Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Book 1645-041 Tom M Apostol --> Martin Luther 95 thesis and Diet of Worms, the TIME SHIP HMS Beagle, The HG Wells TIME software MACHINE VS the Federal ..DEATH ...... Death TIME Projection Chamber

Book 1645-041  by Herb Zinser

Tom M Apostol  --> 

Tom M Apostol  

--> T + om Map -->TIME 

Order of Merit (OM = Oxygen Molecule) MAP

Bertrand Arthur thursday William Russell,
 3rd Earl 
Russell, OM, FRS [66] (18 May 1872 - 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philosopher, logician, and public intellectual.

...and is restricted to a maximum of
24 living recipients ...
the axiom of existence of TIME and the 24 hour clock Frame of Reference System(FRS)  

from the Commonwealth real reality realms, plus a limited number of
orary ordinary differential equation  members.[1][2]


While all members are awarded the right to use the Tom M POSTol .....post-nominal letters OM and wear the earth language badge of the order,[3] the Order of Merit's precedence among other

TIME systems of atomic marble bank lobby counters that MARK my WORDS

and absorb data using Markov chains,

cotton THOUGHT molecule languages of cotton panties and male shirts & pants .....

the Order of Merit's precedence among other

hours --> on PLANET Earth
 ..ancient inter
NETs and their separate times

honours differs between existence groups/counties ....

music countries/styles,
merchandise fashion codes, and apartment building countries ,,, 

that exist in/upon.. earth physical  geography countries as HARDWARE platforms.


In around 1773, 
Geography &

Geological underground logic levels 

Geo --> George III considered establishing an order of knighthood to be called the
"Order of 
Minerva" with membership restricted to 24 distinguished
arteries software language 

of artists ...... that

their hidden BIOLOGY social language

visible optical art paint/canvas.

audio nerve music,

visible words/nouns and a few BLACK & WHITE sketches of people ..literature, 

building architecture such as the 

Singer Building in NYC

...... artists and authors--> create horror shootings and wars/conflict  ....
and  gun bullets/ machine guns ...
 as paint brushes
...with bullets as drops of paint 
arteries information FLOW.

Tom M Apostol  

--> T + om Map -->TIME OM MAP.....

the mathematical-physics surface of 

earth land ...math TIME  battles

for Ix = Ixonia

and Ocon
omowoc Wisconsin X ...
sin wave 

Chenequa equation region

The Ninety-five (95) Theses 
number 90 subtract 5 = 85 
Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences[a] is a list of propositions for an academic disputation written in 1517 by Martin Luther, then an atomic proton
of iron
Fe ..liFe .... professor of moral theology at the University of Ed Wittenberg, Germany

Martin Luther 95 thesis and Diet of Worms,

the Charles Darwin TIME SHIP ...
 HMS Beagle,

the HG Wells year 1895  TIME software MACHINE 

the Federal science DEATH needs ....
for more cadavers for their BOOK of the DEAD project
.... and
 grave wormhole MODELS  

of atomic coffin DATABASES 

 ..and DEATH ...... Death TIME Projection Chamber 

Time Projection Chamber (TPC) i
s a device for measuring the energy loss
and tracks of charged particles inside of a gas (inside the city of Las VeGas). 

As charged particles (credit card charges at casinos & hotels) 

(like protons, alpha particles  & alphabet newspaper articles .....
and heavy ions) pass through a medium like a gas(the Las Vegas medium)

 , they lose energy and produce a trail 

produce a Ho Chi Minh trail 

of electrons along their path.

produce a  Ho Chi Minh trail 
produce a  Ho Chi Minh trail 
produce a  Ho-Chu mind trail   is a
ve Vietnam  American casino node (sin wave node)

located in 
Madison, Wisconsin ode --> node with ODE
In wrestling mat --> mathematics, an ordinary differential equation ( ODE) 

is a differential 
equation (DE) dependent on only a single independent variable..such as Jill Biden of DE --> Delaware and her 
University of Delaware (universe of differential equations) for a doctoral degree in
differential  ...... education VS Cat Woman.

Whi is Jill Biden of DE --> Delaware 

As with other DE,(her Delaware MODEL) its unknown (s) consists of one (or more) function (s) and involves the derivatives of those functions. [1]

Using an elec
tric(K) field (which is produced by a set

Tom M Apostol  --> 

Galapagos Islands/ Chile / Peru 

Charles Darwin .. year 1835 ...TIME ship
(HMS Beagle -->..Hour Minutes Seconds
 BASE of consciousness /aware .....
 serious THOUGHT processes and deliberation ....

based upon empirical
EARTH LAB physical data and social data)

Charles Darwin 
(by human data touch and walking on 


in the
Pacific Ocean /Andes Mountains....

South American geography land region

of quiver vibration......
intellectual subroutine LIFE FORMS with an
code name identity --> qui --> Mr.Qui

known to Ludwig Boltzman as
entropy subroutine LANGUAGE life forms 
...such as office building atomic walls,

bank lobby atomic
marble stone counters
that absorb data from human customers TOUCH .....using
Markov data ..electron  s-orbital absorption  chains of probability,

cotton THOUGH molecules and their
clothes ... color and pattern  languages

South American geography land region

of quiver vibration......
intellectual subroutine LIFE FORMS with an 
code name identity --> qui --> Mr.Qui

in the geography surface 
of requirements ....life forms
expression & communication region of

building wall quivers,
bedroom sex
quivers, etc 

AREA OF Requirements of QUIVER life and its words --> to human information carriers -->
AR + Re +
qui + particles -->

Arequipa (central city within the larger
ancient quiver lanquage).

Coquimbo Chile ..Arequipa to Quito

Below, Isla Taquila

Quechua: Taquile (Spanish: Isla de Taquile, pronounced [ˈisla ðe taˈkile]; Quechua: Intika) is an island on the Peruvian side of Lake Titicaca 45 km offshore from the city of Puno 2 above sea level and the main village is at 3,950 metres (12,959 feet). The inhabitants, known as Taquileños (quiver oscillators at the Office of Science),

 speak Steven
Chu ,,,,, Puno Quechua

Machu Picchu is a 15th-century Inca citadel located in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Peru on a 2,430-meter (7,970 ft) mountain ridge

Earth surface ....
software words 
Eastern Cordillera 

Earth center core

Often referred to as the "Lost City of the Incas", it is the most familiar icon of the Inca Empire.

