underground atomic BODY

with his pre-FORMATTED molecule CLOTHES (while alive)
as cotton 
bandages --> transmitting

their communication bandwidths 

...thus creating a DATA CYCLE

known as the grave WORMHOLE

...thus creating a DATA CYCLE

from the atomic coffin DATABASE

to re-surface (software packages that may become partial input to a humanoid)
via a few different method

The Radio-HeaD bends
over several years

a Granite Hills High School senior variously described as

the underground 
geological .. logical unit flowchart path ....

atomic BEDROCK  vibration detector 
atomic li
mestone messages

Police identified the messenger suspect as Jason Hoffman,

as a good student and a loner with emotional problems. He was shot in the face and buttocks. None of the injuries to him or others was critical.

Shortly before

Short wave radio .. bends foreheads 

Radiohead Top Songs
Creep Pablo Honey ·
1992 Karma Police OK Computer ·
1997 No Surprises OK Computer ·
1997 High and Dry The Bends ·
1995 Creep Creep -
The Pearl of Death is a 1944 Sherlock Holmes film starring Basil Rathbone as Holmes and Nigel Bruce as Dr. Watson
 Holmes takes an immediate interest in the case as the unusual method of killing is that of "The Hoxton Creeper" (Rondo Hatton), known to be Conover's right-hand man.

EP · 1992 Fake Plastic Trees The Bends ·
1995 Weird Fishes / Arpeggi In Rainbows ·
2007 Exit 
Music (For a Film) OK Computer ·
1997 All I Need In Rainbows ·

2007 Paranoid Android OK Computer ·

Shortly before 1 p.m., Hoffman 

Shortly before 1 p.m., Hoffman 

Shortly before 
1 proton mass. H= Hydrogen

Shortly before 1 p.m., Hoffman drove a pickup truck on
East Madison(EM) .. Avenue

 electromagnetic (EM) radiation 

 and stopped outside the school

 and stopped outside the school

 and stopped outside the school

 and stopped outsideathe school

outsideathe school

outsideathe sc

outsideathe scape 
administration office, 

horities said. 

Then, they said, he knelt in a shooting position and opened fire from the street with a military-style, Mossberg pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, spraying the building, breaking windows and creating chaos in fifth-period classes throughout the 60-acre campus.

February 2, 2004Washington, D.C.
Federal people &
Fe = Ferrous/iron atom BLOOD
Heme Fe(2) software problems

Thomas J. Boykin was acquitted of the 

Arequipa Peru --> FermiLAB

Federal     alternating cycle  quiver wave mechanics
murder of 17-year-old James Richardson, a football player (P layer--> processing layer) 


IBM BAL site-->Basic Assembly Language ( BAL) --> EARTH magnetic field (B & H) site
lou High(BH) School 

... failure --> school Programs  Southeast Washington (PSW) ERRORS

.[33] An 18-year-old student was also grazed in the RIGHT TRIANGLE battle  leg 

by a math military bullet.[34]


(2nd Month day 9, 2004
East Greenbush, New York

(2nd Month day 9--> number 29

Iron and copper --> implies a
Nikola Tesla 60 cycle AC electric motor

East Greenbush (EG) -->
electricity & electronics GROB

16-year-old Jon W. Romano, 

Born in 1865 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland), Carl August Rudolph Steinmetz became a brilliant student of mathematics and chemistry at the University of Breslau, but he was forced...

16-year-old Jon W. Romano, 
in East Greenbush, New York, fired two rounds from a shotgun before wounding a

before wounding
before wounding

Since an armature is wound with coils of wire, a magnetic field is set up in the armature whenever a current flows in the coils. This field is at right angles to the generator field and is called cross magnetization of the armature. The effect of the armature field is to distort the generator field and shift the neutral plane.

fired two rounds from a shotgun before wounding a

before wounding
before wound ---> in a round circle

rounds from a shotgun before wounding a teacher with a third at Columbia High School. He was tackled by the assistant principal and charged with one count of attempted murder.[35][36]

fired two rounds from a shotgun before wounding a

before wounding
before wound
1 day ago
Wound rotor motors are a specialized type of AC motor and work in much the same way that other induction motors function. They consist of two main components, the outside stator, and the inside rotor, which are separated by a small air gap.

16-year-old Jon W. Romano,
in East Greenbush, New York
Fermilab's Batavia site 

What is a
Wound Rotor Motor
Mr. Moto

Fermilab's Batavia site 

What is a
Wound Rotor Motor
Mr. Moto
.... isotope atomic photographs

May 7, 2004 Randallstown, 

Pier 1 at 481 N Randall Rd, Batavia, IL 60510. Get Pier 1 can be contacted at 
Get Pier One at FermiLAB parallel RD

Pier 1 Imports 
ODDITIES from the Galapagos/Peru --->
Pier Oddity  1 ..renamed as
Pier Odd ONE
....... atomic Home Decor, Baskets ..ask FermiLAB scientist, 
China (Compare halfword instruction),

Crystal for Kathryn Stalbaum

& Lewis Carroll ..the LOOKING GLASS
(Carroll Lewis BLACK ink sentences with an ending ink DOT/Period)--->

Lewis DOT structures language of carbon .. code attachments to Glassware 

Two students were charged with a school shooting that arose from a dispute after a basketball game at Randallstown High School

advanced school  Randall Road Batavia/Chicago

Wilson Hall ..FermiLAB High School

Two students were charged with a school

. Four persons were injured, two seriously. One student was paralyzed from the waist down

One student was paral
One student was paral
One student was parallel

Piermaria Jorge Oddone 
(born March 26, 1944 in 
ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American 
theater particle physicist.

Piermaria Jorge Oddone 
(born March 26, 19
44 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a 
Peruvian-American beverage can .........carbonation
ide atoms .... CO2 data carrier molecule mass 44 --> CO2 particle 


HIs carbonation signal
..his body as a
bottle of soda/pressurized beverage
that flies out (the HAT)

Above...the PERU air  force ..explains
soda bottle molecules 

Jack Frost. 169 1 4. Soda contains carbonated water, and by shaking it, the carbon dioxide is released which generated the pressure and the soda jumps out

Above...the PERU air  force secretary 1984
Marina Santa Cruz in LIMA PERU
..explains the
fermentation & 
Carbonation BRAGGING site
of FermILAB

FermiLAB carbonation directors

Pier ODD One of Peru ..Year 1944 ....
soda bottle molecule mass 44 
Nigel Lockyer of Canada

FermiLAB carbonation directors
provide soda and potato chips
to the human SYMBOL MACHINES
FermiLAB employees that study
primordial atomic existence  

primordial: [adjective] first created or developed : primeval 1. existing in or persisting from the beginning (as of a solar system or universe). earliest formed in the growth of an individual or organ :

FermiLAB employees that study
primordial atomic existence  

their needs to have an
atomic primate STATE of MIND 

FermiLAB carbonation directors
provide soda language
for their male employee 
atomic primate STATE of MIND 
The bonobo monkey ( / bəˈnoʊboʊ, ˈbɒnəboʊ /; Pan paniscus ), 

and potato chips
(potato thought molecules -->
molecular  electron THOUGHT chips
to the human bio-computer SYMBOL MACHINE)

THUS the small/ pygmy/ dwarf potato chips map --> chi + mp --> Chimp

word alignment to--> Chimpanzee 

also historically called the pygmy chimpanzee (less often the dwarf chimpanzee or gracile chimpanzee ), is an endangered great ape and one of the two species making up the genus Pan (the other being the common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes ). [4]

and potato chips
to the human SYMBOL MACHINES

the Austin Texas set-up and murder of
bio-computer Joe Stack by the
stack computer

The Dagwood Bumstead stack computer

March 2, 2005Dover, Tennessee

14-year-old Jason Clinard killed his
 bus driver, 47-year-old Joyce Gregory, as she stopped to pick him up. Gregory had earlier reported Clinard for using snuff on the school bus. Clinard was given a life sentence.
[39] but he has since filed for post conviction relief[40]

March 2, 2005Dover, Tennessee
Publishing textbook battles

Mathematics Of all the technical areas in which we publish, Dover is most recognized for our magnificent mathematics list.

General Science Dover's impressive collection of popular science books covers technology and invention, space and time, basic machines and computers, forces and fields, chaos, biographies of Einstein and Newton, and much more.

Dover is most recognized for our 
EARTH magnetic field  magnificent mathematics list on
hematology ... 
Bio-math Fe = ferrous/iron atoms in hemoglobin  that trace
community and 
Federal errors.

Dover is most recognized for our 
EARTH magnetic field  magnificent mathematics list on
hematology ... and the
BLOOD vessel .....

EARTH magnetic field  magnificent
BLOOD flow of iron atoms
THRU-OUT the body 

The Earth magnetic THOUGHT field ..... traveling subroutine PROGRAMS 

 ...... magnetic flow lines --> FLOW into the human body  ..and interact with 
the iron/ferrous  atoms .......
and over
100 years of B100D language analysis ....... the magnetic THOUGHT field
with human interface agents produced the

Biot–Savart law

It is named after Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart, who discovered this relationship in 1820

Biology thought ---> Biot

In physics and bio-physics...

electron flow (copper wire ) 
or parallel system
Blood molecule ...electron & information flow THRU blood vessels as wires/data pipelines pipelines

Biot–Savart law is an 
Wisconsin ....Chenequa equation describing the magnetic field generated by a constant electric current

It relates the magnetic field to the magnitude, direction, length, and proximity of the electric current and agent --> Proxmire. 