Machu Picchu Picture of Chu

Dr. Steven Chu served as the Secretary of Energy from

SriniVasa RamanuJan January 21, 2009, to April 22, 2013.

Dr. Ma
Chu PicChu was charged with helping implement
atomic social science
President O (Oddone) and his
public relations (PR) alias
O (Obama) for Nature;s
BIG O (Lake Okeechobee) project with
Zbigniew   Kazimierz Brzeziński for
Karl Zinser

Machu Picchu Picture of Chu

Dr. Steven Chu served as the 
secret LINK Secretary of Energy from
 In 2005, 

secret code LINK 
Qipao, also known as cheongsam (旗袍) in Cantonese, is a one-piece Chinese dress that has its origins in Manchu-ruled China back in the 17th century. The style of the qipao has evolved over the decades and is still worn today. Cheongsam History

"Taquile and Its transactional analysis BOOKS...

Thus Charles Darwin (and the others on the HMS BEAGLE)  and his presence / human hand finger touch and bi-directional data transfer BETWEEN him and the quiver continuum
(furniture, restaurant table ..as atomic quiver SYMBOL TABLES tables.....with clay pottery/ china dinner plates and
atomic metal forks ..as tuning forks) 

Advanced IQ test on existence

Iquique ( Spanish pronunciation: [iˈkike]) is a port city and commune in northern Chile, capital of both the Iquique Province and Tarapacá Region. It lies on the Pacific coast, west of the Pampa del Tamarugal, which is part of the Atacama Desert. It has a population of 191,468 according to the 2017 census. [2]

Valparaiso Chile
parallel isosceles triangle continuum

to Valparaiso University

Chicago Illinois  to Indiana

Resident of Santa Cruz California and
Santa Cruz Island ....
Galapagos atomic languages 

 On Friday, April 19th, 2019, Malcolm Herbert Mac Gregor, loving husband to Eleanor D. 
Mac Gregor, passed away at nearly 93-years of age. Malcolm was born on 
April 24, 1929, in Detroit, atoMic Michigan

The Charles Darwin
IP .......

a traveling IP address space

LOCATES parallel code name ....

land IP address space

Area of Arequipa --> 

Pier Oddone asks

An IP address is analogous to a street address or telephone number in that it is used to uniquely identify an entity. Dotted Decimals

The traditional IP Address (known as IPv4) uses a 32-bit number to represent an IP address, and it defines both network and host address.

land IP address space

Area of Quito ,,,,,Arequipa Oddone --> 


Pier Oddone asks

Qipao, also known as cheongsam (旗袍) in Cantonese, is a one-piece Chinese dress that
one-piece Chicago Chinese 

 has its origins in Manchu-ruled Chicago China 

Pier Oddone explains his bio-computer and geo-computer heritage .... and its relationship with Nature's communication systems ,,starting with COMPUTER EARTH 

The traditional IP Address in
ipa Peru in year 1944

The Charles Darwin
IP .......

a traveling IP address space

LOCATES parallel code name ....

land IP address space

Area of Arequipa --> 

quiver/vibration  subroutine DRIVER

..... Nature's
information D
river --> D
ata river/ ROC

..... Nature's
information D
river --> D
ata river/ ROC

..... Nature's
information D
river --> 

quiver region ....Data river/  ROC 

at Area of Arequipa

thus construction of a human
proper noun / name 
DRiver ROC IBM data definition (DD) -->
1 (use number one in a name)

THUS ... DR.OC (region of Convergence)

DR. ODD1 --> DR,ODDone 

Thus the SI Hayakawa quiver ladder of
West Coast  of  South America

Barranquilla Columbia (north)

Quito Ecuador (north)

Guayaquil Ecuador

quitos Peru

Arequipa Peru

Iquique  Chile, 

Coquimbo Chile (south)

Thus the SI Hayakawa quiver abstraction ladder of the West Coast  of  South America

SELECTION by Nature's .....
os(Office of Science) 

thus his SYMBOL LIFE  path ...

as human living within the
LARGE atomic quantum wave mechanics continuum/ platform 

LIVING in a 
special wave/content  FORMAT

...such as the year 1826

Quiver cybernetics Adams 

and South America

vertical channel of WORDS of
quiver/vibration interface cities 

..as I/O PORTS to the 

unique existence /life of quiver THOUGHT & FEELING continuum of atomic apartment buildings, atomic furniture language ....
...that interfaces  WITH humanoids

and West Coast of South America

Earth Language,,,

West Coast of South America


the vertical PORT ....

ports with  quiver  city names

South America name pointers

with the SELECTED human oddity from Arequipa .... to be routed  per

Robert Wilson atoms (RWA)

THUS,,, Pier Oddone ... propelled to NORTH AMERICA by the South American
vertical column of CITIES and their quiver forces& the POWER of WORDS 

propel: [verb] to drive forward or onward by or as if by means of a psychological force
that imparts motion.

Barranquilla Columbia (north)--> Batavia

array/region of Randall Road

Pier 1 Imports  Home Decor, Baskets, China, Crystal & Glassware atomic life forms using
quiver/touch and look languages

Pier 1 Imports .....
human EARTH LAB specimen
 from Galapagos/Peru city of Arequipa 
POWER of WORDS & Names

Pier 1 Imports .....imports Pier One

Pier 1 Imports .....imports odd integers 1,3,5,7

used by atomic
1(one), 3(three) ,  5, 7 

Pier 1 Imports .....imports Pier ODD One

Quito Ecuador (north)
--> Theory of Everything

Guayaquil Ecuador
--> cu = copper atom

quitos Peru--> periodic atomic table site

Arequipa Peru --> uranium site

Iquique  Chile --> to illinois

Coquimbo Chile (south) --> to Chicago

Dr. Oddone was a member of the team that developed the first Time Projection Chamber (TPC). This technology was subsequently used for many particle and nuclear physics experiments. He led the TPC collaboration from 1984 to 1987.