The Biot–Savart law is fundamental to magnetostatics and has its own 
INTERNET IP address system,

When magnetostatics does not apply

maybe the secret bio-computer
VE  interNET
with blood veins  of 

, the Biot–Savart law should be replaced by Jefimenko's equations

The law is valid in the magnetostatic approximation battle in year 1865 at

Battle of Appomattox Court House, (April 9, 1865), one of the final battles of the American Civil War. After a weeklong flight westward from Richmond and Petersburg, Virginia, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee briefly engaged Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant before surrendering to the Union at Appomattox Court House.

Biot–Savart law

, and consistent with both Ampère's circuital law and Gauss's law for magnetism.[2] It is named after Jean-Baptiste Biot and Félix Savart, who discovered this relationship in 1820.

Electric currents
 (along a closed curve/wire)

INTERNAL bio-electronic circuits

 (along a closed curve/blood vessel )

The Biot–Savart law[3]: Sec 5-2-1  is used for computing the
magnetic field B (Blood iron)
at position 
r in
3D-space (inside the human body of Senator Stron Thurmond of South Carolina)
generated by a filamentary 
current I (for example due to a wire or blood vessel)

generated by a filamentary current 

generated by a filamentary current 

generated by a filamentary current 

On August 28, 1957..Iron-57 isotope 
Strom Thursday Thurmond Monday,

then a HG Wells
year 1895 TIME software MACHINE

year 1857 Democratic United States senator from South Carolina,


generated by a filamentary current 

began a 
filibuster intended to prevent the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

The filibuster—an extended speech designed to stall legislation—began at iron-
54 isotope time.... 
8:54 p.m.

54 p.m.

and lasted until 9:12 p.m. the following day, a duration of 24 hours and 18 minutes. 

This made the filibuster the longest single-person filibuster in United States Senate history, a record that still stands as of 2023. The filibuster focused primarily on asserting that the bill in question
..the parallel 

Biot–Savart law ...that required the Senator to talk over-time (OT)

24 hours and 18 minutes. 
The elements are arranged in seven horizontal rows, called periods or series, and 18 vertical columns, called groups

The United States Senate Page Program 

The Galapagos/ Peru 

18 vertical columns, called groups

24 hours and 18 minutes. 

 which provided for expanded federal protection of African American voting rights


14-year-old Jason Clinard killed his
 bus driver, 47-year-old Joyce Gregory, as she stopped to pick him up. Gregory had earlier reported Clinard for using snuff on the school bus. Clinard was given a life sentence.
[39] but he has since filed for post conviction relief[40

in other words

14-year-old Jason Clinard killed his
 data bus driver,
47-year-old Joyce Gregory, as she stopped to pick him up. 

Jason Cl --> JCL -->JOB control Language

Jason Cl --> James Clerk Maxwell

Jason Cl and  Joyce Gregory,

James Joyce
--> IBM assembler general register,

Jason Clinard and  Joyce Gregory,

James Joyce

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is the first novel of Irish writer James Joyce, published in 1916 in the atomic mass....
atomic communication continuum/platform
of electron shell orbital data bits ... data & instruction buses. 

published in 1916 in the atomic mass....
atomic electron project  Ze USA

1916 equation

A Künstlerroman written in a modernist style,
A Künstlerroman written in a modernist style
... transformed and activated in 
physical real reality EVENTS in Chicago
in year 1968 ...with rigged LANGUAGES of the arrogant legal and judicial systems,

Künstler     roman /ancient roman codes
  1. William Moses Kunstler (July 7, 1919 - September 4, 1995) was an American lawyer and civil rights activist, known for defending the Chicago Seven. [1]

  2. 'The Trial of the Chicago 7': Who was the real William Kunstler?
    Lawyer's love for social science disease
    city masked a hard edge

Lawyer's love for social science disease

in year 1968 BECOMES
city masked a hard edge

masked --> education
COVID-19 6 million dead

hard edge --> 

Edgewater Technology shooting - Wikipedia
On December 26, 2000, a mass shooting took place at Edgewater Technology in Wakefield, Massachusetts, United States. Michael Morgan McDermott, an application support employee, shot and killed seven of his coworkers. It is the deadliest mass shooting in Massachusetts history. [1]

A Künstlerroman written in a 
ERROR/ mistake/ problems
modernist style, 

it traces the religious and intellectual awakening
 of young
Dedalus --> Dead Dallas USA,
Joyce's fictional alter ego, 
John F  -->fictional Kennedy ,,,,,
alter ego,
whose surname alludes to Dallas --> 
Greek sorority house females

mythology  gynecology of
myoglobin pussy muscle .....
.secret SEX access code languages ..... BEDROOM
 consummate explained by Sherlock Holmes molecule movie.