  1. Advertisement Personal Values, 1952 by Rene Magritte Courtesy of www.ReneMagritte.org Although he is often grouped with Surrealists such as Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, and Yves Tanguy, Magritte took a somewhat different approach to painting. Rather than creating fantasy imagery, he evoked the strangeness and ambiguity latent in reality.
  2. Personal Values
  3. Per ........  Val
  4. Periodic atomic table --> Valence  Values,,
uses a combination 
uses a combi    nation 
uses a comb     interface       nation 
  1. Prince Valiant in the Days of King Arthur, often simply called Prince Valiant, is an American comic strip created by
    Hal Foster in 1937.

     It is an epic adventure that has told a continuous story during its entire history, and the full stretch of that story now totals more than 4000 Sunday strips.

    of electric(K) fields and magnetic fields together 
  2. at Marshal Fields retail department store
    on State Street in the  Chicago LOOP ..
  3. a feedback LOOP systems

  4. with a sensitive volume of gas (Las VeGas)
  5. or liquid (Mouth orfice hole with
    liquid alcohol) uid )
    to perform a
    reconstruction of a particle trajectory or interaction.
    The original design of the Singer building in New York City [ edit]

The Singer Building (also known as the Singer Tower)[a] was an office building and early skyscraper in Manhattan, New York City. The headquarters of the Singer Manufacturing Company, was at the northwestern corner of Liberty Street and Broadway in the Financial District of Lower ManhattanFrederick Gilbert Bourne, leader of the Singer Company, commissioned the building, which architect Ernest Flagg designed in multiple phases from 1897 to 1908. The building's architecture contained elements of the Beaux-Arts and French Second Empire styles.

The building was composed of four distinct sections. The original 10-story Singer Building at 149 Broadway was erected between 1897 and 1898, and the adjoining 14-story Bourne Building on Liberty Street was built from 1898 to 1899. In the first decade of the 20th century, the two buildings were expanded to form the 14-story base of the Singer Tower, which rose another 27 stories. The facade was made of brick, stone, and terracotta. A dome with a lantern capped the tower. The foundation of the tower was excavated using caissons; the building's base rested on shallower foundations. The Singer Building used a steel skeleton, though load-bearing walls initially supported the original structure before modification. When completed, the 41-story building had a marble-clad entrance lobby, 16 elevators, 410,000 square feet (38,000 m2) of office space, and an observation deck.

With a roof height of 612 feet (187 m), the Singer Tower was the tallest building in the world from 1908 to 1909, when it was surpassed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower. The base occupied the building's entire land lot; the tower's floors took up just one-sixth of that area. Despite being regarded as a city icon, the Singer Building was razed between 1967 and 1969 to make way for One Liberty Plaza, which had several times more office space than the Singer Tower. 

At the time of its destruction, the Singer Building was the tallest building ever to be demolished.

Singer Building was razed between 1967

Sinai Peninsula was razed between 1967

  1. Background On 22 May 1967, President Nasser addressed his pilots at Bir Gifgafa Airfield in Sinai: "The Jews are threatening war—we say to them ahlan wa-sahlan (welcome)!" [41]

The Singer Building
thought & feeling FIELD...
 number 667 war
--> year 1300 + 667 --> year 1967
played out in the Sinai with
Egypt and Israel

At the time of its destruction, the Singer Building was the tallest building ever to be demolished.

events of up to 20
events of up to 20
events of up to 20 (Twenty)

  1. construction of events of up to 20 amish amino particles

  2. On October 2, 2006, a shooting occurred at the West Nickel Mines School,

    1. October 2, 2006
    2. October 2, 2006 --> code
  3. O 2, 2006
  4. Oxygen 2 atoms --> 1 oxygen molocule 

  5. an Amish one-room molecule education
  6. site ..... schoolhouse ,,,,,
  7. the  one-room 
  8. amino molecule school house

  1. in the Old Order Amish ......OXYGEN molecule (O + O --> O2) life forms with human LUNGS .....
    community of Nickel Mines,
    a village in
    Bart (Bart Simpson cartoons) Township,

  2.  Lancaster (theater) County, Pennsylvania.
  3. [1] Lancaster ,,,,drew the attention of a Hollywood agent. His breakthrough role was the film noir The Killers in 1946 alongside Ava Gardner.

    Every normal human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes,
    for a total of 46 chromosomes BATTLE at the Amisk school.

    A trait is any 
    gene-determined characteristic and is often determined by more than one gene. Some traits are caused by mutated genes (Gene Siskel) 

    Eugene Kal Siskel 
    (January 26, 1946 chromosomes-
     February 20, 1999) was an American film critic and journalist for the Chicago Tribune. He is best known for co-hosting various movie review television series with colleague Roger Ebert. [1] 
    Siskel started writing for the
    Chicago Chicken intellectual brain Tribune in 1969, becoming its film critic soon after for the afterlife DIMENSION .

    Burt Lancaster landed ,,,,The Killers in 1946 

    A critical success, it launched both of their careers into the future time ---> to 
    October 2, 2006 .....the Lancaster Pennsylvania, Lancaster molecule movie shooting

  4. .The time projection chamber (TPC)
  5. It was intended to provide 3D information for tracking and momentum measurement

  6. 3D information for Rail-road tracking and momentum  ..to create de-railments
  7. 3D information for Rail-road track

  1.  together with particle identification by multiple ionization sampling, in a compact detector. This powerful ...

Amish school DATA generating  EVENT
Charles Roberts IV, (December 7, 1973 – October 2, 2006), thirty two years of age,

October 2, 2006), age thirty two

O2 oxygen molecule atomic mass 32

Old Order Amish letter equation

Roberts backed a pickup truck to the front of the Amish schoolhouse and entered it at approximately 10:25 a.m.
EDT, soon after the children had returned from recess.