1 Video 39 Photos Crime Mystery Sherlock Holmes sets out to discover why a trio of murderous villains, including a dangerously attractive female, are desperate to obtain three unassuming and inexpensive little music boxes. Director Roy William Neill Writers Leonard Lee Frank Gruber Arthur Conan Doyle Stars

little music boxes. 
little music pussy boxes.
little mus   ic boxes. 
little muscle  inter-course(ic) bed sex languages of female vagina boxes.  

14-year-old Jason Clinard killed his
 data bus driver,
 47-year-old Joyce Gregory, 

 data bus driver, 47-year-

 atomic silver Ag 47 electrons
...silver metal tuning FORK frequency 47

EARTH language
...silver metal tuning FORK frequency 47  .....

quiver vibrations
quired alignment
required alignment

the area of Arequipa Peru
silver (Ag) and gold (Au)

EARTH language
...silver metal tuning FORK frequency
47  .....


data bus driver, 47-year-
data bus driver, 47-year-

4th day of July 7th month 

4th thought legs
day(Holstein milk Dairy cow) 
..Nature's PROTEIN MACHINE government of 
4th day July.. month   7th 
4 DNA molecules with
nitrogen base of 7 protons
with year  0776
with year  1776 new phase

Thoughts of atomic mass
Thomas Job effort

Monticello ....
Molecular time cell

Monticello ....
body/brain cell time music

bus driver,
47-year-old Joyce Gregory,

data bus 
... subroutine driver, 47-year-

Sigmund Freud Museum (FM)
Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years

Frequency modulation - Wikipedia

Frequency modulation - Wikipedia

Frequency modulation - Wikipedia

wave by varying the instantaneous frequency of the wave. The technology is used in telecommunications, radio broadcasting, signal processing, and computing . In analog frequency modulation, such as radio broadcasting, of an audio signal representing voice or music, the 

FM broadcast band - Wikipedia

Nazca Lines - HISTORY

How To Etch A PCB (Printed Circuit Board) - A Beginners Guide

What is PCB Etching? 

PCB is an acronym that stands for P rinted C ircuit B oard that helps to connect active & passive electronic components with pads, tracks, and lines incorporated on a laminated copper sheet. A number of stages are involved in proper PCB fabrications which include designing, layout, routing, etching & troubleshooting.

Nazca lines

Nazca Lines - HISTORY

How To Etch A PCB (Printed Circuit Board) - How To Etch A PCA (Printed Circuit AREA) - A Beginners Guide


PCA --> Peru Circuit Area of Arequipa/ NaZca
/ NaZca agent routed to 
NaZca postal code VIA Lima Peru

Na -> North America
Z --> atomic number thinkers
ca --> TOM M Apostol 
Sartre existential .....
map alignments 
TOM M Apostol

mathematical-physics POST office

Tom M. Apostol - Wikipedia

Wien IX, Berggasse 19. This is the address where Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years before he had to flee from the Nazis in 1938. This place is known worldwide as the birthplace of psychoanalysis - it was here that Freud revolutionized the human self-image.

data bus driver, 47-year-
Gregory had earlier reported Clinard for using snuff on the school bus. Clinard was given a life sentence.[39] but he has since filed for post conviction relief

The Emily Post Institute: Etiquette Advice & Training — Emily Post Ms, Miss, or Mrs: What's the Difference? Completely revised, this edition has all the etiquette advice you need and celebrates our 
B100D time  100th anniversary. Signed copies are
  • Etiquette Articles

IBM Basic assembler language

advanced MBA life forms
(General cash

cash register
NCR 1920  Model 1064 G

had earlier reported Clinard
CL --> COMPARE logical instruction

 for using snuff on the
school data bus.

Earth Language 
code words
CuZco Peru spells Cu = copper

CliNard was given a life
CuNard ...
atomic iron/ferrous
metal ships as metal containers that collect data VIA
the CARL JUNG data collection
process from the sub-conscious & unconscious MINDS 

from the 1000 passengers and their 
Blood atomic iron language database 

VIA the EARTH magnetic field
flow lines .... data transfer VIA ferrous/ iron atoms

...from the
human blood iron --->
to the passenger ship iron metal structure ... that absorbs DATA

Cunard World Voyages Cunard has been sailing around the world for over 100 years. Join the pioneers of the world cruise in 2024 and 2025, with a choice of Grand and World Voyages that visit Asia, Australasia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, and overnight calls in cities that truly come to life after dark.

Luxury cruise vacations 2023 Luxury cruise vacations 2023 Lu   x   cruise vacations 2023 
logical unit is a device or application program by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a SNA network. 

Any device or application program that implements
LU 6.2 protocols appears as an
LU 6.2 in the network. All application programs using SNA sessions,

LU 6.2 in the network.
LU 6.2 in the network.
LU 6.2 in the network.

FALK iron gear insurance study

Post date: Mar 23, 2020 10:24:30 PM

RD-blog-number-006 by Herb Zinser

FALK iron gear insurance study

The periodic atomic table expression of ferrous oxide IRON atom.

The atomic social and economic life of the ferrous oxide atom.


The Falk iron gear factory, Milwaukee, Wisconsin natural gas data pipeline explosion on Wednesday Dec 6.2006 is explainable as an astrophysics event. The physics/ astrophysics explanations are under various headings and technical languages:

1) GUT = Grand Unified Theory

2) TOE = Time Order Entry TOE = Theory Of Everthing

3) Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD Theory

2006 Falk Corporation explosion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Sun-EARTH government of
EARTH LAB levels
...the earth geography surface people & companies
the inner EARTH atomic center core center

The Falk Corporation is a corporate company that manufactures large industrial gears, ... It is based in Menomonee River Valley, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and is owned by ... earth electron systems

The 2006 Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at the Falk Corporation facility in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on December 6, 2006. Three people were killed and forty-seven others injured. Cars were reportedly flipped through the air and debris scattered over several blocks.[1] The circumstances surrounding the disaster are being investigated. To date, the investigation has uncovered multiple leaks in a pipe running below the building at the center of the explosion, which supplied propane to the heating system for the complex. Several parties involved in the explosion have launched legal action in connection to the accident.

The Falk factory had a gas pipeline leak. The subsequent natural gas explosion caused over $100 million in property damage and 3 employee deaths. The casualty insurance reports and government accident reports give a description of the most directly observable factors of the astrophysics catastrophe. The reports provide an accurate database for sophisticated analysis. Advanced algorithms and specialty techniques uncover fundamental components of the event: the CAUSE --> EFFECT chains leading up to the event. PROJECT PLAN Z explanations of the Falk accident are important to the world-wide insurance industry. They need an up-to-date actuarial database that reflects quantum reality; so they can properly price the QUANTUM RISK component of an accident.

The BLOG titled " The IRON LADY - Margaret Thatcher" contains a reference to FALK iron gear, the Falk relationship to COMPUTER EARTH and the I/O PORT of Milwaukee errors. The BLOG and WEB-SITE section "Puzzles and Riddles' contains a reference to the FALKLAND Islands WAR. These are clues, intertwined in a string theory physics network; eventually these small partial clues add together --> and accumulate to give insight to the quantum structure of MOTHER NATURE and an accident/war event like Falk.

Let's look at the BLOG clues............

FALKLAND ISLANDS and FALK manufacturing island in Milwaukee.

1982 FALKLAND Islands WAR - the IRON LADY

2006 FALK Milwaukee,Wis. ---- the IRON GEAR

The 26 protons of iron sent an explict message to industry in YEAR 26 = year 2006. The iron core COMPUTER EARTH geology event components are:

Base 16 Hex'FA' 1K data stream for the I/O computer PORT of Milwaukee experienced failures--> failure to upgrade city of Milwaukee to the YEAR 2000 STANDARD MODEL physics requirements of Y 2K --> 2K data stream ability.

Hex'FA' = 250 at Falk iron gear.

The event

of Wednesday December 6.2006 involved SYSTEM 370

Logical Unit = = = > LU 6.2 data stream gas data pipeline error.

The Falk casualty insurance reports are INCOMPLETE; when viewed from GRAND UNIFIED THEORY of physics.

Falk iron gear is a subset of a very complex battle on PLANET EARTH. Several other empirical data components are involved; pieces of an interesting puzzle. Authors,scientists, iron engineers, curious serious individuals, Milwaukee universities, and insurance companies could help me take the collected data and formulate an official Falk theory/model of this new insurable accident FORMAT--> and write the more comprehensive picture of this Falk event.

Thus we repeat ….


1982 FALKLAND Islands WAR - the IRON LADY

2006 FALK Milwaukee,Wis. ---- the IRON GEAR

History repeats itself, the parallel version Milwaukee FALK lands

..... iron gear factory island war / fire.