He asked the teacher,

ma (electro-magnetic field Map
ook (oxygen + oxygen), and the students if they had seen a missinclevis pin on the road. 

missing --> ssin --> Solar system instruction


Charles Roberts IV, (December 7, 1973 – October 2, 2006), thirty two years of age, was a milk tanker truck driver who served several Amish farms in the Nickel Mines area (including some of the victims' families).

Last month, scientists on the
atoMic --> MicroB
ooNE -> base oo --> EARTH Oxygen battles with
Bat --> batavia ......
newspaper ...tragic signaling DATABASES

a device that,
at the size of a school bus,
at the size of a school data bus,
at the size of a Amish school house ,
at the size of a Am(atomic mass) school house ,

Last month, scientists on the
atoMic --> MicroB
ooNE -> base oo --> EARTH Oxygen battles create data

  1. On October 2, 2006, a shooting occurred at the West Nickel Mines School,

    1. October 2, 2006
    2. October 2, 2006 --> code
  2. O 2, 2006
  3. Oxygen 2 atoms --> 1 oxygen molecule 

Amish school DATA generating  EVENT
Charles Roberts IV, (December 7, 1973 – October 2, 2006), thirty two years of age,

October 2, 2006), age thirty two

O2 oxygen molecule atomic mass 32

Old Order Amish letter equation

He asked the teacher,

ma (electro-magnetic field Map
ook (oxygen + oxygen),

EARTH bio-computer software programs
that travel ......VIA society

He asked the teacher, Emma Mae Zook,

Feedback systems code Z00K --> K Zoo

time projection chamber is a detector technology employed in high energy particle physics that can determine the (x,y,z) position of an event within it with incredible accuracy. The chamber, usually built as a cylinder, is filled with some ionizing medium. In the case of LUX, that material is liquid xenon.

A time projection chamber is a detector technology employed
 in high energy GUN BULLET particle physics that can determine the (x,y,z) position of an event within it with incredible accuracy.

Sandy Hook elementary physics school
...... high energy particle physics TOOL

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States,
when 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and
killed 26 people in the atomic number 26

battle with
Fe = Ferrous/iron atom communication problems of the 
Fe = Federal government ERRORS &
Fe = FermiLAB approval of those Margaret Mead atomic social science ERRORS

Sandy Hook
killed 26 people in the atomic number 26

Runway 26 Lexicon Kentucky airport
killed 49 people in the atomic number 26

Run 26 miles
in Boston April 15,2013
killed 03 people in the atomic number 26

Fe = Ferrous/iron atom communication problems of the 
Fe = Federal government DEATH SENTENCE ERRORS &
Fe = FermiLAB approval of murder,,,,,

On May 18, 2018, a school shooting occurred at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, United States, in the Houston metropolitan area. Ten people - eight students and two teachers - were fatally shot, and thirteen others were wounded. [1] [2] Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a 17-year-old student at the school, was taken into custody.

Kayla Renee Rolland
(May 12, 1993 - February 29, 2000) was an American six-year-old girl from
 Mount Morris Township, 
Mic Michigan,
who was fatally shot on
atomic number 26 message day .....
20 + six = 26 
February 29, 2000 
by a
six-year-old male classmate at Buell Elementary School in the Beecher Community School District.

atomic number 26 message day .....
20 + six = 26 atomic iron math battle
math series   ix 

At Buell Elementary School,
6-year-old boy fatally shot
girl classmate Kayla Rolland.


On May 26, 2000, the last day of the 1999-2000 school year, Brazill—a seventh grade student—shot and killed Barry Grunow, an English teacher at Lake Worth Middle School in Lake Worth, Florida. After being sent home from school earlier that day for throwing a water balloon, Brazill had returned home, retrieved a .25-caliber handgun, and shot Grunow..... the battle over

George Gamow (born Georgiy Antonovich Gamov (Ukrainian: Георгій Антонович Га́мов, Russian: Георгий Антонович Гамов); March 4, 1904 - August 19, 1968) was a Soviet and American polymath, theoretical physicist and cosmologist.He was an early advocate and developer of Lemaître's Big Bang theory.He discovered a theoretical explanation of alpha decay by ...

Alpha particles were first described in the investigations of radioactivity by
 Ernest Rutherford in 1899, and by 1907 they were identified as He 2+ ions.

By 1928, George Gamow had solved the theory of alpha decay
tunneling (information tunnels
.....,,subsets of  word/sentences....within BOOKS
provide clues/hints to accurate explanations about tragic EVENTS and WARS )

. The alpha particle is trapped inside the nucleus by an attractive nuclear potential well and a repulsive electromagnetic potential barrier.

The alpha(bet)  newspaper particle is
 trapped ...by the
ape (code)

Breaking News Two Students Wounded in New Orleans School Shooting Aired 
26(iron metal), 2000 

Breaking News Two  Aired 
September 26(iron metal), 2000 

Breaking News New Orleans
Breaking News
Breaking News New York

Breaking News Two 
Breaking News Two IRON TOWERS

Breaking News Two  Aired 
Breaking News Two  Air planes 

Breaking News Two  Aired 
September 11......
 26(iron metal), 2001  

Breaking News Two
Breaking News Two Iron /Ferrous Towers
Fe= Federal (1)
Fe =FermiLAB (2)  arrog
ance dance /snob towers

February 2, 2001Detroit, Michigan

At Osborn High School, two students and a teacher were grazed by gunfire after a student fired a gun in their classroom.

At Osborn High School
At Osborn High School
AtMOs  ...... High School
AtMosphere High ... languages

At Os (Office of Science of Oscillations)

At Osborn High School,
At Os--> Galapagos Peru ....software LINK 
to Borneo Indonesia ...VIA

agent code name Pier Oddone
at DuPage County  / FermiLAB

Feb. 20, 2002
Ferrous/iron atom continuum of iron metal automobile language of 26 iron proton alphabet letters.... living  liFe 
Vincent High School,

This is a two-step process: Step 1: Go to https://vpic.nhtsa.dot.gov/decoder/ and enter the full VIN into NHTSA's VIN decoder, then click Decode VIN. Example Step 2: Refer to the field at the bottom of the page result, which expressly lists the build plant and country for the searched vehicle.

VIN Decoder -->
Vincent Willem van Gogh ( Dutch: [ˈvɪnsɛnt ˈʋɪləɱ vɑŋ ˈɣɔx] ( listen); [note 1] 30 March 1853 - 29 July 1890) was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who was not commercially successful during his life, but became one of the most famous figures in Western art history after his death. Van Gogh's artistic activity was brief and prolific.

Title: The potato eaters. Creator: Vincent van Gogh. Date Created: April 1885 - May 1885. Location Created: Nuenen, The Netherlands. 

The potato eaters
FROM lithograph
/painting on canvas in

TO actual ... real reality in 
central Wisconsin potato growing region


transformed from
 1 expression
in existence
(and its art/picture

DATABASE (original)
(may) generate
Herbert Spencer (sequences)
Henry Miller
Henry Miller's Rosy Crucifixion, his second major trilogy, took more than 10 years for the author to complete.

Beginning in 1949 with Sexus, a work so controversial all of

parallel processing Paris was abuzz with L'Affaire Miller,

(and publisher..code name
Girodias ,,,Grid iron .....
football horizontal
grid iron and
the vertical 
grid iron of a skyscraper)

 saw himself threatened with jail), 
following (data flow wings)
in 1952 with
Plexus (Euclidean plane geometry), and finally concluding with 1959's Nexus, the three works are a dazzling array of the
vertical grid iron .....
F W Woolworth building in NYC.

The painting is considered to be one of
Van Gogh's masterpieces.


transformed from
 1 expression
in existence
(and its art picture...

.......Oil on canvas

DATABASE (original)
(may) generate

.......Oil on canvas

Wisconsin's production of potatoes is concentrated in the central sands region, which is located in the Wisconsin River watershed. At the center of this production is Portage County, Wisconsin's top potato-producing county. The high yields in this region are attributed to the sandy soil, which allows for an earlier planting season.

Chai Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while he unintentionally trespassed upon a hunting group in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary, as of 2006.

The painting is considered to be one of
Van Gogh's masterpieces.

Composition & Words

transformed from
 1 expression
in existence

actualization into
physical reality...over
B100D years later ...
B100D information flow from Rice Lake

Van Gogh
Chai Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while he unintentionally trespassed upon a hunting group in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang (vector angle),

who lived in Saint
Paul(DIRAC) quantum

(Botany rice shoots ...shoot bullets

 sprouts are 2-3 days old rice shoots that germinate when mature rice grains are exposed to the necessary germination conditions such as moisture and room temperature. The process of germinating rice facilitates an increase in the amount of nutrients such as protein, potassium, and minerals.

The process of germinating
rice language BATTLES

This review provides an overview of the regulation of tiller angle in rice, with particular focus on the roles of the growth environment and method of cultivation; phytohormones such as auxin, gibberellins, and strigolactones; gravity; and genes related to the control of tiller angle.

Jan 3, 2022
In rice, tillers, which are specialized 

On November 22, 2014, Tamir E. Rice, a 12-year-old African American boy, was killed in Cleveland, Ohio, by Timothy Loehmann, a 26-year-old white police officer. Rice was carrying a replica toy gun; Loehmann shot him almost immediately upon arriving on the scene.

Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 – August 28, 1955) was an African American boy who was abducted, tortured, and lynched in Mississippi in 1955 at the age of 14, after being accused of offending a white woman, Carolyn Bryant, in her family's grocery store. The brutality of his murder and the acquittal of his killers drew attention to the long history of violent persecution of African Americans in the United States.

In rice, tillers, which are specialized panicle-bearing branches that arise from the axils of each leaf on the unelongated basal internodes, are one of the most important agronomic traits that determine rice grain yield 

 northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang (vector angle),

who lived in Saint 
Paul(DIRAC) quantum

(Botany rice shoots ...shoot bullets
on year 1970 Vietnam rice paddy fields
Rice Lake Wisconsin)

SYMBOL Machine language region,

who lived in Saint Paul
(DIRAC) atomic iron metal....
 quantum 4 x 4
used by a
Dirac Dodge pick-up 
 4 x 4 trucks

The 4x4 truck is a staple of the American motoring world. From lifted behemoths to small and cheap dailies, there is a 4x4 pickup truck for every need. These vehicles come in different...

The term 4×4 means a four-wheel-drive vehicle. Technically, the first digit is the number of wheels and the second is the number that are driven, so a four-wheel-drive pickup truck is a...

 Minnesota at the time ..matrix/array
 Minnesota at the time ..evolution
 Minnesota at the time 
 Minnesota at the time 
n x n square matrices upgrade

Nitrogen 7 7 7 upgrade

n x n--> 7 x 7  square matrices upgrade
FAILURE results in the creation of  a 
SYMBOL message event 

Comair  plane in Lexicon Kentucky
dictionary/ semantics region
 ... tries to fly up into
grades..but failures

n x n--> 7 x 7  --> 49 people elements DEAD
On August 27, 2006, about 0606:35 eastern daylight time, Comair flight 5191, a Bombardier CL-600-2B19, N431CA, crashed during takeoff from Blue Grass Airport, Lexington, Kentucky. The flight crew was instructed to take off from runway 22 but instead lined up the airplane on runway 26 and began the takeoff roll. The airplane ran

, killing 49 people,

 Vang (vector angle),

who lived in Saint 
Paul(DIRAC) quantum

and n by n 

 Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary, as of 2006.

Vincent High School,
Vincent High School,
Vincent High School, Milwaukee

vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique code assigned to every motor vehicle when it's manufactured. The VIN is a 17-character string of letters and numbers without intervening spaces or the letters Q (q), I (i), and O (o); these are omitted to avoid confusion with the numerals 0 and 1.

Vincent High School,
Metal thickness
(Mil = thousand of an inch)
waukee  secret code

Automotive sheet metal once ran in the range of 18-gauge, which was 48 thousandths of an inch thick (actually 0.0478 inch).

20-gauge became common in more recent times, and this meant .0359-inch-thick metal—still a lot to work with in-bumping and metal finishing.