The 26 protons of iron sent an explicit message to industry in

YEAR 26 = year 2006. The iron core COMPUTER EARTH geology event components are:

Base 16 Hex'FA' 1K data stream for the I/O computer PORT of Milwaukee experienced failures --> failure to upgrade city of Milwaukee to the YEAR 2000 STANDARD MODEL physics requirements of Y 2K --> 2K data stream ability. Hex'FA' = 250 at Falk iron gear.

The event

of Wednesday December 6.2006 involved SYSTEM 370

Logical Unit -----> LU 6.2 data stream gas data pipeline error.

Above ……

...bovine (4-legged Holstein milk dairy cow …..

COMPUTER EARTH bio-computer animal network LINK to the

HOLY COW of INDIA sub-continent ……

Nature’s COMPUTER SYSTEM named

KIPLING & KIP S Thorne …..

KIP = K IP address of Kashmir India Pakistan ) …...


mir → mirror

COMPUTER EARTH system s LUb -->Lub → Lutheran home named Bethesda. Watertown Wisconsin …….

Holstein dairy farm for

feeble minded workers

About The

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

- The Lutheran ... › about

We’re glad you want to know more about The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. ... The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod (LCMS) is a denomination that confesses the historic, orthodox Christian faith, a faith built on “ the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Lu ……………………. Miss…… Sy..nod

Lu = Logical Unit

Miss = Management information social systems

Sy….. noD ---> System Nodes

(language and software nodes)

SyNod --> System NODE

Node Manager Overview - Oracle Help Center › middleware › wls › NODEM › overview

Node Manager is a WebLogic Server utility that enables you to start, shut down, and restart Administration Server and Managed Server instances from a remote location. Although Node Manager is optional, it is recommended if your WebLogic Server environment hosts applications with high availability requirements.

What is Node Manager Different Types of Node | Interview Q ... › weblogic tutorial

Node Manager is a WebLogic Server utility that enables you to start, shut down, and restart Administration Server and Managed Server instances from a remote ...

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Lu ……………………. Miss…… Sy..nod

Lu = Logical Unit

Miss = Management information social systems

Sy….. noD ---> System Nodes

(language and software nodes)

The Falk casualty insurance reports are INCOMPLETE;

when viewed from GRAND UNIFIED THEORY of physics

And COMPUTER EARTH …. LU6.2 English language nouns,

proper nouns, concepts system connections with

EVENTS per Stephen Hawking theory and book explanations.

July 18, 2005
Newark, New Jersey

Newark, New Jersey

Newark electronics

July 18, 2005


of light c = 180,000

18, 2005--> 2 components

c = 180,000 carrier speed
add ...6,000 MPS

,,,the traveling optical SYMBOL LIFE
city of
6,000 years of religion & graphic arts symbols

Newark, New Jersey

Newark, New Jersey(e)

After breaking up a fight between a group of youths at Weequahic High School, Special Officer Dwayne Reeves was shot and killed and his partner wounded in the hand by two men who pulled up alongside him in a car. Despite being wounded, Officer Reeves' partner was able to return fire and hit one of the suspects in the stomach. The gunman was convicted of manslaughter and in 2007 was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

in other words 

After breaking up a fight between a group of youths at Weequahic High School

wave equation
hierarchy battle 


After breaking up a fight between a group of youths at Weequahic High School

Special Officer
Special Officer

Feb 1, 2022
Albert Einstein 's 1905 theory of special relativity is one of the most important papers ever published in the
field of physics and bio-physics. Special relativity is an explanation of how speed affects.... brain processor speed

Special relativity was described by Albert Einstein blood iron atoms with
26 protons with
26 atomic alphabet letters in a paper published on
26 September 1905 titled

"On the Electrodynamics of vertical
Moving Female Ferrous/iron atom Bodies".

BEDROOM horizontal    bio-physics
"On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". 

atomic iron metal passenger ships
"On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". 

[p 1] Maxwell's equations of 
Sun-light electromagnetism
and sequential processing
(Herbert Spencer

appeared to be
re- packaged / re-formated

into the 
Maxwell House coffee equation

Maxwell House coffee equation
..IBM base 16 code Hex'ff' = 255

..IBM base 16 code Hex'ee' = 238
LINK to uranium atomic mass 238

incompatible with Newtonian mechanics, and the Michelson-Morley null result failed to detect the 

th's legal motion against the
hypothesized (hypnotized) lumin...

Special Officer
Dwayne Ree
ves (vector space)
was shot and killed and his partner wounded in the hand by two men 

Saginaw Michigan (silver)
August 2005 (gold)


Apr 17, 2023
April 17, 2023, 1:46 PM ET Saved Stories "As I imagine it," Carl Sagan once said, "there will be a multilayered message. 

First there is
 a beacon (Wisconsin),

an announcement signal,

Merchant of Venice Summary provides a quick review of the
play's (cemetery) plot ............ as a Source DATABASE .............)including every
rtant action in the play. 
Merchant of Venice Summary is divided by the five acts of the play and is an ideal introduction before reading the original text.
 The play famous for the expression "an ounce  of flesh" and the lines, "If you prick us, do we not ...

First there is
 a beacon (Wisconsin),

an announcement signal,

 something that says,...

Why Does Contact Say So Much About God?

Carl Sagan’s novel is an unexpected lesson in faith.

abstract orange circle with blue center with a scanner
Illustration by The Atlantic

“As I imagine it,” Carl Sagan once said, “there will be a multilayered message.

First there is a beacon,
an announcement signal,
something that says, 
Pay attention
his is not some natural astronomical phenomenon. This is a signal from intelligent beings 

Then, the next layer is one that says, This message is directed specifically to you guys on Earth. It isn’t directed to anybody else. 

And the third part of the message is the real content, which is a very complex set of data in a new language, which is also explained.”

He was describing his SYMBOL & CONCEPT machine ... novel,


to Du
Page County..Chicago area

IBM system 370, 
a 370-or-so-page answer, 

370-or-so-page answer, 

370-or-so-page answer of year 1938
Orson Wells for

Robert FKennedy
Robert Francis Kennedy (November 20, 1925 - June 6, 1968), also known by his initials RFK and by the nickname Bobby, [1] [2] was an American politician and lawyer
He served as the 64th United States attorney general from January 1961 to September 1964, and as a U.S. senator from New York from January 1965 until his ..

Robert F. Kennedy  (RFK)..
Radio Frequency K (RFK) ,,, bio-radio

He served as the 
bio-electron doubleword 32 + 32 = 64
United States attorney general
United States att

(brain neuro-science company 

AT&T Corporation (with "AT&T" being an abbreviation for its former name, the American Telephone and 
Telegraph Company)

 attorney equation 
ATT o (open mouth)  or(oral /verbal talk of EAR people)

ne (needs)  ....ey (serious eye people)

K + channels are critical in regulation of neuronal excitability, axonal conduction, and neurotransmitter release. 1,3-6,8,9
They also have a major role in control of the heart rate and excitability, epithelial electrolyte transport, cell volume regulation, and smooth muscle contraction.

code ... 
Fake --> Fa + ke(y) --> Family Kennedy

literally or in spirit, to every question we can ask about how finding alien intelligence might go. 

August 2005

Saginaw, atoMic Michigan
At Arthur Hill High School, a drive-by shooter fired three shots from a shotgun and blew out the back window of car in the school parking lot after school let out.[4

Earth Language

At Arthur Hill High School,
At Arthur Hill High School,
At Arthur H   & Hill (Groth) 
Watertown High school 1930

At Arthur Hill High School,
At Arthur Hill High School,
At Arthur Hintz (by horseback) 
Hilmer (Groth)
farm kids..go to high school
take West Street /Sommerfield Hill
into Watertown year think 1930

At Arthur Hill High School, a drive-by shooter fired three shots ........
Arthur Hintz at 216 S 3rd Street Watertown



1 day agoSAGINAW, Mich. (WJRT) - A Saginaw Arthur Hill student-athlete is shot and killed and as police search for suspects,

friday friends wonder why this happened. It was late Tuesday night when TIME police...

The Time Machine is a traveling software machine science fiction novella by H. G. Wells,
published in  1895.

The work is generally credited with the popularization of the concept of 
time travel by using a vehicle or device to travel purposely and selectively forward or backward through time.

in other words (high school senior or college freshman ...history textbook)

The work  is  ,,,,World  History
 600 to 800 pages .......
generally credited with the popularization of the

concept of time travel
(VIA a WORLD history text book)

by using a vehicle or
(Book pages) 
to travel purposely and
selectively forward (select a page 600 forward is recent events ,,,year 1900 to 2023)
or backward through time
(ancient Egypt time
. around page 15
,,the front of the BOOK

Friday, Tuesday, Thursday --->

friday friends wonder why this happened. It was late Tuesday night when TIME police...
Arthur thursday Hill
athlete killed in
Tuesday night shooting ...