 Milwaukee (double e = ee --> electronics engineering) WAR/BATTLE  of
automobile electronics........
social engineering .....
romance and
pussy BIO-electronics in parked cars

automobile electronics........
automotive ..motive /purpose  electronics....
..... electronics SOFTWARE ....

in the atomic iron sheet metal particles..

atomic information parking lot of
Vincent High School
vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique code assigned to every motor vehicle when it's manufactured. 

vehicle identification number (VIN) is a unique code assigned to every human BIOLOGY motor vehicle 
and its Brain
 motor neurons ...... 
when it's manufactured using RED blood cells of code name Fred. 

motor neuron (or motoneuron or efferent neuron[1]) is a neuron whose cell body is located in the motor cortexbrainstem or the spinal cord, and whose axon (fiber) projects to the spinal cord or outside of the spinal cord to directly or indirectly control effector organs, mainly muscles and glands.[2] There are two types of motor neuron – upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons. Axons from upper motor neurons synapse onto interneurons in the spinal cord and occasionally directly onto lower motor neurons.[3] The axons from the lower motor neurons are efferent nerve fibers that carry signals from the spinal cord to the effectors.[4] Types of lower motor neurons are alpha motor neuronsbeta motor neurons, and gamma motor neurons.

A single motor neuron may innervate many muscle fibres and a muscle fibre can undergo many action potentials 

undergo many action potentials 
undergo many action potentials 

effectors.[4] Types of lower motor neurons are alpha motor neurons, beta motor neurons, and gamma motor neurons.

Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh's Easter-yellow 1977 Mercury Grand Marquis now sits in the museum's newly Janet Reno renovated second floor. 

This phase of the BS scheme enhancements is dedicated to
Dr. Edward Teller telling the story of the rigged. biased, corrupt  investigation and pussy juice molecules --> justice.

 "They can watch the EARTH SYSYEMS creation of the Oklahoma Bombing signaling event......
justice happen within these semen balls with cell walls,"
 Executive Dire/nasty Director Kari Watkins said.

A single motor neuron 
undergo many action potentials 
undergo many action potentials 
undergo many action potentials 

Motor neuron 
EXTERNALIZED fertilizer  bomb

The Oklahoma City bombing was a
domestic ferrous/ iron metal atoms a with attached  evil nonsense software attachment  error  byte terrorist ......
motor Vehicle war/battle .....
iron sheet metal truck bombing of the
 Alfred P. M  Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, on April 19, 1995, 

Alfred P. M  Federal Building 
language  dribble ERRORS
Atomic  PROTON MASS of Fe= ferrous /iron metal 26 protons
...26 English alphabet letters

domestic ferrous/ iron metal atoms a with attached  evil nonsense software attachment Ferrous america ...usa metals ......

Ferrous --> errors --> selection of human 
programmable bio-computers
to be  human action figures
to be 
transformed into terroristto create t

 --> error  byte terrorist ......
motor Vehicle war/battle .....
iron sheet metal truck bombing of the
 Alfred P. M  Federal Building in O

iron sheet metal Factory shooting of the
 Alfred P. M  Federal Building 
in O = Orlando Florida

Fiamma is a more than 70-year-old family-run atomic iron sheet metal business that produces "lightweight, easy-to-operate RV awnings with hand-built craftsmanship," according to the company's
MATHEMATICAL systems web site...
On June 5, 2017, John Neumann Jr., a 45-year-old former employee of 
Fiamma --> mathematics,

John Neumann Sr., a year 1945  former employee of 
Fiamma --> mathematics,

Feb. 20, 2002: Vincent High School
Milwaukee (double e --> ee --> 
BRAIN electron engineering

cent High School
Vin  cent High School
Vin  central nervous systems 370
bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR ......... High 

V = Voltage with software ...Voltaire input philosophy
VS football LIMITED, SPECIALTY thought circuits 
Vincent Lombardi 

 Sixteen-year-old Joseph Johnson,

IBM base 16 = Sixteen

  Sixteen-year-old Joseph Johnson,
math series ix

murders & dispearance 
 in the ixonia region near Milwaukee

 Sixteen-year-old Joseph Johnson, a Washington High School student,
 was shot and killed in the parking lot of Vincent High 
School during a...

Joseph Johnson... Johnson Controls,
earth electron BATTLES

MILWAUKEE, Jan. 13, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Johnson Controls, (NYSE: JCI),

an EARTH geography surface ....
global multi-industrial company
with established
core businesses 
with the energy english & french language agent --> energy Joules --> Jules V-section Verne

EARTH center core atomic factory and data center

Planet EARTH Government
geography surface ....
global multi-industrial company
h established core businesses 
with established core businesses 
withiest --> stolen  core businesses 

the earth LAND SURFACE ......
in the buildings

 automotive and criminal motives.....
energy storage industries &
energy --> gynecology
...FETUS/WOMB biology storage industries

, today announced 

it has signed a periodic atomic TABLE ....
definitive atomic silver
Ag --> agreement
to sell its atomic gold  
Au automotive electronics business to

Book" is the closest term to describe the loose collection of high school algebra texts [4] consisting of a MATH function and number of the quadratic equation  with 2 ROOTS

A quadratic equation is an equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a ≠ 0.

For the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, the expression b2 – 4ac is called the discriminant.
The value of the discriminant shows how many roots f(x) has: - 
If b2 – 4ac > 0 then the quadratic function has two distinct real roots.

Book" is the closest term to describe the loose collection of texts [4] consisting of a number of
magnetic field......
magic spells of published magazine word/spelling TRICKS & maniplation

intended to assist a BRAIN dead person's journey through the Duat,
 (cotton THOUGHT molecules and 
male underwear and female cotton panties), and into the afterlife and written by many priests over a period of about 1,000 years.

the BOOK of the DEAD

the underground LIFE forms

atomic coffin financial DATABASE and
DATA CYCLE .... that re-surfaces as a 
visiting corpse...... 
using human action figures ..representaive for the
code name

Visteon Corporation (NYSE: VC)
for $265 million ...

March 22, 2001El Cajon, California


For the second time in three weeks, a teenage gunman opened fire at a suburban San Diego high school, wounding five people Thursday before a policeman on duty at the campus brought a quick end to the attack, shooting the gunman.

Police identified the suspect as Jason Hoffman, 18, a Granite Hills High School senior variously described as a good student and a loner with emotional problems. He was shot in the face and buttocks. None of the injuries to him or others was critical.

Shortly before 1 p.m., Hoffman drove a pickup truck on East Madison Avenue and stopped outside the school administration office, authorities said. Then, they said, he knelt in a shooting position and opened fire from the street with a military-style, Mossberg pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, spraying the building, breaking windows and creating chaos in fifth-period classes throughout the 60-acre campus.

in other WORDS


For the second time in three weeks, 

For the second time in three weeks, 

For the


time in




Gravity number .667 battle

a teenage


man .. agent for 




iversal gravitational



ancient gravity THOUGHT field life

of the


COMPUTER EARTH software life

(Planet earth) pe


Constantinople is an ancient city in modern-day Turkey that's now known as Istanbul. First settled in the seventh century B.C., Constantinople developed into a
thriving Computer EARTH I/O port thanks to its.


For the second time in three weeks, a teenage gunman

opened fire at a subur

ban communications bandwidth






/silicon dioxide electron circuit

 experiments using human 

BODY/BRAIN bio-electronics ....

 San D

iego high school,

wounding five people 

Thursday before a policeman on duty at the campus brought a quick end to the attack, shooting the gunman.

Police identified the suspect as Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 

Charles  DARWIN ....
 proper noun/name / word selection

..his brain programmed by year 1968
Chicago Democratic (computer ) Machine
and its HUMAN software programs
in year 1968

Police identified the suspect as Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 

Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 
J........Hoffman18, a Gra nite Hills 
August 1968 Democratic National Convention opens in Chicago before Judge Julius Hoffman...

Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 
J........Hoffman18, a Gra nite Hills 

a Grant Park  protests  at nite 
Hills  of atomic cement/stone HOTELS
on South atoMic Michigan Avenue
.. Conrad Hilton and Blackstone hotels
with  by IBM

COMPUTER EARTH address space  ..
by Balboa Street

Police identified the suspect as Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 

Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 
J........Hoffman18, a Gra nite Hills 
August 1968 Democratic National Convention opens in Chicago before Judge Julius Hoffman...

Jason Hoffman18, a Granite Hills 
J........Hoffman18, a Gra nite Hills 

a Grant Park  protests  at nite 
Hills  of atomic cement/stone HOTELS
on South atoMic Michigan Avenue

Police identified the messenger suspect as Jason Hoffman,


Police identified the messnger suspect as Jason Hoffman, 18,

a Granite Hills
High School senior variously described as

Granite Hills High 
(atomic gravestone of Paul Dirac
on a hill at
Roselawn Cemetery in Tallahassee)

a Granite Hills High School senior variously described (coffin atomic DATABASE) as

Paul Dirac underground atomic BODY

with molecule CLOTHES as cotton bandages -->
atomic gestalt DATA

using the Nikola Tesla MODEL of
Nature's ancient wireless ...

with the specific signal processing

UPGRADE .......
of the ancient Egyptian BOOK of the DEAD message systems

thus the  year 1930 ...
data record FORMAT with header/identification headers &trailer records for
FUTURE data stream routing .....

thus the P Dirac & E Schrodinger language of atomic quantum symbols and methods...

attached to their  atomic cotton & wool clothes they wore in year 1930 ....

the human atomic body and
the molecular clothes

exchange RECORD FORMAT information

to have a common DATABASE and ROUTE codes .... for possible future use

THUS the year 1984 ..

the FUTURE data stream routing .....


for the dead P Dirac ....

the FUTURE data stream routing .....

becomes the CURRENT  data stream routing 
the George Orwell
TIME software manual

with the addition IBM base 16 hexadecimal COMPLEMENT NUMBER 

giving the YEAR 200o TIME Boundary of Y2K ... space/time laws of earth existence

thus the P Dirac E Schrodinger 

alternating cycle..escape route

language of atomic quantum symbols and methods..

Paul Dirac underground atomic BODY

with his pre-FORMATTED molecule CLOTHES (while alive)
as cotton 
bandages --> transmitting

their communication bandwidths 

...thus creating a DATA CYCLE

known as the grave WORMHOLE

...thus creating a DATA CYCLE

from the atomic coffin DATABASE

to re-surface (software packages that may become partial input to a humanoid)
via a few different method

s over several years

a Granite Hills High School senior variously described as

the underground 
geological .. logical unit flowchart path ....

atomic BEDROCK  vibration detector 
atomic li
mestone messages

Police identified the messenger suspect as Jason Hoffman,

as a good student and a loner with emotional problems. He was shot in the face and buttocks. None of the injuries to him or others was critical.

Shortly before

Short wave radio .. bends foreheads 

Radiohead Top Songs
Creep Pablo Honey ·
1992 Karma Police OK Computer ·
1997 No Surprises OK Computer ·
1997 High and Dry The Bends ·
1995 Creep Creep -
The Pearl of Death is a 1944 Sherlock Holmes film starring Basil Rathbone as Holmes and Nigel Bruce as Dr. Watson
 Holmes takes an immediate interest in the case as the unusual method of killing is that of "The Hoxton Creeper" (Rondo Hatton), known to be Conover's right-hand man.

EP · 1992 Fake Plastic Trees The Bends ·
1995 Weird Fishes / Arpeggi In Rainbows ·
2007 Exit 
Music (For a Film) OK Computer ·
1997 All I Need In Rainbows ·

2007 Paranoid Android OK Computer ·

Shortly before 1 p.m., Hoffman 

Shortly before 1 p.m., Hoffman 

Shortly before 
1 proton mass. H= Hydrogen

Shortly before 1 p.m., Hoffman drove a pickup truck on
East Madison(EM) .. Avenue

 electromagnetic (EM) radiation 

 and stopped outside the school

 and stopped outside the school

 and stopped outside the school

 and stopped outsideathe school

outsideathe school

outsideathe sc

outsideathe scape 
administration office, 

horities said. 