Nature's systemscreated the EVENT and itsDATABASE

Saginaw Arthur Hill
student-athlete killed in
Tuesday night shooting ...

philosophy battle ...secret color code & letter 

In a sentence,
the Objectivist ethics holds that
human sacrifice in
Vietmanese WAR (1970) and Ukraine/Russian immoral—

and that each person should

Why Do We SayWhy Do We Write 'Have a Chip on
Your Shoulder'? - Mental Floss

Nov 17, 2021When it comes to phrases about chips and/or shoulderschip on your shoulder falls somewhere between chip off the old block —which is often used as a compliment—and cold shoulder, which is...
pursue his own life-serving values and respect the rights of others to do the same. 

This moral principle 
This moral principle 
This moral principle
M-orbitals data bits

Hari Seldon is a SYMBOL/CONCEPT life character in Isaac Asimov 's Foundation series.
In his capa
city as mathematics professor at Streeling University on the planet Trantor, 

planet Trantor, 
planet Trantor, 
project  planet Trantor, 
project  plan     et Trantor, 
project  plan     eat Tran       tor, 

Saginaw Arthur Hill
student-athlete killed in
Tuesday night shooting ...

philosophy battle ...secret code

In a sentence,
the Objectivist ethics holds that
human sacrifice in
Vietmanese WAR (1970) and Ukraine/Russian immoral—

and that each person should

Why Do We SayWhy Do We Write 'Have a Chip on
Your Shoulder'? - Mental Floss

Nov 17, 2021When it comes to phrases about chips and/or shoulderschip on your shoulder falls somewhere between chip off the old block —which is often used as a compliment—and cold shoulder, which is...
pursue his own life-serving values and respect the rights of others to do the same. 

This moral principle 
This moral principle 
This moral principle
M-orbitals data bits

Hari Seldon is a living  language SYMBOL/CONCEPT  life character in Isaac Asimov 's 

NATO took the lead of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) 

Security (urination)
Assistance (piece of ass dance)

Force (ISAF)

in Afghanistan on sku11 11 August 2003. Mandated by the United Nations, ISAF’s primary objective

ISAF shifted from a combat-centric role to training, advising and assisting............
the Jules V-section Verne ....
Journey to the EARTH atomic center core...
 combat-centric role center BATTLE ZONE.

In his capacity as mathematics professor at Streeling University on the planet Trantor, 

planet Trantor, 
planet Trantor, 
project  planet Trantor, 
project  plan     et Tran       tor, 
project  plan  CREATE the SLA and Patty Hearst kidnapping ..BLOG ping event

to have WORD gestalt completion

Translator - definition of
Hearst, Patty
H   Patty -->

Pattaya - Thai Porn Hd

slim thai beautiful girl massaged

and fucked in happy ending atomic massage

translator. ( trænsˈleɪtə; trænz-) n.
1. a person or machine that translates speech or writing.

2. (Broadcasting) radio a relay transmitter that retransmits a signal on a carrier frequency different from that on which it was received.

3. (Computer Science) computing a computer program that converts a program from one language to another.

Seldon develops psychohistory WAR
at Virginia TECH(O)

Seung-Hui Cho ( Korean: 조승희, properly Cho Seung-hui; [3] January 18, 1984 - April 16, 2007) was a South Korean mass murderer responsible for the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007. Cho killed 32 people and wounded 17 others with two semi-automatic pistols on April 16, 2007, at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

an algorithmic science that allows him to predict the future in probabilistic terms.

was first derived by Aristotle and refined for modern minds by Napoleon Hill in his book Think & Grow Rich and soon after Ayn Rand in her novels in the 1950′s particularly Atlas Shrugged.

SAGINAW, Mich. (WJRT) - A Saginaw Arthur Hill student-athlete is shot and killed and as police search for suspects, friends wonder why this happened.

It was late Tuesday night when police were called to a Buena Vista Township neighborhood for a shooting.

When they arrived, they found a teenager had been shot multiple times.

The victim was 18-year-old Mazzie Rudison,

Madison Wisconsin

  18-year-old implies H2O
water molecule mass 18 ..Watertown

 who police say just hours earlier had attended a football practice, getting ready for his senior year.

Now police are trying to find out who killed him.

"He was the little brother I never had,"
Evan Booker, a friend of Mazzie Rudison's.

atomic physics BOOK

Rudison--> code name
Rudison--> information systems
Rud --> Rudy Miksa Saginaw and Monroe Louisiana ... cellulose paper industry
equipment and supplies

Rudison was a standout basketball and football player (P   layer --> processing layer)
who attended 

blood arteries  education 

Arthur Hill High School........

death.....blood arteries education hurts.

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Book 1645-049 Tom M Apostol --> the set-up and murder of Travis Zoellick by the University of Wisconsin and Green Bay Packers FOOTBALL

    Book 1645-049 by Herb Zinser  Tom  M Ap ostol  --> Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company › Sci...