Then, they said, he knelt in a shooting position and opened fire from the street with a military-style, Mossberg pump-action 12-gauge shotgun, spraying the building, breaking windows and creating chaos in fifth-period classes throughout the 60-acre campus.

February 2, 2004Washington, D.C.
Federal people &
Fe = Ferrous/iron atom BLOOD
Heme Fe(2) software problems

Thomas J. Boykin was acquitted of the 

Arequipa Peru --> FermiLAB

Federal     alternating cycle  quiver wave mechanics
murder of 17-year-old James Richardson, a football player (P layer--> processing layer) 


IBM BAL site-->Basic Assembly Language ( BAL) --> EARTH magnetic field (B & H) site
lou High(BH) School 

... failure --> school Programs  Southeast Washington (PSW) ERRORS

.[33] An 18-year-old student was also grazed in the RIGHT TRIANGLE battle  leg 

by a math military bullet.[34]


(2nd Month day 9, 2004
East Greenbush, New York

(2nd Month day 9--> number 29

Iron and copper --> implies a
Nikola Tesla 60 cycle AC electric motor

East Greenbush (EG) -->
electricity & electronics GROB

16-year-old Jon W. Romano, 

Born in 1865 in Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland), Carl August Rudolph Steinmetz became a brilliant student of mathematics and chemistry at the University of Breslau, but he was forced...

16-year-old Jon W. Romano, 
in East Greenbush, New York, fired two rounds from a shotgun before wounding a

before wounding
before wounding

Since an armature is wound with coils of wire, a magnetic field is set up in the armature whenever a current flows in the coils. This field is at right angles to the generator field and is called cross magnetization of the armature. The effect of the armature field is to distort the generator field and shift the neutral plane.

fired two rounds from a shotgun before wounding a

before wounding
before wound ---> in a round circle

rounds from a shotgun before wounding a teacher with a third at Columbia High School. He was tackled by the assistant principal and charged with one count of attempted murder.[35][36]

fired two rounds from a shotgun before wounding a

before wounding
before wound
1 day ago
Wound rotor motors are a specialized type of AC motor and work in much the same way that other induction motors function. They consist of two main components, the outside stator, and the inside rotor, which are separated by a small air gap.

16-year-old Jon W. Romano,
in East Greenbush, New York
Fermilab's Batavia site 

What is a
Wound Rotor Motor
Mr. Moto

Fermilab's Batavia site 

What is a
Wound Rotor Motor
Mr. Moto
.... isotope atomic photographs

May 7, 2004 Randallstown, 

Pier 1 at 481 N Randall Rd, Batavia, IL 60510. Get Pier 1 can be contacted at 
Get Pier One at FermiLAB parallel RD

Pier 1 Imports 
ODDITIES from the Galapagos/Peru --->
Pier Oddity  1 ..renamed as
Pier Odd ONE
....... atomic Home Decor, Baskets ..ask FermiLAB scientist, 
China (Compare halfword instruction),

Crystal for Kathryn Stalbaum

& Lewis Carroll ..the LOOKING GLASS
(Carroll Lewis BLACK ink sentences with an ending ink DOT/Period)--->

Lewis DOT structures language of carbon .. code attachments to Glassware 

Two students were charged with a school shooting that arose from a dispute after a basketball game at Randallstown High School

advanced school  Randall Road Batavia/Chicago

Wilson Hall ..FermiLAB High School

Two students were charged with a school

. Four persons were injured, two seriously. One student was paralyzed from the waist down

One student was paral
One student was paral
One student was parallel

Piermaria Jorge Oddone 
(born March 26, 1944 in 
ArequipaPeru[1]) is a Peruvian-American 
theater particle physicist.

Piermaria Jorge Oddone 
(born March 26, 19
44 in ArequipaPeru[1]) is a 
Peruvian-American beverage can .........carbonation
ide atoms .... CO2 data carrier molecule mass 44 --> CO2 particle 


HIs carbonation signal
..his body as a
bottle of soda/pressurized beverage
that flies out (the HAT)

Above...the PERU air  force ..explains
soda bottle molecules 

Jack Frost. 169 1 4. Soda contains carbonated water, and by shaking it, the carbon dioxide is released which generated the pressure and the soda jumps out

Above...the PERU air  force secretary 1984
Marina Santa Cruz in LIMA PERU
..explains the
fermentation & 
Carbonation BRAGGING site
of FermILAB

FermiLAB carbonation directors

Pier ODD One of Peru ..Year 1944 ....
soda bottle molecule mass 44 
Nigel Lockyer of Canada

FermiLAB carbonation directors
provide soda and potato chips
to the human SYMBOL MACHINES
FermiLAB employees that study
primordial atomic existence  

primordial: [adjective] first created or developed : primeval 1. existing in or persisting from the beginning (as of a solar system or universe). earliest formed in the growth of an individual or organ :

FermiLAB employees that study
primordial atomic existence  

their needs to have an
atomic primate STATE of MIND 

FermiLAB carbonation directors
provide soda language
for their male employee 
atomic primate STATE of MIND 
The bonobo monkey ( / bəˈnoʊboʊ, ˈbɒnəboʊ /; Pan paniscus ), 

and potato chips
(potato thought molecules -->
molecular  electron THOUGHT chips
to the human bio-computer SYMBOL MACHINE)

THUS the small/ pygmy/ dwarf potato chips map --> chi + mp --> Chimp

word alignment to--> Chimpanzee 

also historically called the pygmy chimpanzee (less often the dwarf chimpanzee or gracile chimpanzee ), is an endangered great ape and one of the two species making up the genus Pan (the other being the common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes ). [4]

and potato chips
to the human SYMBOL MACHINES

the Austin Texas set-up and murder of
bio-computer Joe Stack by the
stack computer

The Dagwood Bumstead stack computer

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Book 1645-049 Tom M Apostol --> the set-up and murder of Travis Zoellick by the University of Wisconsin and Green Bay Packers FOOTBALL

    Book 1645-049 by Herb Zinser  Tom  M Ap ostol  --> Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company books.wwnorton.com › Sci...